16 research outputs found

    Hızlı depresif belirti envanteri-özbildirim formu’nun ((HDBE16-ÖF) beck depresyon envanteri-II ile karşılaştırılarak ayaktan başvuran hastalarda geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği

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    Objective: To evaluate the validity and reliability of 16-item self-report version of the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS-SR16) scale in comparison with BDI-II-Turkish (BDI-II-T) in a young sample of Turkish university students. Methods: A slightly modified version of the QIDS-SR16-Turkish (QIDS-SR16-T) available at www.ids-qids.org, along with the BDI-II-T, was administered to 628 young Turkish university students who attended the Family Health Center in Uludag University Campus between February and April 2010. Descriptive analyses, Student's t-test, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, and confirmatory factor analyses were used in the study. Results: The mean age of the participants was 21.1 +/- 2.16 (SD) years; 67.8% were female and 32.2% were male. Cronbach's a coefficient for internal consistency of the QIDS-SR16-T was found to be 0.769. The mean item-total correlation was 0.45, ranging from 0.29 to 0.71. The correlation between the BDI-II-T and QIDS-SR16-T was 0.72. ROC curve analysis suggested 9 as the optimal cut-off for a clinical depression level for the QIDS-SR16-T. Conclusion: We observed that the QIDS-SR16-T demonstrated good psychometric properties in a sample of young Turkish students and has convergent validity with the BDI-II-T, a widely used scale for depression. It is essential to diagnose reliably the major depressive disorder and to follow up the patients by valid screening instruments in primary care setting. The internal consistencies of the QIDS determined in studies from the United States were greater than our Cronbach's alpha coefficient, but there was no statistically significant difference between them (z=0.55, p>0.05). The QIDS-SR16-T can be reliably used in primary care settings.Genç Türk üniversite öğrencileri arasında Hızlı Depresif Belirti Envanteri’nin (HDBE) 16 maddelik Özbildirim Formu‘nun, Beck Depresyon Envanteri-II (BDE-II) ile karşılaştırılarak geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğinin saptanması. Yön tem ler: www.ids-qids.org’tan ulaşılabilecek Hızlı Depresif Belirti Envanteri-Özbildirim Formu’nun (HDBE16-ÖF) hafifçe değiştirilmiş olan versiyonu, BDE-II ile beraber Uludağ Üniversitesi Kampüsü içinde yer alan Aile Sağlığı Merkezine ayaktan başvuran 628 genç Türk üniversite öğrencisine Şubat 2010 ve Nisan 2010 tarihleri arasında uygulandı. Betimleyici istatistik, student t testi, ROC analizi ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri çalışmada kullanılmıştır. Bul gu lar: Ortalama yaş 21,1±2,16 (SD) olarak saptandı. Örneklemin %67,8’i kadın, %32,2’si erkek idi. İç tutarlılık α-Cronbach katsayısı 0,769 olarak saptandı. Ortalama madde-toplam madde korelasyonu 0,45 (0,29-0,71) olarak bulunmuştur. ROC analizine göre, HDBE16-ÖF için klinik depresyon açısından 9 puan sınır değer olarak saptanmıştır. So nuç: HDBE16-ÖF ile çok sık kullanılan bir depresyon ölçeği olan BDE-II, iyi psikometrik uyum geçerliliği göstermiştir. 1. Basamakta majör depresif epizodu güvenle teşhis etmek ve hastalığı, geçerliliği kanıtlanmış araçlarla takip etmek önemlidir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde HDBE ile ilgili çalışmalarda elde edilen iç tutarlılık katsayısı α Cronbach bizim çalışmamızdan daha yüksek bulunsa da, aralarında istatiksel olarak bir farklılık yoktur (z=0,55, p>0,05). HDBE16-ÖF 1.basamakta güvenle kullanılabilecek bir ölçektir

    Biküspit Aortalı Bir Adolesanda Enfektif Endokardit Gelişimi: Olgu Sunumu

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    Bicuspit aortik valvi olan on üç yaşında erkek olgu; yüksek ateş, karın ağrısı, ayak tabanlarında morluk ve yürüyememe yakınmaları ile getirildi. Hastada yaklaşık 3 haftadır süren yüksek ateş, ayak bileğinde ve dizlerde artralji, ayak tabanında vaskulit benzeri döküntü, hepatosplenomegali, anemi, lökositoz, trombositopeni, nonnefrotik proteinüri ve akut faz reaktanlarında pozitiflik ve kan kültüründe üreme saptandı. Bu olgu sunumu ile biküspit aortalı genç bir enfektif endokardit vakası sunularak; konuya dikkat çekilmeye çalışılmıştır

    Вредное воздействие электромагнитного поля на разные ткани: обзор

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    Clinic of Family Medicine, Bozyaka Education and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey, Department of Family Medicine, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Izmir,Turkey, Department of Family Medicine, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Izmir, TurkeyAbstract. Studies about the potential effects of the electromagnetic field on the human body are increasing day by day. In this study; new investigations on this field were tried to be explained by the help of literature. It is shown in many studies that electromagnetic waves as well as the electromagnetic field that is given out by some of the equipment we use, create negative effects on biological systems of humans. Moreover; it had concluded that there are roles of molecular pathways such as oxidative stress on electromagnetic field induced diseases. These effects are the short term effects and long term effects. Preventitive measures should be high priority and risks should be minimized.Rezumat. Studiile privind efectele potențiale ale câmpului electromagnetic asupra corpului uman cresc în fiecare zi. Această lucrare încearcă să explice noile cercetări din domeniu pornind de la literatura relevantă. În multe studii se arată că undele electromagnetice, precum și câmpul electromagnetic oferit de unele dintre echipamentele pe care le folosim, creează efecte negative asupra sistemelor biologice ale oamenilor. În plus, s-a stabilit că există o influență a căilor moleculare, cum ar fi stresul oxidativ asupra bolilor induse de câmpul electromagnetic. Sunt efecte pe termen scurt și efecte pe termen lung. Măsurile preventive ar trebui să fi e prioritare, iar riscurile ar trebui reduse la minimum.Резюме. Исследования о потенциальном воздействии электромагнитного поля на человеческий организм увеличиваются день ото дня. В этом исследовании; новые исследования в этой области пытались объяснить с помощью литературы. Во многих исследованиях показано, что электромагнитные волны, а также электромагнитное поле, излучаемое некоторым оборудованием, которое мы используем, оказывают негативное воздействие на биологические системы человека. Более того; был сделан вывод о роли молекулярных путей, таких как окислительный стресс, в заболеваниях, вызванных электромагнитным полем. Эти эффекты представляют собой краткосрочные и долгосрочные эффекты. Превентивные меры должны быть приоритетными, а риски должны быть сведены к минимуму

    Serum IGF–1 levels of patients under went to percutan transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)

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    Rezumat. Introducere. Obiectivul studiului este de a determina relaţia dintre factorii de creştere similari insulinei (IGF-1) şi ateroscleroza coronariană. Materiale şi metode. În studiu au fost incluşi 30 de pacienţi cu angiografie coronariană normală şi 43 de pacienţi supuşi angioplastiei coronariene transluminale percutanate (PTCA). Grupurile de studiu au fost formate din bolnavi care s-au adresat la Departamentul de Cardiologie al Facultăţii de Medicină din cadrul GATA. Probele de sânge au fost recoltate din artera coronariană în prima etapă a angiografiei, înainte de introducerea substanţei de contrast. Rezultate. Nivelurile medii ale IGF-1 în primul grup cu angiografie coronariană normală şi în al doilea grup supus PTCA au fost 222,05, respectiv 686,15. Rezultatele erau semnificative sub aspect statistic. O creştere semnificativă din punct de vedere statistic în nivelurile IGF-1 a fost determinată în cel de-al doilea grup (p=0,000). De asemenea, variaţiile din rezultatele electrocardiografice (ECG) au fost semnificative în cadrul aceluiaşi grup (p=0,002). Concluzii: Nivelurile IGF-1 ale pacienţilor supuşi PTCA au fost mai mari decât rezultatele studiilor similare precedente, acest lucru fiind determinat de modul în care am recoltat probele de sânge, adică direct din artera coronariană. Considerăm că această creştere a nivelurilor IGF-1 este generată de mecanismul de compensare locală, declanşat în inima afectată de ischemie

    Factors associated with depression among Turkish faculty of education freshmen by Beck depression Inventory-II-Turkish

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    Aims: To assess the prevalence of depression among the first-year university students. Methods: 237 freshmen contributed anonymously to the study on a voluntary basis and an informed consent was obtained. Beck Depression Inventory-II Turkish (BDI-II-T) was applied. SPSS 11.0 statistical program was used. Results: Overall depression prevalence was 8.4%. 54.9% of subjects were females. 3 factors were found: factor 1 (depressive) with 11.2%, factor 2 (cognitive) with 9.7% and factor 3 (somatic-affective) with 8.8% of total variance. Mild depression was found in 5.9%, moderate in 1.7% and severe depression in o.8% of subjects. Conclusion: BDI-II-T was found to be useful for the detection of depression among freshmen in terms of academic failure and future health

    Use of constructivist approach for medical education: Review of literature

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    Background: In order to improve the quality of medical education, medical faculties of the universities are searching for better pedagogical approaches. To determine the frequency of the articles about new approaches in medical education is our main objective in this study. Method: An exclusive search was conducted in PubMed and other life science journals for biomedical articles. Total of 120 articles were comprised the term constructivism. 6 were conducted between 1980-1989, 41 were conducted between 1990-1999 73 were conducted between 2000-2007. Total of 44 articles were found to include the term IBL. Most of the research (n=32) were conducted in the last decade whereas. Total of 3080 articles were cited that included the term PBL. PBL was the most commonly encountered teaching strategy on the 21st. century (n=2133). Total of 1030 articles were found to comprise the term CL. CL was the most commonly encountered learning strategy on the 1980's (n=161). Conclusion: It is evident that there has been a considerable increase in research about constructivist teaching and learning in the medical field from 1980's to the 21st. Century. More research about constructivism need to be published in the medical journals

    Is Medical Check-Up Useful For Physician Among New University Students During Enrolling Time To University? A Survey Of 640 New University Students

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the health problems of the recently enrolled new university students in Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey and to expose whether the information gathered will be useful for the future follow up of the students. Methods: 640 students who were elected by the Students’ Selection and Ranking Examination (Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı-OSS), had been contributed in our study during enrolling time to university; September 2006. Our sample had been constituted of students coming from very different regions, representing the Turkish student population. Results: 42.7% of subjects were male and 57.3% were female. Following prevalence are found for diseases and addictions: Headache 10.8%, allergy 7.3%, anemia 5.8%, gastritis 5.8%, smoking 39.6%, alcohol drinking 2.4%, epilepsy 1.4%, recovered tuberculosis 0.6%. Female students had suffered much more headache, gastritis, anemia than male students (respectively p= 0.000, p= 0.037 and p=0.000). 55.7% of the male students and 27.5% of the female students were smokers. All of the drinkers were male. Headache and gastritis had been found associated with each other (Spearman r=0.259, p=0.000). Headache was found higher in subjects with epilepsy than others (p= 0.020). Conclusion: Physicians of school based health centers, firstly, must understand students’ health problems. This study emphasizes the importance of health screening of enrolling students in the registration time and the necessity of school based health centers

    The comparison of intellectual and emotional intelligence: sectional research on students at final class of high school

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    Summary. This study was performed on private school students in Izmir province who were at fi nal class of the high school during academic year 2011-2012. IQ and EQ tests composed of 20 questions and 30 questions respectively were distributed to 63 students in total and they were asked to reply each test in 20 minutes. Through EQ test, assessment was made on emotional awareness, managing emotions, motivating oneself, being empathic and handling relationships components of the emotional intelligence. The statistical analyses were made by SPSS 11.0 program using Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U, Khi Kare, Student tests. For the statistical signifi cance, p<0,05 was accepted. While 32 (50.8%) students replying the tests were male, 31students (49,2%) were female. The average age was 17,81+0,59 and their scores were ranging from 58 to 138 (The average was 111,02+18,90). The average IQ scores of males and females were 111,00+21,87 and 111,03+15,61 respectively (p:0,995). The numbers of respondents detected as very strong, requires progress and requires highly progress were balanced for the EQ test parts entitled as emotional awareness, being empathic and handling relations. However, it is found that the number of respondents requiring highly progress on managing emotions and motivating oneself was distinctly more. There was a significant difference in regard to IQ scores at different levels of handling relations capability (p:0,031). Correspondingly, capability of handling relations was found more developed among the group with IQ scores more than the average of the study (p:0,012). The capability of handling relations and being empathic were found to be stronger among females (p:0,008 and p:0,044). In this study held on the high school students at fi nal class, it is found that the capabilities of managing emotions and motivating oneself require highly progress. Therefore; taking this in consideration, schools’ departments providing guidance should prepare and implement proper development programs. The capabilities of being empathic and handling relations are more developed among females than males. The capability of handling relations is more developed among individuals with high IQ scores. This difference becomes more significant when the scores climb over the average.Резюме. Сравнение интеллектуальной и эмоциональной интеллигентности: секционные исследования учеников выпускного класса средней школы. Работа выполнена при участии учеников частных школ провинции Измир, которые были в последнем классе средней школы в течение 2011-2012 учебного года. IQ и EQ тесты, состоящие из 20 вопросов и 30 вопросов соответственно, были распространены среди 63 студентов, которых просили ответить на каждый тест за 20 минут. При помощи теста EQ была проведена оценка эмоционального осознания, управления эмоциями, самомотивации, эмпатии и управления отношения- ми – компонентов эмоциональной интеллигентности. Статистические анализы были сделаны с помощью программы SPSS 11.0 Крускала Уоллиса, Манна-Уитни У., Кхи Каре, тесты Стьюдента. Для статистической значимости было принято р <0,05. В то время как 32 (50,8%) учеников, отвечавших на тесты, были юношами, 31 (49,2%) респондент были девушки. Средний возраст составил 17,81+0,59 лет и их баллы были в диапазоне от 58 до 138 (в среднем 111,02 +18,90). Средний балл IQ юношей и девушек были 111,00 +21,87 и 111,03+15,61, соответственно (р=0,995). Респонденты, выявленные как очень сильные, с хорошим и высоким интеллектом, были сбалансированы и для разделов теста EQ теста, и проявили себя как эмоционально осознанные, с высокой эмпатией и управляющие отношениями. Тем не менее, оказалось, что число респондентов, требующих лучших результатов в управлении эмоциями и самомотивации было более заметным.Было значительное различие в отношении IQ оценки при различных уровнях способности управления отношениями (р=0031). Соответственно, способность управления отношениями была более развитой в группе с баллами IQ выше, чем средний бал исследования (р=0012). Спо- собности управлять отношениями и быть эмпатичным оказались сильнее у женщин (р=0,008 и р=0044). В данном исследовании, проводимом на старшеклассниках выпускного класса, было обнаружено, что возможности управления эмоциями и самомотивации требуют высокого интеллекта. Поэтому, принимая это во внимание, ведомства школ, обеспечивающие руководство, должны подготовить и реализовать соответствующие программы развития. Возможности для эмпатии и управления отношениями более развиты у девушек, чем у юношей. Возможность управления отношениями более развита среди лиц с высоким баллом IQ. Эта разница становится более существенной, когда оценки превышают среднее значение