349 research outputs found

    First Nustar Observations Of Mrk 501 Within A Radio To Tev Multi-Instrument Campaign

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    We report on simultaneous broadband observations of the TeV-emitting blazar Markarian 501 between 2013 April 1 and August 10, including the first detailed characterization of the synchrotron peak with Swift and NuSTAR. During the campaign, the nearby BL Lac object was observed in both a quiescent and an elevated state. The broadband campaign includes observations with NuSTAR, MAGIC, VERITAS, the Fermi Large Area Telescope, Swift X-ray Telescope and UV Optical Telescope, various ground-based optical instruments, including the GASP-WEBT program, as well as radio observations by OVRO, Metsähovi, and the F-Gamma consortium. Some of the MAGIC observations were affected by a sand layer from the Saharan desert, and had to be corrected using event-by-event corrections derived with a Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) facility. This is the first time that LIDAR information is used to produce a physics result with Cherenkov Telescope data taken during adverse atmospheric conditions, and hence sets a precedent for the current and future ground-based gamma-ray instruments. The NuSTAR instrument provides unprecedented sensitivity in hard X-rays, showing the source to display a spectral energy distribution (SED) between 3 and 79 keV consistent with a log-parabolic spectrum and hard X-ray variability on hour timescales. None (of the four extended NuSTAR observations) show evidence of the onset of inverse-Compton emission at hard X-ray energies. We apply a single-zone equilibrium synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model to five simultaneous broadband SEDs. We find that the SSC model can reproduce the observed broadband states through a decrease in the magnetic field strength coinciding with an increase in the luminosity and hardness of the relativistic leptons responsible for the high-energy emission

    MAGIC observations of Mkn 421 in 2008, and related optical/X-ray/TeV MWL study

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    The HBL-type blazar Markarian 421 is one of the brightest TeV gamma-ray sources of the Northern sky. From December 2007 until June 2008 it was intensively observed in the VHE (E>100 GeV) band by the MAGIC gamma-ray telescope. The source showed intense and prolonged activity during the whole period. In some nights the integral flux rose up to 3.6 Crab units (E>200 GeV). Intra-night rapid flux variations were observed. We compared the optical (KVA) and X-ray (RXTE-ASM, Swift-XRT) data with the MAGIC VHE data, investigating the correlations between different energy bands.Comment: 4 pages,4figures, Contribution to the 31st ICRC, Lodz, Poland, July 200

    Challenging the high-energy emission zone in FSRQs

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    The blazar zone in quasars is commonly assumed to be located inside the broad-line region at some hundreds of Schwartzschild radii from the central black hole. Now, the simultaneous Fermi/LAT and MAGIC observations of a strong flare in the FSRQ PKS 1222+21 (4C 21.35, z=0.432) on 2010 June 17 challenge this picture. The spectrum can be described by a single power law with photon index 2.72+/-0.34 between 3 GeV and 400 GeV, and this is consistent with emission from a single component in the jet. The absence of a spectral cutoff constrains the gamma-ray emission region to lie outside of the broad-line region, which would otherwise absorb the VHE gamma-rays. On the other hand, the MAGIC measurement of a doubling time of about 10 minutes indicates an extremely compact emission region, in conflict with the "far dissipation" scenario. This could be a hint for the importance of jet sub-structures, such as filaments, reconnection zones or shear layers for the occurrence of blazar flares.Comment: 2011 Fermi Symposium proceedings - eConf C11050

    Asymmetries on red giant branch surfaces from CHARA/MIRC optical interferometry

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    Context. Red giant branch (RGB) stars are very bright objects in galaxies and are often used as standard candles. Interferometry is the ideal tool to characterize the dynamics and morphology of their atmospheres. Aims. We aim at precisely characterising the surface dynamics of a sample of RGB stars. Methods. We obtained interferometric observations for three RGB stars with the MIRC instrument mounted at the CHARA interfer- ometer. We looked for asymmetries on the stellar surfaces using limb-darkening models. Results. We measured the apparent diameters of HD197989 (Epsilon Cyg) = 4.61+-0.02 mas, HD189276 (HR7633) = 2.95+-0.01 mas, and HD161096 (Beta Oph) = 4.43+-0.01 mas. We detected departures from the centrosymmetric case for all three stars with the tendency of a greater effect for lower logg of the sample. We explored the causes of this signal and conclude that a possible explanation to the interferometric signal is the convection-related and/or the magnetic-related surface activity. However, it is necessary to monitor these stars with new observations, possibly coupled with spectroscopy, in order to firmly establish the cause.Comment: Accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysics, section 1. Letters to the Editor. The official date of acceptance is 06/03/201

    The MAGIC Experiment and Its First Results

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    With its diameter of 17m, the MAGIC telescope is the largest Cherenkov detector for gamma ray astrophysics. It is sensitive to photons above an energy of 30 GeV. MAGIC started operations in October 2003 and is currently taking data. This report summarizes its main characteristics, its rst results and its potential for physics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium ''Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics'' (FFP6), Udine (Italy), Sep. 26-29, 200

    Antiproton constraints on dark matter annihilations from internal electroweak bremsstrahlung

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    If the dark matter particle is a Majorana fermion, annihilations into two fermions and one gauge boson could have, for some choices of the parameters of the model, a non-negligible cross-section. Using a toy model of leptophilic dark matter, we calculate the constraints on the annihilation cross-section into two electrons and one weak gauge boson from the PAMELA measurements of the cosmic antiproton-to-proton flux ratio. Furthermore, we calculate the maximal astrophysical boost factor allowed in the Milky Way under the assumption that the leptophilic dark matter particle is the dominant component of dark matter in our Universe. These constraints constitute very conservative estimates on the boost factor for more realistic models where the dark matter particle also couples to quarks and weak gauge bosons, such as the lightest neutralino which we also analyze for some concrete benchmark points. The limits on the astrophysical boost factors presented here could be used to evaluate the prospects to detect a gamma-ray signal from dark matter annihilations at currently operating IACTs as well as in the projected CTA.Comment: 32 pages; 13 figure

    Annihilation vs. Decay: Constraining dark matter properties from a gamma-ray detection

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    Most proposed dark matter candidates are stable and are produced thermally in the early Universe. However, there is also the possibility of unstable (but long-lived) dark matter, produced thermally or otherwise. We propose a strategy to distinguish between dark matter annihilation and/or decay in the case that a clear signal is detected in gamma-ray observations of Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies with gamma-ray experiments. The sole measurement of the energy spectrum of an indirect signal would render the discrimination between these cases impossible. We show that by examining the dependence of the intensity and energy spectrum on the angular distribution of the emission, the origin could be identified as decay, annihilation, or both. In addition, once the type of signal is established, we show how these measurements could help to extract information about the dark matter properties, including mass, annihilation cross section, lifetime, dominant annihilation and decay channels, and the presence of substructure. Although an application of the approach presented here would likely be feasible with current experiments only for very optimistic dark matter scenarios, the improved sensitivity of upcoming experiments could enable this technique to be used to study a wider range of dark matter models.Comment: 29 pp, 8 figs; replaced to match published version (minor changes and some new references

    A Tentative Gamma-Ray Line from Dark Matter Annihilation at the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    The observation of a gamma-ray line in the cosmic-ray fluxes would be a smoking-gun signature for dark matter annihilation or decay in the Universe. We present an improved search for such signatures in the data of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), concentrating on energies between 20 and 300 GeV. Besides updating to 43 months of data, we use a new data-driven technique to select optimized target regions depending on the profile of the Galactic dark matter halo. In regions close to the Galactic center, we find a 4.6 sigma indication for a gamma-ray line at 130 GeV. When taking into account the look-elsewhere effect the significance of the observed excess is 3.2 sigma. If interpreted in terms of dark matter particles annihilating into a photon pair, the observations imply a dark matter mass of 129.8\pm2.4^{+7}_{-13} GeV and a partial annihilation cross-section of = 1.27\pm0.32^{+0.18}_{-0.28} x 10^-27 cm^3 s^-1 when using the Einasto dark matter profile. The evidence for the signal is based on about 50 photons; it will take a few years of additional data to clarify its existence.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables; extended discussion; matches published versio

    Gamma-ray and radio tests of the e+e- excess from DM annihilations

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    PAMELA and ATIC recently reported an excess in e+e- cosmic rays. We show that if it is due to Dark Matter annihilations, the associated gamma-ray flux and the synchrotron emission produced by e+e- in the galactic magnetic field violate HESS and radio observations of the galactic center and HESS observations of dwarf Spheroidals, unless the DM density profile is significantly less steep than the benchmark NFW and Einasto profiles.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures; v2: normalizations fixed in Table 2 and typos corrected (no changes in the analysis nor the results), some references and comments added; v3: minor additions, matches published versio