146 research outputs found

    Mathematical modeling of drinking water availability in Kharkiv region (Ukraine) at different dynamics of global climate warming

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    Water purity and availability determines health and life quality of humans, biodiversity and existence of plants and animals. The results of global climate change have been registered all over the world as progressive warming with fast heat waves, accelerated glacier ice melting, variations in the global ocean streams and heat balance, droughts and lack of drinking water, damage to plants and animals. Mathematical modeling of the water exchange in local ecosystems is a very important constituent of detailed analysis of different scenarios of water availability at various trends in the weather change. The work is aimed at mathematical modelling of water balance in an urban ecosystem accounting for global climate changes. A brief review of the models is presented, and a synthetic model for the water balance on the urban territory of Kharkiv city (Ukraine) based on the statistical dependencies, compartmental system dynamics approach and hydrological equation with probabilistic description of the input parameters is developed. The monthly and year averaged temperature and precipitation curves, time series on downpours, droughts and storms over the Kharkiv region and Kharkiv city during 1908−2012 years were collected from the open databases and analyzed. Gradual increase in the annual temperature was confirmed. Different scenarios of the regional development (population growth and industry development with increased water demands) and weather changes were tested, and availability of water has been estimated. It was established by numerical simulations, the water insufficiency in the region in 2040 could reach 10−17 % if the mean annual air temperature increases in 0.5−2.5 °T. This will cause damage for plants, animals, and human health. The obtained results are important for decision making by official planning authorities and regional administratio

    Математичне моделювання впливу шквального вітру на технічні та рослинні структури на урбанізованих територіях

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    Stormy events in recent years have shown that the destructive effects of wind on urban technical structures and plants pose a special threat. The paper provides an overview of mathematical models and approaches to experimental and theoretical studies of the problems associated with the effects of wind gusts and tornadoes on urban areas. Computer simulations of wind action on standard multistorey buildings in Ukraine are given. The coefficients of normal and shear components of forces and moments of forces acting on the surface of buildings, as well as vortex tracks over the residential complex at different wind speeds from moderate to severe have been computed. The calculations were performed by the finite element method using the model of turbulent air flow in the package AnSys2020. It is shown how with the help of a slight change in shape (roofs, additional passages, shields) the destructive effects of wind on the buildings and plants, as well as the threat to human life can be reduced. Pages of the article in the issue: 39 - 45 Language of the article: UkrainianШтормові події остатніх років показали, що особливу загрозу складає руйнівний вплив вітру на міські технічні споруди та рослині насадження. В доній роботі наведений огляд математичних моделей і підходів до експериментального і теоретичного дослідження проблем, пов’язаних з впливом шквального вітру і торнадо на урбанізованих територій. Наведені комп’ютерні симуляції вітрової дії на стандартні багатоповерхівки мікрорайонів України. Обчислені коефіцієнти нормальних та зсувних компонент сил і моментів сил, які діють на поверхні будинків, а також вихрові сліди та території мікрорайонів при різних швидкостях вітру від помірних до шквальних. Розрахунки проведені методом скінчених елементів з використанням моделі турбулентної течії повітря в пакеті AnSys2020. Показано, як за допомогою незначної зміни форми (дахи, додаткові проходи, щити) можна зменшити руйнівний вплив вітру на будинки і загрозу життю людей

    Bibliometric Analysis of Urban Runoff Study with help of Google Scholar

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    The paper discuses the dynamics of research frontiers on urban runoff problems. The outbursts of digitized and indexed Google Scholar publications on the subject under study happened in the 1960s-1970s and in 1994-199

    Classification of current anticancer immunotherapies

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    © 2014. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.During the past decades, anticancer immunotherapy has evolved from a promising therapeutic option to a robust clinical reality. Many immunotherapeutic regimens are now approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency for use in cancer patients, and many others are being investigated as standalone therapeutic interventions or combined with conventional treatments in clinical studies. Immunotherapies may be subdivided into "passive" and "active" based on their ability to engage the host immune system against cancer. Since the anticancer activity of most passive immunotherapeutics (including tumor-targeting monoclonal antibodies) also relies on the host immune system, this classification does not properly reflect the complexity of the drug-host-tumor interaction. Alternatively, anticancer immunotherapeutics can be classified according to their antigen specificity. While some immunotherapies specifically target one (or a few) defined tumor-associated antigen(s), others operate in a relatively non-specific manner and boost natural or therapy-elicited anticancer immune responses of unknown and often broad specificity. Here, we propose a critical, integrated classification of anticancer immunotherapies and discuss the clinical relevance of these approaches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Імовірнісні моделі менеджменту водними ресурсами на урбанізованих територіях

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    Gradual global climate change poses new challenges to the mathematical sciences, which are related to forecasting of meteorological conditions, preparing the infrastructure for possible rains, storms, droughts, and other climatic disasters. One of the most common approaches is synthetic regression-probability models, which use the spatio-temporal probability density functions of precipitation level. This approach is applied to the statistics of precipitation in the Kharkiv region, which shows the tendency to a gradual increase in air temperature, high indices of basic water stress, indices of drought and riverside flood threats. Open data on temperature distributions and precipitation were processed using various probability statistics. It is shown that the lognormal distribution most accurately describes the measurement data and allows making more accurate prognoses. Estimates of drought and flood probabilities in Kharkiv region under different scenarios of climate change dynamics have been carried out. The results of the study can be used for management of water resources on urban territories at global climate warming. Pages of the article in the issue: 22 - 27 Language of the article: Ukrainian Поступові глобальні зміни клімату ставлять перед математичними науками нові задачі, які пов’язані з прогнозуванням метеорологічних умов, підготовкою інфраструктури до можливих злив, штормів, посух та ін. несприятливих подій. Одними з найбільш поширених підходів є синтетичні регресійно-імовірнісні моделі, які використовують просторово-часові функції густини імовірності опадів. В роботі такий підхід застосований до статистичних даних кількості опадів в Харківській області, яка показує тенденції до поступового підвищення температури повітря, високі індекси водного стресу, індекси загроз посух і повеней. Відкриті дані о розподілах температур і кількості опадів оброблено за допомогою різних імовірнісних статистик. Показано, що логнормальний розподіл найбільш точно відповідає даним вимірювань і дозволяє робити точніші прогнози. Проведені оцінки ймовірностей посух і повеней в Харківській області при різних сценаріях динаміки змін клімату. Результати дослідження можуть використатися для менеджменту водними ресурсами на урбанізованих територіях за умов потеплення клімату

    Wave scattering from encapsulated microbubbles subject to high-frequency ultrasound: Contribution of higher-order scattering modes

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    The theoretical understanding of encapsulated microbubble response to high-frequency ultrasound (HFUS) excitation is still limited although some novel experimental HFUS contrast imaging techniques have been well developed. In this paper, the higher-order modal (HOM) contributions to the scattered field are studied for such microbubbles driven by 1–100 MHz ultrasound. An exact solution of all small-amplitude vibrational modes of a single encapsulated microbubble in water is given by the wave scattering theory (WST) method and compared to results obtained from Church’s Rayleigh–Plesset-like model for the small-amplitude radial oscillation of a microbubble in an incompressible fluid. From numerical results, we show that the HOM field contribution is significant for scattering properties from individual Nycomed microbubbles with normalized frequency ≥0.2. It is also shown that the multiple scattering is strengthened for monodispersed Definity® microbubbles of 3 μm radius at frequencies >40 MHz. However, comparisons between the authors’ analyses and known experimental data for polydispersed Definity® microbubbles indicate that the HOM contributions are insignificant in attenuation estimation at frequencies <50 MHz. In conclusion, the WST model analysis suggests that HOM scattering is an important consideration for single bubbles but may be less critical in the modeling of polydispersed Definity® bubbles at high frequencies