21 research outputs found

    Manejo tradicional de plantas em regiões neotropicais Traditional management of plants in the Neotropical region

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    É apresentada breve revisão sobre os principais aspectos do manejo tradicional de plantas exercidos nas regiões neotropicais, tendo como objetivos: 1. descrever como algumas populações tradicionais manejam seus recursos vegetais; 2. identificar as principais estratégias empregadas; 3. ressaltar a contribuição desse conhecimento para o desenvolvimento sustentável e manejo de recursos vegetais. São caracterizados e discutidos dois tipos de manipulação dos recursos vegetais: o de comunidade e o de espécies individuais. É possível verificar que os sistemas de conhecimento tradicional podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável, visto que algumas populações locais manejam as plantas com base em concepção sistêmica do ambiente e atitude de profunda reverência para com a natureza.<br>The main aspects of traditional plant management techniques exercised in the Neotropic are briefly reviewed. The aims of this work are: 1. to describe how some traditional populations, especially those located in Neotropical areas, manage natural resources; 2. to identify the main strategies employed; 3. to emphasize the contribution of traditional techniques to the sustainable development and management of natural resources. Two types of resource management are characterized and discussed: community management, and individual species management. In view of the fact that some traditional populations manage natural resources based on an integrated conception of nature, it is possible to verify that traditional knowledge systems can contribute to sustainable development

    Topologically associating domain boundaries are required for normal genome function

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    Topologically associating domain (TAD) boundaries partition the genome into distinct regulatory territories. Anecdotal evidence suggests that their disruption may interfere with normal gene expression and cause disease phenotypes1-3, but the overall extent to which this occurs remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that targeted deletions of TAD boundaries cause a range of disruptions to normal in vivo genome function and organismal development. We used CRISPR genome editing in mice to individually delete eight TAD boundaries (11-80 kb in size) from the genome. All deletions examined resulted in detectable molecular or organismal phenotypes, which included altered chromatin interactions or gene expression, reduced viability, and anatomical phenotypes. We observed changes in local 3D chromatin architecture in 7 of 8 (88%) cases, including the merging of TADs and altered contact frequencies within TADs adjacent to the deleted boundary. For 5 of 8 (63%) loci examined, boundary deletions were associated with increased embryonic lethality or other developmental phenotypes. For example, a TAD boundary deletion near Smad3/Smad6 caused complete embryonic lethality, while a deletion near Tbx5/Lhx5 resulted in a severe lung malformation. Our findings demonstrate the importance of TAD boundary sequences for in vivo genome function and reinforce the critical need to carefully consider the potential pathogenicity of noncoding deletions affecting TAD boundaries in clinical genetics screening