74,728 research outputs found

    Empirical likelihood confidence intervals for complex sampling designs

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    We define an empirical likelihood approach which gives consistent design-based confidence intervals which can be calculated without the need of variance estimates, design effects, resampling, joint inclusion probabilities and linearization, even when the point estimator is not linear. It can be used to construct confidence intervals for a large class of sampling designs and estimators which are solutions of estimating equations. It can be used for means, regressions coefficients, quantiles, totals or counts even when the population size is unknown. It can be used with large sampling fractions and naturally includes calibration constraints. It can be viewed as an extension of the empirical likelihood approach to complex survey data. This approach is computationally simpler than the pseudoempirical likelihood and the bootstrap approaches. The simulation study shows that the confidence interval proposed may give better coverages than the confidence intervals based on linearization, bootstrap and pseudoempirical likelihood. Our simulation study shows that, under complex sampling designs, standard confidence intervals based on normality may have poor coverages, because point estimators may not follow a normal sampling distribution and their variance estimators may be biased.<br/

    Condensation and Slow Dynamics of Polar Nanoregions in Lead Relaxors

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    It is now well established that the unique properties of relaxor ferroelectrics are due to the presence of polar nanoregions (PNR's). We present recent results from Neutron and Raman scattering of single crystals of PZN, PZN-xPT, and PMN. Both sets of measurements provide information on the condensation of the PNR's and on their slow dynamics, directly through the central peak and, indirectly, through their coupling to transverse phonons. A comparative analysis of these results allows identification of three stages in the evolution of the PNR's with decreasing temperature: a purely dynamic stage, a quasi-static stage with reorientational motion and a frozen stage. A model is proposed, based on a prior study of KTN, which explains the special behavior of the transverse phonons (TO and TA) in terms of their mutual coupling through the rotations of the PNR's.Comment: AIP 6x9 style files, 10 pages, 4 figures, Conference-Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 200

    MTDeep: Boosting the Security of Deep Neural Nets Against Adversarial Attacks with Moving Target Defense

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    Present attack methods can make state-of-the-art classification systems based on deep neural networks misclassify every adversarially modified test example. The design of general defense strategies against a wide range of such attacks still remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we draw inspiration from the fields of cybersecurity and multi-agent systems and propose to leverage the concept of Moving Target Defense (MTD) in designing a meta-defense for 'boosting' the robustness of an ensemble of deep neural networks (DNNs) for visual classification tasks against such adversarial attacks. To classify an input image, a trained network is picked randomly from this set of networks by formulating the interaction between a Defender (who hosts the classification networks) and their (Legitimate and Malicious) users as a Bayesian Stackelberg Game (BSG). We empirically show that this approach, MTDeep, reduces misclassification on perturbed images in various datasets such as MNIST, FashionMNIST, and ImageNet while maintaining high classification accuracy on legitimate test images. We then demonstrate that our framework, being the first meta-defense technique, can be used in conjunction with any existing defense mechanism to provide more resilience against adversarial attacks that can be afforded by these defense mechanisms. Lastly, to quantify the increase in robustness of an ensemble-based classification system when we use MTDeep, we analyze the properties of a set of DNNs and introduce the concept of differential immunity that formalizes the notion of attack transferability.Comment: Accepted to the Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), 201

    Baryogenesis after Hyperextended Inflation

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    We study a baryogenesis mechanism operating in the context of hyperextended inflation and making use of a coupling between the scalar field and a standard model global current, such as B or B-L. The method is efficient at temperatures at which these currents are not conserved due to some higher dimensional operator. The particle physics and cosmological phenomenology are discussed. We consider constraints stemming from nucleosynthesis and solar system experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, uses RevTe

    The Role of Falia Expression in Forming the Character of a Child in Ethnic Muna in Muna District, Southeast Sulawesi

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    This paper is the result of a study entitled: The Role of Falia Expression in Forming the Character of a Child in Ethnic Muna, in Muna District, Southeast Sulawesi. The objective of this study is to uncover and analyze the role of falia ‘taboo' expressions informing child's character. The method used is descriptive qualitative by an elicitation, interview, recording, and noting techniques. The results of the analysis found that falia expression was instrumental in character building of children in ethnic Muna. Falia expression is awaken the character's child from undisciplined being disciplined, from lazy be diligent, of not respect other people be respectful to others, be honest from the dishonest, unfair from being fair

    Analisis Kejadian Stres Kerja pada Perawat di Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan Tahun 2017

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    Stres akibat kerja merupakan gangguan fisik dan emosional sebagai akibat ketidaksesuaian antara kapasitas,sumber daya atau kebutuhan pekerja yang berasal dari lingkungan pekerjaan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitiankuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional atau potong lintang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuigambaran tingkat stres kerja dan hubungan beban kerja dan lingkungan kerja perawat di Kabupaten KonaweKepulauan Tahun 2017. Sebagai sumber informasi dan rujukan mengenai kejadian stres kerja pada perawat diKabupaten Konawe Kepulauan Tahun 2017. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat yang beradadi Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan tahun 2017. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 83 orang dan teknikpengambil sampel menggunakan total sampling. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji Chi-squre pada tingkatkepercayaan 95% ( =0,05). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 17 perawat mengalami stres berat dan 66perawat mengalami stres ringan, beban kerja (ρ value = 0,002), kejenuhan (ρ value = 0,000) merupakan faktorpenentu kejadian stres. Sedangkan faktor lingkungan (ρ value = 0,225) bukan merupakan faktor penentukejadian stres kerja pada perawat di Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan tahun 2017. Kesimpulan, perawat diKabupaten Konawe Kepulauan tahun 2017 lebih banyak mengalami stres ringan, beban kerja berat, kejenuhankerja, lingkungan kerja kurang baik. Terdapat hubungan antara beban kerja dan kejenuhan kerja terhadapkejadian stres kerja pada perawat di Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan tahun 2017. Tidak terdapat hubunganantara lingkungan kerja dengan kejadian stres kerja pada perawat di Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan tahun2017

    Survival Vocabulary of Wuna Language in Plant Environment of Kowala

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    This article is taken from the results of a study entitled "Survival Vocabulary of Wuna Language in Plant Environment of Kowala ". The purpose of a study is to describe and analyze the survival vocabulary of Wuna Language in the plant environment kowala. The method used the field method. In presenting the data used quantitative descriptive method and data analysis used in the study method. Based on the analysis of data, amongst the 200 vocabularies submitted to 50 respondents, showed that most of the vocabulary in the plant environment kowala still significant in surviving. Plant kowala still closely related to community\u27s lives in the areas of social, economic, moral ethics and faith. Furthermore, community attitudes toward kowala plants still appreciate it. This can be showed by their attitude to let the plants of kowala grow anywhere, as shown in community\u27s gardens, in the middle of the plant teak, guava or anywhere without any interference from the community