234 research outputs found

    On the inverse image of Baire spaces

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    In 1961, Z. Frolik proved that if f is an open and continuous mapping of a metrizable separable space X onto Baire space Y and if the point inverses are Baire spaces, then X is a Baire space. We give a generalization to semi-continuous and semi-open mapping of this theorem and extended it to the several types of mappings

    Successful Treatment of Secondary Aortoenteric Fistula with a Special Graft

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    Aortoenteric fistula is an uncommon but life-threatening cause of gastrointestinal blood loss. We report a case of a 70-year-old man who presented to the emergency department with an episode of melena and infection in the left inguinal region. Diagnosis of secondary aortoenteric fistula was made between the left limb of the aortobifemoral graft and the descending colon. We performed excision of the infected graft and in situ silver acetate coating of prosthetic vascular graft replacement (aortoleft femoral) on the patient. This study reports a rare type of secondary aortoenteric fistula to the left colon, and it describes an unusual and successful surgical treatment. Antimicrobial coating of prosthetic vascular grafts may be a good alternative in the presence of graft infection associated with aortoenteric fistula because in situ grafts may carry an increased risk of reinfection

    A Comparative Analysis of Regional and Local Anesthesia in Arteriovenous Fistula Surgery: A Single-Center Study

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    Background: This retrospective study aimed to compare the outcomes of regional anesthesia and local anesthesia techniques in arteriovenous fistula operations, focusing on early patency rates, operation time, and postoperative pain. Methods: A total of 77 arteriovenous fistula and arteriovenous graft operations performed between April 2020 and April 2023 on adult patients with chronic renal failure were analyzed. The patients were divided into two groups based on the anesthesia technique: Group-1 (n=49) received local anesthesia, while Group-2 (n=28) received regional anesthesia. Results: The majority of operations in the local anesthesia group involved radio-cephalic arteriovenous fistula, while brachio-cephalic, brachio-basilic arteriovenous fistula, and arteriovenous grafts were predominantly performed in the regional anesthesia group. There was no significant difference in operation time between the two groups. However, the regional anesthesia group had a significantly lower need for pain relief within the first 24 hours postoperatively. There were no significant differences in early postoperative fistula failure or bleeding/hematoma between the groups. One case of local wound infection was observed in each group during post-discharge follow-up. Conclusion: This retrospective analysis suggests that regional anesthesia provides superior pain control in the first 24 hours following arteriovenous fistula surgery compared to local anesthesia. Regional anesthesia is a safe and effective technique and may be preferred for more sophisticated arteriovenous fistula procedures

    Desfluran anestezisi sonrası karaciğer toksisitesi: olgu sunumu ve gözden geçirme

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    Geleneksel inhalasyon anestezik ajanların ılımlı ve bazen de şiddetli karaciğer yetmezliğine yol açtıkları müşahade edilmiştir. Ancak yeni inhalasyon ajanları primer hepatotoksisitenin nedeni olarak kabul edilemezler. Bu olgu sunumunda laparoskopik kolesistektomi planlanan hipertansiyonu, peptik ülseri ve hiperlipidemisi olan ASA II, 65 yaşında kadın hastada desflurana bağlı karaciğer yetmez- liğini tanımladık. Preoperatif laboratuar değerleri normaldi. Operasyon esnasında, midazolam, remifentanil, sodyum tiyopental ve vekuronyum devamında da desfluran anestezisi uygulandı. Peroperatif 4L CO2 ile CO2 insuflasyon basıncı 15 mmHg’da tutuldu. Per operatif hastanın hemodinamik parametreleri stabil olarak dökümante edildi. Laparoskopik kolesistektomi operasyonu 135 dakika sürdü. Serum alanin aminotransferaz ve aspartat aminotransferaz düzeyi postoperatif 2. günde sırasıyla 711 ve 621 U/L idi. Karaciğer enzimleri postoperatif 13. günde normale döndü ve hasta 15. günde taburcu edildi. Biz hepatotoksisiteyi bir önceki anestezi uygu- lanması sonrası, operasyonda uygulanan desfluran ile ilişkilendiriyoruz. Gelecekte hasta anestezi alacaksa total intravenöz anestezi uygulanabili

    A rapidly progressive case of anti-NMDAR encephalitis with primarypsychiatric symptoms

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    Since the introduction by Dalmau et al in 2007, numbers of reported anti-NMDAR encephalitis cases have increased with the growing interest of professionals in the diagnosis of this neurological condition (Dalmau et al. 2007). Although it was initially thought to be a rare phenomenon, more than 700 patients have been reported so far (Warren et al. 2018). The majority of the anti-NMDAR encephalitis cases are first seen by psychiatrists due to acute or subacute manifestations of psychiatric symptoms (Kayser & Dalmau 2011a). Agitation, bizarre, and disinhibited behaviors, delusions, and hallucinations are the most commonly reported symptoms in these patients (Barry et al. 2015). Approximately 75% of the patients fully recover or have mild deficits in the long-term, while 25% remain severely disabled; and the anti-NMDAR encephalitis mortality rate is estimated to be around 4% (Warren et al. 2018). In this report, we aimed to present a rapidly progressing case of anti-NMDAR encephalitis with early psychiatric symptoms

    H1N1 virüs enfeksiyon nedeniyle meydana gelen myokardit

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    A 25-year-old male patient, applied to emergency department with complaints of fever lasting for 3 days, non-productive cough and tachycardia. Troponin I level was 18 ng/ml. The patient had no previously known disease and was hospitalized in coronary intensive care unit. We presented a case of acute myopericarditis occurred after an acute influenza infection, caused by H1N1 virus that recently led to pandemics worldwide

    Efficiency of eprinomectin for the treatment of naturally infested with sarcoptes scabiei in rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    Bu çalışma, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Hastanesine göz, burun, ağız etrafında ve ayaklarda kaşıntılı yara şikâyetleri ile getirilen on iki beyaz Yeni Zelanda tavşanı (Oryctolagus cuniculus) üzerinde yürütüldü. Tavşanların lezyonlu bölgelerinden bisturi yardımıyla alınan deri kazıntıları %10’luk KOH ile ezildikten sonra ışık mikroskobunda incelendi ve tavşanların Sarcoptes scabiei ile infeste oldukları belirlendi. Tedavide eprinomektin 0.2 mg/kg ve deri altı yolla 14 gün arayla iki kez uygulandı. Eprinomektinin etkinliği; deri kazıntısının parazitolojik muayenesinde Sarcoptes scabiei akarlarının varlığı ve/veya klinik belirtilerin devam edip etmediği durumuna göre değerlendirildi. Sonuçta eprinomektinin tavşanlarda S. scabiei'nin doğal enfestasyonlarına karşı etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir.This study was carried out on twelve white New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) which brought with itchy wounds symptoms around eye, nose, mouth and feet to Afyon Kocatepe University, Veterinary Faculty, Animal Hospital. The skin scrapings that taken from the lesion areas of rabbits with a scalpel, were examined in the light microscope then crushed with 10% KOH and it was determined the rabbits infested with Sarcoptes scabiei. At treatment, Eprinomectin was administered 0.2 mg/kg subcutaneously twice with 14 days interval. The efficacy of eprinomectin was assessed either clinically or parasitologically examination by the absence of Sarcoptes scabiei mites due to skin scraping. The results of the present study determine that eprinomectin is effective against naturally infestations of S. scabiei in rabbits


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    Artificial Intelligence is a field that is able to learn from existing data to synthesize new ones using deep learning methods. Using Artificial Neural Networks that process big datasets, complex tasks and challenges become easily resolved. As the zeitgeist suggests, it is possible to produce novel outcomes for future projections by applying various machine learning algorithms on the generated data sets. In that context, the focus of this research is exploring the reinterpretation of 21st century urban plans with familiar artist styles using different subtypes of deep-learning-based generative adversarial networks (GAN) algorithms. In order to explore the capabilities of urban map transformation with machine learning approaches, two different GAN algorithms which are cycleGAN and styleGAN have been applied on the two main data sets. First data set, the urban data set, contains 50 cities urban plans in .jpeg format collected according to the diversity of the urban morphologies. Whereas the second data set is composed of four well-known artist’s paintings, that belong to various artistic movements. As a result of training the same data sets with different GAN algorithms and epoch values were compared and evaluated. In this respect, the study not only investigates the reinterpretation of stylistic urban maps and shows the discoverability of new representation techniques, but also offers a comparison of the use of different image to image translation GAN algorithms

    Plasma homocysteine is associated with ischemic findings without organic stenosis in patients with slow coronary flow

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    AbstractAimTo investigate the plasma concentrations of homocysteine (Hcy) in slow coronary flow (SCF) patients before and at the end of the exercise test and compare with the values of healthy controls.MethodsStudy population consisted of 41 patients with SCF [68% men, aged 49±8 years], and 41 subjects with normal epicardial coronary arteries [56% men, aged 50±9 years]. Exercise test was performed in all study participants. Blood samples were drawn at rest and immediately at the end of exercise testing after 12h of overnight fasting.ResultsThe baseline Hcy value of the SCF patients was higher than that of the control subjects (p<0.0001), and this difference continued after exercise test between the groups (p<0.0001). Median post-exercise increases in Hcy levels were higher in the SCF group than in the control group, without a significant difference (p=0.088). In the SCF group after exercise, Hcy levels in 17 patients with angina and 18 patients with ST depression were higher than those without angina and ST depression (p<0.0001 and p<0.0001, respectively). In addition, Hcy values in patients with both angina and ST depression were greater than those with either angina (p<0.05) or ST depression (p<0.05).ConclusionThe results of this study show that there is an important pathophysiologic link between the increased levels of plasma Hcy, the degree of ischemic findings, and the severity of slow flow in SCF patients