292 research outputs found

    Active learning in an online postgraduate research module: Perceptions of accounting students and lecturers

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    Chartered accountancy education offered by universities in South Africa has traditionally been characterised by passive face-to-face (F2F) learning approaches. Literature, however, has pointed out that active learning can enhance student learning, engagement, and motivation. Moreover, employing active online learning could facilitate the development of digital and critical thinking competencies in accounting students, the importance of which is increasingly emphasised. In response to this, a more traditional and passive F2F lecture week (as part of a postgraduate course on research in accounting) was redesigned during the COVID-19 pandemic to be presented fully online, based on the active learning principles found in Laurillard’s Six Ways of Learning. A questionnaire was administered to investigate the perceptions of both students and lecturers as to whether the redesign led to improved learning and competency development, and to increased engagement and motivation. Although some students were resistant to the change in learning approach from passive to active, respondents felt that the active learning tasks led to increased engagement and enhanced learning by students. Student resistance should be managed in future redesign processes to minimise the effect thereof on learning outcomes, possibly through change management principles such as purposeful communication regarding the benefits and requirements of active learning. Respondents reported that the online learning environment provided students with increased flexibility, but that this flexibility had to be managed through self-regulation or monitoring by lecturers. Online learning also led to feelings of disconnect (between lecturers and students, within the student group and in relation to the content). Such disconnect could be alleviated by applying a blended learning approach in future, using the advantages of both the F2F and the online environment. The results of this study are important to lecturers seeking to design courses that engage and motivate students, enhance learning, and allow the development of the competencies required of the accountants of the future

    The state of open data and open data research

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    Introduction to the book The Social Dynamics of Open Data

    Noodlottige kindermishandeling: ‘n literatuuroorsig en die profiel in die Suid-Vrystaat (1995-2003) Fatal child abuse: a literature review and the profile in the Southern Free State (1995-2003)

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    Agtergrond Kindermishandeling is \'n sosiale probleem met verreikende gevolge. Ernstige onderrapportering van gevalle vind plaas, en geen studies kon opgespoor word wat die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks van die probleem ondersoek nie. In hierdie studie is gepoog om die profiel van die slagoffers van noodlottige kindermishandeling in die Suid-Vrystaat te ondersoek. Metodes Alle kindersterftes van kinders van tien jaar en jonger is uit die register van sterftes by die SAPD- (Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens-) lykshuis, Bloemfontein, geïdentifiseer. Hierdie sterftes se verslae is vir gevalle van noodlottige kindermishandeling geëvalueer. Irrelevante verslae is geëlimineer totdat \'n groep moontlike gevalle van noodlottige kindermishandeling verkry is. In gevalle waar daar twyfel oor die oorsaak van dood was, is \'n kliniese assistent in Geregtelike Geneeskunde geraadpleeg. In sommige gevalle het die assistent aanbeveel dat \'n geskiedenis uit polisieverslae verkry moes word. Indien gevalle nie op so \'n wyse bevestig kon word nie, is dit in die sogenaamde ‘grys area\' ingesluit. Negentien gevalle is geïdentifiseer en vier is in die grys area geplaas. Resultate Uit die 19 gevalle was die meerderheid vroulik (14). Die mediaanouderdom van slagoffers was twee jaar. Die slag-offers toon \'n eweredige verspreiding t.o.v. ras. Geen patroon kon geïdentifiseer word in die jaarlikse en maandelikse verspreiding van sterftes nie. Die meeste van die slagoffers, 73.7% (14 van 19 gevalle), was van normale massa, en geen slagoffers het aan \'n wanvoedingsiekte gely nie. Hoofbese-rings was die algemeenste oorsaak van sterftes (63.2%), gevolg deur veelvuldige beserings (21.2%). Gevolgtrekking Indien dokters bedag is op die tekens van kindermishandeling, kan gevalle vroeg geïdentifiseer word. Sodoende kan \'n beduidende verlaging in mortaliteit en morbiditeit bewerkstellig Introduction Child abuse is a social problem with far-reaching consequences. Serious underreporting of cases occurs, and no studies could be found which investigates the South African context of the problem. In this study we aimed to determine the profile of victims of fatal child abuse in the Southern Free State. Methods All child deaths of children 10 years and younger in the period 1 January 1995 to 31 December 2003 were identified in the register of deaths at the SA Police Mortuary, Bloemfontein. The reports of these deaths were evaluated to identify possible cases of fatal child abuse. Irrelevant reports were eliminated until a group of possible cases of fatal child abuse were identified. In cases where there was uncertainty about the cause of death, a registrar in Forensic Medicine was consulted. In some cases she advised that a history be obtained from police reports. Cases which could not be confirmed in this way were included in a so-called grey area. Nineteen cases were identified, and a further 4 placed in the grey area. Results Of the 19 cases, the majority were female (14). The median age of cases was 2 years. Cases showed an even distribution regarding race. No patterns regarding annual or monthly distribution were found. Most victims, 73.7% (14 of 19 cases), were of normal weight and no victims suffered from malnutrition. Head injuries were the most common cause of death (63.2%) followed by multiple injuries (21.2%). Conclusion If doctors are aware of the signs of child abuse cases can be identified early. In this way a significant decrease in mortality and morbidity can occur. word.South African Family Practice Vol. 49 (9) 2007: pp. 1

    DER reactive services and distribution network losses

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    Managing synergies and conflicts between voltage support services and network losses is essential for the cost-effective integration of distributed energy resources (DERs). This study presents the results of studies investigating the impact of using DER reactive power services on distribution network losses. By using year-round optimal power flow analysis, a spectrum of studies on a number of distribution network areas in the southeast of Great Britain was performed to calculate distribution losses under different control scenarios. The studies demonstrate that the use of DERs to provide reactive services to the transmission system may increase distribution network losses. On the other hand, DER reactive services can also be optimised to minimise distribution losses. The studies also analysed the impact of optimising tap changing transformer settings on the distribution network losses reduction

    Carriage of Haemophilus influenzae in Cape Town children

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    Little is known about the epideIDiology of Haemophilus influenzae infections in South Africa. This study was designed to determine the prevalence, serotype distribution, antimicrobial susceptibility pattern and effect of age and hospitalisation on the carriage of H. influenzae in 322 Cape Town children.The overall and type b specific carriage rates in normal children (N =107) were 45,8% and 4,7% respectively. The yield following nasopharyngeal culture was twice that following throat culture (P < 0,001). Children hospitalised with tuberculosis (N =62) had significantly greater carriage rates, 66,1% and 37,1% respectively (P =0,02). Institutionalised mentally handicapped children (N =77) and children with tuberculosis attending an outpatient clinic (N =76) had lower carriage rates (P < 0,02). Antimicrobial resistance was a major problem only in children hospitalised with tuberculosis (rifampicin 100%, penicillin 43,9%, erythromycin 85,4%, co-trimoxazole 82,9%). This universal resistance to rifampicin has not been reported previously. There was no difference in the mean age of children with positive or negative cultures, with the exception of those hospitalised with tuberculosis. In this group children infected with type b were much younger (mean 19,7 months) than those with other and non-typeableinfections (32,1 months) and the non-infected(50,1 months) (P =0,04). Duration of hospitalisation or outpatient therapy in the patients with tuberculosis did not influence carriage rates.We conclude that carriage of H. influenzae in normal children is similar to that reported from other countries and that carriage, particularly of type b, in children hospitalised with tuberculosis was of significance and probably contributed to an outbreak of multi-resistant invasive H. influenzae disease in this group

    Narratives of therapeutic art-making in the context of marital breakdown: Older women reflect on a significant mid-life experience

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    This paper explores the narratives of three women aged 65-72 years. They reflected on an episode of therapeutic art-making in midlife, which addressed depression associated with marital crisis and breakdown. The narrative analysis focused upon on the ways in which participants narrated the events leading up to their participation in therapeutic art-making; the aspects of therapeutic art-making that continued to be given significance; the characters given primacy in the stories they told about their journey through therapy and marital breakdown; meanings, symbolic and otherwise, that participants ascribed to their artwork made during this turning point in their lives; and aspects of the narratives that conveyed present-day identities and artistic endeavors. The narratives revealed the complexity of the journey through marital breakdown and depression into health, and showed that therapeutic art-making could best be understood, not as a stand-alone experience, but as given meaning within the context of wider personal and social resources. Participants looked back on therapeutic art-making that occurred two decades earlier and still described this as a significant turning point in their personal development. Art as an adjunct to counselling/therapy was not only symbolically self-expressive but provided opportunity for decision-making, agency and a reformulated self-image


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    ABSTRACT The authors argue that business process management systems (BPMS) are exposed to similar risks of failure as are traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Change management is a significant critical success factor, and has to be managed well. Given the socio-technical nature of the implementation environment, communication and collaboration are crucially important to the success of change management. The authors provide an example of how collaboration and communication, as part of change management during BPMS implementation, can be achieved in practice, based on the use of Web 2.0 tools and an open source approach. OPSOMMING Die outeurs voer aan dat besigheidsprosesbestuurstelsels aan soortgelyke falings-risiko's blootgestel is as tradisionele ondernemingshulpbron-stelsels. Veranderings-bestuur is 'n beduidende kritiese suksesfaktor wat goed bestuur moet word. As gevolg van die sosiotegniese aard van die implementeringsomgewing is kommunikasie en samewerking van deurslaggewende belang as deel van die veranderingsbestuurs-proses.Die outeurs wys met behulp van 'n voorbeeld hoe samewerking en kommunikasie as deel van veranderingsbestuur bewerkstellig kan word met behulp van Web 2.0 gereedskap en 'n oopbronbenadering

    Culture-adapted Plasmodium falciparum isolates from UK travellers: in vitro drug sensitivity, clonality and drug resistance markers.

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    BACKGROUND: The screening of lead compounds against in vitro parasite cultures is an essential step in the development of novel anti-malarial drugs, but currently relies on laboratory parasite lines established in vitro during the last century. This study sought to establish in continuous culture a series of recent Plasmodium falciparum isolates to represent the current parasite populations in Africa, all of which are now exposed to artemisinin combination therapy. METHODS: Pre-treatment P. falciparum isolates were obtained in EDTA, and placed into continuous culture after sampling of DNA. One post-treatment blood sample was also collected for each donor to monitor parasite clonality during clearance in vivo. IC₅₀ estimates were obtained for 11 anti-malarial compounds for each established parasite line, clonal multiplicity measured in vivo and in vitro, and polymorphic sites implicated in parasite sensitivity to drugs were investigated at the pfmdr1, pfcrt, pfdhfr, pfdhps and pfap2mu loci before and after treatment, and in the cultured lines. RESULTS: Plasmodium falciparum isolates from seven malaria patients with recent travel to three West African and two East African countries were successfully established in long-term culture. One of these, HL1211, was from a patient with recrudescent parasitaemia 14 days after a full course of artemether-lumefantrine. All established culture lines were shown to be polyclonal, reflecting the in vivo isolates from which they were derived, and at least two lines reliably produce gametocytes in vitro. Two lines displayed high chloroquine IC₅₀ estimates, and carried the CVIET haplotype at codons 72-76, whereas the remaining five lines carried the CVMNK haplotype and were sensitive in vitro. All were sensitive to the endoperoxides dihydroartemisinin and OZ277, but IC₅₀ estimates for lumefantrine varied, with the least sensitive parasites carrying pfmdr1 alleles encoding Asn at codon 86. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the establishment in continuous culture, in vitro drug sensitivity testing and molecular characterization of a series of multiclonal P. falciparum isolates taken directly from UK malaria patients following recent travel to various malaria-endemic countries in Africa. These "HL" isolates are available as an open resource for studies of drug response, antigenic diversity and other aspects of parasite biology

    Rational and behavioural predictors of pre-retirement cash-outs

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    Given the worldwide concern that individuals are not saving sufficiently for retirement, many governments are taking action to try and rectify this tendency. A key focus area is implementing policies to dissuade individuals from accessing accumulated retirement funds when changing jobs. While traditional economic theories assume that individuals act rationally and make optimal decisions without outside intervention, current policy interventions support behavioural theories of decision-making where sub-optimal choices occur due to limitations in human decision-making. Therefore, interventions are based on the assumption that individuals act irrationally. Despite these interventions, many individuals still access their funds suggesting that current interventions may not be sufficiently aligned with the factors influencing decision making in this environment. The main research objective of this study was to test empirically both rational and behavioural factors that could potentially influence retirement preservation decisions, to determine which factors were the best predictors of whether an individual preserved funds when changing jobs. A research instrument was designed using a combination of existing psychometric measures and customised questions to form an analytical survey. This was used to test the factors that predicted the preservation decisions of a sample of 256 academic and non-academic personnel at a tertiary education institution in South Africa. The study found that behavioural factors play an important role in predicting preservation decisions. In particular, behavioural factors related to bounded rationality, due to the computational complexity of the decision-making environment, emerged as important explanatory variables, indicating that interventions such as decision support and guidance may assist individuals in making optimal decisions.http://www.elsevier.com/ locate/ joephj201