464 research outputs found

    Semana de Arte e Cultura ucraniana (15 a 21-XI-1976)

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    (12. parágrafo do artigo) A Semana de Arte e Cultura Ucraniana, teve início no dia 15 encerrando-se no dia 21 de novembro de 1976. Na programação incluiu-se uma exposição de artesanato ucraniano, encontros culturais, conferências sobre a Ucrânia Livre e Tarás Chevtchenko, audições irradiadas e televisionadas, espetáculos artísticos do Balé Folclórico Ucraniano de Buenos Aires, do coro Renascimento da República Argentina e do conjunto folclórico e coro Kalyna, de Toronto, Canadá, com grande número de figurantes. compondo-se a Delegação Canadense de mais de 150 elementos vindos especialmente para a ocasião. A imprensa deu ampla cobertura ao evento

    Pourquoi le Bien ? Apparence, Réalité et Désir du Bien (République, Vi, 504b-506d)

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    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: "C’est un grand honneur et un immense plaisir que d’offrir les quelques réflexions platoniciennes qui suivent à Francis Wolff, qui fut mon caïman dès mon entrée à l’École Normale Supérieure en 1997. Elles lui sont offertes, avec toute mon amitié, en témoignage de l’extraordinaire enseignant et tuteur qu’il a été, particulièrement pour tous ceux qui ont choisi la voie en apparence austère (mais en apparence seulement) qu’est l’histoire de la philosophie antique.

    Les romans de Carole Dagher entre histoire et Histoire /

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    L'autoparodie dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Romain Gary / Emile Ajar /

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    Primary Hepatic Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Mimicking Acute Fulminant Hepatitis

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    Primary hepatic lymphoma (PHL) is a rare variant of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Diffuse hepatic involvement is uncommon and therefore presentation as progressive hepatitis or acute fulminant hepatic failure is rare. Acute onset of signs and symptoms can mimic a variety of infectious and inflammatory disorders, thus delaying the diagnosis. A high index of suspicion and liver biopsy early in the course of liver dysfunction may establish the diagnosis and allow rapid initiation of chemotherapy to prevent a fatal outcome. In this report, we describe a rare case of fulminant primary hepatic diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in a 55-year-old woman who died 2 weeks after admission, before the initiation of chemotherapy

    Resenha de: The Burden and the Glory

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    KENNEDY ( John F . ) . — The Burden and the Glory. Editado por Allan Ne-vins . Prefácio do Presidente Lyndon B. Johnson . Harper & Row, Publishers. New York, Evanston, and London . 10 edição, 1964. 293 págs. US$ 4.95.

    Expressão da categoria temporal: relação com os aspectos de verbo russo

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    Categoria d) aspecto no sintagma verbal russo

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    A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model for the analysis of the lining behavior of underground caverns in an AA-CAES system

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    With the worldwide demand for electricity, renewable energy is attracting increasing attention. As this energy has an intermittent character, large-scale storage technologies are necessary. One of the most promising systems is the advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage (AA-CAES) in underground lined rock caverns. The high cyclic thermal and mechanical loadings involved in the system can disturb the surrounding geological barrier and thus lead to the failure of the system. The implementation of a special lining capable of limiting the thermal losses, reducing the air leakage and ensuring the caverns stability, is therefore required. This paper presents the governing equations for fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes in saturated deformable media filled with dry air which characterize the conditions of the storing system. The assumptions used to simplify the equations are discussed and the neglected terms are underlined. These equations take into account the dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature, convection and heat compression. The air properties are derived using Helmholtz energy. A comprehensive comparison between the proposed model and a simple THM model based on constant parameters, ideal gas and conductive flux is made in order to emphasize the phenomena that could occur and their influences. Finally, thermo-hydro-mechanical simulations of the different lining materials are carried out to analyze the advantages and the drawbacks of each solution