18 research outputs found

    Features of applying acupoints in clinic of Chengjiang School descendant CHEN Ying-long

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    澄江学派传人陈应龙先生是闽南近现代著名针灸医家,其在临床上注重穴位的选取与运用,强调经络是针灸的物质基础,而穴位是治疗疾病和保健的要枢。其临床取; 穴特色主要表现为:引经据典,精简取穴;注重经络,循经取穴;辨证施治,审因取穴;调理久病,轮流取穴。CHEN Ying-long, a descendant of the Chengjiang School, is a famous; modern acupuncture and moxibustion doctor in Minnan. He focuses on the; selection and application of acupuncture points, emphasizing the; meridian is the material basis of acupuncture, and believes that; acupuncture points is the pivot of disease treatment and health care.; The clinical characteristics of acupoints mainly include selecting the; acupoints according to classical literatures, selecting the acupoints; according to the channel, selecting the acupoints according to the; pathogenesis, and selecting acupoints according by turns

    Initial analysis on forbidden to apply moxibustion on Yinshi(ST 33)

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    历代许多医籍都将阴市穴定为禁灸的穴位,然临床上以艾灸阴市穴治疗疾病者并不少见。故文章在总结目前常见的禁灸原因基础上,就这一禁忌进行深入探讨,认为以热证禁灸,防止血管和神经损伤,防止感染,影响美观,孕妇的腹部和腰骶部不宜施灸,毛发丛生处不宜灸,古代医家误判、后人继承等说法不足以阐明阴市为何禁灸。最终得出“阴市禁灸“这一禁忌缺乏科学依据支撑的结论,临床上但灸“阴市“一穴无妨。Many medical books have deemed Yinshi(ST 33) as the moxibustion-prohibited-point in the past dynasties.However,moxibustion on Yinshi(ST 33) to treat diseases was not rare in the present clinical.So this paper made an indepth exploration on this taboo based on the summary of common reasons of moxibustion prohibited.It is thought that the heat syndrome was forbidden to apply moxibustion,in order to prevent vascular and nerve damage,infection and affect appearance.Abdomen and lumbosacral portion of pregnant woman and the body parts of hair growth were forbidden to apply moxibustion.The opinions as ancient physicians' misdiagnosis,inheritance of later generations and so on were not enough to clarify the reasons for making Yinshi(ST 33) as the moxibustion-prohibited-point.At last,the conclusion lacking a scientific basisas 'forbidden to apply moxibustion on Yin shi(ST 33)' was obtained,and there was no harmto apply moxibustion on Yinshi(ST 33)

    The Modern Research and Application of Pueraria Flower Liquor-Resolving Decoction

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    酒在社会生活中扮演了极其重要的角色,其中酗酒和酒精中毒者也随之增多,成为危害身体健康的一大因素。葛花解酲汤作为千古解酒名方之一,受到众多相关人士的重视,被加以广泛研究运用。本文探讨了葛花解酲汤目前的研究与应用现状,为今后的相关实验研究提供依据。Wine plays a very important role in social life.There has been a rise in excessive drinking and alcoholism,which is bad for health.Pueraria Flower Liquor-Resolving Decoction,as one of the most famous prescriptions of alleviating Hangover,is paid more attention to and widely studied by related people.In order to provide the basis for future related research,we discuss the current experiment and application situation of Pueraria Flower Liquor-Resolving Decoction in this paper

    Acupuncture clinical features of famous southern Fujian acupuncturist ZHANG Shui-sheng

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    张水生是福建针灸名家,通过整理其论文和医案,发现其针灸临床特色表现为:尊崇《黄帝内经》中对厥头痛的分经认识,以辨经论治为大法完善临床具体疗法;善; 用巨、缪刺法,主张虚实是巨刺法的辨证关键,脉象正常而体表血络的异常变化是缪刺(刺络)的辨证依据,两种刺法均强调得气;善治下肢深静脉血栓,常采用透; 穴深刺加温针灸辅以电针之法;善疗咳嗽,独创平刺走罐法;传承国学,养身保健,设计踏豆按摩法治疗失眠病和多汗病。Professor ZHANG Shui-sheng is one of acupuncture masters in Fujian. By; arranging his papers and medical records, his acupuncture clinical; features were summarized as follows. Attaching great importance to; meridian selection of headache treatment in The Inner Canon of Huangdi; and perfecting the specific treatment methods by the method of treatment; based on syndrome differentiation. He was good at using opposing; needling method and contralateral needling method, advocating that the; differentiation between deficiency and excess was the key of opposing; needling method, normal pulse and abnormal changes of blood vessels of; body surface was the basis of contralateral needling method (pricking),; both two kinds of acupuncture method emphasized arrival of qi. Professor; ZHANG was good at treating deep venous thrombosis by combining of deep; acupuncture points, warm acupuncture and electro-acupuncture; he was; also good at treating cough syndrome by original creation flat thorn; walking tank method. By inheriting the traditional Chinese learning and; paying attention to the regimen of health care, he designed the method; of step beans massage to treat insomnia and sweating disease


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    Discussion on the Participation of Infantile Massage in Community Health Care

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    小儿推拿具有取穴少、经济安全、操作简单、家长易学等优点,适合在社区中推广。本文就其参与社区卫生服务的方式、内容、优势、问题和解决方法等方面,对实现小儿推拿“家庭化“进行论述,认为小儿推拿参与社区卫生服务最理想的方式是实现其“家庭化“,且“家庭化“的建立将是医疗技术进入社区的重要措施,是家庭卫生服务中最具特色的形式之一。Infantile massage has many advantages,for example,less acupoint selection,economic,safe,simple operation and easy to learn.It's suitable for promoting in the community.From aspects of methods,details,advantages,problems and solutions of infantile massage participating in community health service,the paper discussed infantile massage "family oriented"and thought that achieving its "family oriented"was the best way of infantile massage participating in community health service.The building of its"family oriented"was the key of medical technology entering into the community,and was one of the most unique forms of the family health service


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    Present situation and development of acupuncture in the Netherlands

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    介绍针灸疗法在荷兰的发展历史、现状、针灸教育机构及协会、立法、应用等情况。针灸传入荷兰大约有400年,目前针灸在荷兰仅作为补充和替代医学之一,尚未通过国家立法;其发展以民间为主,缺乏正规的针灸医疗机构,教育机构也以私立为主;针灸虽未列入荷兰基本医疗保险范围,但作为保险公司提供的附加保险项目之一,其费用仍可得到部分报销。尽快建立正规的医疗机构,培养高素质的针灸师,促进国家对针灸的立法,将针灸纳入基础医疗保险范畴,是荷兰中医界目前亟待解决的问题。The development,present situation,educational institution and association,legislation and application of acupuncture therapy in the Netherlands are introduced.Acupuncture was introduced into the Netherlands about 400 years ago.At present,being one of the complementary and alternative medicine,acupuncture has not passed the national legislation yet.The nongovernmental source is given priority to the development of acupuncture and the educational institution is private.Even though acupuncture has not been listed in the basic medical insurance in the Netherlands,it becomes one of the additional items of the insurance company and its expenditure is reimbursed partially.The field of TCM in the Netherlands now is facing to the issues to be solved,including constructing the official medical institution,educating high-quality acupuncturists,promoting national legislation and adopting acupuncture into the basic medical insurance

    Experience of CHEN Yinglong treating common diseases in Fujian and Taiwan with acupuncture and medication

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    通过查阅陈应龙先生相关文献及《陈应龙先生海峡医话》一文,对陈应龙先生治疗闽台地区常见病,如便秘、癃闭、哮喘、癫狂、痹症、失眠、胸痹、小儿肥胖症及脸部雀斑等的经验进行归纳总结,发现陈老善于结合闽台地区气候特点,有的放矢以治疾,常针药并用,取穴精专。With literature of professor CHEN Yinglong such as Medical Notes of Doctor CHEN Yinglong for Taiwan Compatriots,the experience of doctor CHEN Yinglongtreating common diseases in Fujian and Taiwan is summarized.The diseases in the paper are constipation,retention of urine,asthma,vecordia,bi syndrome,insomnia,thoracic obstruction,pediatric obesity and freckle of face,etc.It is discovered that professor CHEN Yinglongtreated diseases with combination of acupuncture and medication and accurate acupoints according to the feature of climate in Fujian and Taiwan.福建省卫生厅课题项目:wzrk20130


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