172 research outputs found

    A Study of Influences of Age Structure Change on the Economic Growth in Southeast Asia Countries

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    不同年龄段人口的经济行为具有异质性,少儿人口、劳动年龄人口和老年人口的生产行为、消费行为和储蓄行为等都存在很大差异。人口年龄结构变动必然会通过一系列中介变量来最终影响经济增长。一个国家或地区的人口年龄结构属于幼年型、成年型还是老年型,与这个国家的经济增长密切相关。二战后,暴增的人口给东南亚各国经济和社会发展造成很大阻碍,为了抑制激增的人口速度,从20世纪后半叶开始,东南亚各国相继推行人口政策,人口出生率急剧下降、劳动年龄人口比重逐渐增加、劳动力人口抚养负担不断减轻,陆续迎来了人口结构的“黄金时期”。目前,对东南亚国家人口年龄结构变动与经济增长的全面系统研究较少,特别是人口老龄化对经济增长影响方...Different age paragraph the behaviors of population have heterogeneity, children、working age and elderly population production behavior, consumer behavior and saving behaviour is a big difference. Population age structure changes will through a series of mediation variables to finally affect economic growth. A country or a region of the population age structure type belongs to the youth, adult or ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界经济学号:2552013015401

    Synthesis of Hierarchical Porous Nanomaterials and Their Application in Energy Storage

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    随着对电化学储能材料的深入研究,其尺度及形貌已成为影响及控制储能体系电化学性能的重要因素。低维功能纳米材料已经逐渐难以满足人们对高性能锂离子电池材料的需求。针对不同的储能体系,研究和开发具有优异性能的多级结构材料将是高性能电化学储能体系的重要发展方向。本论文围绕功能多级结构纳米材料及其在电化学储能系统中的应用开展研究,取得的主要结果如下: (1)采用非水体系油胺法制备了具有微/纳多级结构的橄榄石型LiMPO4@C(Fe,Mn)复合正极材料。控制LiMPO4@C复合材料一次颗粒尺寸Energy storage materials are being intensively studied in the past several decades. The size and morphology have a strong effect on the electrochemical performance of electrode materials. Low-dimensional functional nanomaterials have gradually difficult to meet the requirement for high-performance lithium-ion battery. Developing hierarchically structured electrode materials for various energy stor...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052012015350


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    Research on Vehicle Depreciation Loss Caused by Traffic Accident in Judicial Practice

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    随着我国经济快速发展,汽车制造业空前繁荣,汽车保有量逐年迅猛增加,曾为“奢侈品”象征的汽车也逐渐转变为平常的代步工具进入千家万户。汽车在给人们日常生活带来便利的同时,也直接引发了交通事故激增的负面效应。同时,伴随着我国公民权利意识的觉醒,广大车主的法律维权意识不断增强,在发生交通事故后,他们除了主张汽车修理费外还提出了索赔车辆贬值损失的要求,这样的案例在司法实践中屡见不鲜。然而,我国现行法律对于车辆贬值损失是否应予赔偿并无明确具体的条文规定,而且理论界对于车辆贬值损失的性质、是否应当予以赔偿及如何计算贬值数额等问题均存在完全对立的观点,导致司法实践中各地法院作出的裁判结果大相径庭,甚至截然相反...With high-speed development of our economy, the auto manufacturing has gained unprecedented prosperity, and it brings a rapid growth of car ownership. The car can be a type of ordinary transport used by every family, which is once a symbol of "luxury goods". People have good transport facilities by using automobile in daily life, but traffic accident has shot up. With people’s awakening to protect...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X201112007


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    A straw-tube-based drift detector is foreseen to cover the largest part of the tracking volume in the LHCb experiment. The various choices made in the development of the outer tracker are described. The outcome of ageing studies is summarised and results of beam tests are presented to illustrate the performance. (12 refs)


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    [[abstract]]運動彩券,簡稱運彩,是台灣合法授權的體育投注彩券,於2008年5月2日首次發行,法源依據為2009年7月公布實施的《運動彩券發行條例》。第一屆運動彩券經行政院體育委員會遴選發行機構,由台北富邦銀行擔任發行機構、運彩科技股份有限公司擔任經營受委託機構,第二屆由威剛科技取得經營權。2014年7月,台灣運彩截至6月30日累計銷售新台幣101億元,挹注政府的運彩盈餘超過新台幣10億元,作為體育運動發展基金及公益之用,發掘、培訓及照顧運動人才。 近年來透過發行運動彩劵募集體育相關經費,已成為各國政府採用的有效策略。我國運動彩券投注標的從原本只有3種運動項目,迄今增加到9種運動項目和多種聯盟賽事,玩法上已不斷創新和多樣化。本文將運彩投注標的及玩法介紹給讀者,希望藉此能讓更多的社會大眾都能輕鬆的分享運動賽事資訊以及運動彩券投注的服務,進而提高民眾購買意願募得更多體育運動發展基金及提供優秀運動員生涯轉型。[[notice]]補正完

    Analysis and Thinking on the Current Situation of the Higher Education in the Eastern and Western Part in the Background of Massification

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    通过对高等教育大众化背景下东西部高等教育发展状况的分析,探讨了造成高等教育区域发展失衡的历史原因以及这种失衡对目前我国进行大众化转型的影响,同时提出了利用高等教育规模扩张发挥多方面力量协调东西部高等教育发展的几点措施。By analyzing the current situation of the higher education in the eastern and western part in the background of massification,this paper discusses the historical reasons for regional imbalance between the eastern and western part and the influence on massification change in higher education.Meanwhile,this paper provides some suggestions about how to make use of higher education expansion to keep the balance between the eastern and western part of higher education.厦门大学“985工程”、“中国特色高等教育体系”项目的研究成果之