205 research outputs found

    SUSHI Chef

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    While many electronic resource platform vendors are COUNTER compliant, very few are SUSHI compliant. How can these COUNTER reports from nonSUSHI vendors be downloaded automatically? SUSHI Chef is a comprehensive solution for collecting and analyzing COUNTER usage data from various platform vendors. At Portland State University, we currently use SUSHI Chef to automatically download and analyze COUNTER usage reports from 34 of our largest vendors. Our goal is to share this application with other libraries, so they can simplify the process of collecting usage reports from various vendors. In addition, SUSHI Chef compiles and analyzes this usage data and creates a number of consolidated reports. These reports can be used by librarians and collection developers to make informed decisions about which packages to keep and which to cut

    Choosing Wisely: Envisioning Perinatal Hospice Notification Laws that Inform and Empower

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    Perinatal hospice refers to a cluster of medical services that some individuals choose after the diagnosis of a life-limiting fetal condition. At its core, perinatal hospice involves many kinds of support—including physical, emotional, social, and spiritual—for the pregnant person, family members, and the fetus or newborn from the time of diagnosis to bereavement. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Nursing advocate for such programs, which are expanding throughout the United States and the world. Several states have passed perinatal hospice notification laws, which differ in scope but generally require certain pregnant individuals to receive a notification about the availability of perinatal hospice services within the state. Such laws address emotionally difficult matters, and unsurprisingly, they are met with a wide range of reactions. Some find these laws to be an intrusion into a sensitive domestic and medical situation, another manifestation of the same anti-abortion sentiment that has chipped away at bodily autonomy for decades. Others believe laws like these provide essential information to pregnant individuals who may not otherwise learn about a meaningful service to help them through a painful time. This Note will proceed in four parts. Part I will outline the historical development of perinatal hospice as a medical practice and of perinatal hospice notification laws as a legal phenomenon. Part II will identify and compare states’ approaches in crafting (or not crafting) these laws, taking special note of who receives a notification and when. Part III will consider the role of the government, the nature of informed consent, and possible legislative justifications under the police power in passing a perinatal hospice notification law, weighing the legitimacy of different interests and their logical connection (or not) to the laws passed. Finally, Part IV will conclude that two appropriate approaches exist to facilitate meaningfully informed choice in the perinatal hospice context: notifying all eligible individuals of the care they qualify for at the time of diagnosis or deliberately passing no law on the matter at all

    Library Widget in the LMS: Way Cooler Than it Sounds

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    Lightning talk on library widget in LMS (Learning Management System) platfor

    Związki świadomości metodologicznej i zmiennych osobowościowo-poznawczych

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    Methodological awareness is one of the forms of social consciousness. It is considered one of the basic regulators of scientific research activities. Despite the abundance of theoretical deliberation over the structure of methodological awareness in literature, little attention is devoted to individual qualities of researchers who can be studied for displaying correlates of methodological awareness. One of the potential areas for such studies are cognitive variables which should be understood as mind types which determine human cognitive preferences in two dimensions: perception vs. intuition and feelings vs. thinking. Personality, considered to be the basic regulator of human activity, is yet another field where correlations of methodological awareness can be researched. The author presents the results of her study in which she searched for hypothetical correlates of methodological awareness

    New species of Sticta (lichenised Ascomycota, lobarioid Peltigeraceae) from Bolivia suggest a high level of endemism in the Central Andes

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    Six species of Sticta are described as new to science on the basis of material from Bolivia and supported by phylogenetic analysis of the fungal ITS barcoding marker. The species were resolved in all three of the clades (I, II, III) widespread and common in the Neotropics, as defined in an earlier study on the genus. Comparison with material from neighbouring countries (i.e. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) suggests that these new species may be potentially endemic to the Bolivian Yungas ecoregion. For each species, a detailed morphological and anatomical description is given. Sticta amboroensis Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada & Lücking is a medium-sized green-algal species with laminal to submarginal apothecia with hirsute margins and with light to dark brown lower tomentum. Sticta aymara Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada, Flakus, Rodriguez-Flakus & Lücking is a comparatively small cyanobacterial taxon with Nostoc as photobiont, laminal, richly branched, aggregate isidia and a golden to chocolate-brown lower tomentum. The medium-sized, cyanobacterial S. bicellulata Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada & Lücking has cyanobacterial photobiont, bicellular ascospores, apothecia with white to golden-brown hairs on the margins, K+ violet apothecial margin (ring around disc) and epihymenium and a white to dark brown lower tomentum. In contrast, the green-algal species, S. carrascoensis Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada & Lücking is characterised by its large size, apothecia with dark brown hairs on the margins and a yellow medulla. The cyanobacterial S. catharinae Ossowska, B. Moncada, Kukwa, Flakus, Rodriguez-Flakus & Lücking forms stipitate thalli with Nostoc as photobiont, abundant, laminal to submarginal apothecia and a golden-brown lower tomentum. Finally, the cyanobacterial S. pseudoimpressula Ossowska, Kukwa, B. Moncada & Lücking produces laminal apothecia with an orange-yellow line of pruina along the margins which reacts K+ carmine-red. In addition to the six new Bolivian taxa, the cyanobacterial S. narinioana B. Moncada, Ossowska & Lücking is described as new from Colombia and it represents the closely-related sister species of the Bolivian S. aymara; it differs from the latter largely in the marginal instead of laminal isidia

    Wstępna charakterystyka psychometryczna polskiej adaptacji Skali Podatności na Nudę (BPS)

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    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja właściwości psychometrycznych polskiej adaptacji Skali Podatności na Nudę (Boredom Proneness Scale, BPS), autorstwa Farmera i Sundberga. W przeprowadzonym dwuetapowym badaniu udział wzięli studenci Uniwersytetu Śląskiego i osoby dorosłe (N = 622). Nie udało się uzyskać struktury czynnikowej zbliżonej do żadnego z proponowanych w literaturze modeli. W związku z powyższym przeprowadzono EFA, w której wyodrębniono siedem czynników współtworzących podatność na nudę. Ze względu na niewielką liczbę itemów wchodzących w skład poszczególnych czynników podjęto decyzję o skróceniu narzędzia. W efekcie uzyskano 12-itemowe narzędzie, zawierające dwa czynniki wchodzące w skład podatności na nudę – Wewnętrzną i Zewnętrzną Stymulację. Struktura ta została potwierdzona za pomocą CFA w kolejnym badaniu. Skrócone narzędzie cechowało się zadowalającym poziomem trafności kryterialnej i zgodności wewnętrznej. Wyniki te sugerują, że skrócona wersja BPS może być wykorzystywana w badaniach naukowych jako satysfakcjonująca miara podatności na nudę. Należy jednak uwzględnić pewne ograniczenia niniejszych badań

    Znaczenie postaw wobec badań naukowych i statystyki w procesie kształcenia akademickiego psychologów : przegląd literatury

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    This article presents an analysis of the importance of attitudes toward research and statistics (ATR/S) in relation to the education of future psychologists in the field of research methods. ATR/S are considered to be one of the key factors relating to the effectiveness of the education of research methods and statistics. ATR/S encompasses a number of cognitive, affective and behavioural reactions, which are commonly verbalized by students as anxiety or aversion to conducting research. The sources of these attitudes seem to consist of three elements: previous educational experiences, parental and peer influences, and the individual characteristics of students. Furthermore, positive attitudes towards research and statistics seem to be crucial for developing an appropriate level of methodological awareness

    Note on the distribution of some lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of the Tatra National Park

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    Hospicjum jako instytucjonalna forma pomocy i wsparcia społecznego w chorobie terminalnej

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    Jedną z odpowiedzi na wyzwanie, jakie postawiła sytuacja społeczna świadcząca o globalnym obciążeniu chorobami nowotworowymi, jest obserwowany rozwój medycyny paliatywnej. Najlepiej widać to w odniesieniu do chorych na nowotwory złośliwe. Zarówno międzynarodowe, jak i krajowe programy zwalczania chorób nowotworowych zakładają ciągłość działań społecznych i medycznych w zapobieganiu, wczesnym wykrywaniu, aktywnym leczeniu oraz opiece nad chorymi pozostającymi poza możliwościami leczenia przyczynowego. Ten ostatni aspekt nazwany został opieką paliatywną i w ostatnim 30-leciu wywalczył sobie znaczące miejsce w onkologii. Innym określeniem używanym w odniesieniu do opieki nad nieuleczalnie chorymi jest opieka hospicyjna. Termin ten ma swoje źródła historyczne i chętnie używany jest przez środowiska działające w ośrodkach organizowanych i prowadzonych prze różnego rodzaju organizacje pozarządowe