7 research outputs found

    Rereading Du Liankui: Wang Dahong’s Transwriting of The Picture of Dorian Gray and His Identity as an Architect

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    王爾德的《格雷的肖像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1890)一書在被 建築師王大閎「譯寫」為《杜連魁》(1977)後,小說背景由倫敦移往臺 北。但過去學界討論《杜連魁》之慣例,大致上是以譯寫過程為焦點, 藉由翻譯研究相關理論,探討其內在於文字的各種元素(intratextual elements)與兩書之互文性(intertextuality)。與過去研究有所不同的是, 本文首先擬從巴赫汀(Mikhail Bakhtin)的「時空體」概念(chronotope)出 發,指出《杜連魁》把1890 年代的倫敦挪移為1970 年代的臺北之後,《格 雷的肖像》書中那種專屬於西方貴族的世紀末(fin de si?cle)風華雖遭剝 奪殆盡,但《杜連魁》卻扮演了為建築師王大閎代言的角色:從書中對 臺北與紐約等都市的批判看來,王氏的都市願景終究是一種對於美的追 求,而且是一種以自然為最後依歸的美。 在結論中,本文指出白先勇的《孽子》(1983)一書是另一本以1970 年 代的臺北為時空體的小說。《杜連魁》與《孽子》所描繪的都是一個處於時 空變遷背景中的1970 年代臺北東西區:新興東區的繁華與光鮮亮麗彰顯出老舊西區的衰敗。《杜連魁》描繪出東區上流社會的虛華,《孽子》則讓 我們看出國際資本進駐之後,東區開始沾染過度商業化的氣息,與美的理 念是背道而馳的。最後,為了展現出時空體概念可能蘊含的批判向度, 本文並且加入了對於黃凡與陳映真兩人呈現都市問題的小說作品之討論。Ever since Wang Dahong (1918- ), a famous architect of Taiwan, completed Du Liankui (1977), the transwriting version of The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890), literary scholars in Taiwan have put it into the context of translation studies and focused on its intratextual elements as well as its intertextual relationships with The Picture of Dorian Gray. Trying to distinguish itself from prior assessments, the present article begins with Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope and argues that, as Du Liankui is completely deprived of the aristocratic splendor of the fin-de-si?cle London in The Picture of Dorian Gray, this transwritten work becomes a mouthpiece for Wang Dahong the architect. Judging from his various criticisms of Taipei and New York in Du Liankui, it turns out that his urban vision is essentially based on the pursuit of beauty, for which “nature” is the highest criterion of judgment. The article concludes by arguing that Pai Hsien-yung’s Crystal Boys (1983), like Du Liankui, is also a novel with the chronotope of “the Taipei in the 1970s.” Both of the two novels depict Taipei’s East District and West District as going through a great temporal-spatial transformation: the more prosperous and splendid the East District seems, the older the declining West District looks. While, in Du Liankui, the upper class Taipei people in the East District live a life of vanity, in Crystal Boys we witness the process of the East District’s becoming over-commercialized from the investments of international capital, and no room is left for Wang’s ideal of beauty in that part of Taipei. Finally, Huang Fan’s and Chen Ying-zhen’s works of fiction about problems of city life are also included in the discussions

    Marx on "State" and "State Autonomy": An Integration of the Doctrines of "Parasite State" and "Instrumentalist State"

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    由於長期以來根深蒂固的誤解,馬克思的哲學往往被視為一種「經濟決定論」的主張--經濟決定了社會、文化與政治等一切其他領域;此一誤解之必然結果是:「馬克思的國家學說」也被當作國家理論中最典型的「工具主義」--國家是資產階級用來進行階級宰制的工具。為了釐清這點,本論文之作者嘗試性地自「歷史社會學」的角度切入,說明馬克思的研究進路其實與當代一般歷史社會學學者的研究進路無異,都是自歷史傳承與社會脈絡等眾多複雜的面向來了解「國家自主是否自主」的多種可能性:國家既不是現代資產階級手中的簡單工具,也不是能夠完全獨立於社會之外的政治實體。其次,自馬克思國家學說本身的哲學基礎,即所謂「歷史唯物論」看來,政治與經濟之間的關係也非單向決定的因果關係,而是呈現著多種不同面向的辯證互動關係,因此也造成了馬克思有關國家自主性的學說中之兩種不同論述:「寄生性國家」與「工具性國家」。本文從馬克思論國家的本質、起源及其與社會的關係開始說起,再逐步論及「寄生性國家」與「工具性國家」這兩種論述中的各種「國家」類型,包括「東方專制主義」、「專制君主制」、「波拿巴主義的國家」、「工具國家在英國」以及「工具性的國家在法國」等,可以說完整地梳理出馬克思國家學說的發展脈絡,並充分說明它其實就是一種有關國家的歷史社會學。目 錄第一章 序言第一節 研究動機…………………………………………002一之一:國家研究的歷史發展………………………………………002一之二:馬克思主義與國家研究……………………………………005第二節 論題形成的脈絡…………………………………010二之一:馬克思論「寄生性國家」與「工具性國家」………………011二之二:馬克思的歷史唯物論與國家研究…………………………019第三節 研究進路的問題…………………………………025三之一:歷史社會學的研究進路與國家研究………………………026三之二:馬克思與「以國家為中心」的國家研究進路………………035第四節 論述架構與研究限制…………………………041四之一:論述架構……………………………………………………040四之二:研究限制……………………………………………………047第二章 歷史唯物論與國家第一節 馬克思的歷史唯物論…………………………058一之一:歷史唯物論與「經濟決定論」………………………………058一之二:歷史唯物論與整體性觀點…………………………………063第二節 馬克思論述人類歷史的發展………………072二之一:分工、所有制與歷史………………………………073二之二:國家自主性與國家的形式…………………………………080第三節 小結…………………………………………………085第三章 寄生性國家第一節 東方專制主義的社會經濟基礎……………089一之一:東方專制主義與「亞細亞生產模式」的概念………………089一之二:東方專制主義國家自主性的形成…………………………095第二節 向資本主義社會過渡中的專制君主制…100二之一:專制君主制的歷史背景……………………………………100二之二:專制君主制中的階級關係與國家自主性…………………105第三節 波拿巴主義與法國歷史………………………110三之一:法國歷史中的國家傳統……………………………………110三之二:波拿巴主義的階級、意識形態因素與國家自主性………116第四節 小結…………………………………………………122第四章 工具性國家第一節 資產階級與工具性國家………………………127一之一:資產階級的形成……………………………………………127一之二:資產階級與工具性的現代國家……………………………132第二節 工具性國家在英國與法國…………………138二之一:英國資產階級工具性國家的形成…………………………138二之二:法國資產階級工具性國家的形成…………………………143第三節 小結…………………………………………………148第五章 總結與評估參考文獻…………………………………………………………154人名索引…………………………………………………………163主題索引…………………………………………………………170For many decades, Marxian philosophy was usually misunderstood as a doctrine that is primarily "economically determinstic", ie., economy determines the social, cultural, and political spheres. What is the corollary of this misunderstanding is that Marxian Doctrines on the State had become one of the most typical types of Instrumentalism among the theories of the state and that state is the instrument of class domination in the hands of the capitalists. In order to clarify this long-term misunderstanding, the author of this thesis try to find his revelation in contemporary Historical Sociology, and to demonstrate the Marxian approaches to the state is no different from the approaches of many Historical Sociologists. Historical Sociology has shown its constant attempts to understand the diverse possibilities of state autonomy from the perspectives of historical heritage and social context. According to this viewpoint, state is neither the simple instrument in the hands of the capitalists, nor a political entity that can be totally isolated from the society. Secondly, in the light of Marxian Historical Materialism, the relationship between politics and economy is not an one-way causation. As the ultimate foundation of the Marxian doctrines of the state, Historical Materialism makes it clear that politics and economy are mutually and dialectically interactive, and this vigorous interaction provides us the two possible doctrines of the state, that is, parasite state and instrumentalist state. This thesis started from the formulations of the nature, origin of the state and its relations to the society, then the author gradually focus upon a "typology" of the state which can be shown in the two Marxian state doctrines, these types including "Oriental Despotism", "Absolutism", "Bonapartism", "Instrumentalist State in England", and "Instrumentalist State in France". The author not only gave an overall exposition of the development of the Marxian doctrines of the state, he also sufficiently proved that the doctrines constitute in fact some kind of historical sociology of the state

    Improve the Dust Problem of Automation of Storage with Taguchi Method

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    [[abstract]]自動倉儲是目前多數製造業(如TFT產業)所必需的設備之一,尤其當倉儲用在無塵室環境的話,對於各機構運轉時產生的產塵(particle)抑制是非常重要的,普遍來講自動倉儲機構在作取、放卡匣時,卡匣和起重機的牙叉接觸時及卡匣和儲位接觸時都會產生產塵,若這些產塵掉在產品上的話則會影響產品的良率。 所以本文利用田口方法(Taguchi Method),找出一些影響的因子,用直交表(Orthogonal Array)做實驗,找出最佳組合因子並修正,以減少產塵的產生。田口實驗最主要是利用最少的實驗次數,得到信號/雜音比(Signal-to-Noise Ratio,S/N)後評估出最佳的實驗結果,以達到減少實驗時的成本支出。[[abstract]]The automation of storage is necessary for most manufacturing industries (such as the TFT industry) equipments. The yield rate of production will decrease due to the dust problem when the storage equipments work in the clean room. Hence, to suppress the dust (particles) is important issue. Generally speaking, the cartridge contacts with the fork of crane or reservoir will bring the contact-bits (particles) on the put-store cartridge stage. For decreasing the cost of experiments, the Taguchi method was employed. Because of the orthogonal array of Taguchi method can make most effective with the least number of experiments such that not only experimental time, but also the cost. The experimental results used the signal-to-noise ratio(S/N) to evaluate the quality of system stability, and the analysis of variance to evaluate the goal of quality through the design parameters, respectively


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    The water usage is increasing recently in TAIWAN. The groundwater as well as surface water is developed for use. The groundwater is especially extracted in great quantities because it is cheaper and reliable. The over-extraction of groundwater will result in ground settlement. Furthermore, the seawater intrusion and salty soil might occur in the coastal areas. Therefore, how to control the development and use of groundwater with the provision of administrative procedures to regulate the groundwater usage in the registration is worthwhile to do the research. In the development of surface water or groundwater, the registration of water usage is needed. The administrative procedures in the regulation of water usage and performance details can be found in the water conservancy act as references of the decision of water usage for the related authorized institutes. However, the technical aspects in the regulation of water usage are not provided in a systematic way. They are distributed randomly in some reference books or reports. Furthermore, the measuring variations of the water levels of groundwater monitoring wells are not incorporated in practical application of the decision of groundwater usage. For the shortage of technical aspects in the decision of groundwater usage, this project will aim at the collection of geological condition and hydrological information of groundwater, summarization of potential modal of groundwater and control method of safety yield of groundwater with a unit of county or municipal of authority on groundwater usage. Besides, the fundamentals of groundwater, the characteristics of pumping and calculation of pumping horsepower, the relationship among pumping horsepower, well diameter, dynamic head and discharging rate, etc are also included in this project. Finally, all the results above will be assembled in the technical manual of decision of groundwater usage to provide the authorized institutes as a reference in the decision of groundwater usage.台灣地區用水量逐年增加,除地面水源之使用外,也開發地下水源,由於地下水之來源可靠且費用低廉,因此競相被大量抽取利用,造成水位急劇下降,繼而導致地層下陷,而在沿海地區,更因而引發海水倒灌,造成土壤及地下水鹽化等嚴重問題。因此如何管制地下水源的開發與利用,配合水權登記時核定裁量之行政作業程序加以執行,是值得探討之研究議題。 不論地面水源或地下水源開發之利用均需依規定辦理水權登記,水權登記業務之行政處理程序在水利法及其施行細則已有詳細規定足供各水權主管機關依循,但對於水權核定裁量之技術方法,雖其學理根據散見於相關典籍或於研究報告有所探討,卻無加以有系統的整理分析,也未與目前地下水水文觀測資料加以結合,以提供水權核辦實務上之應用。 針對地下水權在核定裁量技術層面之相關研究有所不足,本計畫擬蒐集台灣地區已有之地質條件及地下水文觀測資料,以縣市為分區單位,整理地下水供水之潛能模式及地下水安全出水量之管制方式。此外,本計畫亦將針對地下水基本理論、抽水機特性與馬力計算、抽水機馬力、水井管徑、揚程與出水量之關係及地下水水權技術層面核辦作業方法建置等主題加以探討研究。最終,將上述各項作業成果彙集成「地下水水權登記核辦技術手冊」,以提供地下水水權主管機關作為發水權之參考

    A Study on the Processing Technique of Great Burdock Tea

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    牛蒡(ArctiumlappaL.)為二年生草本根菜類蔬菜,含有高量的菊糖、鈣、鐵及纖維質等成份,素為日本人所喜愛,近年來由於栽培技術改進及採收機械的引進,全省栽培面積增加至1000公頃左右。鮮食市場主要以外銷日本為主,內銷數量有限,然利用外銷剩餘產品及次級品為原料加工製成牛蒡片用以烹煮牛蒡茶則廣為國內消費者喜愛。本研究結果發現牛蒡先以0~5℃低溫冷藏l~2個月,使全可溶性糖增加,再取出切片成厚約l.7mm,此切片先以日光乾燥或60℃熱風乾燥至水份含量30%以下,再放入滾筒式炒菁爐以160℃高溫炒約16分鐘除可去除腥味外,更可增加其香味。烹煮時以50g牛蒡片加約l公升水煮30分鐘即可得最佳風味之牛蒡茶。 Great burdock (Arctium lappa L.) belongs to the family Compsitae. It is a root vegetable. It has high content of inulin, calcium, iron and fiber. Thus, it is good for health and favored by Japanese. In recent years, with culture and harvest techniques of great burdock were improved, the planted area increased to around one thousand hectars in Taiwan. The less qualified roots can be used for processing of great burdock tea which good flavor are favored by domestic consumers. The improved processing methods are described as follows: The roots were harvested, washed and stored at 2-5C for 1-2 months for the transformation of starch to sugar. They were then cut into 1.7mm slices. The thin slices was dried with hot air 2-3 hours at 60C and then blanched at 160C for 16 minutes. The best great burdock tea broth was obtained by 50 gm of dried slices in l000ml of boiling water for 30 minutes

    Erlitou and the Formation of Chinese Civilization: Toward a New Paradigm

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