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    Abstrak Daun kering adalah sampah yang paling banyak dihasilkan dibandingkan sampah lain dalam kegiatan perkuliahan. Salah satu metode yang efektif untuk menghindari potensi masalah yang disebabkan oleh timbunan sampah organik yaitu dengan proses pengomposan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh kadar air dan ukuran bahan pada proses pengomposan dan menentukan kadar air optimum dan ukuran bahan optimum untuk kompos. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada skala laboratorium selama 30 hari dan proses pengomposan dilakukan dengan metode Takakura. Variasi kadar air yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 40%, 50%, dan 60%. Variasi ukuran bahan yang digunakan adalah 1 cm, 1,5 cm, 2 cm. Mol tetes tebu difermentasi sebelum digunakan sebagai aktivator kompos. Studi pendahuluan dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik bahan baku kompos dan mol tetes tebu. Kadar air, suhu, dan pH diukur setiap hari. CNPK diuji di awal dan di akhir proses pengomposan. Uji toksisitas dilakukan untuk mengetahui bakteri patogen yang terkandung dalam kompos matang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar air optimum adalah 60% dan ukuran bahan optimum adalah 1 cm. Variasi optimum tersebut ditentukan dari skoring. Variasi tersebut memiliki rasio C/N sebesar 16,531%, kandungan C-organik 29,773%, kandungan N-Total 1,801%, kandungan P-Total 0,112% dan K-Total 2,536%, dan nilai GI 109,6%. Uji Total coli sebesar 24 MPN/gram menunjukkan bahwa dari penelitian ini kompos telah matang dan bebas dari bakteri pathogen. Kata Kunci: Kompos; Activator; Kadar Air; Sampah daun; Uji Toksisitas. Abstract [The Effect of water content and material size on Organic Waste Composting at TPST Diponegoro University with Takakura Method]. Dried leaves are the most substantial waste compared to another type of waste at college activities. One effective method to avoid any potential problem caused by excessive amount of organic waste is composting. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of moisture content and material size on composting process and to determine the optimum moisture content and material size for composting. This study was conducted on laboratory scale for 30 days and composting process was implemented using the takakura method. Various moisture contents used in this study were 40%, 50%, and 60%. The material size has variety from 1 cm, 1,5 cm, and 2 cm. Molasses is fermented before it is used as a compost activator. Preliminary study conducted to observe the characteristic of raw materials of the compost and the molasses. Moisture content, temperature, and pH were measured daily. CNPK had been tested in the beginning and in the end of composting process. Toxicity test was performed to measure pathogenic bacterias contained in mature compost. The results showed that the optimum moisture content was 60% and the optimum material size was 1 cm. The optimum variables are determined by scoring. The optimum variables has the value of C/N ratio which is 16,531% at K1-60, Total-N which is 1,801% at K1-60, Total-P which is 0,112% at K1-60, Total-K which is 2,536% at K1-60, and GI value which is 109,6% at K1-60. The value of total coli test showed 24 MPN/gram which pointed that the mature compost had been produced from this research and free from pathogenic bacteria. Keywords: Compost; Activator; Water content; Died leave; Toxicity Tes

    Quality Assurance and other Marketing Management Elements as Key Success Factors for Entering a New Market: a Case Presentation of Functional Food Market in Indonesia

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    Based on its distinctive profiles functional-food (FF) can be considered as a mixture of food and pharmaceutical items. Apparently, these different characteristics that exist beyond conventional food products contribute success of the commercialization of new innovative FFs. Therefore, assumption can be made by arguing that for the marketing a FF a distinctive marketing-strategic beyond the one usually used for the conventional food products must be employed. This study was pursued with the main aims to understand the consumers psychological factors and to find out elements important to setting up the marketing strategy. These two findings will be then used as basis for designing a distinctive marketing strategy for a FF. We found that consumers psychological set varied across different sample groups. Therefore, segmentation plays a significant role. Due to the fact that most of the consumers had a medium to high involvement level, communication strategy becomes a salient means for the marketing of FFs. According to the respondents some important extrinsic/intrinsic quality based elements of FF can be generally incorporated into the communication platforms for FF. From the industrys point of view this study showed that internal organizational and management, market attractiveness and trade capability are the most important elements supporting a firm in developing a new innovative FF in Indonesia.product quality, communication, segmentation, key success factors for market entry, functional food in Indonesia., Financial Economics, International Relations/Trade,

    Building Consumers Trust through Persuasive Interpersonal Communication in a Saturated Market: The Role of Market Mavens

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    This study has aims i.e. (1) to investigate the role of inherent personal knowledge in affecting trust, (2) to investigate whether mavens play a role in improving recipients knowledge level and trust. We have conducted a study, which involved a total of 134 students as respondents. Correlation between subjective knowledge and trust achieved a medium level, while objective knowledge related to trust at a very low level. Trust in the low-maven-group is the lowest in comparison with the medium- and high- mavens. This study indicates that there are different results in terms of effects of information provided by three different maven groups.Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Marketing,


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi dan menganalisis kemampuan cairan ionik 1-benzil-3-metil-benzotriazolium asetat dan 1-benzil-3-metil-benzimidazolium asetat sebagai bahan perekat bambu laminar dan mengevaluasi dan menganalisis produksi bahan perekat tersebut dari dua perspektif, yaitu analisis teknik dan evaluasi ekonomi. Penelitian dilakukan berbasis studi literatur menggunakan data sekunder dan pemodelan; dan analisis teknoekonomi. Studi literatur dilakukan dengan metode narrative review terhadap 50 artikel jurnal rujukan. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan menggunakan software “Chemaxon” untuk mendapatkan perhitungan halangan sterik, dan polarisabilitas dari cairan ionik 1-benzil-3-metil-benzotriazolium asetat dan 1-benzil-3-metil-benzimidazolium asetat. Analisis teknoekonomi dilakukan dengan analisis process flow diagram dan perhitungan ekonomi seperti gross profit margin, payback period, dan net present value, dan beberapa simulasi berbagai keadaan produksi. Dari hasil studi literatur, diprediksi bahwa 1-benzil-3-metil-benzimidazolium asetat dapat melarutkan selulosa dan menjadi bahan perekat yang lebih baik daripada 1-n-butil-3-metilimidazolium. Cairan ionik 1-benzil-3-metil-benzotriazolium asetat diprediksi memiliki kemampuan perekatan yang tidak sebaik bahan perekat berbasis 1-benzil-3-metil-benzimidazolium asetat. Hasil studi literatur lainnya adalah kondisi optimum perbandingan massa komposisi bahan perekat yaitu cairan ionik : d-glukosa : air adalah 9 : 3 : 2 dan curing menggunakan metode hot pressing pada 180°C dengan tekanan 2,9 MPa dan waktu 60 menit. Analisis teknoekonomi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan cairan ionik 1-benzil-3-metil-benzimidazolium asetat lebih profitable daripada 1-benzil-3-metil-benzotiazolium asetat. Dilihat dari perspektif ekonomi dan kimia, perekat berbasis cairan ionik 1-benzil-3-metil benzimidazolium asetat dinilai lebih menguntungkan karena lebih profitable dan performa perekatannya yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan 1-benzil-3-metil benzotriazolium asetat. Studi lebih lanjut dan eksperimen harus dilakukan untuk mengonfirmasi hasil-hasil analisis ini. Studi ini dapat menjadi landasan dasar pengembangan perekat berbasis cairan ionik. Kata kunci: bahan perekat, perekat bambu laminar, cairan ionik, studi literatur, dan evaluasi ekonomi ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the ability of 1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzotriazolium acetate and 1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzimidazolium acetate as a laminar bamboo adhesive and evaluate and analyze the production of the adhesive from two perspectives, namely technical analysis and economic evaluation. The study was conducted based on literature studies using secondary data and modeling; and technoeconomic analysis. Literature study was conducted using the narrative review method of 50 referral journal articles. Modeling is done by using the software "Chemaxon" to get the calculation of steric hindrance, and polarisability of 1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzotriazolium acetate and 1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzimidazolium acetate liquid. Technoeconomic analysis is done by analyzing process flow diagrams and economic calculations such as gross profit margin, payback period, and net present value, and some simulations of various production conditions. From the results of literature studies, it is predicted that 1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzimidazolium acetate can dissolve cellulose and become a better adhesive than 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium. I-1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzotriazolium acetate liquid is predicted to have adhesion ability that is not as good as 1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzimidazolium acetate based adhesives. The results of other literature studies are the optimum conditions for mass comparison of the composition of the adhesive material namely ionic liquid: d-glucose: water is 9: 3: 2 and curing using the hot pressing method at 180°C with a pressure of 2.9 MPa and a time of 60 minutes. Technoeconomic analysis shows that the use of 1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzimidazolium acetate ionic liquid is more profitable than 1-benzyl-3-methyl-benzotiazolium acetate. Viewed from an economic and chemical perspective, 1-benzyl-3-methyl benzimidazolium acetate ionic liquid adhesives are considered more profitable because they are more profitable and have better adhesion performance compared to 1-benzyl-3-methyl benzotriazolium acetate. Further studies and experiments must be carried out to confirm the results of this analysis. This study can be the basis for the development of ionic liquid based adhesives


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa program studi kependidikan. Mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran di sekolah atau lembaga, dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan atau kependidikan. Selain itu mata kuliah ini juga memiliki manfaat untuk melatih mahasiswa dalam penyusunan administrasi guru. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Depok yang beralamat di Ringroad Utara Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman yang merupakan salah satu sekolah kejuruan berbasis bisnis dan manajemen. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran dikelas, program kegiatan paraktek mengajar dikelas meliputi persiapan perangkat dan media pembelajaran serta pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Perangkat pembelajaran meliputi pembuatan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), materi dan media untuk mengajar. Selain itu juga membuat beberapa komponen dalam administrasi guru. Sedangkan proses pembelajaraan meliputi penyampaian materi mengajar dan evaluasi hasil pembelajaran. Semua rancangan kegiatan tersebut sebelumnya telah dikonsultasikan kepada guru pembimbing. Hal tersebut dilakukan sebagai upaya pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa, agar mengetahui proses pembelajaran dikelas dan mampu menyiapkan administrasi-administrasi yang harus di siapkan ketika menjadi guru. Pelaksanaan program PPL di SMK Negeri 1 Depok berjalan dengan lancar, meskipun ada beberapa hambatan namun bisa terlewati dengan baik. Program PPL sangat bermanfaat dalam memberikan bekal pengalaman bagi mahasiswa keguruan sekaligus sebagai latihan sebelum nantinya terjun ke dunia pendidikan sebagai tenaga pengajar dan melakukan tugasnya secara nyata

    Digital Economy and Financial Inclusion

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    The digital economy is quickly creating worldwide as the bigger of development, rivakry, and development. Despite the fact that numerous individuals have been rejected, huge open doors are accessible for the digital to help budgetary incorporation for maintainable financial improvement. Financial inclusion is conveying the financial administration to the more fragile and low salary area of society the goal that an ever increasing number of individuals can use the financial administration. We have seen little however noteworthy advances being taken by the administration, towards computerized strengthening of the individuals

    Development of test instruments to measure high level thinking ability of two linear variable equations system

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    This study aims to develop a test instrument to measure the high-level thinking ability of the two-variable linear equation system material. This research is a Research and Development using the ADDIE development model consisting of steps of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The test subjects in this study were students of class VIII of SMP Negeri 3 Payung. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets and documentation. Data collection techniques through expert judgment and tests. This research has succeeded in developing a test instrument to measure the high-level thinking ability of two-variable linear equations system material. The test developed consists of 10 multiple choice items and 5 description items that have been declared valid by expert judgment. The trial results show from the difficulty index analysis of multiple-choice questions was obtained as much as 1 item in the easy category, 9 questions in the moderate category, the analysis of the difficulty index for the essay obtained by 2 items in the medium category, 3 questions in the difficult category. In the analysis of discriminant index of multiple-choice questions, there were 1 question in the bad category, 3 questions with enough categories, and 6 questions in the good category. In the analysis of the difference in power, 2 questions were categorized as bad, 1 question was categorized as sufficient, 2 questions were categorized as good. Based on the analysis of the function of the distractor, it was found that 1 question was not functioning properly, 9 questions were functioning properly. Finally, from the reliability analysis, it was obtained 0.73 for multiple choice questions and 0.716 for essay questions with high reliability interpretation

    Pengaruh Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Manufaktur Di Indonesia

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    The study was conducted to determine the effect of disclosure of social responsibility for the performance of manufacturing companies in Indonesia. Sample used is a manufacturing company in Indonesia which is listed on the Indonesia stock food and beverage sector until 2008-2010 period. Sample determination techniques used nonprobability sampling method is purposive sampling techniques to sample as many as nine companies. Hypothesis testing methods used simple regression analysis method with the results of testing the hypothesis is rejected which means the disclosure of social responsibility does not affect the performance of manufacturing firms. The result of this study is expected to be useful as a reference for future studies


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    Pendidikan kewarganegaraan merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang menjadi leading sector dalam pengembangan karakter siswa. Namun secara umum, pada kenyataannya mata pelajaran PKn belum maksimal dalam menjalankan peran tersebut karena proses yang terjadi pada pembelajaran PKn masih berorientasi pada pencapaian kognitif saja. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu dilakukannya modifikasi dalam pembelajaran PKn, salah satunya dengan penguatan pendidikan karakter di dalamnya. Pada SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Lahat, terlihat bahwa pada mata pelajaran PKn, guru telah mencoba untuk melakukan penguatan pendidikan karakter di dalamnya dengan bekal dari pelatihan-pelatihan pendidikan karakter yang didapatkan. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mencoba untuk mengkaji secara mendalam informasi mengenai penguatan pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran PKn di sekolah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan dilengkapi dengan data angket yang dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah penguatan pendidikan karakter pada tahap perencanaan pembelajaran PKn di SMA Negeri 4 Lahat telah dilakukan dengan baik, meskipun ada beberapa komponen yang harus lebih dikembangkan, yaitu perencanaan dalam pengembangan materi dan teknik evaluasi. Selanjutnya pada tahap pelaksanaan, secara umum guru telah melakukan dengan baik. Materi, metode, media,dan sumber belajar yang digunakan telah beragam dan mampu mendukung pembelajaran berkarakter. Sedangkan untuk tahap evaluasi guru masih harus melakukan modifikasi dengan menggunakan teknik penilaian yang lebih beragam. Selanjutnya, berhubungan dengan hambatan yang dialami terdapat dua macam, yaitu hambatan yang berasal dari dalam dan luar kelas. Sedangkan sikap tanggung jawab siswa telah nampak ketika proses pembelajaran berlangsung di kelas dan juga terlihat dalam kegiatan-kegiatan di luar kelas. Civic education is one of the subjects that became the leading sector in the development of student character . But in general , in fact, subject of Civics is not maximum in running that role because the processes that occur in Civics learning still oriented on cognitive achievement only. To overcome that problem, modifications need to be done in a Civics learning, one of them is by the strengthening of character education in it. At Senior High School Number 4 Lahat, it appears that in Civics subject, teachers have tried to strengthen the character education in it with the capital of character education trainings which are obtained. Therefore, researcher is trying to study in depth information regarding to the strengthening of character education in Civics learning in that school. This study used a qualitative approachment with the method of case study. The data were collected through interview, observation, documentation, and equipped with questionnaire data described qualitatively. The findings in this study is the strengthening of character education in the planning stages of Civics learning in Senior High School Number 4 Lahat has been done well, although there are some components that have to be developed, that is the planning in material development and evaluation technique. Furthermore, at the implementation phase, teachers generally have done well. The materials, methods, media, and learning resources that are used have been diverse and able to support the character learning. On the other hand, for the evaluation phase, teachers still have to make modifications by using a wider range of assessment techniques. Furthermore, dealing with the obstacles experienced by teachers, there are two kinds of obstacles originating from inside and outside the classroom. While the attitude of the student's responsibility was apparent when the learning process takes place in the classroom and also seen in activities outside the classroo
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