61 research outputs found

    Bootstrapping an NMHV amplitude through three loops

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    We extend the hexagon function bootstrap to the next-to-maximally-helicity-violating (NMHV) configuration for six-point scattering in planar N=4{\cal N}=4 super-Yang-Mills theory at three loops. Constraints from the Qˉ\bar{Q} differential equation, from the operator product expansion (OPE) for Wilson loops with operator insertions, and from multi-Regge factorization, lead to a unique answer for the three-loop ratio function. The three-loop result also predicts additional terms in the OPE expansion, as well as the behavior of NMHV amplitudes in the multi-Regge limit at one higher logarithmic accuracy (NNLL) than was used as input. Both predictions are in agreement with recent results from the flux-tube approach. We also study the multi-particle factorization of multi-loop amplitudes for the first time. We find that the function controlling this factorization is purely logarithmic through three loops. We show that a function UU, which is closely related to the parity-even part of the ratio function VV, is remarkably simple; only five of the nine possible final entries in its symbol are non-vanishing. We study the analytic and numerical behavior of both the parity-even and parity-odd parts of the ratio function on simple lines traversing the space of cross ratios (u,v,w)(u,v,w), as well as on a few two-dimensional planes. Finally, we present an empirical formula for VV in terms of elements of the coproduct of the six-gluon MHV remainder function R6R_6 at one higher loop, which works through three loops for VV (four loops for R6R_6).Comment: 69 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, 3 ancillary files; v2, minor typo's correcte

    A (Bounded) Bestiary of Feynman Integral Calabi-Yau Geometries

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    We define the rigidity of a Feynman integral to be the smallest dimension over which it is non-polylogarithmic. We argue that massless Feynman integrals in four dimensions have a rigidity bounded by 2(L-1) at L loops, and we show that this bound may be saturated for integrals that we call marginal: those with (L+1)D/2 propagators in (even) D dimensions. We show that marginal Feynman integrals in D dimensions generically involve Calabi-Yau geometries, and we give examples of finite four-dimensional Feynman integrals in massless ϕ4\phi^4 theory that saturate our predicted bound in rigidity at all loop orders.Comment: 5+2 pages, 11 figures, infinite zoo of Calabi-Yau manifolds. v2 reflects minor changes made for publication. This version is authoritativ

    Bootstrapping a Five-Loop Amplitude Using Steinmann Relations

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    The analytic structure of scattering amplitudes is restricted by Steinmann relations, which enforce the vanishing of certain discontinuities of discontinuities. We show that these relations dramatically simplify the function space for the hexagon function bootstrap in planar maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Armed with this simplification, along with the constraints of dual conformal symmetry and Regge exponentiation, we obtain the complete five-loop six-particle amplitude.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 impressive table, and 2 ancillary files. v2: a few clarifications and references added; version to appear in PR

    The Elliptic Double-Box Integral: Massless Amplitudes Beyond Polylogarithms

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    We derive an analytic representation of the ten-particle, two-loop double-box integral as an elliptic integral over weight-three polylogarithms. To obtain this form, we first derive a four-fold, rational (Feynman-)parametric representation for the integral, expressed directly in terms of dual-conformally invariant cross-ratios; from this, the desired form is easily obtained. The essential features of this integral are illustrated by means of a simplified toy model, and we attach the relevant expressions for both integrals in ancillary files. We propose a normalization for such integrals that renders all of their polylogarithmic degenerations pure, and we discuss the need for a new 'symbology' of iterated elliptic/polylogarithmic integrals in order to bring them to a more canonical form.Comment: 4+2 pages, 2 figures. Explicit results are included as ancillary files. v2: minor changes made for clarification; references adde

    Bootstrapping six-gluon scattering in planar N=4{\cal N}=4 super-Yang-Mills theory

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    We describe the hexagon function bootstrap for solving for six-gluon scattering amplitudes in the large NcN_c limit of N=4{\cal N}=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. In this method, an ansatz for the finite part of these amplitudes is constrained at the level of amplitudes, not integrands, using boundary information. In the near-collinear limit, the dual picture of the amplitudes as Wilson loops leads to an operator product expansion which has been solved using integrability by Basso, Sever and Vieira. Factorization of the amplitudes in the multi-Regge limit provides additional boundary data. This bootstrap has been applied successfully through four loops for the maximally helicity violating (MHV) configuration of gluon helicities, and through three loops for the non-MHV case.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; contribution to the proceedings of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, 27 April - 2 May 2014, Weimar, Germany; v2, reference adde

    Conformally-regulated direct integration of the two-loop heptagon remainder

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    We reproduce the two-loop seven-point remainder function in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory by direct integration of conformally-regulated chiral integrands. The remainder function is obtained as part of the two-loop logarithm of the MHV amplitude, the regularized form of which we compute directly in this scheme. We compare the scheme-dependent anomalous dimensions and related quantities in the conformal regulator with those found for the Higgs regulator.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure. Detailed results available in an ancillary fil

    The Double Pentaladder Integral to All Orders

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    We compute dual-conformally invariant ladder integrals that are capped off by pentagons at each end of the ladder. Such integrals appear in six-point amplitudes in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. We provide exact, finite-coupling formulas for the basic double pentaladder integrals as a single Mellin integral over hypergeometric functions. For particular choices of the dual conformal cross ratios, we can evaluate the integral at weak coupling to high loop orders in terms of multiple polylogarithms. We argue that the integrals are exponentially suppressed at strong coupling. We describe the space of functions that contains all such double pentaladder integrals and their derivatives, or coproducts. This space, a prototype for the space of Steinmann hexagon functions, has a simple algebraic structure, which we elucidate by considering a particular discontinuity of the functions that localizes the Mellin integral and collapses the relevant symbol alphabet. This function space is endowed with a coaction, both perturbatively and at finite coupling, which mixes the independent solutions of the hypergeometric differential equation and constructively realizes a coaction principle of the type believed to hold in the full Steinmann hexagon function space.Comment: 70 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables; v2, minor typo corrections and clarification

    The four-loop six-gluon NMHV ratio function

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    We use the hexagon function bootstrap to compute the ratio function which characterizes the next-to-maximally-helicity-violating (NMHV) six-point amplitude in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory at four loops. A powerful constraint comes from dual superconformal invariance, in the form of a Q differential equation, which heavily constrains the first derivatives of the transcendental functions entering the ratio function. At four loops, it leaves only a 34-parameter space of functions. Constraints from the collinear limits, and from the multi-Regge limit at the leading-logarithmic (LL) and next-to-leading-logarithmic (NLL) order, suffice to fix these parameters and obtain a unique result. We test the result against multi-Regge predictions at NNLL and N^3LL, and against predictions from the operator product expansion involving one and two flux-tube excitations; all cross-checks are satisfied. We study the analytical and numerical behavior of the parity-even and parity-odd parts on various lines and surfaces traversing the three-dimensional space of cross ratios. As part of this program, we characterize all irreducible hexagon functions through weight eight in terms of their coproduct. We also provide representations of the ratio function in particular kinematic regions in terms of multiple polylogarithms

    D = 5 maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory diverges at six loops

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    The connection of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory to the (2,0) theory in six dimensions has raised the possibility that it might be perturbatively ultraviolet finite in five dimensions. We test this hypothesis by computing the coefficient of the first potential ultraviolet divergence of planar (large N_c) maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in D = 5, which occurs at six loops. We show that the coefficient is nonvanishing. Furthermore, the numerical value of the divergence falls very close to an approximate exponential formula based on the coefficients of the divergences through five loops. This formula predicts the approximate values of the ultraviolet divergence at loop orders L > 6 in the critical dimension D = 4 + 6/L. To obtain the six-loop divergence we first construct the planar six-loop four-point amplitude integrand using generalized unitarity. The ultraviolet divergence follows from a set of vacuum integrals, which are obtained by expanding the integrand in the external momenta. The vacuum integrals are integrated via sector decomposition, using a modified version of the FIESTA program.Comment: 31 pages, revtex, 12 figure

    A Novel Algorithm for Nested Summation and Hypergeometric Expansions

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    We consider a class of sums over products of Z-sums whose arguments differ by a symbolic integer. Such sums appear, for instance, in the expansion of Gauss hypergeometric functions around integer indices that depend on a symbolic parameter. We present a telescopic algorithm for efficiently converting these sums into generalized polylogarithms, Z-sums, and cyclotomic harmonic sums for generic values of this parameter. This algorithm is illustrated by computing the double pentaladder integrals through ten loops, and a family of massive self-energy diagrams through O(ϵ6)O(\epsilon^6) in dimensional regularization. We also outline the general telescopic strategy of this algorithm, which we anticipate can be applied to other classes of sums.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figures; v2: references added, typos corrected, improved introduction and comparison with existing methods, matches published versio