24 research outputs found

    Opportunities and challenges of self-binding directives: A comparison of empirical research with stakeholders in three European countries

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    BackgroundSelf-binding directives (SBDs) are psychiatric advance directives that include a clause in which mental health service users consent in advance to involuntary hospital admission and treatment under specified conditions. Medical ethicists and legal scholars identified various potential benefits of SBDs but have also raised ethical concerns. Until recently, little was known about the views of stakeholders on the opportunities and challenges of SBDs.AimsThis article aims to foster an international exchange on SBDs by comparing recent empirical findings on stakeholders’ views on the opportunities and challenges of SBDs from Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.MethodComparisons between the empirical findings were drawn using a structured expert consensus process.ResultsFindings converged on many points. Perceived opportunities of SBDs include promotion of autonomy, avoidance of personally defined harms, early intervention, reduction of admission duration, improvement of the therapeutic relationship, involvement of persons of trust, avoidance of involuntary hospital admission, addressing trauma, destigmatization of involuntary treatment, increase of professionals’ confidence, and relief for proxy decision-makers. Perceived challenges include lack of awareness and knowledge, lack of support, undue influence, inaccessibility during crisis, lack of cross-agency coordination, problems of interpretation, difficulties in capacity assessment, restricted therapeutic flexibility, scarce resources, disappointment due to noncompliance, and outdated content. Stakeholders tended to focus on practical challenges and did not often raise fundamental ethical concerns.ConclusionsStakeholders tend to see the implementation of SBDs as ethically desirable, provided that the associated challenges are addressed.<br/

    Open communication between patients and relatives about illness & death in advanced cancer—results of the eQuiPe Study

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    Objective: To assess the degree of openness of communication about illness and death between patients with advanced cancer and their relatives during the last three months of the patient’s life, and its association with relatives’ characteristics and bereavement distress. Methods: We used data from bereaved relatives of patients with advanced cancer from the prospective, longitudinal, multicenter, observational eQuipe study. Univariate and multivariable linear regression analyses were used to assess the association between the degree of openness of communication (measured using the validated Caregivers’ Communication with patients about Illness and Death scale), the a priori defined characteristics of the relatives, and the degree of bereavement distress (measured using the Impact of Event Scale). Results: A total of 160 bereaved relatives were included in the analysis. The average degree of open communication about illness and death between patients with advanced cancer and their relatives was 3.86 on a scale of 1 to 5 (SE=0.08). A higher degree of open communication was associated with a lower degree of bereavement distress (p=0.003). No associations were found between the degree of open communication and the relatives’ age (p=0.745), gender (p=0.196), level of education (p>0.773), (religious) worldview (p=0.435), type of relationship with the patient (p>0.548), or level of emotional functioning before the patient’s death (p=0.075). Conclusions: Open communication about illness and death between patients and relatives seems to be important, as it is associated with a lower degree of bereavement distress. Healthcare professionals can play an important role in encouraging the dialogue. However, it is important to keep in mind that some people not feel comfortable talking about illness and death

    Perceptions of Mental Health and Help-Seeking Behavior in an Urban Community in Vietnam: An Explorative Study

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    This explorative study assesses perceptions of mental health and help-seeking behavior among adults in Vietnam. Methods included questionnaires (200) and focus group discussions (eight). Respondents were often unable to name specific mental illnesses. Frequently mentioned symptoms of mental illness were talking nonsense, talking/laughing alone and wandering. Pressure/stress and studying/thinking too much were often identified causes. Most respondents showed a preference for medical treatment options, often in combination with family care. The results show that perceptions of mental health and help-seeking behaviour are influenced by a lack of knowledge and a mix of traditional and modern views

    Barriers and facilitators of psychiatric ambulance and street triage models: A cross-country comparative study

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    People with mental illness can experience mental health crises (MHCs) that manifest in behaviours risky for the affected persons and for others, often resulting in unwanted police encounters and detention. Mobile crisis teams employing the psychiatric ambulance model (PAM) have shown positive effects when responding to MHCs, including diverting patients from police custody. However, the literature contains few reports about PAM. The emerging model of street triage (ST) is more frequently used and better researched. This study explored and compared facilitators and barriers of PAM and ST from the perspective of professionals from different countries. We conducted 12 semi-structured interviews with key PAM stakeholders in Sweden and the Netherlands and ST stakeholders in England, then performed comparative thematic analysis. Participants believed that PAM and ST led to better care for persons in MHC, reducing stigma and use of force. The main facilitators for Swedish participants were that PAM is a specialty with highly experienced and autonomous staff. For Dutch participants, the more generalized medium-care ambulance led to success. Street triage enhanced overall safety and interagency collaboration. A common barrier was the lack of (emergency) treatment options and funding to meet the high demand for mental health care. Future research should explore collaboration between mobile crisis teams and community care to improve MHC response, and the perspectives of persons with mental illness on mental health emergency response models. Careful assessment is recommended to determine which mental health emergency response model best suits a specific local or national context

    Opportunities and challenges of self-binding directives: an interview study with mental health service users and professionals in the Netherlands

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    Abstract Background Self-binding directives (SBDs) are psychiatric advance directives that include the possibility for service users to consent in advance to compulsory care in future mental health crises. Legal provisions for SBDs exist in the Netherlands since 2008 and were updated in 2020. While ethicists and legal scholars have identified several benefits and risks of SBDs, few data on stakeholder perspectives on SBDs are available. Aims The aim of the study was to identify opportunities and challenges of SBDs perceived by stakeholders who have personal or professional experience with legally enforceable SBDs. Methods Data collection was carried out in the Netherlands from February 2020 to October 2021 by means of semi-structured interviews. Participants were selected through purposive sampling and snowball methods. Interviews were conducted with mental health service users (n = 7), professionals (n = 13), and an expert on SBD policy (n = 1), resulting in a total number of 21 interviews. The data were analyzed thematically. Results Perceived benefits of SBDs included increased autonomy, improvement of the therapeutic relationship, possibility of early intervention and prevention of harm, prevention of compulsory care, reduction of the duration of compulsory care and recovery, mitigation of negative experiences around compulsory care, and guidance for professionals in providing compulsory care. Perceived risks included infeasibility of SBD instructions, difficulty in decision-making around SBD activation, limited accessibility of SBDs, disappointment of service users due to non-compliance with SBDs, and limited evaluation and updating of SBD content. Barriers to SBD completion included lack of knowledge of SBDs among professionals, lack of motivation or insight among service users, and lack of professional support for SBD completion. Facilitators of SBD completion and activation included support for SBD completion, involvement of relatives and peer experts, specification of SBD content, and evaluation of compulsory care and SBD content. The new legal framework was regarded as having both positive and negative effects on SBD implementation. Conclusions Stakeholders who have personal or professional experience with legally enforceable SBDs perceive SBDs as having important benefits and tend not to articulate the fundamental ethical concerns about SBDs which can be found in the ethics and legal literature. Instead, they perceive ethical and practical challenges that can be addressed through the implementation of suitable safeguards