249 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulations of the Lagrangian Averaged Navier-Stokes (Lans-α) Equations for Forced Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence

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    The modeling capabilities of the Lagrangian Averaged Navier-Stokes-α equations (LANS-α) is investigated in statistically stationary three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. The predictive abilities of the LANS-α equations are analyzed by comparison with DNS data. Two different forcing techniques were implemented to model the energetics of the energy containing scales. The resolved flow is examined by comparison of the energy spectra of the LANS-α and the DNS computations; furthermore, the correlation between the vorticity and the eigenvectors of the rate of the resolved strain tensor is studied. We find that the LANS-α equations captures the gross features of the flow while the wave activity below a given scale α is filtered by the non- linear dispersion

    Linguistic Analysis of English Advertising Slogans in Yachting

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    The paper discusses the linguistic characteristics of yachting slogans, short messages that advertise sail and power boats, boating equipment and services in nautical magazines. The objective of the paper has been to identify and describe the language features of yachting slogans at phonological, lexical, syntactic and semantic level, with due attention drawn to the functionality of these messages in comparison with the messages relayed by slogans in other trades. The study has revealed that, due to the specific market niche, most yachting slogans tend to use specific language devices and discourse. The qualitative analysis has enabled familiarisation with the principles of creating advertising slogans in yachting and their most prominent strengths and weaknesses. Hence professionals involved in designing and releasing advertising slogans may also find the results of the study useful

    Flora otoka Vrgade i okolnih otočića

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    475 vascular plant taxa (441 species and 34 subspecies; 300 genera and 73 families) were recorded in the flora of the island of Vrgada and the three nearby islets (Artina, Obrovanj and Rakita), as well as two reefs, according to the literature data and our research during 2003–04. In the crops, 108 taxa have been registered which have been included in the analyses. A taxonomical analysis was made, as well as an analysis of life forms and floral elements.Za floru otoka Vrgade te tri otočića (Artina, Obrovanj i Rakita) i dvije hridi na osnovi vlastitih istraživanja (2003.–2004.) i literaturnih podataka utvrđeno je 475 taksona vaskularnih biljaka (441 vrsta i 34 podvrste) u okviru 300 rodova i 73 porodice. U kulturi je zabilježeno 108 taksona koji nisu uključeni u analize. Izvršena je taksonomska analiza te analiza životnih oblika i flornih elemenata

    Povratak vožnji nakon amputacije donjeg ekstremiteta

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    Assessment of Library Collection of the Primary School August Šenoa by Using the Conspectus Model

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    U ovom radu se istraživalo stanje fonda jedne školske knjižnice, njegove prednosti i nedostaci, slabe i jake strane te općenito zadovoljstvo korisnika i knjižničarke postojećim fondom. Uz uvodne teorijske pretpostavke djelatnostima, zadaćama i ciljevima školskih knjižnica te izgradnjom fonda u školskim knjižnicama, provelo se vrednovanje fonda školske knjižnice uz pomoć Conspectus modela. Model je prvo teorijski iznešen, a zatim se provelo istraživanje. Obzirom da je model namijenjen za veće fondove knjižnica, prilagođen je ovoj manjoj knjižnici tako da su neki parametri izostavljeni ili preoblikovani. Uz kvantitativne podatke o stanju fonda, uključilo se i kvalitativne i to tako da su obavljeni razgovori s nekoliko učenika – korisnika knjižnice i samom voditeljicom knjižnice. Tako su se brojčani podaci mogli potkrijepiti i mišljenjima korisnika i knjižničarke. Na kraju rada se donosi zaključak o svim saznanjima dobivenim u radu

    Festival Tourism

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    Turizam se može definirati kao skup odnosa i pojava koji proizlaze iz putovanja i boravka posjetitelja nekog mjesta, ako se tim boravkom ne zasniva stalno prebivalište i ako s takvim boravkom nije povezana nikakva njihova gospodarska djelatnost. Turizam kao sustav sastavljen je od tržišta, putovanja, turističke destinacije i marketinga pri čemu se pod turističkom destinacijom misli na splet objekata i atrakcija koje žele različite skupine posjetitelja, kao i na formuliranje politike i marketinško planiranje usmjereno ka zadovoljenju njihovih želja. Festivali se mogu koristiti u promjeni svakog imidža grada. Mnogobrojni Hrvatski gradovi poput Splita i Pule imaju reputaciju festivalske destinacije zbog svjetski poznatih festivala kojima su bili domaćini. Potrebno je spomenuti da su jedni od najpoznatijih festivala na međunarodnoj razini Tomorrowland, Octoberfest, St. Patricks day Dublin Irska koji će biti detaljnije opisani u narednim poglavljima. Hrvatski najpoznatiji festivali kao što su Pula Film festival, Ultra Europe Split, Outlook, Dimensions te Weekend media festival također su bitni