89 research outputs found

    Sistem Cerdas Pemberian Pakan Otomatis Dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Panen Udang

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    Pemberian pakan pada budidaya udang merupakan hal penting terhadap proses pertumbuhan udang sehingga tercapai hasil panen yang diharapkan. Pemberian pakan harus seimbang dan tepat waktu, tidak terjadi kelebihan maupun kekurangan dalam pemberian pakan karena seluruh pakan yang diberikan belum tentu habis dimakan seluruhnya oleh udang, oleh karena itu perlu adanya teknologi yang dapat mengontrol dalam pemberian pakan udang. Teknologi pemberi pakan udang otomatis dapat menjadi solusi dalam permasalahan pemberian pakan untuk menunjang produktivitas budidaya udang. Tujuan dari alat pelempar pakan otomatis adalah untuk memberi kemudahan kepada petani tambak dalam memberi pakan udang secara efesien, tepat waktu dan terukur. Alat pemberi pakan udang otomatis dibangun menggunakan modul mikrokontroler arduino, modul RTC (Real Time Clock), dan sistem pelempar pakan. Metode pemberian pakan udang dengan prinsip kerja alat pemberi pakan udang adalah pakan udang terlempar secara horizontal akibat gaya sentrifugal. Dengan adanya pengaruh gaya sentrifugal dari baling-baling penebar, maka pakan akan terlempar keseluruh permukaan kolam. Pemberian pakan dikontrol dengan menggunakan Arduino dengan mengatur waktu. Pemberian pakan udang dilakukan setiap 4 jam sekali dan waktu nyala  alat selama 70 detik, menebar pakan sebanyak 10 kg untuk jumlah 1.500 ekor udang dan luas kolan 400 m2 dengan jarak lemparan pakan minimal 1 meter dan maksimal 7 meter


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    Penyebaran covid-19 masih menjadi ancaman mulai di mulai tahun 2019 sampai saat ini berbagai cara digunakan untuk mengatasi penyebaran covid-19 oleh pemerintah salah satunya dengan social distancing.  Selama ini pengukuran suhu pada umumnya masih menggunakan thermo gun yang mana pengukurannya masih melibatkan petugas. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat adalah merancang dan menerapkan teknologi sistem pengukuran suhu tubuh menggunakan pencitraan thermal berbasis internet of things pada mitra dalam hal ini Puskesmas Langsa Lama sehingga diharapkan dapat mencegah penyebaran covid-19 di lingkungan mitra

    Decision Support System Recommendations of Half and Full Subsidized KPR Houses

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    The house is a primary need for humans because as a place to stay and carry on life. Having a house is certainly not an easy matter because it requires a very large cost for it. This large amount of capital has made the community take a short and practical path by choosing half or full subsidized housing loans. Only with a capital of 20 million housing mortgages can be placed. However, the case of the house also considers the size, area, model, size of the remaining land, and location to be crucial in the selection. At present the types of KPR houses consist of types 36, 45, and 54. All three types have subsidies from the government so that they are affordable by many communities. However, from the results of field observations many people felt that it was not appropriate to choose the type of house. Let's say someone wants a type 45 house but ends up choosing type 36 with an estimated objection to paying monthly installments, even though they are capable. And vice versa who take type 45 then object to paying the monthly installments. Based on these problems, the authors try to help the community through the bank with the application of a decision support system (SPK). With this system, people who have filled out the registration form on the system will get a recommendation for the type of house. This system was built using the simple addative weight (SAW) method.Keywords: House, KPR, Type, SPK, SAW


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    Pendidikan anak itu penting dan perlu diperhatikan serta didukung oleh orang tua, terutamaibu. Sebab ibu memegang peranan penting dalam tumbuh kembang anak. Di Era Digital ini,ibu-ibu dapat mengawasi anak-anaknya ketika aktif berinternet, semua aplikasi memiliki sisipositif dan negatif, tergantung para penggunanya. Salah satu cara agar bisa mengawasi anakanaknyadalam berinternet yaitu, orang tua juga harus memahami cara penggunaan internetserta media sosial, agar orang tua mengetahui apa yang diakses oleh anak-anaknya. Jikaanaknya megakses hal-hal negatif maka orang tua bisa menasihatinya. Pada kegiatanPengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ibu-ibu diajarkan praktik langsung penggunaankomputer/laptop dan cara pemanfaatan internet dan mengenal aplikasi-aplikasi media sosialseperti Whatsapp, Line, BBM, twitter, Google, Youtube bahkan game yang sering dimainkananak. PKM ini melibatkan ibu-ibu Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) sebagaipesertanya, dan merupakan salah satu Tridharma yang menjadi tugas dosen, dan jugakontribusi diberikan dosen kepada masyarakat, dengan tujuan menjadikan ibu-ibu PKK yangpintar (being smart moms) agar dapat menjadi tempat bertanya bagi anak-anaknya seakaligusmenjawab pertanyaan tersebut

    Internet-Based Flood Detection System (Iot) and Telegram Messenger Using Mcu Node and Water Level Sensor

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    During the rainy season, several regions in Indonesia experienced floods even to the capital of Indonesia also flooded. Some of the causes are the high intensity of continuous rain, clogged or non-smooth drainage, high tides to accommodate the flow of water from rivers, other causes such as forest destruction, shallow and full of garbage and other causes. Every flood disaster comes, often harming the residents who experience it. The late anticipation from the community and the absence of an early warning system or information that indicates that there will be a flood so that the community is not prepared to face floods that cause a lot of losses. Therefore it is necessary to have a detection system to provide early warning if floods will occur, this is very important to prevent material losses from flooded residents. From this problem the researchers designed an internet-based flood detection System of Things (IoT). This tool can later be controlled via a smartphone remotely and can send messages Telegram messenger to citizens if the detector detects a flood will occur.Keywords: Flooding, Smartphone, Telegram messenger, Internet of Thing (IoT)


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    This research was aimed at comparing the use of code mixing in relation to the pattern of code mixing and the process of code mixing used by male and female students at Mahad Muhammad Saman Islamic Boarding School Medan. It is also intended to find out the reasons why male and female use code mixing in daily conversations. The data of the study were 10 male students and 10 female students’ utterances which contain Indonesian-English code mixing. The research was conducted by using qualitative descriptive design. The instrument used for this study were questionaire and interview. The data were analysed by Miles and Huberman and Saldana data analysis. (1)The research findings showed In the pattern of insertion, females are more frequent used it than males. females are used it 53% and males used it 38%. In the pattern of alternation, males are more frequent used it than females. Males used it 38% but females used it 21%. In the pattern of congruant lexicalization, females are more frequent used it than males. Females used it 26% but males used it 24%.male students tend to use noun or verb, while female students tend to use the word lah, kan, ya. (2)There are two processes of code mixing were not found by male and female students’ utterances, namely In alternation process is doubling and in congruent lexicalization process is homophonous dimorphs.(3)Gramatical form and lexical need are the most influent reason why male and female students used code mixing in daily conversations

    Sistem Pakar Menentukan Gangguan Layanan Indihome Menggunakan Algoritma Best First Search Berbasis Web

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    Indihome users are growing rapidly. However, PT Telkom's indihome services are still experiencing various disturbances so that the quality of service is not optimal, with the large number of Indihome users, it is undeniable that there are technicians who understand one type of disturbance better than others and sometimes there are new disturbances that are not understood by many technicians. , technicians who do not understand even those who are familiar with certain disorders may make mistakes in making decisions in dealing with disturbances. This is what prompted the construction of an expert system that aims as a solution to help make it easier for technicians when an interruption occurs in the indihome service, the expert system allows technicians to make consistent decisions to avoid mistakes based on the knowledge of an expert, so that with the solutions provided, technicians are able to take action. what to do when a disturbance occurs and how to deal with the disturbance. The expert system used is the Best First Search algorithm method

    Teaching speaking by using picture strip stories

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    This study was aimed to find out whether picture strip stories used as CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) could significantly help students develop their speaking skills, and also to find out which speaking sub-skills could be better taught by using picture strip stories. This study used a true experimental research design with quantitative and qualitative methods. It had an experimental group (EG) which was taught by using picture strip stories and a control group (CG) which was taught by using a typical speaking drill technique. The subjects of the study were classes VIII.1 and VIII.2 in the second grade at middle school, MTsN Model Gandapura, with 30 students in each class. The instrument used was a speaking test sheet. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS. The findings showed that using picture strip stories in teaching speaking significantly improved the EG students’ speaking scores. The EG average pre-test score  was 60 and for the CG it was 52 while the EG mean post-test score was 80 and for the CG it was 66. The students’ speaking ability in both groups was significantly different as indicated by the t-test (t-obtain (6.79 t-table 2.00). This showed that the students who were taught speaking by using the picture strip story technique improved significantly more in speaking than those who were taught  by using the drill technique. Besides, the findings from the study showed that five speaking sub-skills, viz: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehensibility, were all better taught by using picture strip stories

    Sistem Pengenalan Huruf Latin dengan Metode Perceptron Berbasis Neural Network

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    Huruf adalah sesuatu yang setiap hari dilihat oleh manusia. Manusia dapat mengenal berbagai macam karakter huruf dalam tulisan dengan mata dan otaknya. Setiap huruf memiliki pola dan karakter yang berbeda-beda. Jenis huruf pada huruf latin terdiri dari 29 huruf. Saat ini huruf latin terdiri dari ratusan jenis huruf (font). Dengan banyaknya jenis huruf ini dapat dikenali dengan mudah oleh manusia. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba menciptakan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat mengenali berbagai jenis huruf dengan jenis font yang berbeda-beda. Program pengenalan huruf ini dibangun dengan aplikasi Matlab 2017. Pola image yang menjadi inputan adalah citra hitam putih yang memiliki warna latar belakang putih dengan format file bitmap (.bmp) 16 bit, A-Z, a-z, 0-9, beserta tulisan tangan. Untuk dapat mengenali jenis huruf penulis merancang dan membangun aplikasi berbasis Neural Network dengan metode Perceptron. Metode perceptron diyakini cukup baik dalam proses pelatihan dan pengujin pengenalan huruf
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