16,681 research outputs found

    A case study of a microsystems MSc curriculum

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    This paper tries to define the contents of master's programmes in Nanotechnology or Nanoengineering. This emerging technology holds large promises for industrial innovation and we need to prepare graduates properly as they will be confronted for most of their future careers with these new developments. The nano-world is a multidisciplinary world and the shortest way to a bad curriculum is filling it with a conglomerate of subjects from all disciplines. We should look for a philosophy and try to integrate disciplinary knowledge. Some of these questions are discussed and an implementation for a master's programme under the umbrella of Electrical Engineering is presented

    An ever More Polarized Union: The Greek Problem and the Failure of EU Economic Governance. CES Open Forum Series #14 2018-2019

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    As the Greek economy continues on its downward trajectory, the policy debate has degenerated into a re-enactment of the neoclassics versus Keynesians controversy. Yet, the Greek crisis can be solved neither by more austerity and structural reforms nor by Keynesian reflation. The core problem lies in a form of integration that has systematically weakened the Greek economy while stabilizing a clientelistic mode of interest intermediation. In order to recover, Greece needs a substantial devaluation plus an interventionist industrial policy. Yet, such a form of integration is not palatable to the North West European creditor countries, nor is it attractive to the Greek government as it would require a break with the clientelistic organization of political power while removing the scapegoat of the EU