107 research outputs found

    On the Putative Detection of z>0 X-ray Absorption Features in the Spectrum of Markarian 421

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    In a series of papers, Nicastro et al. have reported the detection of z>0 OVII absorption features in the spectrum of Mrk421 obtained with the Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS). We evaluate this result in the context of a high quality spectrum of the same source obtained with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) on XMM-Newton. The data comprise over 955ks of usable exposure time and more than 26000 counts per 50 milliAngstrom at 21.6 Angstroms. We concentrate on the spectrally clean region (21.3 < lambda < 22.5 Angstroms) where sharp features due to the astrophysically abundant OVII may reveal an intervening, warm--hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). We do not confirm detection of any of the intervening systems claimed to date. Rather, we detect only three unsurprising, astrophysically expected features down to the Log(N_i)~14.6 (3 sigma) sensitivity level. Each of the two purported WHIM features is rejected with a statistical confidence that exceeds that reported for its initial detection. While we can not rule out the existence of fainter, WHIM related features in these spectra, we suggest that previous discovery claims were premature. A more recent paper by Williams et al. claims to have demonstrated that the RGS data we analyze here do not have the resolution or statistical quality required to confirm or deny the LETGS detections. We show that our careful analysis resolves the issues encountered by Williams et al. and recovers the full resolution and statistical quality of the RGS data. We highlight the differences between our analysis and those published by Williams et al. as this may explain our disparate conclusions.Comment: 19 pages/7 figures/4 tables. 060424 submitted to ApJ 060522 re-submitted following ApJ reques

    The performance of the ATHENA X-ray Integral Field Unit

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    The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) is a next generation microcalorimeter planned for launch onboard the Athena observatory. Operating a matrix of 3840 superconducting Transition Edge Sensors at 90 mK, it will provide unprecedented spectro-imaging capabilities (2.5 eV resolution, for a field of view of 5') in the soft X-ray band (0.2 up to 12 keV), enabling breakthrough science. The definition of the instrument evolved along the phase A study and we present here an overview of its predicted performances and their modeling, illustrating how the design of the X-IFU meets its top-level scientific requirements. This article notably covers the energy resolution, count-rate capability, quantum efficiency and non X-ray background levels, highlighting their main drivers

    XMM-Newton EPIC & OM observations of Her X-1 over the 35 day beat period

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    We present the results of a series of XMM-Newton EPIC and OM observations of Her X-1, spread over a wide range of the 35 day precession period. We confirm that the spin modulation of the neutron star is weak or absent in the low state - in marked contrast to the main or short-on states. During the states of higher intensity, we observe a substructure in the broad soft X-ray modulation below ~1keV, revealing the presence of separate peaks which reflect the structure seen at higher energies. The strong fluorescence emission line at ~6.4keV is detected in all observations (apart from one taken in the middle of eclipse), with higher line energy, width and normalisation during the main-on state. In addition, we report the detection of a second line near 7keV in 10 of the 15 observations taken during the low-intensity states of the system. This feature is rather weak and not significantly detected during the main-on state, when the strong continuum emission dominates the X-ray spectrum. Spin resolved spectroscopy just after the rise to the main-on state shows that the variation of the Fe Kalpha line at 6.4 keV is correlated with the soft X-ray emission. This confirms our past finding based on the XMM-Newton observations made further into the main-on state, and indicates the common origin for the thermal component and the Fe Kalpha line detected at these phases. We also find that the normalisation of the 6.4keV line during the low state is correlated with the binary orbital phase, having a broad maximum centered near phi_(orbit) ~ 0.5. We discuss these observations in the context of previous observations, investigate the origin of the soft and hard X-rays and consider the emission site of the 6.4keV and 7keV emission lines.Comment: 12 pages, accepted MNRA

    Darwin -— an experimental astronomy mission to search for extrasolar planets

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    As a response to ESA call for mission concepts for its Cosmic Vision 2015–2025 plan, we propose a mission called Darwin. Its primary goal is the study of terrestrial extrasolar planets and the search for life on them. In this paper, we describe different characteristics of the instrument