15 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of selected marine microalgae, with emphasis on lipid and carbohydrate production for potential use as feed resources

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    Marine microalgae are a promising sustainable source of lipids, omega-3 fatty acids, and carbohydrates. Selected microalgae species belonging to the Bacillariophyceae, Haptophyceae, Eustigmatophyceae, and Prasinophyceae were characterised for cellular content of carbon and nitrogen, and for production yields of lipids, fatty acids, total carbohydrates, and β-glucans. Carbon and nitrogen content showed a hyperbolic decrease with increasing cell numbers for Chaetoceros calcitrans, C. muelleri, Skeletonema costatum, Tetraselmis sp., and Nannochloropsis oculata. Cultures of Pavlova lutheri and Tisochrysis lutea showed an increase in carbon content per cell, but a decrease in nitrogen content. The total lipid content of C. muelleri, C. calcitrans, N. oculata, and T. lutea increased with decreasing relative growth rate; however, the highest productivity of lipids was found in T. lutea grown at 40% of the maximum specific growth rate. The highest content of eicosapentaenoic acid was found in C. muelleri, C. calcitrans, and N. oculata, and the highest content of docosahexaenoic acid was found in T. lutea. The β-glucan fraction of the carbohydrates was highest in C. muelleri and C. calcitrans and was very low in N. oculata. Out of the species investigated, C. muelleri had the highest production yield of β-glucans, obtained when cultivated at a 40% relative growth rate

    Chemical composition of selected marine microalgae, with emphasis on lipid and carbohydrate production for potential use as feed resources

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    Marine microalgae are a promising sustainable source of lipids, omega-3 fatty acids, and carbohydrates. Selected microalgae species belonging to the Bacillariophyceae, Haptophyceae, Eustigmatophyceae, and Prasinophyceae were characterised for cellular content of carbon and nitrogen, and for production yields of lipids, fatty acids, total carbohydrates, and β-glucans. Carbon and nitrogen content showed a hyperbolic decrease with increasing cell numbers for Chaetoceros calcitrans, C. muelleri, Skeletonema costatum, Tetraselmis sp., and Nannochloropsis oculata. Cultures of Pavlova lutheri and Tisochrysis lutea showed an increase in carbon content per cell, but a decrease in nitrogen content. The total lipid content of C. muelleri, C. calcitrans, N. oculata, and T. lutea increased with decreasing relative growth rate; however, the highest productivity of lipids was found in T. lutea grown at 40% of the maximum specific growth rate. The highest content of eicosapentaenoic acid was found in C. muelleri, C. calcitrans, and N. oculata, and the highest content of docosahexaenoic acid was found in T. lutea. The β-glucan fraction of the carbohydrates was highest in C. muelleri and C. calcitrans and was very low in N. oculata. Out of the species investigated, C. muelleri had the highest production yield of β-glucans, obtained when cultivated at a 40% relative growth rate

    Seminar: Aquaculture in Brazil - August 2015

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    In August 2015 the seminar "Aquaculture in Brazil" was arranged in Trondheim with participation from industry, research, government and funding institutions both from Brazil and Norway. The Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Brazil (Helder Barbalho) did open the seminar. The seminar covered presentations of the status and potential of Brazilian Aquaculture and presentation of the Norwegian aquaculture sector. The presentations from Norway covered both the history of salmon aquaculture, success factors when building new industry, and how to develop marine aquaculture activities in new countries. The financial support from both NFR and NorLARNet to arrange the seminar has been crucial. This support did enable invitation of several experts from universities, research institution and government as speakers. The seminar was a success, and new projects and more cooperation will be possible in the future.NFR Havbruk NorLARNetpublishedVersio

    Chemical composition of selected marine microalgae, with emphasis on lipid and carbohydrate production for potential use as feed resources

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    Marine microalgae are a promising sustainable source of lipids, omega-3 fatty acids, and carbohydrates. Selected microalgae species belonging to the Bacillariophyceae, Haptophyceae, Eustigmatophyceae, and Prasinophyceae were characterised for cellular content of carbon and nitrogen, and for production yields of lipids, fatty acids, total carbohydrates, and β-glucans. Carbon and nitrogen content showed a hyperbolic decrease with increasing cell numbers for Chaetoceros calcitrans, C. muelleri, Skeletonema costatum, Tetraselmis sp., and Nannochloropsis oculata. Cultures of Pavlova lutheri and Tisochrysis lutea showed an increase in carbon content per cell, but a decrease in nitrogen content. The total lipid content of C. muelleri, C. calcitrans, N. oculata, and T. lutea increased with decreasing relative growth rate; however, the highest productivity of lipids was found in T. lutea grown at 40% of the maximum specific growth rate. The highest content of eicosapentaenoic acid was found in C. muelleri, C. calcitrans, and N. oculata, and the highest content of docosahexaenoic acid was found in T. lutea. The β-glucan fraction of the carbohydrates was highest in C. muelleri and C. calcitrans and was very low in N. oculata. Out of the species investigated, C. muelleri had the highest production yield of β-glucans, obtained when cultivated at a 40% relative growth rate.publishedVersio

    Live feed

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    Allometric growth and development of organs in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta Ascanius, 1767) larvae in relation to different live prey diets and growth rates

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    Small fish larvae grow allometrically, but little is known about how this growth pattern may be affected by different growth rates and early diet quality. The present study investigates how different growth rates, caused by start-feeding with copepods or rotifers the first 30 days post-hatch (dph), affect allometric growth and development of nine major organs in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae up to experimental end at 60 dph. Feeding with cultivated copepod nauplii led to both increased larval somatic growth and faster development and growth of organ systems than feeding with rotifers. Of the organs studied, the digestive and respiratory organs increased the most in size between 4 and 8 dph, having a daily specific growth rate (SGR) between 30 and 40% in larvae fed copepods compared with 20% or less for rotifer-fed larvae. Muscle growth was prioritised from flexion stage and onwards, with a daily SGR close to 30% between 21 and 33 dph regardless of treatment. All larvae demonstrated a positive linear correlation between larval standard length (SL) and increase in total tissue volume, and no difference in allometric growth pattern was found between the larval treatments. A change from positive allometric to isometric growth was observed at a SL close to 6.0 mm, a sign associated with the start of metamorphosis. This was also where the larvae reached postflexion stage, and was accompanied by a change in growth pattern for most of the major organ systems. The first sign of a developing hepatopancreas was, however, first observed in the largest larva (17.4 mm SL, 55 dph), indicating that the metamorphosis in ballan wrasse is a gradual process lasting from 6.0 to at least 15-17 mm SL

    Allometric growth and development of organs in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta Ascanius, 1767) larvae in relation to different live prey diets and growth rates

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    Small fish larvae grow allometrically, but little is known about how this growth pattern may be affected by different growth rates and early diet quality. The present study investigates how different growth rates, caused by start-feeding with copepods or rotifers the first 30 days post-hatch (dph), affect allometric growth and development of nine major organs in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae up to experimental end at 60 dph. Feeding with cultivated copepod nauplii led to both increased larval somatic growth and faster development and growth of organ systems than feeding with rotifers. Of the organs studied, the digestive and respiratory organs increased the most in size between 4 and 8 dph, having a daily specific growth rate (SGR) between 30 and 40% in larvae fed copepods compared with 20% or less for rotifer-fed larvae. Muscle growth was prioritised from flexion stage and onwards, with a daily SGR close to 30% between 21 and 33 dph regardless of treatment. All larvae demonstrated a positive linear correlation between larval standard length (SL) and increase in total tissue volume, and no difference in allometric growth pattern was found between the larval treatments. A change from positive allometric to isometric growth was observed at a SL close to 6.0 mm, a sign associated with the start of metamorphosis. This was also where the larvae reached postflexion stage, and was accompanied by a change in growth pattern for most of the major organ systems. The first sign of a developing hepatopancreas was, however, first observed in the largest larva (17.4 mm SL, 55 dph), indicating that the metamorphosis in ballan wrasse is a gradual process lasting from 6.0 to at least 15-17 mm SL.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionLicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly attributed

    Rotatorier som levendefor til torskeyngel

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    Stabil og forutsigbar produksjon av rotatorier er avgjørende for å lykkes med marin yngelproduksjon. I denne rapporten gis det en innføring i dagens kunnskap knyttet til rotatorier (DPI). Dette omfatter tema som generell biologi, ernæring, mikrobiologi, produksjonsformer og ny teknologi. Delprosjekt 2 (DP2) omfatter dyrking og kjemiske analyser av de vanligste dyrknings- og anrikingsforene som benyttes til rotatorier i Norske klekkerier i dag. Resultatene viste at næringsinnholdet i rotatorier kan variere vesentlig gjennom en dyrkningsperiode hvor det er blitt brukt samme foringsdose av DHA Chlorella. Det ser også ut til næringsinnholdet rotatoriene får gjennom dyrkningsfasen bestemmer mye for rotatorienes ernæringsstatus etter en anrikning. Dette vii si deres innhold av protein, lipid, karbohydrat, og dermed også deres innhold av energi. I delprosjekt 3 (DP3) ble de to rotatorieartene B.plicatilis (Nevada) og B.ibericus (Cayma) sammenlignet. De ble vurdert ut fra vekst, vannkvalitet i kulturene, mikrobielle og ernæringsmessige forhold. Økende grad av vannutskifting gav en positiv effekt og reduserte nivået av ammoniakk og antallet koloniformende bakterier i rotatoriekulturene. De to rotatoriene B. Nevada og 8. Cayman oppnådde like fettsyreprofiler når de ble anriket med samme lipidkilde, og fettsyresammensetningen i begge rotatoriene var godt korrelert med nivåene i diettene. I delprosjekt 4 (DP4) ble rotatorier sammenlignet med pollplankton og dyrkede copepoder (Acartia tonsa) ved hjelp av NMR. Her ble det konkludert med at pollplankton og dyrkede copepoder er svært like i sammensetning. Det siste delprosjektet (DP5) omfatter analyser fra yngelklekkeriene i Norge. Yngelanleggene ble besøkt to ganger i løpet av en startforingsperiode, og prøver av rotatorier og fiskelarver ble tatt ut. Rotatorieprøvene ble analysert ved hjelp av NMR. I tillegg ble det utført alyser av karbon og nitrogen innhold i rotatoriene og fiskelarvene. Det ble konkludert med at det er forskjeller mellom anleggene og at det er forskjeller i reproduserbarhet mellom prøveuttakene for de ulike anleggene

    Skeletal muscle growth dynamics and the influence of first-feeding diet in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua L.)

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    Dynamics between hypertrophy (increase in cell size) and hyperplasia (increase in cell numbers) of white and red muscle in relation to body size [standard length (SL)], and the influence of the first-feeding diets on muscle growth were investigated in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua). Cod larvae were fed copepod nauplii or rotifers of different nutritional qualities from 4 to 29 days post hatching (dph), Artemia nauplii from 20 to 40 dph and a formulated diet from 6 to 60 dph. The short period of feeding with cultivated copepod nauplii had a positive effect on both muscle hyperplasia and hypertrophy after the copepod/rotifer phase (19 dph), and a positive long term effect on muscle hypertrophy (60 dph). The different nutritional qualities of rotifers did not significantly affect muscle growth. We suggest here a model of the dynamics between hyperplasia and hypertrophy of red and white muscle fibre cells in relation to cod SL (4 to 30 mm), where the different red and white muscle growth phases clearly coincided with different metamorphosis stages in cod larvae. These shifts could be included as biomarkers for the different stages of development during metamorphosis. The main dietary muscle effect was that hypertrophic growth of red muscle fibres was stronger in cod larvae that were fed copepods than in larvae that were fed rotifers, both in relation to larval age and size. Red muscle fibres are directly involved in larval locomotory performance, but may also play an important role in the larval myogenesis. This can have a long term effect on growth potential and fish performance.© 2016. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly attributed