125 research outputs found

    Informe de evaluación de Escritura en sexto grado 2013 ¿Qué logros de aprendizaje en Escritura muestran los estudiantes al finalizar la primaria?

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    Además de evaluar el desempeño de los estudiantes peruanos en comprensión de textos, la Evaluación Muestral (EM), aplicada a fines del 2013, incluyó una prueba de producción de textos escritos, cuyo objetivo es informar cuánto han logrado aprender nuestros estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria en la competencia de escritura. ¿Pueden organizar coherentemente sus ideas en un texto? ¿Pueden producir un cuento proporcionando detalles sobre los personajes y sus acciones? ¿Pueden ajustar sus escritos a las exigencias de la situación comunicativa? A partir de los resultados de la prueba, este informe apunta a responder estas y otras preguntas sobre el desempeño de los estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria al momento de escribir textos narrativos, así como a proporcionar recomendaciones para ayudarlos a mejorar su producción escrita. La prueba de escritura se aplicó a 4327 estudiantes, pertenecientes a 357 escuelas de todo el Perú. Las características de la muestra evaluada permiten proporcionar resultados representativos a nivel nacional y asegurar estimaciones confiables. En otras palabras, los resultados que se reportan en este documento revelan la situación de los niños de sexto de primaria del Perú al escribir textos narrativos, en particular, cuentos. Este informe consta de ocho capítulos. El primero presenta la manera cómo se concibe el aprendizaje de la escritura en la EM. El segundo y tercero señalan las características generales de la evaluación. El cuarto informa cómo se establecieron los niveles de logro para reportar los resultados: Nivel 3, Nivel 2 y Nivel 1. A continuación, el quinto capítulo muestra los resultados nacionales y se describen los niveles de logro. Estas descripciones van acompañadas de ejemplos comentados con el propósito de que el lector pueda tener una aproximación más clara a cada uno de los niveles. El sexto capítulo incluye otros hallazgos importantes obtenidos en la EM, tales como los resultados por área (urbana o rural), gestión (estatal o no estatal) y género. El sétimo presenta información complementaria a los resultados relacionada con el tratamiento que se dio a las diferentes variedades del castellano manejadas por los estudiantes al momento de evaluar sus textos. Finalmente, se presentan conclusiones y recomendaciones pedagógicas

    Composição corporal e percepção de autoimagem em universitárias

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    Introduction: Body image is the way we perceive the body. To recognize it is to clearly state its existence and, from this perception, to see the body's capacity to be changeable, that is, it can be changed at any moment. Objective: Classify the level of distortion of body self-image of university students of the physical education course of a public university of Pauí (UFPI) and verify its relation with anthropometric parameters, since it is believed that these students tend to present a greater concern with their appearance. Methodology: Study is descriptive and quantitative having a sample of 105 students, enrolled between the year of 2011 and 2015 and representing 75% of the total student population, were selected to participate of this descriptive-quantitative study. The self-image distortion was evaluated through the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and a body control scale was used for the analysis of body weight, composition and metabolism. Results: The students were 21.5±1.8 years old, 58.3±2.0kg weight and 160.6±2.1cm height. Regarding the anthropometric evaluation, students presented body mass index of 22.4±0.6; waist circumference of 70.6±0.8cm and waist/hip ratio of 0.73±0.01cm - values considered normal for adult women. The value obtained from the QSB, 84.2±9.6 points, indicates a slight distortion in the self-body perception. This distortion is present in 53% of the total participants. In conclusion these findings are worrisome because they are a group of future professionals that will work on and promote health and body practices.Introdução: A imagem corporal é a forma como percebemos o corpo. Reconhecê-la é afirmar com clareza sua existência e, a partir dessa percepção, ver a capacidade do corpo ser mutável, ou seja, ele pode a cada momento ser alterado. Objetivo: Classificar o nível de distorção da autoimagem corporal de universitárias do curso de Educação Física de uma universidade pública do Piauí e verificar a relação com os parâmetros antropométricos, pois se acredita que essas estudantes tendem a apresentar uma preocupação maior com a aparência. Metodologia: Estudo é de carácter descritivo e quantitativo, tendo uma amostra de 105 universitárias com ingresso entre 2011 a 2015, as quais representam 75% do total da população. Para avaliar a distorção da autoimagem foi utilizado o questionário Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), e para a análise de peso, composição e metabolismo corporal, uma balança de controle corporal (Omron, modelo HBF-514C). Resultados: As estudantes apresentaram idade de 21,5±1,8 anos, peso 58,3±2,0 kg, estatura 160,6±2,1cm, Ãndice de Massa Corporal 22,4±0,6kg/m2; Circunferência da Cintura 70,6±0,8cm e Relação da Cintura/Quadril 0,73±0,01cm, sendo todos esses valores normais para mulheres adultas. Em relação à autoimagem corporal foi encontrado o valor de 84,2±9,6 pontos, que indica uma leve distorção. Essa alteração esteve presente em 53% das participantes. Conclusão: Desta forma, esses achados revelam-se preocupantes pelo fato de se tratar de um grupo de futuros profissionais, multiplicadores de conceitos, da área de saúde e orientadores de práticas corporais

    Which Factors Determine Spatial Segregation in the South American Opossums (Didelphis aurita and D. albiventris)? An Ecological Niche Modelling and Geometric Morphometrics Approach

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    Didelphis albiventris and D. aurita are Neotropical marsupials that share a unique evolutionary history and both are largely distributed throughout South America, being primarily allopatric throughout their ranges. In the Araucaria moist forest of Southern Brazil these species are sympatric and they might potentially compete having similar ecology. For this reason, they are ideal biological models to address questions about ecological character displacement and how closely related species might share their geographic space. Little is known about how two morphologically similar species of marsupials may affect each other through competition, if by competitive exclusion and competitive release. We combined ecological niche modeling and geometric morphometrics to explore the possible effects of competition on their distributional ranges and skull morphology. Ecological niche modeling was used to predict their potential distribution and this method enabled us to identify a case of biotic exclusion where the habit generalist D. albiventris is excluded by the presence of the specialist D. aurita. The morphometric analyses show that a degree of shape discrimination occurs between the species, strengthened by allometric differences, which possibly allowed them to occupy marginally different feeding niches supplemented by behavioral shift in contact areas. Overlap in skull morphology is shown between sympatric and allopatric specimens and a significant, but weak, shift in shape occurs only in D. aurita in sympatric areas. This could be a residual evidence of a higher past competition between both species, when contact zones were possibly larger than today. Therefore, the specialist D. aurita acts a biotic barrier to D. albiventris when niche diversity is not available for coexistence. On the other hand, when there is niche diversification (e.g. habitat mosaic), both species are capable to coexist with a minimal competitive effect on the morphology of D. aurita

    Light paintings

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    Opinnäytetyössäni käsittelen omaa taiteellista tuotantoani. Aluksi kerron kuinka olen päätynyt tekemään sitä mitä teen ja esittelen kuvasarjani. Tämän jälkeen käyn läpi käsitteitä, jotka liittyvät työhöni. Oma työskentelyni on kehittynyt kohti valon kuvaamista. Kuvaan valoa tietyn ajan kuluessa tai aikaa tietyssä valossa. Miten päin asiaa haluaakaan ajatella. Tutkin valon luonteita vuorokauden- ja vuodenaikojen muutoksina. Kuinka erilainen valo on eri aikoina? Miten se muuttaa kohdettaan? Ja kuinka se suhteutuu ympäristön väreihin? Tekstissäni perehdyn valoon Claude Monetin kautta. Kävelyllä on ollut tärkeä merkitys teosteni synnylle. Se toimii inspiraation lähteenä ja oli merkittävässä roolissa ensimmäisissä sarjoissani. Käsittelen kävelyn teemaa Richard Longin työskentelyn avulla. Aika, vuodenajat, toisto ja sattuma, sekä valokuvauksen ja maalauksen suhde ovat aiheina seuraavissa luvuissa. Käyn näitä asioita läpi taiteilijoiden avulla, joiden teoksiin ja työskentelyyn olen tutustunut kirjoittaessani tätä lopputyötä. Yhteistä kaikille valitsemilleni taiteilijoille tai teoksille on pitkien ajanjaksojen käyttäminen. Muita yhdistäviä tekijöitä ovat työskentelymetodit, tekniikka tai visuaalinen lopputulos

    Measurement of ϒ production in pp collisions at √s = 2.76 TeV

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    The production of ϒ(1S), ϒ(2S) and ϒ(3S) mesons decaying into the dimuon final state is studied with the LHCb detector using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.3 pb−1 collected in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 2.76 TeV. The differential production cross-sections times dimuon branching fractions are measured as functions of the ϒ transverse momentum and rapidity, over the ranges pT < 15 GeV/c and 2.0 < y < 4.5. The total cross-sections in this kinematic region, assuming unpolarised production, are measured to be σ (pp → ϒ(1S)X) × B ϒ(1S)→μ+μ− = 1.111 ± 0.043 ± 0.044 nb, σ (pp → ϒ(2S)X) × B ϒ(2S)→μ+μ− = 0.264 ± 0.023 ± 0.011 nb, σ (pp → ϒ(3S)X) × B ϒ(3S)→μ+μ− = 0.159 ± 0.020 ± 0.007 nb, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic

    Study of the doubly charmed tetraquark T+cc

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    Quantum chromodynamics, the theory of the strong force, describes interactions of coloured quarks and gluons and the formation of hadronic matter. Conventional hadronic matter consists of baryons and mesons made of three quarks and quark-antiquark pairs, respectively. Particles with an alternative quark content are known as exotic states. Here a study is reported of an exotic narrow state in the D0D0π+ mass spectrum just below the D*+D0 mass threshold produced in proton-proton collisions collected with the LHCb detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The state is consistent with the ground isoscalar T+cc tetraquark with a quark content of ccu⎯⎯⎯d⎯⎯⎯ and spin-parity quantum numbers JP = 1+. Study of the DD mass spectra disfavours interpretation of the resonance as the isovector state. The decay structure via intermediate off-shell D*+ mesons is consistent with the observed D0π+ mass distribution. To analyse the mass of the resonance and its coupling to the D*D system, a dedicated model is developed under the assumption of an isoscalar axial-vector T+cc state decaying to the D*D channel. Using this model, resonance parameters including the pole position, scattering length, effective range and compositeness are determined to reveal important information about the nature of the T+cc state. In addition, an unexpected dependence of the production rate on track multiplicity is observed