400 research outputs found

    Sprawozdanie z odbywających się co dwa lata konferencji Towarzystwa Badań nad Rozwojem Dziecka, 7-10 kwietnia 2005 r.

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    Tegoroczny zjazd naukowy – 2005 Biennial Meeting organizowany przez Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) odbył się w dniach 7–10 kwietnia w Atlancie w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Konferencja podejmowała problematykę szeroko rozumianego rozwoju dzieci i młodzieży. W ramach zaplanowanych sesji przedstawionych zostało ponad 2600 prac w formie plakatów i ustnych wystąpień autorstwa specjalistów z całego świata. Kolejne spotkanie odbędzie się na przełomie marca i kwietnia 2007 r. w Bostonie

    Hvilke faktorer har størst påvirkning på studentenes kjøpsvilje ift. klesplagg?

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    The thesis investigates the factors that drive or inhibit students in Norway from buying sustainable apparel. It highlights the increasing public concern for the environment, the fashion industry's contribution to environmental problems, and the price as a critical factor affecting consumers' decision-making. The study aims to bridge the gap between the intention to choose sustainable options and actual green consumption among Norwegian students, who are more likely to prioritize green choices. The research is motivated by the growing importance of sustainability and the need to understand the factors driving sustainable consumption among the student population. The research design involves testing hypotheses through descriptive research. The data collection method used a mixed-methods approach, including primary data collected through surveys and secondary data obtained from online sources and previously conducted studies. Statistical techniques, including correlation analysis and regression models, were employed to establish the relationship between scale items and constructs in the study. This study enquired the impact of price sensitivity, consumer sustainability value, and consumer durability value on the purchase intentions of low-price products and those with high durability and sustainability labels. Results indicate that these factors have a positive effect on purchase intentions. Additionally, demographic and psychographic characteristics such as age, gender, and sustainability knowledge were found to enhance the positive impact of consumer sustainability value on purchase intentions. Notably, the study's focus on college students offers a novel viewpoint, and the findings offer useful insights for researchers and marketers involved in sustainable products

    Application of Self-Propelled Rotary Tools for Turning of Difficult-to-machine Materials

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    AbstractThe paper presents some aspects of turning of difficult to machine materials with self-propelled rotary tools (SPRT). The main criterion of the rotary tools performance was the attainable surface quality, waviness and adhered chips. The dependence of the insert rotational speed on cutting parameters was also investigated. Original method of measurement of this speed was developed. Obtained results showed, that the speed is lower than theoretical, reported in literature. Stiffness and run out of the tools were measured. Cutting force measurements revealed substantial run-out of the rotating insert. Some important drawbacks and limitations of SPRT application were revealed

    The Subjective Mental Well-Being of School-Age Children – Educational and Prophylactic Challenges

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) regards the concept of health as individual psychosocial well-being based not only on physical, but psychological, social and environmental factors. Due to the long time spend at school, that context exerts a strong influence on the well-being of children and adolescents and plays an important role in their physical and mental health. Good mental condition in childhood and adolescence is a prerequisite for optimal development, effective learning, the formation of satisfying interpersonal relationships, and for maintaining physical and mental health in adult life. The aim of this paper is to describe the concept of socio-psychological well-being at school and major factors that influence it. Research about well-being of Polish adolescents will also be reviewed. Some preventive and educational implications will be drawn. Childhood and adolescence are crucial periods for the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental disorders. The article is based on the assumption that the school environment is one of the key elements affecting the subjective psychological well-being of pupils. The school context is also necessary for taking appropriate preventive action and support school-age children in developing appropriate competences.The World Health Organization (WHO) regards the concept of health as individual psychosocial well-being based not only on physical, but psychological, social and environmental factors. Due to the long time spend at school, that context exerts a strong influence on the well-being of children and adolescents and plays an important role in their physical and mental health. Good mental condition in childhood and adolescence is a prerequisite for optimal development, effective learning, the formation of satisfying interpersonal relationships, and for maintaining physical and mental health in adult life. The aim of this paper is to describe the concept of socio-psychological well-being at school and major factors that influence it. Research about well-being of Polish adolescents will also be reviewed. Some preventive and educational implications will be drawn. Childhood and adolescence are crucial periods for the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental disorders. The article is based on the assumption that the school environment is one of the key elements affecting the subjective psychological well-being of pupils. The school context is also necessary for taking appropriate preventive action and support school-age children in developing appropriate competence

    Hvilke faktorer har størst påvirkning på studentenes kjøpsvilje ift. klesplagg?

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    The thesis investigates the factors that drive or inhibit students in Norway from buying sustainable apparel. It highlights the increasing public concern for the environment, the fashion industry's contribution to environmental problems, and the price as a critical factor affecting consumers' decision-making. The study aims to bridge the gap between the intention to choose sustainable options and actual green consumption among Norwegian students, who are more likely to prioritize green choices. The research is motivated by the growing importance of sustainability and the need to understand the factors driving sustainable consumption among the student population. The research design involves testing hypotheses through descriptive research. The data collection method used a mixed-methods approach, including primary data collected through surveys and secondary data obtained from online sources and previously conducted studies. Statistical techniques, including correlation analysis and regression models, were employed to establish the relationship between scale items and constructs in the study. This study enquired the impact of price sensitivity, consumer sustainability value, and consumer durability value on the purchase intentions of low-price products and those with high durability and sustainability labels. Results indicate that these factors have a positive effect on purchase intentions. Additionally, demographic and psychographic characteristics such as age, gender, and sustainability knowledge were found to enhance the positive impact of consumer sustainability value on purchase intentions. Notably, the study's focus on college students offers a novel viewpoint, and the findings offer useful insights for researchers and marketers involved in sustainable products

    Mediation : Teachers' Attitudes and Perceptions of Needs at European Universities in the Context of EU Language Policy

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Sylwia Kossakowska-Pisarek et al., published by Sciendo.Mediation is a novel concept in language teaching and learning, and the needs and attitudes of language teachers towards it are largely unexplored. This article provides a brief overview of European language policy and discusses the action-oriented approach in the context of this paradigm shift in language learning and teaching. Finally, an exploratory study is presented that examined the needs and attitudes of language teachers from four European universities regarding mediation, as it has been formulated in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (Council of Europe, 2001) and redefined in the CEFR Companion Volume with New Descriptors (Council of Europe, 2018). The participating teachers were from the language centres of Charles University in the Czech Republic, Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania, the University of Helsinki in Finland, and the University of Warsaw in Poland. The study survey measured the strength of (dis)agreement of the teachers with 12 statements concerning various aspects of mediation in the context of their teaching practice. These related to understanding what mediation is and its importance, mediating a text, mediating concepts, mediating communication, and mediation strategies. In addition, two open questions concerned the practice of promoting multilingual and intercultural education and the needs of teachers in the area of mediation. Although the vast majority of the 79 participating teachers (91%) agreed that mediation is vital in language learning and teaching, only a third of them claimed that they understood the concept. Furthermore, the findings indicate that some aspects of mediation are more challenging for the teachers to embrace than others and that some fundamental aspects of mediation do not seem to be part of the current teaching practice of all teachers. Overall, the present study confirmed some of the challenges with the implementation of the CEFR into teaching practice at the higher education level.Peer reviewe

    Ponadsystemowe próby uchwycenia sensu : uwagi o recepcji "Zniewolonego umysłu" Czesława Miłosza

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    The reception of The Captive Mind among Polish emigrants was accompanied by its reception by Western intellectuals, which was quite different. The main target audience of the book were Western readers to whom Miłosz was trying to show the changes which affected the consciousness of Central Europeans. The article discusses selected accounts on reading provided by Western readers. Karl Jasper’s reflections and Thomas Merton’s letters point out the acuity of the analysis carried out by Miłosz and uncover deep psychological, spiritual and mystical meanings of his book. As opposed to the accounts provided by Polish emigrants, Westerners liberate The Captive Mind from a precise, historically and politically charged context, as well as from systemic boundaries, both philosophical and ideological. Jasper’s and Merton’s commentaries portray Miłosz as a writer who uses the artistic form of his work to dismiss scientific systemness, who surpasses the system and aims at discovering universal rules whose meaning, even though it is rarely unambiguous, gives the world its coherent shape

    Konstanty Aleksander Jeleński i "Preuves" : rekonesans

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    The article constitutes an overview of texts published by Konstanty A. Jeleński in the monthly Preuves. It discusses the dominant themes of the writer’s co-operation with the periodical of the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Since Jeleński published in the Preuves for sixteen years (1953-1968), it is the second most important periodical presenting the essayist’s texts, next to the Literary Institute’s Culture. The French legacy of the Polish writer has not been collected in one place yet. Numerous issues of the Preuves present Jeleński’s long essays, extensive commentaries on social and political matters, reviews of books and art events, as well as accounts and notes concerning current cultural events. The article therefore sheds light on an element of the writer’s legacy which remains largely unknown to critics and readers

    Czeladzcy uczestnicy bitwy pod Monte Cassino : komentarz

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    Lektura opracowanych przez Iwonę Szaleniec biogramów czeladzkich uczestników bitwy pod Monte Cassino wymaga komentarza, w tych bowiem jednostkowych życiorysach czeladzkich żołnierzy dostrzec możemy rozmaite procesy historyczne, kulturowe i cywilizacyjne, jakie wpływały na XX-wieczne losy Polski, Europy i świata. Udział w wielkiej historii 16 czeladzian skłania do refleksji, prowokuje, by stawiać kolejne pytania, ale przede wszystkim domaga się, by ich indywidualne doświadczenie wydarzeń historii wpisać w szerokie historyczne uniwersum. W 1999 roku Muzeum Śląskie w Katowicach wydało monumentalną pracę Śląsk pamięci Monte Cassino pod redakcją Witolda Żdanowicza. Publikacja zawiera wnikliwie omówione relacje dowódców i uczestników bitwy, wspomnienia żołnierzy, literackie obrazy bitwy, wreszcie gromadzi spis uczestników historycznej batalii, mieszkańców województwa śląskiego, którzy powrócili do ojczyzny. Żdanowicz wymienia więc ośmiu byłych żołnierzy 2. Korpusu Polskiego, uczestników osławionej bitwy, zamieszkałych po wojnie w Czeladzi. Bez wątpienia pionierski charakter pracy Witolda Żdanowicza — byłego żołnierza 2. Korpusu Polskiego, uczestnika walk pod Monte Cassino — stanowił inspirację do podjęcia wyznaczonej przez niego drogi, do dalszych poszukiwań, co prawda w znacznie mniejszej skali — mikroskali czeladzkiej: poszukiwań tych, którzy polegli na stokach wzgórza, oraz tych, którzy wybrali emigrację. Dziś możemy wskazać 16 czeladzkich uczestników bitwy pod Monte Cassino, którzy brali udział w wydarzeniach wielkiej historii. Podstawę opracowania ich biografii stanowią: ustalenia Witolda Żdanowicza, opublikowane w monografii Śląsk pamięci Monte Cassino. Książka ta jest bezcennym źródłem informacji o losach mieszkańców Śląska i Zagłębia, którzy po wojnie zamieszkali te tereny