131 research outputs found

    Cédric Klapisch: My Piece of the Pie (2011) – Intersecting Markets and Lives

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    This is a review of the film My Piece of the Pie (2011) by Cédric Klapisch, which brings together the separate lives of a working class woman and a hedge fund manager in France. The review explores the ways in which the film features emotional labor, shows the social inequalities between a winner and a loser of global economic markets, while also highlighting the reverse inequalities when it comes to skills in the world of emotions

    Orhan Pamuk'un İstanbul'u

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: İstanbul Genel Dokümanlarıİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033


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    This study is an adaptation of ammonia cascade cooling systems using carbon dioxide on ice cream production machinesand includes thermodynamic analysis of R717/R744 cascade refrigeration system with R717 refrigerant single-stagerefrigeration system and investigation of its efficiency. As a result of the analyses, the COP value of the single-stage systemwas 3.67, the Carnot efficiency was 0.57, the second law efficiency was 0.19 and the power required to operate thecompressor was 27.55 kW. In the cascade cooling system, the COP value was 4.46, the Carnot efficiency 0.59 and thecompressor power 22.7 kW in the high-temperature part, while the COP value was measured as 14.65, the Carnot efficiency0.58 and the compressor power 6.4 kW in the low-temperature part. For the whole cascade system, the COP 3.24 and thesecond law efficiency were found to be 0.43. When the results were compared, it was concluded that although the COPvalue of the cascade cooling system was 0.43 points lower than the single-stage ammonia system, when our country'sclimate conditions and the thermophysical properties carbon dioxide gas were considered together, one of the most suitabledesigns was the cascade cooling system

    An investigation of postpartum mothers’ readiness for hospital discharge and the affecting factors

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    Introduction: Postpartum period which contains important changes in the woman’s and newborn’s life, WHO recommends monitoring the mother and newborn in health care system, encouraging breastfeeding, monitoring the newborn’s development, and supporting and empowering parents about newborn care.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify postpartum mothers’ readiness for hospital discharge and the affecting factors. Method and material: The study was conducted with 190 mothers who gave birth between May and July, 2014 in a Maternity and Children Hospital located in Mersin. The data were collected through the Identification Form developed by the researcher in line with the related literature and Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale-Postpartum Mother Form (RHDS-PMF).Results: Of all the participants, 84.7% were ready for discharge, 69.4% received information from midwives or nurses about their own care, and 68.7% received information about the baby’s care. Mean scores for the participants’ Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale was found 50.47±12.16 for Personal State, 45.08±12.33 for Knowledge, 21.0±75.68 for Ability, 28.13± 8.91 for Expected Support and 144.76±30.15 for total score. The scores were found to be significantly higher for mothers who reported to be ready for discharge, who stated to have received information about their own care and the baby’s care, who were multiparous, and who would receive support for their care and the baby’s care after hospital discharge (p<0.05).Conclusion: Majority of the participants in this study were found to be ready for hospital discharge and factors affecting readiness for hospital discharge were identifed as informing mothers about their care and the baby’s care after delivery, mothers’ being multiparous, and receiving support about their care and the baby’s care after hospital discarge

    Etkinlik çizelgeleri otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireyleri nasıl etkiliyor?Bir sistematik derleme ve meta-analiz

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    : The main purpose of this study was to systematically review and meta-analyse the single-case studies on the use of activity schedules with individuals with autism spectrum disorders. The other purposes were to describe the characteristics of activity schedule studies, assess the design standards of activity schedule studies, estimate the treatment effect of activity schedules, and determine whether activity schedule is an evidence-based practice for children with autism spectrum disorders in improving appropriate behaviours. The non-overlap of all pairs was used to analyse the treatment effect measure. According to the results, seven of 32 activity schedule studies met the design standards with and without reservation. Twenty-four children with autism spectrum disorders whose ages ranged between 3 and 17 years participated in the studies. The target behaviours were on task, independent transition, appropriate peer-play, and following schedule. The photographs and texts were used in both traditional and innovative activity schedules. The overall non-overlap of all pairs score shows that the activity schedule strongly affects those participants with autism spectrum disorders. Finally, this study indicates that the activity schedules can be recommended as an evidence-based practice to improve the appropriate behaviours of children with autism spectrum disorders.Bu çalışmanın amacı, etkinlik çizelgelerinin otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireylerle kullanımına ilişkin tek denekli çalışmaların sistematik derlemesini ve meta-analizini yapmaktır. Ayrıca, etkinlik çizelgesi çalışmalarının özelliklerini tanımlamak, desen standartlarını değerlendirmek, etkinlik çizelgelerinin etki büyüklüğünü belirlemek ve etkinlik çizelgelerinin otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireyler için uygun davranışları geliştirmede kanıta-dayalı bir uygulama olup olmadığını ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Müdahalenin etki büyüklüğünü analiz etmek için tüm örtüşmeyen çiftler kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, 32 çalışmadan yedisinin desen standartlarını koşulsuz ve koşullu karşıladığını göstermektedir. Çalışmalara yaşları 3 ile 17 arasında değişen, otizm spektrum bozukluğu tanısı almış 24 birey katılmıştır. Hedef davranışlar; etkinlikle ilgili olma, bağımsız geçiş, akranıyla uygun oyun oynama ve çizelgeyi izlemedir. Hem geleneksel hem de yenilikçi etkinlik çizelgelerinde fotoğraflar ve metinler kullanılmıştır. Tüm örtüşmeyen çiftlere ilişkin genel puan, etkinlik çizelgelerinin otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan katılımcılar için güçlü bir etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. Son olarak bu çalışma, otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireylerin uygun davranışlarını geliştirmek için kanıta-dayalı bir uygulama olarak etkinlik çizelgelerinin önerilebileceğini göstermektedir

    An assessment of the Quality of Information for Patients on YouTube™ Regarding Orthodontic Elastics

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    Objective: The study aimed to investigate the quality of the information available to patients on YouTube™ concerning orthodontic elastics.Methods: A systematic search was carried out on YouTube™ using the keyword “elastics.” The first 120 videos were viewed by 2 independent reviewers, and after the inclusion criteria were applied, 39 videos were excluded from the study. Demographic data of the videos were collected for the remaining 81 videos. For each video, its purpose, target audience, and source were also recorded. A 10-point content scale was used to evaluate the video content. The Global Quality Scale was also used to determine the quality of the videos. Statistical analyses were performed using the Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U tests, and correlation coefficient analyses were performed using Spearman’s rho.Results: In total, 36% of the included videos were uploaded by dentists and 22% by laypersons. In 77% of the videos, the purpose was to inform laypersons, and in 4%, the purpose was to inform professionals only. The content discussed the most (85.2%) was the instruction of orthodontic elastics use. The mean 10-point Content Scale score and Global Quality Scale score of the videos were 2.25 ± 1.99 (poor) and 2.60 ± 0.73 (moderate), respectively. There was a positive correlation between 10-point Content Scale and Global Quality Scale score (r = 0.258).Conclusion: The information available on YouTube™ regarding orthodontic elastics is quite poor and can be misleading for patients. Therefore, health professionals with evidence-based knowledge and clinical experience should improve the way they use YouTube™ to inform patients about the correct use of orthodontic elastics and to improve compliance with wearing orthodontic elastics

    The Perception of Adults and Adolescents of Undergoing and Paying for Tooth Movement Acceleration Procedures in Turkey

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    Objective:The aim of this study is to evaluate the opinions of adolescents and adults regarding nonconventional methods and their associated payment options in Turkey.Methods:A total of 183 subjects were asked to complete a questionnaire to evaluate their perception of various nonconventional acceleration methods: corticotomy, piezocision, micro -oste operf orati on, vibration, drug injection, and customized appliances. The questionnaire also investigated how willing the patients would be to pay more and how much more they would accept to reduce the treatment time.Results:About 38.7% of the adolescents and 44.4% of the adults were willing to undergo an additional procedure, and 59.6% of both groups chose customized appliances as their first preference as a way of accelerating the treatment process. About 45.4% of the total participants were neutral about paying more to reduce treatment time. Those patients who were willing to pay more accepted a maximum increase of only 10% even if that meant a 50% decrease in treatment time.Conclusion:Adults were slightly less tolerant of the duration of orthodontic treatment than adolescents and were more likely to undergo additional procedures and pay more for a shorter treatment time. In addition, the invasiveness of each procedure was the primary factor given when choosing an acceleration method, rather than its reduction rate

    The Effects of Gas Cooler Inlet Pressure on System Performance in Heat Pump Tumble Dryers

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    Heat pumps working with CO2 as a refrigerant have low energy consumptions if right application areas and operating conditions are selected. The use of CO2 in heat pump dryers is feasible if operating temperatures are appropriate. In heat pump dryers working with CO2 according to the transcritical cycle, one of the most important operating conditions is optimum gas cooler inlet pressure, which gives the maximum coefficient of performance (COP). In this study, a model was developed by using MATLAB software for heat pump tumble dryer working with CO2. The model was validated by experimental data taken from existing literature. Then, COP, moisture extraction rate (MER), and specific moisture extraction rate (SMER) were found by running the model at different gas cooler inlet pressures (80–140 bars). All results were calculated in the same geometry for evaporator, gas cooler, and compressor. Thus, effects on the results of variation of the geometrical features were eliminated. Optimum gas cooler inlet pressure was determined as 100 bars for the system with data input to the model. In the optimum gas cooler inlet pressure working condition, SMER increased 24% and 12% by comparison with 80 bars and 140 bars gas cooler inlet pressure, respectively

    The Effects of Fin Spacing and Tube Outer Diameter of Evaporator on System Performance in Heat Pump Tumble Dryers

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    In heat pump tumble dryers, moisture separates from the laundry and leaves the dryer system at the evaporator. Moist air goes out the drum and enters the evaporator whose outer surface is below the dew point temperature. Air cools and then leaves its moisture. At the airside of the evaporator the wet surface develops and simultaneous heat-mass transfer occurs. Fin-and-tube heat exchangers are used as evaporators in household heat pump tumble dryers. In addition to optimum operating conditions, optimum evaporator geometry can significantly affect system performance. In this study, a model was developed for household heat pump tumble dryer. The model was validated by experimental data collected from the literature. MATLAB software was used in programming, and fluid properties were taken from Refprop software. The model was run with different fin spacing (2–5 mm) and tube outer diameter (6–12 mm) for evaporator, whereas operating conditions and all other geometrical parameters stayed the same. Then, coefficient of performance (COP), moisture extraction rate (MER), and specific moisture extraction rate (SMER) were calculated. As a result, the effects of fin spacing and tube outer diameter of evaporator were determined depending on the input characteristics of the dryer model. In the working range, SMER was changed up to 20% and 15% depending on the fin spacing and the tube outer diameter of evaporator, respectively

    Ram makinesinde kurutma prosesinin enerji verimliliği analizi

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    Tekstil sektöründe ram makineleri, kumaşların makine içerisinde enine bir şekilde paletler tarafındantutturulduğu, bir çift yürüyen zincirle kumaşın hareketinin sağlandığı ve bu esnada kumaşa sıcak havanıngönderildiği kurutma makineleridir. Bu çalışmada, 10 kabinli bir ram makinesinin kurutma prosesinde, enerjiverimliliğini arttırmak hedeflenerek, gerçek üretim şartlarında deneysel çalışma yapılmıştır. Deneyler üçfarklı kurutma havası sıcaklığında (110 – 130 – 150 o C ) ve 10 m/d kumaş ilerleme hızında, %95 pamuk +%5likra içerikli kumaş kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneylerden elde edilen verilerden yararlanılarak, herkabinde gerçekleşen ısı-kütle transfer katsayıları, buharlaşma miktarı, taşınım yolu ile kumaşa aktarılan enerjihesaplanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada; kurutma havası sıcaklığı 110 o C’den 130 o C’ye çıkarıldığında, ısı transferkatsayısı yaklaşık %6 artarken, enerji veriminde %4 azalma, kurutma havası sıcaklığı 130 o C’den 150 o C’yeçıkarıldığında, ısı transfer katsayısı yaklaşık %26 artarken enerji veriminin %5 azaldığı sonuçlarınaulaşılmıştır