132 research outputs found

    High local substrate availability stabilizes a cooperative trait

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    Cooperative behavior is widely spread in microbial populations. An example is the expression of an extracellular protease by the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis, which degrades milk proteins into free utilizable peptides that are essential to allow growth to high cell densities in milk. Cheating, protease-negative strains can invade the population and drive the protease-positive strain to extinction. By using multiple experimental approaches, as well as modeling population dynamics, we demonstrate that the persistence of the proteolytic trait is determined by the fraction of the generated peptides that can be captured by the cell before diffusing away from it. The mechanism described is likely to be relevant for the evolutionary stability of many extracellular substrate-degrading enzymes

    Structure of a Wbl protein and implications for NO sensing by M. tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and claims ~1.8 million human lives per annum. Host nitric oxide (NO) is important in controlling TB infection. M. tuberculosis WhiB1 is a NO-responsive Wbl protein (actinobacterial iron-sulfur proteins first identified in the 1970s). Until now, the structure of a Wbl protein has not been available. Here a NMR structural model of WhiB1 reveals that Wbl proteins are four-helix bundles with a core of three α-helices held together by a [4Fe-4S] cluster. The iron-sulfur cluster is required for formation of a complex with the major sigma factor (σA) and reaction with NO disassembles this complex. The WhiB1 structure suggests that loss of the iron-sulfur cluster (by nitrosylation) permits positively charged residues in the C-terminal helix to engage in DNA binding, triggering a major reprogramming of gene expression that includes components of the virulence-critical ESX-1 secretion system

    An Intron-Retaining Splice Variant of Human Cyclin A2, Expressed in Adult Differentiated Tissues, Induces a G1/S Cell Cycle Arrest In Vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Human cyclin A2 is a key regulator of S phase progression and entry into mitosis. Alternative splice variants of the G1 and mitotic cyclins have been shown to interfere with full-length cyclin functions to modulate cell cycle progression and are therefore likely to play a role in differentiation or oncogenesis. The alternative splicing of human cyclin A2 has not yet been studied. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Sequence-specific primers were designed to amplify various exon-intron regions of cyclin A2 mRNA in cell lines and human tissues. Intron retaining PCR products were cloned and sequenced and then overexpressed in HeLa cells. The subcellular localization of the splice variants was studied using confocal and time-lapse microscopy, and their impact on the cell cycle by flow cytometry, immunoblotting and histone H1 kinase activity. We found a splice variant of cyclin A2 mRNA called A2V6 that partly retains Intron 6. The gene expression pattern of A2V6 mRNA in human tissues was noticeably different from that of wild-type cyclin A2 (A2WT) mRNA. It was lower in proliferating fetal tissues and stronger in some differentiated adult tissues, especially, heart. In transfected HeLa cells, A2V6 localized exclusively in the cytoplasm whereas A2WT accumulated in the nucleus. We show that A2V6 induced a clear G1/S cell cycle arrest associated with a p21 and p27 upregulation and an inhibition of retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation. Like A2WT, A2V6 bound CDK2, but the A2V6/CDK2 complex did not phosphorylate histone H1. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This study has revealed that some highly differentiated human tissues express an intron-retaining cyclin A2 mRNA that induced a G1/S block in vitro. Contrary to full-length cyclin A2, which regulates cell proliferation, the A2V6 splice variant might play a role in regulating nondividing cell states such as terminal differentiation or senescence

    Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate administered during ex-vivo lung perfusion promotes rehabilitation of injured donor rat lungs obtained after prolonged warm ischemia.

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    Damaged lung grafts obtained after circulatory death (DCD lungs) and warm ischemia may be at high risk of reperfusion injury after transplantation. Such lungs could be pharmacologically reconditioned using ex-vivo lung perfusion (EVLP). Since acute inflammation related to the activation of nuclear factor kappaB (NF-κB) is instrumental in lung reperfusion injury, we hypothesized that DCD lungs might be treated during EVLP by pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC), an inhibitor of NF-κB. Rat lungs exposed to 1h warm ischemia and 2 h cold ischemia were subjected to EVLP during 4h, in absence (CTRL group, N = 6) or in presence of PDTC (2.5g/L, PDTC group, N = 6). Static pulmonary compliance (SPC), peak airway pressure (PAWP), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and oxygenation capacity were determined during EVLP. After EVLP, we measured the weight gain of the heart-lung block (edema), and the concentration of LDH (cell damage), proteins (permeability edema) and of the cytokines IL-6, TNF-α and CINC-1 in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and we evaluated NF-κB activation by the degree of phosphorylation and degradation of its inhibitor IκBα in lung tissue. In CTRL, we found significant NF-κB activation, lung edema, and a massive release of LDH, proteins and cytokines. SPC significantly decreased, PAWP and PVR increased, while oxygenation tended to decrease. Treatment with PDTC during EVLP inhibited NF-κB activation, did not influence LDH release, but markedly reduced lung edema and protein concentration in BAL, suppressed TNFα and IL-6 release, and abrogated the changes in SPC, PAWP and PVR, with unchanged oxygenation. In conclusion, suppression of innate immune activation during EVLP using the NF-κB inhibitor PDTC promotes significant improvement of damaged rat DCD lungs. Future studies will determine if such rehabilitated lungs are suitable for in vivo transplantation

    Distinct Roles of ComK1 and ComK2 in Gene Regulation in Bacillus cereus

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    The B. subtilis transcriptional factor ComK regulates a set of genes coding for DNA uptake from the environment and for its integration into the genome. In previous work we showed that Bacillus cereus expressing the B. subtilis ComK protein is able to take up DNA and integrate it into its own genome. To extend our knowledge on the effect of B. subtilis ComK overexpression in B. cereus we first determined which genes are significantly altered. Transcriptome analysis showed that only part of the competence gene cluster is significantly upregulated. Two ComK homologues can be identified in B. cereus that differ in their respective homologies to other ComK proteins. ComK1 is most similar, while ComK2 lacks the C-terminal region previously shown to be important for transcription activation by B. subtilis ComK. comK1 and comK2 overexpression and deletion studies using transcriptomics techniques showed that ComK1 enhances and ComK2 decreases expression of the comG operon, when B. subtilis ComK was overexpressed simultaneously

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis WhiB3 Maintains Redox Homeostasis by Regulating Virulence Lipid Anabolism to Modulate Macrophage Response

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    The metabolic events associated with maintaining redox homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) during infection are poorly understood. Here, we discovered a novel redox switching mechanism by which Mtb WhiB3 under defined oxidizing and reducing conditions differentially modulates the assimilation of propionate into the complex virulence polyketides polyacyltrehaloses (PAT), sulfolipids (SL-1), phthiocerol dimycocerosates (PDIM), and the storage lipid triacylglycerol (TAG) that is under control of the DosR/S/T dormancy system. We developed an in vivo radio-labeling technique and demonstrated for the first time the lipid profile changes of Mtb residing in macrophages, and identified WhiB3 as a physiological regulator of virulence lipid anabolism. Importantly, MtbΔwhiB3 shows enhanced growth on medium containing toxic levels of propionate, thereby implicating WhiB3 in detoxifying excess propionate. Strikingly, the accumulation of reducing equivalents in MtbΔwhiB3 isolated from macrophages suggests that WhiB3 maintains intracellular redox homeostasis upon infection, and that intrabacterial lipid anabolism functions as a reductant sink. MtbΔwhiB3 infected macrophages produce higher levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, indicating that WhiB3-mediated regulation of lipids is required for controlling the innate immune response. Lastly, WhiB3 binds to pks2 and pks3 promoter DNA independent of the presence or redox state of its [4Fe-4S] cluster. Interestingly, reduction of the apo-WhiB3 Cys thiols abolished DNA binding, whereas oxidation stimulated DNA binding. These results confirmed that WhiB3 DNA binding is reversibly regulated by a thiol-disulfide redox switch. These results introduce a new paradigmatic mechanism that describes how WhiB3 facilitates metabolic switching to fatty acids by regulating Mtb lipid anabolism in response to oxido-reductive stress associated with infection, for maintaining redox balance. The link between the WhiB3 virulence pathway and DosR/S/T signaling pathway conceptually advances our understanding of the metabolic adaptation and redox-based signaling events exploited by Mtb to maintain long-term persistence

    Constitutive expression of ftsZ overrides the whi developmental genes to initiate sporulation of Streptomyces coelicolor

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    The filamentous soil bacteria Streptomyces undergo a highly complex developmental programme. Before streptomycetes commit themselves to sporulation, distinct morphological checkpoints are passed in the aerial hyphae that are subject to multi-level control by the whi sporulation genes. Here we show that whi-independent expression of FtsZ restores sporulation to the early sporulation mutants whiA, whiB, whiG, whiH, whiI and whiJ. Viability, stress resistance and high-resolution electron microscopy underlined that viable spores were formed. However, spores from sporulation-restored whiA and whiG mutants showed defects in DNA segregation/condensation, while spores from the complemented whiB mutant had increased stress sensitivity, perhaps as a result of changes in the spore sheath. In contrast to the whi mutants, normal sporulation of ssgB null mutants—which fail to properly localise FtsZ—could not be restored by enhancing FtsZ protein levels, forming spore-like bodies that lack spore walls. Our data strongly suggest that the whi genes control a decisive event towards sporulation of streptomycetes, namely the correct timing of developmental ftsZ transcription. The biological significance may be to ensure that sporulation-specific cell division will only start once sufficient aerial mycelium biomass has been generated. Our data shed new light on the longstanding question as to how whi genes control sporulation, which has intrigued scientists for four decades

    The dpsA Gene of Streptomyces coelicolor: Induction of Expression from a Single Promoter in Response to Environmental Stress or during Development

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    The DpsA protein plays a dual role in Streptomyces coelicolor, both as part of the stress response and contributing to nucleoid condensation during sporulation. Promoter mapping experiments indicated that dpsA is transcribed from a single, sigB-like dependent promoter. Expression studies implicate SigH and SigB as the sigma factors responsible for dpsA expression while the contribution of other SigB-like factors is indirect by means of controlling sigH expression. The promoter is massively induced in response to osmotic stress, in part due to its sensitivity to changes in DNA supercoiling. In addition, we determined that WhiB is required for dpsA expression, particularly during development. Gel retardation experiments revealed direct interaction between apoWhiB and the dpsA promoter region, providing the first evidence for a direct WhiB target in S. coelicolor

    Targeting the cell cycle for cancer therapy

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    Most if not all neoplasias show a directly or indirectly deregulated cell cycle. Targeting its regulatory molecules, the cyclin-dependent kinases, as a therapeutic mode to develop new anticancer drugs, is being currently explored in both academia and pharmaceutical companies. The development of new compounds is being focused on the many features of the cell cycle with promising preclinical data in most fields. Moreover, a few compounds have entered clinical trials with excellent results maintaining the high hopes. Thus, although too early to provide a cell cycle target based new commercial drug, there is no doubt that it will be an excellent source of new anticancer compounds