244 research outputs found

    Dusty tails of evaporating exoplanets. II. Physical modelling of the KIC 12557548b light curve

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    Evaporating rocky exoplanets, such as KIC 12557548b, eject large amounts of dust grains, which can trail the planet in a comet-like tail. When such objects occult their host star, the resulting transit signal contains information about the dust in the tail. We aim to use the detailed shape of the Kepler light curve of KIC 12557548b to constrain the size and composition of the dust grains that make up the tail, as well as the mass loss rate of the planet. Using a self-consistent numerical model of the dust dynamics and sublimation, we calculate the shape of the tail by following dust grains from their ejection from the planet to their destruction due to sublimation. From this dust cloud shape, we generate synthetic light curves (incorporating the effects of extinction and angle-dependent scattering), which are then compared with the phase-folded Kepler light curve. We explore the free-parameter space thoroughly using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Our physics-based model is capable of reproducing the observed light curve in detail. Good fits are found for initial grain sizes between 0.2 and 5.6 micron and dust mass loss rates of 0.6 to 15.6 M_earth/Gyr (2-sigma ranges). We find that only certain combinations of material parameters yield the correct tail length. These constraints are consistent with dust made of corundum (Al2O3), but do not agree with a range of carbonaceous, silicate, or iron compositions. Using a detailed, physically motivated model, it is possible to constrain the composition of the dust in the tails of evaporating rocky exoplanets. This provides a unique opportunity to probe to interior composition of the smallest known exoplanets.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, A&A accepte

    S-DIMM+ height characterization of day-time seeing using solar granulation

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    To evaluate site quality and to develop multi-conjugative adaptive optics systems for future large solar telescopes, characterization of contributions to seeing from heights up to at least 12 km above the telescope is needed. We describe a method for evaluating contributions to seeing from different layers along the line-of-sight to the Sun. The method is based on Shack Hartmann wavefront sensor data recorded over a large field-of-view with solar granulation and uses only measurements of differential image displacements from individual exposures, such that the measurements are not degraded by residual tip-tilt errors. We conclude that the proposed method allows good measurements when Fried's parameter r_0 is larger than about 7.5 cm for the ground layer and that these measurements should provide valuable information for site selection and multi-conjugate development for the future European Solar Telescope. A major limitation is the large field of view presently used for wavefront sensing, leading to uncomfortably large uncertainties in r_0 at 30 km distance.Comment: Accepted by AA 22/01/2010 (12 pages, 11 figures

    The effectiveness of nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin and trimethoprim for the treatment of cystitis in relation to renal function

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    Objectives: We evaluated the effect of renal function on clinical failure rates of nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin and trimethoprim for the treatment of cystitis in primary care. Methods: Data were retrospectively obtained from 78 Dutch general practitioner (GP) practices between 2013 and 2019. Eligible episodes in patients (>11 years) were those requiring 5 days of nitrofurantoin (NF5), single-dose fosfomycin–trometamol (FT1), 3 days of trimethoprim (TMP3) for uncomplicated cystitis, or 7 days of nitrofurantoin (NF7) or trimethoprim (TMP7) for complicated cystitis. Clinical failure was defined as second antibiotic prescription for cystitis or pyelonephritis within 28 days post-prescription. Mixed effects regression analysis was used, with patient and GP practice as random effects and demography, comorbidity, and cystitis history as fixed effects. Results: Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for clinical failure per 10mL/min decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were 1.05 (95% CI: 1.01–1.09) for NF5 (n = 24,591), 0.96 (95% CI: 0.92–1.01) for FT1 (n = 5359), 0.98 (95% CI: 0.89–1.08) for TMP3 (n = 1064), 1.05 (95% CI: 1.02–1.09) for NF7 (n = 10,628) and 1.02 (95% CI: 0.93–1.14) for TMP7 (n = 831). In uncomplicated cystitis and eGFR ≥60 mL/min, clinical failures occurred in 14.6% (1895/12 980) of NF5-treated, 20.7% (266/1283) of FT1-treated (aOR versus NF5 1.37, 95% CI 1.18–1.59) and 20.8% (66/318) of TMP3-treated patients (aOR 1.42, 95% CI 1.07–1.87 versus NF5). In uncomplicated cystitis and eGFR <60 mL/min, FT1 resulted in 16.0% (39/244) and NF5 in 23.3% clinical failures (110/472), aOR: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.39–0.95). Conclusions: In eGFR ≥60 mL/min treatment with fosfomycin or trimethoprim for uncomplicated cystitis was associated with more clinical failure than treatment with nitrofurantoin, while in eGFR <60 mL/min nitrofurantoin was associated with more clinical failure than fosfomycin–trometamol. Renal function, if known, should be considered in the clinical decision-making for cystitis treatment

    Adding Stiffness to the Foot Modulates Soleus Force-Velocity Behaviour during Human Walking

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    Previous studies of human locomotion indicate that foot and ankle structures can interact in complex ways. The structure of the foot defines the input and output lever arms that influences the force-generating capacity of the ankle plantar flexors during push-off. At the same time, deformation of the foot may dissipate some of the mechanical energy generated by the plantar flexors during push-off. We investigated this foot-ankle interplay during walking by adding stiffness to the foot through shoes and insoles, and characterized the resulting changes in in vivo soleus muscle-tendon mechanics using ultrasonography. Added stiffness decreased energy dissipation at the foot (p < 0.001) and increased the gear ratio (i.e., ratio of ground reaction force and plantar flexor muscle lever arms) (p < 0.001). Added foot stiffness also altered soleus muscle behaviour, leading to greater peak force (p < 0.001) and reduced fascicle shortening speed (p < 0.001). Despite this shift in force-velocity behaviour, the whole-body metabolic cost during walking increased with added foot stiffness (p < 0.001). This increased metabolic cost is likely due to the added force demand on the plantar flexors, as walking on a more rigid foot/shoe surface compromises the plantar flexors’ mechanical advantage

    Adding Stiffness to the Foot Modulates Soleus Force-Velocity Behaviour during Human Walking

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    Previous studies of human locomotion indicate that foot and ankle structures can interact in complex ways. The structure of the foot defines the input and output lever arms that influences the force-generating capacity of the ankle plantar flexors during push-off. At the same time, deformation of the foot may dissipate some of the mechanical energy generated by the plantar flexors during push-off. We investigated this foot-ankle interplay during walking by adding stiffness to the foot through shoes and insoles, and characterized the resulting changes in in vivo soleus muscle-tendon mechanics using ultrasonography. Added stiffness decreased energy dissipation at the foot (p \u3c 0.001) and increased the gear ratio (i.e., ratio of ground reaction force and plantar flexor muscle lever arms) (p \u3c 0.001). Added foot stiffness also altered soleus muscle behaviour, leading to greater peak force (p \u3c 0.001) and reduced fascicle shortening speed (p \u3c 0.001). Despite this shift in force-velocity behaviour, the whole-body metabolic cost during walking increased with added foot stiffness (p \u3c 0.001). This increased metabolic cost is likely due to the added force demand on the plantar flexors, as walking on a more rigid foot/shoe surface compromises the plantar flexors’ mechanical advantage

    High-order aberration compensation with Multi-frame Blind Deconvolution and Phase Diversity image restoration techniques

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    Context. For accurately measuring intensities and determining magnetic field strengths of small-scale solar (magnetic) structure, knowledge of and compensation for the point spread function is crucial. For images recorded with the Swedish 1-meter Solar Telescope, restoration with Multi-Frame Blind Deconvolution and Joint Phase Diverse Speckle methods lead to remarkable improvements in image quality but granulation contrasts that are too low, indicating additional stray light. Aims. We propose a method to compensate for stray light from high-order atmospheric aberrations not included in MFBD and JPDS processing. Methods. To compensate for uncorrected aberrations, a reformulation of the image restoration process is proposed that allows the average effect of hundreds of high-order modes to be compensated for by relying on Kolmogorov statistics for these modes. The applicability of the method requires simultaneous measurements of Fried's parameter r0. The method is tested with simulations as well as real data and extended to include compensation for conventional stray light. Results. We find that only part of the reduction of granulation contrast in SST images is due to uncompensated high-order aberrations. The remainder is still unaccounted for and attributed to stray light from the atmosphere, the telescope with its re-imaging system and to various high-altitude seeing effects. Conclusions. We conclude that statistical compensation of high-order modes is a viable method to reduce the loss of contrast occurring when a limited number of aberrations is explicitly compensated for with MFBD and JPDS processing. We show that good such compensation is possible with only 10 recorded frames. The main limitation of the method is that already MFBD and JPDS processing introduces high-order compensation that, if not taken into account, can lead to over-compensation.Comment: in press in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A spatial column-store to triangulate the Netherlands on the fly

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    3D digital city models, important for urban planning, are currently constructed from massive point clouds obtained through airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). They are semantically enriched with information obtained from auxiliary GIS data like Cadastral data which contains information about the boundaries of properties, road networks, rivers, lakes etc. Technical advances in the LiDAR data acquisition systems made possible the rapid acquisition of high resolution topographical information for an entire country. Such data sets are now reaching the trillion points barrier. To cope with this data deluge and provide up-to-date 3D digital city models on demand current geospatial management strategies should be re-thought. This work presents a column-oriented Spatial Database Management System which provides in-situ data access, effective data skipping, efficient spatial operations, and interactive data visualization. Its efficiency and scalability is demonstrated using a dense LiDAR scan of The Netherlands consisting of 640 billion points and the latest Cadastral information, and compared with PostGIS

    High versus low dose Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for hepatic metastases

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    Introduction: Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) is a treatment option for patients with liver metastases. This study evaluated the impact of high versus low dose image-guided SBRT of hepatic metastases.Methods and materials: This is a single-center retrospective study of patients with liver metastases treated with SBRT. For analyses, patients were divided into two groups: 100 Gy and &gt;100 Gy near-minimum Biological Effective Doses (BED98%). The main outcomes were local control (LC), toxicity and overall survival (OS). Cox regression analyses were performed to determine prognostic variables on LC and OSResults: Ninety patients with 97 liver metastases (77% colorectal) were included. Median follow-up was 28.6 months. The two-year LC rates in the 100 Gy and &gt;100 Gy BED98% group were 60% (CI: 41–80%) and 90% (CI: 80–100%), respectively (p = 0.004). Grade 3 toxicity occurred in 7% vs 2% in the 100 Gy and &gt;100 Gy group (p = 0.23). Two-year OS rates in the 100 Gy and &gt;100 Gy group were 48% (CI: 32–65%) and 85% (CI: 73–97%), respectively (p = 0.007). In multivariable Cox regression analyses, group dose and tumor volume were significantly correlated with LC (HR: 3.61; p = 0.017 and HR: 1.01; p = 0.005) and OS (HR: 2.38; p = 0.005 and HR: 1.01; p = &lt;0.0001).Conclusion: High dose SBRT provides significantly better local control and overall survival than low dose SBRT without increasing toxicity. When surgical resection is not feasible, high dose SBRT provides an effective and safe treatment for liver metastases

    Incidence and predictive biomarkers of Clostridioides difficile infection in hospitalized patients receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics

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    Trial enrichment using gut microbiota derived biomarkers by high-risk individuals can improve the feasibility of randomized controlled trials for prevention of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). Here, we report in a prospective observational cohort study the incidence of CDI and assess potential clinical characteristics and biomarkers to predict CDI in 1,007 patients ≥ 50 years receiving newly initiated antibiotic treatment with penicillins plus a beta lactamase inhibitor, 3rd/4th generation cephalosporins, carbapenems, fluoroquinolones or clindamycin from 34 European hospitals. The estimated 90-day cumulative incidences of a first CDI episode is 1.9% (95% CI 1.1-3.0). Carbapenem treatment (Hazard Ratio (95% CI): 5.3 (1.7-16.6)), toxigenic C. difficile rectal carriage (10.3 (3.2-33.1)), high intestinal abundance of Enterococcus spp. relative to Ruminococcus spp. (5.4 (2.1-18.7)), and low Shannon alpha diversity index as determined by 16 S rRNA gene profiling (9.7 (3.2-29.7)), but not nor malized urinary 3-indoxyl sulfate levels, predicts an increased CDI risk
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