74 research outputs found

    Monitoring and Diagnosing the Autocorrelated Process by Transient Special-Caues Variations Using Covariance Components Analysis

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    Adoption of Mobile Value-Added Services (VAS) with the Consideration of Conformity--- A Case of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)

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    [[abstract]]GPRS 是General Packet Radio Service 的縮寫,直譯叫「整合封包無線電服務」,是一種行動上網的系統,亦屬行動系統業者的行動加值服務之一。類似行動加值服務一樣的新科技服務之採行與使用,早已是眾多研究者所欲探討的主題,且發展出許多理論,用以解釋與預測消費者之採用行為。當今用來探討消費者採用行為的常見理論包括有理性行為理論(Theory of Reasoned Action, TRA),計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB),科技接受理論(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM),以及創新擴散理論(Diffusion of Innovation, DOI)。TPB 模式是由TRA 模式修訂而來,與TRA 不同之處在於TPB 加入知覺行為控制(Perceived Behavioral Control, PBC)。這兩理論的前提皆基於決策者具有可用資訊的理性考量,且都包含有具社會影響的主觀規範(subjective norm)因素,並以社會規範的服從(compliance)、從眾(conformity)、以及辨認(identification) 的社會規範能被運用來影響行為的研究架構。然而在某些情況下,服從或從眾壓力是屬非理性的行為,非關個人獨立自主的判斷。不過,在決定創新事務之採用意圖的研究上,從眾行為及現象則是較少被討論到。大部份有關創新事務採用的研究,均以相關採用理論(例如TRA、TBP、TAM、DOI 等)為基礎,其研究模型大都為配合不同的研究情境做局部的修正與(或)整合,較少觸及從眾現象。然而消費者對於GPRS 行動加值服務等類型之創新性產品的採用,常混合著理性的考量與心理的知覺。故本研究計畫整合相關的採用理論與從眾效果,以探索用戶在台灣電信市場欲採用GPRS 行動加值服務的意圖。冀能讓行動加值創新服務的供應廠商,能更深入瞭解消費者在考慮採用行動加值服務的因素為何,使行動業者能以有效的管理活動來經營行動加值服務,以提升其競爭力。本專題研究計劃在研究模型之實證上,將以市場上提供行動加值服務之通路商(例如全虹通信門市或系統業者台灣大哥大之直營門市)的用戶為抽樣架構 (sampling frame),謹慎選擇能代表市場行動加值服務消費者的研究樣本(非學生樣本或便利樣本)。根據研究模型所得的分析結果,不僅能協助行動業者判斷及預測消費者使用行動加值服務的意圖,並可提供促進行動加值服務的銷售策略及營運發展的能力。[[abstract]]General packet radio service (GPRS), a packet-based data bearer service for wireless communication services, is a high-speed and value-added service (VAS) by operators for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) networks as well as the 3G systems. Adoption of innovative products such as mobile value-added services (VAS) of GPRS may be due to a mix of rational considerations and psychological perceptions. The use and adoption of new technologies like mobile VAS of GPRS has long been an area of inquiry, probably because no theory can cover the issues of adoption behavior completely, meaning that no universally appropriate model of behavior may exist. The theoretical models commonly discussed in this research area are the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI). The TPB was derived from the TRA, the premise of the two models being that people make decisions regarding their behavior based on rational considerations derived from the information available to them. Both TRA and TPB include the construct of subjective norm, which is defined in terms of social influences, and suggest a framework for how these social norms of compliance, conformity, and identification may operate to influence behavior. Usually compliance or conformity pressure is largely irrational. For example, one highly visible domain of conformity is dress and attire, which has become a vehicle for creating a sense of group cohesion. However, conformity effect in determining the intention of adopting innovative technology products is seldom addressed. Adoption of innovative products like GPRS can be a mix of rational considerations and psychological perceptions. This study balances adoption motivations by adding the phenomenon of conformity to the research model to explore the factors which impact the adoption of mobile VAS of GPRS. The data from the survey was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Based on the analytical results from the research model, we draw conclusions and implications that could help operators to anticipate and predict customer intention to adopt GPRS, and offer insights that may facilitate the development of mobile VAS marketing strategies.[[note]]NSC99-2410-H327-03


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    [[abstract]]現今,網際網路已普及化,學生習慣從網際網路找尋自己所需資訊為大多數,然而學校圖書館網站提供多元資源及服務,讓學生不管何時、何地只要有網路都能使用,相當迅速及方便。 在圖書館網站建置前,大學圖書館在教學研究與學習上一直扮演著重要角色,隨著網站的建置興起,學校圖書館網站的建立已是學生基本吸取及學習新知的資料來源之一,也是能讓使用者在最短的時間內找到有用資訊獲得解答。資訊科技的發達及社會各種因素,雖帶給圖書館極大衝擊與挑戰,但目前台灣學校圖書館網站之建置,其規劃與內容都具有一定程度,對於學生的使用上的效果及自我學習上具重要影響,因此,本研究目的是針對台灣的大學部以上學生作為研究對象,使用學校圖書館網站的角度,檢視系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質、與自我導向學習等因素,對使用圖書館網站滿意度的影響為何。 本研究採用實體問卷調查法,回收有效問卷共287份,運用LISREL軟體進行數據統計分析,解析出學生對於學校圖書館網站系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質及自我導向學習之程度及影響滿意度程度之多寡。本研究結果發現,學生在使用學校圖書館網站上,以自我導向學習企圖之強弱與意志之高低者,對學生使用學校圖書館網站的影響程度最為顯著與重要


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    [[abstract]]近幾年來由於雲端運算的快速發展,以及行動網路的普及,為符合現今學生對於使用新資訊科技的特性,將雲端服務帶進校園,是政府和學校正在大力推動的項目。目前 許多學校開始與雲端服務供應商合作建置校園的雲端服務平台,然而學校如何讓雲端服務在學生之間被普遍的使用,便是在推行校園雲端時會面臨的問題。 本研究將分析學生在教學上使用雲端儲存應用服務之行為,透過文獻探討及發放網路問卷,以整合性科技接受模式及信任為基礎來探討影響學生在教學上使用雲端儲存應用服務因素為何? 研究結果發現,整合性科技接受模式中「預期績效」、「預期付出」、「社群影響」與「有利條件」對於學生在教學上使用雲端儲存應用服務意圖均有顯著的正向影響,而信任則較為不顯著。本研究結果將作為學校推行雲端服務之方向參考

    A Study on Detecting Small Shifts in Quality Levels with the Geometric Poisson Process Using EWMA Control Schemes

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    [[abstract]]指數加權移動平均(EWMA)管製法比傳統的3 個標準差管製圖更能及早發現微量的製程變異。如不能極早發現製程中微小而連續的品質變異,其結果是在發現製程品質變異之前,大量的缺陷品早己被量產出來了,其後果是生產成本的提昇與競爭力的喪失。但有效的EWMA 管製法需配合著,能正確地描述品質特性的機率分配。在製程管理,缺點數(defects)之分配常被假設為卜瓦松分配(Poisson distribution),例如較常見的製程缺點數管製圖(c chart)均以卜瓦松分配為基礎。然而當代的生產製造過程通常是非常的複雜,且加工步驟又多,例如晶圓(wafer)的製造,以卜瓦松分配為基礎的製程管制常會誤估了製程缺點數的平均數與變異數,故不能有效的控制製程的品質水準。通常這種情形應以複合卜瓦松過程(compound Poisson process)為基礎的製程管制方法才能提供適宜的製程品管。在眾多類型的複合卜瓦松分配的實務應用研究當中,大多是以Nayman』s Type A 分配為主。而指數卜瓦松分配(logarithmic Poisson)或幾何卜瓦松分配(geometric Poisson distribution)的例子卻極為有限,故本研究將以幾何卜瓦松在製程品管上之應用為重心,並建構出以幾何卜瓦松為基礎的指數加權移動平均管製法(geometric Poisson EWMA control schemes)為目的。要使用幾何卜瓦松EWMA 管製法需要尋找合適的管制參數,亦即找尋適切的 ARL,其困難度會比找尋3 個標準差的管制界限要來得困難。Brook and Evans 曾提出馬可夫鏈的遞移機率矩陣(transition probability matrix)來求算累積和管製圖所需之ARL,而該法亦可被應用到計算EWMA 管製法所需的ARL。Brook and Evans 的馬可夫鏈法除了可計算各種管製圖所需的ARL 外,更可計算RL 的高階動差,可讓吾人能更瞭解所得到的管制參數之優劣。故吾人可依據Brook and Evans 的馬可夫鏈方法,在製程品質特性符合幾何卜瓦松過程之基礎下,建構出幾何卜瓦松EWMA 管制計劃。藉由文中的範例說明,吾人可以累積和管製法來有效地且快速地偵測出幾何卜瓦松製程中微量的製程變異,以維護並提昇製程的品質水準。[[note]]NSC93-2416-H327-02

    Comparative Study of the Performance of the Cusum and Ewma Control Schemes in the Geometric Poisson Production Environment

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    [[abstract]]累積和(CUSUM)管製法與指數加權移動平均(EWMA)管製法比傳統的3 個標準差管製圖更能及早發現微量的製程變異,因該類管制方法能在很短時間內累積相關製程品質資訊,以偵測到製程平均的微量變化或移動。雖然CUSUM 管製圖和EWMA 管製圖個別都有相當成程度的發展與應用,例如兩類管製圖之經濟設計探討,但是這兩種管制圖之管制績效與表現,則較少被拿來相互比較。即便是有,在不同的情境下,有可能會有不同的結果。所以探討CUSUM 管製圖和EWMA 管製圖在那些考量因素或場合下,誰的偵測製程產生變異的能力較高,效率較佳,是有其必要。在製程管理,缺點數(defects)之分配常被假設為卜瓦松分配(Poisson distribution)。然而當代的生產製造過程通常是非常的複雜,且加工步驟又多,例如晶圓(wafer)的製造,以卜瓦松分配為基礎的製程管制常會誤估了製程缺點數的平均數與變異數,故不能有效的控制製程的品質水準。通常這種情形應以複合卜瓦松過程(compound Poisson process) 為基礎的製程管制方法才能提供適宜的製程品管。有鑑於此,本研究是針對複合卜瓦松家族中的幾何卜瓦松製程(geometric Poisson process)為研究重心。製程品質水準發出變異警示之前所需之觀測個數稱之為連串長度(run length, RL),而連串長度RL 的特性會受管製圖之管制參數以及支使製程品質水準之機率的影響。所以本研究應用Brook 和Evans 的馬可夫鏈方法,計算CUSUM 管製圖和EWMA 管製圖在幾何卜瓦松製程之RL 的 與 ,歸納製程管制參數相對應之 和 與CUSUM 和EWMA 管製圖之選用與實施的時機,並討論有效的CUSUM 與EWMA 在幾何卜瓦松製程之製程管制設計,以解決取捨使用CUSUM 管製圖或EWMA 管製圖的困擾。[[note]]NSC95-2416-H327-01

    Facing Competition through Innovation: the Role of Innovative Enablers and New Product/Service to Sustained Competitive Advantage

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    [[abstract]]在全球化的企業經營環境下,任何企業廠商均面臨一個更富於挑戰的企業經營環境,使得企業競爭日趨激烈。如何強化企業自身的競爭力,是任何企業經理人急於解決的問題,其中常見且最有效的解決之道是創新思維的營運策略,而其具體的實踐則為產品、服務、流程,乃至於組織的創新。例如當今世界零售業的巨擘德國的METRO與美國的Wal-Mart,利用RFID(射頻識別)技術,創新運用於供應鏈物流管理,以流程的創新創造出產品/服務附加價值,形成新興商業模式,並增加其競爭力。然而RFID技術出現至今超過60年,且網際網路在90年代中期即已出現,各企業廠商均面臨相同的營運環境與狀況,為何僅有少數的企業廠商如METRO與Wal-Mart能結合此資通訊科技(RFID與Internet),並且運用在其營運上。此例凸顯出縱使已存在可供利用的科技,具競爭力的創新產品、服務、與流程,仍不見的會自動地產生。不可諱言,其他非純資訊科技的因素在企業之創新思維營運上,亦扮演著非常重要的角色。企業的外部經營環境有政府的施政措施、國際與國內的法令規範、與國內外同業的競爭等外部因素,均會影響與刺激企業經營者之創新思維的營運策略。然而競爭策略大師Michael Porter(2001)的研究發現,沒有一個國家的環境或制度能讓所有產業都具競爭力,企業的競爭力也須是建立在有特色的生產要素上。所以企業自身的內部經營環境亦是創新思維營競爭力的因素,其中包含企業創新文化的孕育與企業經營者的領導力。同時,企業策略資源的擁有與創造是企業內部經營環境當中,影響創新思維營競爭力的另一重要因素。雖說創新思維的營運能增進企業組織的競爭力,但在文獻上對於實施方案(例如產品、服務、抑或是流程的創新)的選取評議,則較少提及。換句話說,企業經營者在決定採用創新思維的營運策略的同時,其選用創新方案或營運活動的激勵因素與所需的促動因子(enabler)鮮少論及。故本計劃擬將彌補此缺口,研討創新促動因子、創新營運活動與企業競爭力之間的關係,藉由相關的文獻探討、業界的焦點討論、深入的個案觀察與高階經理人訪談,以提出研究命題,並建構概化的研究模型,以供後續實證研究之用。[[abstract]]In contemporary business environment, enterprises are facing more severe competitions than ever. How to reinforce and improve enterprises’ competitiveness will be a main issue to managers. Among possible alternatives of competition improvement, the strategy of innovative operations is viewed as the most useful solution to gain the competitive advantage for any enterprise. Moreover, the implementation of innovation could be product, service, process, or even organizational structure innovations. For example, METRO and Wal-Mart improve their supply chain efficiency with radio frequency identification (RFID) and gain competitive edge with corresponding RFID-based process/service innovations. Facing the same technological environment how would only few enterprises like METRO and Wal-Malt gain competency through innovations? Obviously, competitive product, service, and process innovations won’t come into existence automatically to gain competitive advantages even though available technologies exist. In addition to technology factor, other non-technology factors would have great influences on organizational innovations. External environments or factors for business, such as government administrations/legislations, laws and regulations, and industrial competitions, would impact enterprises innovation for sustained competition advantages. However, favorable external factors can not contribute to the birth of innovation without other production resources within the enterprise. Thus, the internal environments/factors for business, including organizational culture, leadership, and information technology, are also important for enterprises innovation for sustained competition advantages. Since qualified innovation or novel idea is the key to compete with others, practitioners need to know what the driving forces are for an organization to foster innovative capability, and what the necessary new product/service development processes are needed to develop innovative products and services for competitions. These driving forces are categorized into three parts namely internal, external, and technological domains in this study. It is hypothesized that the three domains would have great impact in determining organization’s innovativeness and are viewed as the cornerstones for organizational innovativeness. Given these sound driving forces, the competitive advantage can be realized by developing innovative products and services which can edge over competitors in the long run. In this study, the innovative propositions for competition are induced from the multi-cases study. Further empirical study can be realized based on the propositions from the study.[[note]]NSC100-2410-H327-00


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    [[abstract]]面對全球競爭力的不斷提昇以及政府政策的推行,有愈來愈多的僑生回台求學,但絕大部份僑生都是來自東南亞僑居地,在面對經濟、學業與學校新生活、新環境的多重適應,來自不同僑居地的僑生對於適應和融入國內生活的情形,是很值得我們關切的。 而僑生在台求學期間,都是住在學校所提供的宿舍,所以宿舍的設備及管理作為對於僑生生活適應有著相當的影響力。本研究運用層級分析法決定僑生生活適應構面間的權重,以找出各項評估準則的權重比例。經研究發現僑生對於宿舍環境設備認為顯得稍微重要,而在宿舍的相關事宜,對僑生在心理適應上有著顯著的影響,研究結果根據相關數據資料提出具體建議,作為未來服務及輔導僑生相關單位的參考。 Faced with the continuous improvement of global competitiveness and the implementation of government policies, more and more overseas students come to study in Taiwan, but the vast majority of overseas Chinese come from Southeast Asian countries. In the face of economic, academic and school new life , The multiple adaptation of the new environment, and the situation of overseas Chinese living in different places of residence for adaptation and integration into the domestic life are of great concern to us. While overseas students in Taiwan study, are living in the dormitory provided by the school, so the dormitory equipment and management as a living Adaptation of overseas Chinese students have a considerable influence. In this study, the hierarchy analysis method is used to determine the weight of life adaptation facets of expatriates to find out the weight proportion of each evaluation criterion. The study found that expatriates for the dormitory environment equipment is considered to be slightly important, and in the dormitory related matters, the psychological adaptation of overseas students have a significant impact on the results based on relevant data to make specific recommendations as a future service and counseling for overseas Chinese students Related units of reference