28 research outputs found
Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 13.5.2021 â 12.5.2022
Styrelsens verksamhetsberÀttelse förelagd vid Ärsmötet den 12 maj 2022 av SÀllskapets ordförande, doc. Mikael von Numers
Carex mackenziei and C. canescens Ă mackenziei in the Ă land Islands, SW Finland
The northern amphi-atlantic seashore sedge Carex mackenziei V. I. Krecz. was found by us in four localities in 2008â2011, two in Kökar and one in BrĂ€ndö in the eastern archipelago and one in Sund on the mainland of Ă
land. The hybrid C. canescens L. Ă mackenziei (C. Ă pseudohelvola Kihlm.), which occurs regularly together with C. mackenziei, was found in Sund in 2010 and 2011. The general distribution of the two taxa is outlined. The previous finds of C. mackenziei and the hybrid in the Ă
land Islands during the 19th and 20th centuries are referred to. The future of Carex mackenziei and its hybrid in the Ă
land Islands is discussed
Indications of garfish Belone belone reproducing in Southern Finland
Juvenile of garfish Belone belone (Belonidae) were caught during two separate field courses held at the Archipelago Research Institute of University of Turku and at the Husö Biological Station of Ă
bo Akademi University respectively in 2019
Allium ursinum (Alliaceae) in Finland
Allium ursinum L. is a perennial bulbous herb of broad-leaved woods of Western and Central Europe. Of two subspecies subsp. ursinum is distributed in Western Europe including the Nordic countries. The general distribution of A. ursinum in the Nordic countries is outlined. The localities for A. ursinum in Finland are the northeasternmost in Europe. The rather few localities are concentrated to the Ă
land Islands (Al) and the archipelago of Regio Aboënsis (Ab). They are described in a chronological order of the first find in each municipality. Several localities with A. ursinum as a cultivated plant or as a garden escape are referred to.
The habitat requirements for Allium ursinum are discussed. Although A. ursinum has a broad distribution with a clear tendency to occur as a weed, it is still a habitat specialist with a rather narrow range of ecological tolerance as it requires a mesic well-drained soil and drought as well as waterlogging seem to be unfavourable. A. ursinum is moderately calciphilic in the southwestern archipelago of Finland. Many of the accompanying species, 32.5 % of all species, are regarded as calciphilic.
Allium ursinum has been used as a spice by man since ancient times. Many of its localities point towards a fairly strong hemerophilic tendency. Of the 53 localities in Finland described, 17â19 can be regarded as more or less natural, 30â32 as cultivated or otherwise introduced and 4 as uncertain, because of insufficient information. Therefore we regard A. ursinum as a moderately hemerophilic species. The dispersal of the seeds by autochory or by myrmecochory is discussed. A possibility for hydrochorous dispersal of seedling is referred to. A. ursinum is most probably going to be more common in the future due to introduction to gardens as both living plants and seeds are sold in garden shops. Further, the warming of the climate will be favourable for this in Finland southern species. As a strong competitor in the field layer, A. ursinum may become a problem in protected areas in the future
Island properties dominate species traits in determining plant colonizations in an archipelago system
The extrinsic determinants hypothesis emphasizes the essential role of environmental heterogeneity in species' colonization. Consequently, high resident species diversity can increase community susceptibility to colonizations because good habitats may support more species that are functionally similar to colonizers. On the other hand, colonization success is also likely to depend on species traits. We tested the relative importance of environmental characteristics and species traits in determining colonization success using census data of 587 vascular plant species collected about 70 yr apart from 471 islands in the archipelago of SW Finland. More specifically, we explored potential new colonization as a function of island properties (e.g. location, area, habitat diversity, number of resident species per unit area), species traits (e.g. plant height, life-form, dispersal vector, Ellenberg indicator values, association with human impact), and species' historical distributions (number of inhabited islands, nearest occurrence). Island properties and species' historical distributions were more effective than plant traits in explaining colonization outcomes. Contrary to the extrinsic determinants hypothesis, colonization success was neither associated with resident species diversity nor habitat diversity per se, although colonization was lowest on sparsely vegetated islands. Our findings lead us to propose that while plant traits related to dispersal and establishment may enhance colonization, predictions of plant colonizations primarily require understanding of habitat properties and species' historical distributions
Scots lovage, Ligusticum scoticum, is spreading in the Ă land Islands, SW Finland
Scots lovage, Ligusticum scoticum L., was probably collected already in 1892 in the Ă
land Islands, but it was not reported from Ă
land until 1970. Since then, the species has been found in an increasing number of localities. Here we report about 25 new localities found 1992â2008. There seemto be two centres for the species, one in thewesternmost islands of Ă
land, between the mainland of Eckerö and the SignilskĂ€r archipelago, and the other in the northern islands of Föglö.Amore systematic investigation in the archipelagos of Ă
land could yield new localities
ItĂ€meren hiekkarantojen ja dyynien hoito - VĂ„rd av Ăstersjöns sandstrĂ€nder och dyner
Hiekkarannat ja dyynit ovat lajirikkaita elinympÀristöjÀ. NiillÀ elÀÀ lukuisia joukko kovakuoriaisia, luteita, perhosia, hÀmÀhÀkkielÀimiÀ, kasveja ja lintuja. Monet lajeista ovat nykyisin uhanalaisia. Hiekkarantoja, dyynejÀ ja niillÀ elÀviÀ eliöitÀ uhkaavat muiden muassa ItÀmeren rehevöityminen, joka nÀkyy rannoilla levÀn kertymisenÀ ja umpeenkasvuna. Myös rakentaminen ja virkistyskÀytöstÀ johtuva kuluminen heikentÀvÀt hiekkarantojen lajien elinmahdollisuuksia. Vieraslaji kurtturuusu leviÀÀ myös kovaa vauhtia etenkin Suomenlahden rannikolla.
TÀssÀ oppaassa kerrotaan hiekkarantojen ja dyynien monimuotoisesta elÀmÀstÀ. ItÀmeren tilan parantaminen on ensisijaista rantojen eliölajiston hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Meren elpyminen on kuitenkin hidasta ja sitÀ odotellessa meistÀ jokainen voi auttaa rantojen erikoistunutta eliölajistoa pienillÀkin teoilla
Refining predictions of metacommunity dynamics by modeling species non-independence
Abstract Predicting the dynamics of biotic communities is difficult because species? environmental responses are not independent, but covary due to shared or contrasting ecological strategies and the influence of species interactions. We used latent-variable joint species distribution models to analyse paired historical and contemporary inventories of 585 vascular plant species on 471 islands in the south-west Finnish archipelago. Larger, more heterogeneous islands were characterized by higher colonisation rates and lower extinction rates. Ecological and taxonomical species groups explained small but detectable proportions of variance in species? environmental responses. To assess the potential influence of species interactions on community dynamics, we estimated species associations as species-to-species residual correlations for historical occurrences, for colonisations, and for extinctions. Historical species associations could to some extent predict joint colonisation patterns, but the overall estimated influence of species associations on community dynamics was weak. These results illustrate the benefits of considering metacommunity dynamics within a joint framework, but also suggest that any influence of species interactions on community dynamics may be hard to detect from observational data.Peer reviewe
Biologian kenttÀopetus yliopistoissa: yhteistyöllÀ uuteen nousuun
KenttÀkurssit ovat keskeinen osa biologian ja lÀhitieteiden opetusta yliopistoissa. Luonnossa tapahtuva opetus kehittÀÀ sekÀ ymmÀrrystÀ tieteenalan teoreettisista perusteista ettÀ ammatillisia kÀytÀnnön taitoja. KenttÀkursseilla omat havainnot muodostuvat oppimisen perustaksi muiden oppimistapojen rinnalla. Vaikka kenttÀopetuksen tarpeellisuudesta ollaan yksimielisiÀ, kenttÀkursseja uhkaavat yliopistojen rahoituksen vÀheneminen ja tutkimusasemaverkoston karsiminen. TÀssÀ kirjoituksessa pohdimme, kuinka uhkista huolimatta kenttÀopetuksen mÀÀrÀÀ, laatua ja kustannustehokkuutta voidaan lisÀtÀ yliopistojen ja niiden tutkimusasemien vÀlisellÀ yhteistyöllÀ.</p