32 research outputs found

    CT デ ジュツゼンシンダ ンエタ シキュウコウカンマクレッコウヘルニア ノ 1レイ

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    ロボット技術を用いた医工連携における適応型福祉機器の開発 : デジタルファブリケーションを用いたスケルトン型電動義手の開発

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    We discuss the development method of a simple myoelectric prosthetic hand by using the two type digital fabrication machines, which are a three dimensional printer and a laser cutting machine. The performance of both machines to developing the prosthetic hand is compared in terms of the difficulty of manufacturing and assembly, experimentally. Results demonstrated these digital fabrication capabilities of the prosthetic hand.We discuss the development method of a simple myoelectric prosthetic hand by using the two type digital fabrication machines, which are a three dimensional printer and a laser cutting machine. The performance of both machines to developing the prosthetic hand is compared in terms of the difficulty of manufacturing and assembly, experimentally. Results demonstrated these digital fabrication capabilities of the prosthetic hand

    On Some Properties of Nonpositively Curved Alexandrov Spaces

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    [[abstract]]本計劃的主要目的是研究下面的問題並由此問題 的解答了解亞力山大空間的幾何性質: 假設 (M,d) ,(N,d’) 分別為 Alexandrov 空間, 其中M 代表實數軸R, d與d’ 分別為M 與N 空間 上的距離函數。假設函數 f 為定義在實數軸的凸 函數,令距離函數 e代表由 d, d’ 與 f 所誘導的 距離函數。 一個很自然的問題是如果(M,d) 與(N,d’)同時為 非正的Alexandrov 空間,則由這二個空間所產生 的積空間當其距離函數為e’時是否仍為非正 Alexandrov 空間 ? Reshetnyak 教授提出一個類似的問題。假設 f (t ) = cos Kt 定義在一個閉區間 ] 2 , 2 [ K K I p p = - 上,並且假設(N,d’) 為一個 有上界K Alexandrov 空間,那麼空間I 與空間N的 積空間是否仍是一個有上界的Alexandrov 空間。[[abstract]]The purpose of this project is to investigate the following problems : Suppose that (M,d) and (N,d’) are Alexandrov spaces, where M is real line R, d and d’ are distance function on M and N respenctively. Let function f be a convex function define on real line. Let distance function e be induced from d, d’ and f. It is easy to define the meaning of induced metric from that of Riemannian manifolds. The precise definition of induced distance function will be investigated. The natural question one may ask is that if both (M.d) and (N,d’) are nonpositive Alexandrov spaces. Is their product space with distance function e still a nonpositive Alexandrov space ? A similar problem raised by Professor Reshetnyak is that suppose that f (t ) = cos Kt is define on the interval ] 2 , 2 [ K K I p p = - . Suppose that (N,d’) is Alexandrov space with curvature bounded above by K. Is their product space (I with N) still a space of curvature bounded from above

    Jacobi Fields on Alexandrov Spaces

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    [[abstract]]探討Jacobi場是黎曼流形上的重要課題,而且其本身在幾何與拓樸也有重要的應用。 我們證明Jacobi場的大小在Alexaddrov空間上不小於其相對的Jacobi場的大小在常曲率空間上。Alexaddrov空間是黎曼流形的推廣有重要的應用。[[abstract]]Jacobi fields is a main tropicsin the course of Riemannian Geometry. It also has many applications in Rimannian Geometry. Alexandrov Spaces is a natural generation of Riemannian manifolds. We prove theorems on Jacobi fieldson Alexandrov Spaces and discuss how it related to geodesic and their angles. Because Alexandrov spaces do not have differentiabl structure, So our methods is different from that of Riemannian manifolds. We use intrinsic means

    On the Convexity of Alexandrov Spaces

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    [[abstract]]本文主要是研究以下的猜測:假設(MxN,df),是依個具有非正曲率的亞力山大空間,則M和N必為兩個非正曲率空間而且f是凸函數。[[abstract]]The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the following conjecture:suppose that warped product space (MxN,df) is a non-postive curved Alexandrov space, then both M and N must be non-postive curved Alexandrov space and function f is convex

    On Some Geometric Inequalities on Spaces with Bounded Curvature

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    [[abstract]]A. D. Alexandrov 在 1950 年代首先距離幾何與廣義黎曼幾何.廣義黎曼流型與黎曼流型不同點是更廣義並且是用距離函數來定義不用座標.B. H. Bowditch 在他的文章做如下預測 :如果 R 是一個黎曼三角形區域在一個小於 一 的空間上; S 是在半球上的比較三角形, 並且 S 的周長小於兩倍圓周率並且 S 的邊 不同倫到一點,則 R 的面積不小於 四倍圓周率 減掉 S 的面積.計畫的主要目的研究這個幾何不等式憶測

    Photosynthesis of Rice as Affected by Soil Moisture Regime

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    本試驗目的在探討節省灌溉水之土壤水分管理 方法,對水稻根系及地上部植株生育之影響.以台 中189號(梗稻)及台中秈10號(秈稻)兩品種進行田間 及溫室栽培試驗,分別以0,0.02及0.04Mpa土壤水分張 力作為灌溉起點,並以自製之水分張力計進行監 控.試驗期間以白金電極及微細熱電偶收集土壤 還原電位及溫度變化資料,再以水分潛勢測定儀, 光合作用測定儀及氣孔導度測定儀了解水稻在不 同水分張力下,葉片水分潛勢,光合作用及氣孔導 度之變化.並以TTC法測定根活性,每次灌溉前利用 土壤穿刺阻力計測定土壤之穿刺阻力.本項試驗 第一期作於插秧後第14天,第二期作第7天開始處 理,兩期作處理皆持續至最高分蘗期結束.收穫時 調查產量及產量構成要素.本試驗結果,預期可瞭 解土壤水分狀態對水稻營養生長期葉片水分潛勢 ,土壤還原電位,土壤穿刺阻力,水稻根系活性,氣 孔導度,水稻分蘗及光合作用之影響,及其相互間 之關係,以及其對產量之影響

    研究速報 : 海水汚濁拡散防止膜の係留力

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