999 research outputs found

    Detection superiority of 7 T MRI protocol in patients with epilepsy and suspected focal cortical dysplasia

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    In 11 adult patients with suspicion of Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) on 1.5 T (n = 1) or 3 T (n = 10) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 7 T MRI was performed. Visibility, extent, morphological features and delineation were independently rated and subsequently discussed by three observers. Additionally, head-to-head comparisons with corresponding 3 T images were made in the eight patients with a previous 3 T MRI and sustained suspicion of FCD. Comparison with histopathology was done in the five patients that underwent surgery. All lesions, seen at 1.5 and 3 T, were also recognized on 7 T. At 7 T FLAIR highlighted the FCD-like lesions best, whereas T2 and T2* were deemed better suited to review structure and extent of the lesion. Image quality with the used 7 T MRI setup was higher than the quality with the used 3 T MRI setup. In 2 out of 11 patients diagnosis changed, in one after re-evaluation of the images, and in the other based on histopathology. With the used 7 T MRI setup, FCD-like lesions can be detected with more confidence and detail as compared to lower field strength. However, concordance between radiologic diagnosis and final diagnosis seems to be lower than expected

    Perceptions and Reasons Regarding E-Cigarette Use among Users and Non-Users: A Narrative Literature Review.

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    This paper aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the attractiveness of e-cigarettes for several different groups. For this purpose, perceptions of and reasons for e-cigarette use were systematically reviewed as reported by e-cigarette users, cigarette smokers, dual users, and non-users, among both adults and youth. MEDLINE® and Scopus were used to search for relevant articles, and references of included studies were also investigated. Two reviewers screened all titles and abstracts independently, blinded to authors and journal titles (Cohen’s Kappa = 0.83), resulting in 72 eligible articles. Risk perceptions, perceived benefits, and reasons for e-cigarette use were categorized in themes and sub-themes. Risk perceptions included harmfulness in general, and specific health risks. Perceived benefits included improved taste and smell, and safety for bystanders. Reasons for use included (health) benefits, curiosity, smoking cessation, and friends using e-cigarettes. The findings highlight that there is a variety of perceptions and reasons mentioned by adult and youth e-cigarette users, cigarette smokers, dual users, and non-users. As such, this overview provides valuable information for scientists, public health professionals, behavior change experts, and regulators to improve future research, risk communication, and possibilities to effectively regulate e-cigarettes

    Sorting living mesenchymal stem cells using a TWIST1 RNA-based probe depends on incubation time and uptake capacity

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    Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) are multipotent progenitors of particular interest for cell-based tissue engineering therapies. However, one disadvantage that limit their clinical use is their heterogeneity. In the last decades a great effort was made to select BMSC subpopulations based on cell surface markers, however there is still no general consensus on which markers to use to obtain the best BMSCs for tissue regeneration. Looking for alternatives we decided to focus on a probe-based method to detect intracellular mRNA in living cells, the SmartFlare technology. This technology does not require fixation of the cells and allows us to sort living cells based on gene expression into functionally different populations. However, since the technology is available it is debated whether the probes specifically recognize their target mRNAs. We validated the TWIST1 probe and demonstrated that it specifically recognizes TWIST1 in BMSCs. However, differences in probe concentration, incubation time and cellular uptake can strongly influence signal specificity. In addition we found that TWIST1high expressing cells have an increased expansion rate compared to TWIST1low expressing cells derivedfrom the same initial population of BMSCs. The SmartFlare probes recognize their target gene, however for each probe and cell type validation of the protocol is necessary

    Supporting measurements or more averages? How to quantify cerebral blood flow most reliably in 5 minutes by arterial spin labeling

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    Purpose To determine whether sacrificing part of the scan time of pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (PCASL) for measurement of the labeling efficiency and blood T1 is beneficial in terms of CBF quantification reliability. Methods In a simulation framework, 5-minute scan protocols with different scan time divisions between PCASL data acquisition and supporting measurements were evaluated in terms of CBF estimation variability across both noise and ground truth parameter realizations taken from the general population distribution. The entire simulation experiment was repeated for a single-post-labeling delay (PLD), multi-PLD, and free-lunch time-encoded (te-FL) PCASL acquisition strategy. Furthermore, a real data study was designed for preliminary validation. Results For the considered population statistics, measuring the labeling efficiency and the blood T1 proved beneficial in terms of CBF estimation variability for any distribution of the 5-minute scan time compared to only acquiring ASL data. Compared to single-PLD PCASL without support measurements as recommended in the consensus statement, a 26%, 33%, and 42% reduction in relative CBF estimation variability was found for optimal combinations of supporting measurements with single-PLD, free-lunch, and multi-PLD PCASL data acquisition, respectively. The benefit of taking the individual variation of blood T1 into account was also demonstrated in the real data experiment. Conclusions Spending time to measure the labeling efficiency and the blood T1 instead of acquiring more averages of the PCASL data proves to be advisable for robust CBF quantification in the general population

    4D printed shape-shifting biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications

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    The existing 3D printing methods exhibit certain fabrication-dependent limitations for printing curved constructs that are relevant for many tissues. Four-dimensional (4D) printing is an emerging technology that is expected to revolutionize the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). 4D printing is based on 3D printing, featuring the introduction of time as the fourth dimension, in which there is a transition from a 3D printed scaffold to a new, distinct, and stable state, upon the application of one or more stimuli. Here, we present an overview of the current developments of the 4D printing technology for TERM, with a focus on approaches to achieve temporal changes of the shape of the printed constructs that would enable biofabrication of highly complex structures. To this aim, the printing methods, types of stimuli, shape-shifting mechanisms, and cell-incorporation strategies are critically reviewed. Furthermore, the challenges of this very recent biofabrication technology as well as the future research directions are discussed. Our findings show that the most common printing methods so far are stereolithography (SLA) and extrusion bioprinting, followed by fused deposition modelling, while the shape-shifting mechanisms used for TERM applications are shape-memory and differential swelling for 4D printing and 4D bioprinting, respectively. For shape-memory mechanism, there is a high prevalence of synthetic materials, such as polylactic acid (PLA), poly(glycerol dodecanoate) acrylate (PGDA), or polyurethanes. On the other hand, different acrylate combinations of alginate, hyaluronan, or gelatin have been used for differential swelling-based 4D transformations. TERM applications include bone, vascular, and cardiac tissues as the main target of the 4D (bio)printing technology. The field has great potential for further development by considering the combination of multiple stimuli, the use of a wider range of 4D techniques, and the implementation of computational-assisted strategies.</p

    4D printed shape-shifting biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications

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    The existing 3D printing methods exhibit certain fabrication-dependent limitations for printing curved constructs that are relevant for many tissues. Four-dimensional (4D) printing is an emerging technology that is expected to revolutionize the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). 4D printing is based on 3D printing, featuring the introduction of time as the fourth dimension, in which there is a transition from a 3D printed scaffold to a new, distinct, and stable state, upon the application of one or more stimuli. Here, we present an overview of the current developments of the 4D printing technology for TERM, with a focus on approaches to achieve temporal changes of the shape of the printed constructs that would enable biofabrication of highly complex structures. To this aim, the printing methods, types of stimuli, shape-shifting mechanisms, and cell-incorporation strategies are critically reviewed. Furthermore, the challenges of this very recent biofabrication technology as well as the future research directions are discussed. Our findings show that the most common printing methods so far are stereolithography (SLA) and extrusion bioprinting, followed by fused deposition modelling, while the shape-shifting mechanisms used for TERM applications are shape-memory and differential swelling for 4D printing and 4D bioprinting, respectively. For shape-memory mechanism, there is a high prevalence of synthetic materials, such as polylactic acid (PLA), poly(glycerol dodecanoate) acrylate (PGDA), or polyurethanes. On the other hand, different acrylate combinations of alginate, hyaluronan, or gelatin have been used for differential swelling-based 4D transformations. TERM applications include bone, vascular, and cardiac tissues as the main target of the 4D (bio)printing technology. The field has great potential for further development by considering the combination of multiple stimuli, the use of a wider range of 4D techniques, and the implementation of computational-assisted strategies.</p

    Чергове засідання Ради Міжнародної асоціації академій наук

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    7 червня 2012 року в Національному дослідницькому центрі «Курчатовський інститут» відбулося чергове засідання Ради Міжнародної асоціації академій наук (МААН). Під час урочистої церемонії закриття засідання президенту МААН, президенту НАН України академіку НАН України і РАН Борису Євгеновичу Патону було присвоєно звання Почесного доктора НДЦ «Курчатовський інститут»