651 research outputs found

    Mixed Methods Research in Special Education in Turkey: Learning from Researcher Experiences in Graduate Thesis

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    As a relatively young approach, mixed methods research (MMR) is a highly practical method to employ in special education due to its challenges and gains for the researchers. In this qualitative study, our aim is to explore the experiences and opinions of the researchers who completed their graduate thesis studies via MMR in special education in Turkey. We depended on hermeneutic (interpretive) phenomenological design and conducted focus group discussions with eight participants. Inductive thematic analysis has yielded four themes: (1) discovering the nature of MMR, (2) the reasons to opt for MMR, (3) the experience in conducting MMR, and (4) suggestions. The findings have revealed that understanding the mixed paradigm is a challenging task which requires a change in the mindset of researcher. Its strong functional features for special education have directed researchers towards MMR. However, many challenges raise the question: “to what extent do studies meet the MMR quality standards?” The limitations we observed in the theses have indicated that the quality standards are not adequately reflected. The relatively new nature of the method, researchers’ lack of knowledge and experience, and insufficient support from the supervisor were the sources of the challenges according to our findings. We can say that there is also a need for studies discussing the implementation of the method in special education and for guidelines that will plot a route

    Türkiye’de bölgesel gelir eşitsizliği (Regional income inequality in Turkey)

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    Bu araştırmada Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu’nun 1994 ve 2003 Hanehalkı Gelir ve Tüketim Harcamları Anketleri’nin verileri kullanılarak Türkiye’deki gelir eşitsizliğinin yapısı bölgesel bir perspektifle keşfedilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bölgeler düzeyinde, satın alma gücü paritesi, enflasyon, ve eşdeğerlik ölçeği düzeltmeleri yapılmış gelirler için ortalama, ortanca, standart sapma ve Gini katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Türkiye’de farklı gelir dilimlerine mensup olan nüfusun bölgeler arasında nasıl bir dağılımı olduğu incelenmiştir. Hanelerin gelirleri altı ana gelir türüne ayrıştırılarak bölgelerdeki payları, ve bölgelerin Türkiye geneline olan katkıları sunulmuş, 1994-2003 zaman diliminde diğer ekonomik parametrelerin değişimi ile nasıl bir etkileşim içinde oldukları tartışılmıştır. Eşitsizliğin bölge içi ve bölgeler arası belirleyicilerini anlamak için varyans ayrıştırma analizi ve Pyatt eşitsizlik ayrıştırma analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir

    Model Proposal Towards Quantitative Evaluation of Customers’ Demands for Mortgage

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    People who want to become the owner of house but meet some financial difficulties, demand for credit from banks. Banks that make a decision about acceptance or rejection of these demands should consider all effective factors in credit evaluation process. In this study, a new proposal of model was improved to evaluate the customers which demand for mortgage. For this purpose, the points of weightiness on criteria which affect customers’ credit score, were firstly determined by using Analytic Hierarchy Process, and then the model was tested by calculating the credit score of customers with different characteristicCredit Evaluation Process, Credit Score, Mortgage, Analytic Hierarchy Process.

    Spatial interaction modeling of interregional commodity flows

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    Drawing from both the spatial price equilibrium theoretical framework and the empirical literature on spatial interaction modeling, this paper expands models of interregional commodity flows (CFs) by incorporating new variables and using a flexible Box-Cox functional form. The 1993 US commodity flows survey provides the empirical basis for estimating state-to-state flow models for 16 commodity groups over the 48 continental US states. The optimized Box-Cox specification proves to be superior to the multiplicative one in all cases, while selected variables provide new insights into the determinants of state-to-state CFs

    Augmenting conversations through context-aware multimedia retrieval based on speech recognition

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    Future’s environments will be sensitive and responsive to the presence of people to support them carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals, in an easy and natural way. Such interactive spaces will use the information and communication technologies to bring the computation into the physical world, in order to enhance ordinary activities of their users. This paper describes a speech-based spoken multimedia retrieval system that can be used to present relevant video-podcast (vodcast) footage, in response to spontaneous speech and conversations during daily life activities. The proposed system allows users to search the spoken content of multimedia files rather than their associated meta-information and let them navigate to the right portion where queried words are spoken by facilitating within-medium searches of multimedia content through a bag-of-words approach. Finally, we have studied the proposed system on different scenarios by using vodcasts in English from various categories, as the targeted multimedia, and discussed how it would enhance people’s everyday life activities by different scenarios including education, entertainment, marketing, news and workplace

    Probabilistic Prediction of the Next Earthquake in the NAFZ (North Anatolian Fault Zone), Turkey

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    Depremler rassal olaylar olduğu için bu alanda istatistiksel metotların kullanımı yaygındır. İstatistiksel metotlar risk problemlerinin çözümlenmesinde kullanılır. Sismik risk ve deprem meydana gelme olasılıkları istatistiksel olasılık dağılımıları yardımıyla tahmin edilebilir. Bu çalışmada Weibull, Log-normal, Log-lojistik, Üstel ve Gamma dağılımları kullanılarak deprem verisini en iyi şekilde temsil edecek olasılık dağılımı bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla etkin olasılık dağılımının belirlenmesinde Kolmogorov-Smirnov test istatistiği kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Weibull dağılımının diğer olasılık dağılımlarına gore deprem verisini en iyi şekilde temsil ettiği görülmüştür.Statistical methods are useful for characterizing seismic hazard because earthquakes are, for all practical purposes, random phenomena. They provide additional insights to the seismic hazard or risk problem. Seismic risk and earthquake occurrence probabilities can be estimated by using probability distributions. In this study Weibull, Log-normal, Log-logistic, Exponential and Gamma distributions have been examined for which one has the best fit for the given data. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistics was used at the research of the distribution best represents earthquake data. At the end of the test, it has been detected that Weibull distribution is more appropriate than other distributions

    Probabilistic Prediction of the Next Earthquake in the NAFZ (North Anatolian Fault Zone), Turkey

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    Depremler rassal olaylar olduğu için bu alanda istatistiksel metotların kullanımı yaygındır. İstatistiksel metotlar risk problemlerinin çözümlenmesinde kullanılır. Sismik risk ve deprem meydana gelme olasılıkları istatistiksel olasılık dağılımıları yardımıyla tahmin edilebilir. Bu çalışmada Weibull, Log-normal, Log-lojistik, Üstel ve Gamma dağılımları kullanılarak deprem verisini en iyi şekilde temsil edecek olasılık dağılımı bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla etkin olasılık dağılımının belirlenmesinde Kolmogorov-Smirnov test istatistiği kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Weibull dağılımının diğer olasılık dağılımlarına gore deprem verisini en iyi şekilde temsil ettiği görülmüştür.Statistical methods are useful for characterizing seismic hazard because earthquakes are, for all practical purposes, random phenomena. They provide additional insights to the seismic hazard or risk problem. Seismic risk and earthquake occurrence probabilities can be estimated by using probability distributions. In this study Weibull, Log-normal, Log-logistic, Exponential and Gamma distributions have been examined for which one has the best fit for the given data. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistics was used at the research of the distribution best represents earthquake data. At the end of the test, it has been detected that Weibull distribution is more appropriate than other distributions

    The Use Of Feiba In Hemophilia A Patient With Inhibitory And Sign Of Severe Intraabdominal Hemorrhage

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    The development of a factor VIII inhibitory is the most serious problem of Hemophilia A. High dose FVIII, recombinant FVIIa or FVIII inhibitor bypass activator (FEIBA) only or combined may use in the treatment of hemophilia with inhibitory. We present here 42 year-old male was admitted to our clinic with sign of shock, abdominal tenderness and image of mass. In laboratory, Hemoglobin was found 5 gr/dl, aPTT: 106 sec, FVIII: %0 and inhibitory level was found 14 BU. Abdominal computerized tomography was shown hemorrhage in abdominal cavity and in psoas muscle. In treatment; We used blood transfusion and 100 U/kgx2/d FEIBA along 4 days. General symptoms and signs was healed after 2 days and hematologic parameters turned to normal. Immune tolerans treatment program was planned for patient, later. FEIBA treatment is very useful in hemophilia patients suffered from hemorrhage and inhibitors in addition to supportive treatment


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    Samipaşazade Sezai’nin “Küçük Şeyler” adlı eserindeki öykülerde, konu edinilen toplumsal sorunların bireyin varoluşuna etkisi nasıl işlenmiştir