60 research outputs found

    Analisis Butir Soal Buatan Guru Mata Pelajaran Biologi Pada Semester Ganjil Kelas XI SMA Negeri 8 Takalar Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

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    Berdasarkan teknik analisis kualitatif dengan indikator kualitas aspek isi diperoleh tingkat kesesuaian butir soal 68,33% tergolong sedang, aspek konstruksi dengan indeks kesesuaian butir soal 75,71% tergolong cukup baik dan berdasarkan teknik analisis kuantitatif dengan indikator indeks reliebilitas butir soal 0,79 yang berada pada kategori tinggi, indeks daya pembeda butir soal 27,5% butir soal kategori baik sekali 35% butir soal kategori baik 15% butir soal kategori cukup 17,5% butir soal kategori lemah dan 5% butir soal yang tidak memiliki daya pembeda, indeks tingkat kesukaran sebanyak 52,5% butir soal. Soal kategori sedang, 47,5% butir soal kategori mudah dan tidak ada butir soal pada kategori sukar, indeks efektifitas pengecoh/distractor butir soal dengan persentase 59,37%

    Gambaran Angka Kejadian Gangguan Sistem ReproduksiI pada Menopause di RSUD Labuang Baji Tahun 2013

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    Menopause merupakan suatu fase alamiah yang akan dialami oleh setiap wanita yang biasanya terjadi pada usia 40-55 tahun. Gangguan yang kerap terjadi pada masa menopause diantaranya polip, kista, kanker vagina, kanker rahim, kanker serviks dan kanker lainnya. Kanker merupakan penyakit yang sangat ditakuti masyarakat karena sering menyebabkan kematian. laporan kanker dunia memperkirakan angka kejadian kanker akan meningkat menjadi 15 juta kasus baru ditahun 2020 Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran angka kejadian gangguan sistem reproduksi pada menopause di RSUD Labuang Baji kot Makassar tahun 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan survey menggunakan data sekunder. Jumlah sampel 56 wanita menopause yang berusia diatas 45 tahun yang mengalami gangguan sistem reproduksi.Data diperoleh dari hasil pencatatan dan pelaporan RSUD Labuang Baji kota Makassar tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa gambaran kejadian gangguan sistem reproduksi pada menopause berdasarkan status marital kelompok dengan status yang pmenikah sebesar 49 orang (87,5%), berdasarkan paritas yaitu paritas 0 sebesar 19 orang (33,92%), berdasarkan graviditas lebih banyak terjadi pada gravid 3-4 sebesar 22 orang (39,3%), dan berdasarkan pekerjaan ibu lebih banyak terjadi pada pekerjaan IRT yaitu sebesar 40 orang (71,4%). Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa gangguan sistem reproduksi pada menopause lebih banyak terjadi pada wanita yang menikah, dengan paritas 0, dan graviditas 3-4. Gangguan sistem reproduksi pada menopause juga lebih banyak pada wanita yang berprofesi sebagai IRT/Tidak bekerja

    Penyebab dan Upaya yang Dilakukan Para Pemerintah Dunia Saat Krisis Global 2008

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    In this globalization era, economic integration is increasingly in line with information technology. In a very short period of time, the financial crisis that occurred in the United States quickly spread to other countries so that it developed into a problem that was quite serious which had the effect of economic finance. This 2008 crisis is a very bad global financial crisis in the past 80 years. The crisis that was initially experienced due to subprime mortgages in the United States turned out to affect the international world. Therefore, the country's leaders strive to minimize the crisis by holding a meeting attended by the G-20. The G-20 is a major economic group in the world

    Perlunya Upaya Pembangunan dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan

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    Analisis Keefektifan Pembelajaran Online pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di MTs At-Taqwa Jampue

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the effectiveness of the online learning process in the Covid-19 pandemic. The outbreak of the corona virus (covid-19) in Indonesia which continued to increase until early March 2020, the implementation of this system also automatically encourages education practitioners to carry out online learning. Teachers and students are forced to be ready in their implementation, although so far some schools have never done learning with an online system. Through this research, the researcher wants to analyze how effective the implementation of the learning system is from the teacher's perspective. The sample of this study was 35 teachers who teach at the primary school level from public and private schools. The instrument used was a questionnaire distributed online using the ms. form link. Based on the data obtained, shows that the implementation of online learning has been carried out effectively seen from the readiness of the teacher, the ability to use applications, responses and benefits obtained. Keywords: covid-19, effectiveness, online teaching, teacher.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan informasi tentang keefktifitasan proses pembelajaran online dimasa pandemi Covid-19.Mewabahnya virus corona (covid-19) di Indonesia yang semakin meningkat hingga awal maret 2020, Pemberlakuan sistem ini juga secara otomatis mendorong pelaku pendidikan untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran secara online. Guru dan siswa dipaksa untuk siap dalam pelaksanaannya, meskipun selama ini beberapa sekolah belum pernah melakukan pembelajaran dengan sistem online. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti ingin menganalisis seberapa efektif pelaksanaan sistem pembelajaran dari sudut pandang guru. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 20 guru yang mengajar di MTs At-Taqwa Jampue. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket yang disebarkan secara online menggunakan link ms. form. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, memperlihatkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran online telah terlaksana dengan efektif dilihat dari kesiapan guru, kemampuan menggunakan aplikasi, tanggapan dan manfaat yang diperoleh


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    Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar matematika melalui metode diskusi pada siswa Kelas VII MTs Negeri 1 Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian siswa Kelas VII.11 MTs Negeri 1 Makassar yang berjumlah 40 orang. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, kuesioner/angket, dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif berupa tabel frekuensi dan rata-rata (mean). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I dan II mengalami peningkatan terutama pada siswa yang mengajukan pertanyaan kepada guru/ temannya tentang materi yang belum dipahami dari 10% pada siklus I meningkat 29,38% pada siklus II, siswa yang aktif memberi tanggapan atas pendapat kelompok lain sebanyak 16,25% pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 38,75% pada siklus II, dan siswa yang mempresentasikan hasil pekerjaannya sebanyak 23,13% pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 48,75% pada siklus II.Motivasi belajar matematika siswa juga mengalami peningktan dari 70% siswa yang mempunyai motivasi belajar sedang pada siklus I menjadi 67,50% siswa yang mempunyai motivasi belajar yang tinggi pada siklus II. Berdasarkan skor hasil belajar matematika siswa setelah diadakan pembelajaran dengan metode diskusi terjadi peningkatan skor rata-rata hasil belajar matematika siswa pada siklus I sebesar 7,92 menjadi 8,80 pada siklus II. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa metode diskusi dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar matematika siswa, yang pada akhirnya akan sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan hasil belajar matematika siswa Kelas VII.11 MTs Negeri 1 Makassar.AbstractThe study aimed at increasing the students’ mathematics learning motivation by using the discussion method of the seventh class at the State MTs 1 Makassar City. This study was a classroom action research with the total number of 40 seventh class students at the State MTs 1 Makassar as the research subjects. The instruments of the data collection used were observations, questionnaires, and tests. The data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis such as the frequency tables and the mean. The findings showed that the students' learning activities in cycles I and cycle II improved, especially the students who addressed questions to the teacher or their friends about the material that was difficult in understanding it. It could be seen through the percentage increase form cycle I to cycle II, from 10% to 29.38%. The students who actively responded to another group opinions were as many as 16.25% in cycle 1 increased to 38.75% in cycle 11, and the students who presented their work results were as many as 23.13% in cycle 1 increased to 48.75% in cycle 11. The students’ mathematics learning motivation also increased. It could be seen that 70% of the students who had the medium motivation in the cycle 1, became 67.50% of students who had high learning motivation in cycle II. Based on the scores of students' mathematics learning outcomes after learning by using the discussion method, there was an increase in the mean scores of the students’ mathematics learning outcomes. It could be seen on the mean score increase from cycle I to cycle II, from 7.92 to 8.80. Based on those findings, it inferred that the discussion method could increase the students' mathematics learning motivation that was very influential in determining the students’ mathematics learning outcomes of the seventh class at the State MTS 1 Makassar

    Biotechnology policy implementation from a systems perspective

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    This study utilizes Viable System Model (VSM) in diagnosing one policy implementation call Malaysian Biotechnology policy. The policy implementation is viewed from the innovation theory, which regards research and development (R&D) as the core of innovation commercialization, which in turn become the nucleus for a firm’s growth. Subsequently, the growth of firms as a group can lead to an industry’s development. This study conducted interviews with the agencies involved in the policy implementation and took advantage of the extensive information relating to the agencies that are available in the public domain, by using content analysis as the study’s methodology. This study enhances the understanding on the full use of VSM; it provides policy makers and implementers a guide in improving existing systems or designing new ones, while researchers are afforded an applicable theoretical conceptualization from a systems thinking perspective

    A Generalization of the Bernoulli Numbers

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    The Bernoulli numbers are among the most interesting and important number sequences in mathematics. It plays an important and quite mysterious role in various places like number theory, analysis and etc. In general, many existing generalizations of Bernoulli numbers { for example []20re based on consideration of more general forms for the left side of the following equality }nB,21 ()Σ∞==−0!1expnnnntBtt or for some related functions. In this study, a generalization of Bernoulli numbers is offered by the use of their relations with Pascal’s triangle. The thesis begins with the generalization of Bernoulli numbers {} then a representation of is presented, followed by the proof of the main result for odd n case (even case of n was considered in ∞=1nnBnB[]2 ). Then special cases of Bernoulli numbers, namely when the initial sequence is an geometric or arithmetic sequence, are considered. In these special cases more detailed representations of are obtained. Then irreducibility problem over Z of polynomials closely related to is considered followed by solution of this problem for some values of . At the end some unsolved problems, with which we have come across in doing this thesis, over the field nBnBnZ are formulated


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    This research aims to reveal the ability of interpersonal communication among students after the implemention of the learning model of concept map, two stay two stray, and two stay two stray with concept map. This research was experiment type designing the factorial pre test – post test involving two variables – two stay two stray and concept map. The object of this research was two senior high schools at Barru, South Sulawesi. The respondents in this research were 122 students. The result disclosed that the instrument of the ability of interpersonal communication among students has valid and reliable of Cronbach Alpha 0.822. The change of  communication as independent variable revealed that the learning model of concept map, two stay two stray, and two stay two stray with concept map provides positive effects on the ability of interpersonal communication among students. The learning model of two stay two stray provided the greatest effect with the value of 32.4%. The effect of concept map using the same size only provided the value of 7.8% and  the combination of both only provided the value of 4.4%. The further result revealed that the response of teachers on the the given treatment has positive and students have positive response and assess that the given treatment supports their learning in the classroom


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    This research identifies the personality values of entrepreneurship consisting of dicipline, honesty, creativity, innovation, and independence and test those effect on the productivity of seaweed entrepreneur of micro scale. This research was conducted in Lasitae Village, Pancana Village of Tanete Sub-district with 66 respondents. The data were analyzed using multiple regression. The result of this research pointed out personality values consisting of discipline, honesty, creativity, innovation, and independence affect  the productivity of seaweed entrepreneur.Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai personalitas entrepreneurship yang terdiri dari  sikap disiplin, jujur, kreativitas, inovasi dan mandiri dan menguji pengaruhnya terhadap terhadap produktivitas pelaku usaha  rumput laut skala mikro. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Lasitae, desa Pancana dan kelurahan Tanete dengan 66 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kepribadian yang terdiri dari disiplin, jujur, kreativitas, inovasi dan mandiri berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas pelaku usaha rumput laut