165 research outputs found

    Konfucijansko učenje in pismenost v japonskih šolah obdobja Edo

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    With the political stability, economic growth and cultural revitalisation of Japan after its unification by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the educational infrastructure also grew to meet new literacy demands. Governmental schools endowed by the shogunate (Shōheikō) and by the domains (hankō), which catered to the upper military class of the samurai, focused on classical Chinese studies, particularly the Neo-Confucian canon taught in kanbun, a style of classical Chinese. Given the prestige of Neo-Confucian Chinese learning and of the kanbun writing style, these were taught also in temple schools (terakoya) and private academies (juku) that were open to the lower classes, thus contributing to the spread of this particular type of literacy. However, Chinese learning in these schools often involved memorising rather than reading, both because of educational traditions and socio-ideological factors, and also because of the sheer difficulty of reading kanbun, a de facto foreign language. The present article investigates the contrasting implications of Neo-Confucian learning and of the kanbun writing style for the development of education and literacy in Japanese society: while the prestige of Chinese learning contributed to the demand for and development of educational facilities, its complexity also acted as an obstacle to the development of widespread functional literacy.Potem ko je Tokugawa Ieyasu združil Japonsko, se je s politično stabilnostjo, gospodarsko rastjo in kulturnim preporodom ter zaradi rastoče potrebe po pismenosti razvila tudi izobraževalna infrastruktura. V šolah pod okriljem šogunata (Shōheikō) in provinc (hankō), kjer so se izobraževali samuraji, so poudarjali študij kitajskih klasikov, zlasti neokonfucijanskega kanona zapisanega v slogu kanbun, tj. vrsti klasične kitajščine. Zaradi velikega ugleda tako neokonfucijanskih kitajskih študij kot tudi pisnega sloga kanbun so se te vsebine učile tudi v šolah pod okriljem templjev (terakoya) in zasebnih šolah (juku), ki so bile dostopne nižjim družbenim slojem. To je prispevalo k širjenju te vrste pismenosti, toda učenje kitajskih vsebin v teh šolah je pogosto potekalo v obliki pomnjenja na pamet bolj kot branja in razumevanja, tako zaradi družbeno-ideoloških dejavnikov in japonske vzgojne tradicije, kot tudi zaradi težavnosti branja sloga kanbun, ki je bil dejansko tuj jezik. Članek obravnava nasprotujoča si vpliva neokonfucijanskega učenja in uporabe pisnega sloga kanbun na razvoj izobraževanja in pismenosti v Japonski družbi: po eni strani je ugled kitajske učenosti prispeval k povpraševanju po izobraževalnih ustanovah in k njihovemu razvoju, po drugi pa je kompleksnost tega sloga in sistema pisanja delovala kot ovira k razvoju splošne funkcijske pismenosti

    Effect of low load combustion and emissions on fuel dilution in lubricating oil and deposit formation of DI diesel engines fueled by straight rapeseed oil

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    The objective of this study is to apply neat biomass fuel to a DI diesel engine and investigate the effect of in-cylinder gas flow and combustion on the deposit formation and the fuel dilution in lubricating oil. The study focuses on the low load combustion and emissions considering that low load exhaust contain much unburned fuels and the unburned fuels are the source of the deposit formation and the fuel dilution. Piston configuration and swirl velocity were altered in the engine test. The engine was fueled by neat rapeseed oil. The test was carried out through the four hours continuous engine operation with keeping low load. After the operation, state of deposit formation and fuel dilution in lubricating oil were investigated. Results indicate that Re-entrant piston which creates strong reverse squish and high swirl forms the deposit annular on the piston top. Toroidal piston easily produces deposit on the undersurface of cylinder head. The deposit in the cavity accumulates where initial rapeseed oil spray impinges regardless of piston types. The carbonization of the deposit is promoted on the wall surface where the burned gas with high temperature and high velocity comes into contact. It is important to avoid extremely strong reverse squish to the cylinder liner in order to control the fuel dilution. The deep-bowl chamber changes the direction of reverse squish from the cylinder liner direction to the cylinder head direction. The low velocity outflow from the piston cavity reduces the adhesion of unburned fuel on the cylinder liner, resulting in the smaller amount of unburned fuel scraped off by a piston ring

    The Japanese-Slovene dictionary jaSlo: its development, enhancement and use

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    The Japanese-Slovene dictionary jaSlo: its development, enhancement and useThe paper presents the on-line Japanese-Slovene dictionary jaSlo, in particular the ways in which it has been used, and how it has been extended with examples mined from a parallel corpus. The paper first describes jaSlo and the structure of its dictionary entry, its Web interface for searching, and an analysis of the access logs. The use of jaSlo in the context of the Japanese reading-support tool Reading Tutor is described next, again followed by an analysis of the access logs. Also discussed is the manner in which usage examples were added to the dictionary, and an evaluation of their usefulness. The paper concludes with directions for further work


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    University of Ljubljana / National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics会議名: 言語資源活用ワークショップ2019, 開催地: 国立国語研究所, 会期: 2019年9月2日−4日, 主催: 国立国語研究所 コーパス開発センター非漢字圏日本語学習者が日本語を読む際、読めない漢字や分からない言葉を辞書で調べるのに相当な時間を費やすが、学習者がどんな辞書をどのように使い、そこでどんな工夫と困難点がみられるかを探るために、国立国語研究所で開発中の「日本語非母語話者の読解コーパス」に収録されたデータの一部を、辞書使用という観点から分析した。このコーパスのデータは、日本語学習者が普段使っている辞書などのツールを使いながら各自が選んだ文章を読み、理解したことを母語で話す場面を録音(一部録画)、文字化したデータである。調査対象はヨーロッパ各地の大学で日本語を習っている初級から上級までの学習者29名のデータである。分析の結果、辞書選びの段階から、検索を実行し、得られた情報を文脈へ適用する段階まで様々な工夫と困難点がみられたが、より効果的な辞書使用の指導に向けた辞書使用分析の枠組みとデータアノテーションについて述べる

    Meralgia paresthetica caused by entrapment of the lateral femoral subcutaneous nerve at the fascia lata of the thigh : a case report and literature review

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    Meralgia paresthetica (MP) causes tingling, stinging or a burning sensation in the anterolateral part of the thigh, usually as a result of entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) at the inguinal ligament (IL) due to mechanical or iatrogenic injury. However, there are few reports on MP caused by entrapment of the LFCN at a more distal site from the IL. We report here a rare case of MP caused by entrapment of the LFCN at the fascia lata of the thigh level. A 23-year-old man felt numbness and sharp pain at the anterolateral aspects of both thighs soon after direct repair surgery for L5 isthmic spondylolisthesis. Although his symptoms were relieved a few days later, numbness and sharp pain in the right thigh recurred 6 months after the surgery. A diagnosis of MP was made, and decompression of the LFCN was performed because conservative treatment for MP was inadequate. Intraoperatively, it was noted that the LFCN was entrapped underneath the fascia lata of the thigh, not at the IL level. His symptoms disappeared after LFCN was released. This case demonstrates that it is necessary to consider the possibility of entrapment of the LFCN at the fascia lata at the thigh level in MP