909 research outputs found

    Competition and Innovation: Pushing Productivity Up or Down?

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    This paper examines the relationship between competition, innovation and productivity for the Netherlands. We use industry level data aggregated from micro data as well as moments from firm level data for the period 1996-2006. We match innovation data from Community Innovation Survey with accounting data to link innovative activities with performance at the industry level. We find strong evidence for a positive impact of competition on Total Factor Productivity (TFP) at the industry level. Competition directly increases TFP by reducing X-ineficiencies and removing inefficient forms from markets, but also through more innovation. Nonetheless, there exists an inverted U- curve between competition and innovation for the Netherlands, at least for manufacturing industries. Yet, our results indicate that a negative effect of competition on productivity through lower innovation expenditures arises only at very high levels of competition.competition;innovation;profit elasticity;productivity

    An unusual presentation of a patient with intrathoracic stomach: a case report

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    An intrathoracic stomach is the end stage of a hiatal hernial diaphragm and has a very low incidence. Frequently the diagnosis is made incidentally by endoscopic or radiographic investigations. There could be no clinical symptoms, however an intrathoracic stomach could be life treating. In this case we report a 61-year-old woman with an atypical presentation of an intrathoracic stomach. The patient had fever, night sweats and cough; the chest X-ray showed a retroperitoneal mass. A computed tomography scan was performed for determining the diagnosis of an intrathoracic stomach

    Compression of sub-relativistic space-charge-dominated electron bunches for single-shot femtosecond electron diffraction

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    We demonstrate compression of 95 keV, space-charge-dominated electron bunches to sub-100 fs durations. These bunches have sufficient charge (200 fC) and are of sufficient quality to capture a diffraction pattern with a single shot, which we demonstrate by a diffraction experiment on a polycrystalline gold foil. Compression is realized by means of velocity bunching as a result of a velocity chirp, induced by the oscillatory longitudinal electric field of a 3 GHz radio-frequency cavity. The arrival time jitter is measured to be 80 fs

    Charge transport in nanoscale vertical organic semiconductor pillar devices

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    We report charge transport measurements in nanoscale vertical pillar structures incorporating ultrathin layers of the organic semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene)(P3HT). P3HT layers with thickness down to 5 nm are gently top-contacted using wedging transfer, yielding highly reproducible, robust nanoscale junctions carrying high current densities (up to 10610^6 A/m2^2). Current-voltage data modeling demonstrates excellent hole injection. This work opens up the pathway towards nanoscale, ultrashort-channel organic transistors for high-frequency and high-current-density operation.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Non-Markovian dynamics of double quantum dot charge qubits due to acoustic phonons

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    We investigate the dynamics of a double quantum dot charge qubit which is coupled to piezoelectric acoustic phonons, appropriate for GaAs heterostructures. At low temperatures, the phonon bath induces a non-Markovian dynamical behavior of the oscillations between the two charge states of the double quantum dot. Upon applying the numerically exact quasiadiabatic propagator path-integral scheme, the reduced density matrix of the charge qubit is calculated, thereby avoiding the Born-Markov approximation. This allows a systematic study of the dependence of the Q-factor on the lattice temperature, on the size of the quantum dots, as well as on the interdot coupling. We calculate the Q-factor for a recently realized experimental setup and find that it is two orders of magnitudes larger than the measured value, indicating that the decoherence due to phonons is a subordinate mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, replaced with the version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Transient regime in non-linear transport through many-level quantum dots

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    We investigate the nonstationary electronic transport in noninteracting nanostructures driven by a finite bias and time-dependent signals applied at their contacts to the leads. The systems are modelled by a tight-binding Hamiltonian and the transient currents are computed from the non-equilibrium Green-Keldysh formalism. The numerical implementation is not restricted to weak coupling to the leads and does not imply the wide-band limit assumption for the spectral width of the leads. As an application of the method we study in detail the transient behavior and the charge dynamics in single and double quantum dots connected to leads by a step-like potential, but the method allows as well the consideration of non-periodic potentials or short pulses. We show that when the higher energy levels of the isolated system are located within the bias window of the leads the transient current approaches the steady state in a non-oscillatory smooth fashion. At moderate coupling to the leads and fixed bias the transient acquires a step-like structure, the length of the steps increasing with the system size. The number of levels inside a finite bias window can be tuned by a constant gate potential. We find also that the transient behavior depends on the specific way of coupling the leads to the mesoscopic system.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, 11 include .eps figure

    Spin current and shot noise from a quantum dot coupled to a quantized cavity field

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    We examine the spin current and the associated shot noise generated in a quantum dot connected to normal leads with zero bias voltage across the dot. The spin current is generated by spin flip transitions induced by a quantized electromagnetic field inside a cavity with one of the Zeeman states lying below the Fermi level of the leads and the other above. In the limit of strong Coulomb blockade, this model is analogous to the Jaynes-Cummings model in quantum optics. We also calculate the photon current and photon current shot noise resulting from photons leaking out of the cavity. We show that the photon current is equal to the spin current and that the spin current can be significantly larger than for the case of a classical driving field as a result of cavity losses. In addition to this, the frequency dependent spin (photon) current shot noise show dips (peaks) that are a result of the discrete nature of photons

    Phonon Rabi-assisted tunneling in diatomic molecules

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    We study electronic transport in diatomic molecules connected to metallic contacts in the regime where both electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions are important. We find that the competition between these interactions results in unique resonant conditions for interlevel transitions and polaron formation: the Coulomb repulsion requires additional energy when electrons attempt phonon-assisted interlevel jumps between fully or partially occupied levels. We apply the equations of motion approach to calculate the electronic Green's functions. The density of states and conductance through the system are shown to exhibit interesting Rabi-like splitting of Coulomb blockade peaks and strong temperature dependence under the it interacting resonant conditions.Comment: Updated version, 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B on 9/1

    Spin properties of single electron states in coupled quantum dots

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    Spin properties of single electron states in laterally coupled quantum dots in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field are studied by exact numerical diagonalization. Dresselhaus (linear and cubic) and Bychkov-Rashba spin-orbit couplings are included in a realistic model of confined dots based on GaAs. Group theoretical classification of quantum states with and without spin orbit coupling is provided. Spin-orbit effects on the g-factor are rather weak. It is shown that the frequency of coherent oscillations (tunneling amplitude) in coupled dots is largely unaffected by spin-orbit effects due to symmetry requirements. The leading contributions to the frequency involves the cubic term of the Dresselhaus coupling. Spin-orbit coupling in the presence of magnetic field leads to a spin-dependent tunneling amplitude, and thus to the possibility of spin to charge conversion, namely spatial separation of spin by coherent oscillations in a uniform magnetic field. It is also shown that spin hot spots exist in coupled GaAs dots already at moderate magnetic fields, and that spin hot spots at zero magnetic field are due to the cubic Dresselhaus term only.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Gate-tunable band structure of the LaAlO3_3-SrTiO3_3 interface

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    The 2-dimensional electron system at the interface between LaAlO3_{3} and SrTiO3_{3} has several unique properties that can be tuned by an externally applied gate voltage. In this work, we show that this gate-tunability extends to the effective band structure of the system. We combine a magnetotransport study on top-gated Hall bars with self-consistent Schr\"odinger-Poisson calculations and observe a Lifshitz transition at a density of 2.9×10132.9\times10^{13} cm−2^{-2}. Above the transition, the carrier density of one of the conducting bands decreases with increasing gate voltage. This surprising decrease is accurately reproduced in the calculations if electronic correlations are included. These results provide a clear, intuitive picture of the physics governing the electronic structure at complex oxide interfaces.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
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