12,160 research outputs found

    Multiconditional Approximate Reasoning with Continuous Piecewise Linear Membership Functions

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    It is shown that, for some intersection and implication functions, an exact and efficient algorithm exists for the computation of inference results in multiconditional approximate reasoning on domains which are finite intervals of the real numbers, when membership functions are restricted to functions which are continuous and piecewise linear. An implementation of the algorithm is given in the functional programming language Miranda

    Twistor space, Minkowski space and the conformal group

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    It is shown that the conformal group of compactified Minkowski space is isomorphic to a group of rays of semilinear transformations of twistor space. The action of the conformal group on twistor space is given by an explicit realisation of this isomorphism. In this way we determine the transformation of twistor space under space inversion and time inversion

    On the type and the standardform of induced UA representations

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    We derive to which of the three types an irreducible UA representation which is obtained with the procedure of generalised induction belongs. We analyse the question whether or not the irreducible induced UA representations are on standardform. The results hold as well for induced PUA representations

    Eavesdropping on GSM: state-of-affairs

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    In the almost 20 years since GSM was deployed several security problems have been found, both in the protocols and in the - originally secret - cryptography. However, practical exploits of these weaknesses are complicated because of all the signal processing involved and have not been seen much outside of their use by law enforcement agencies. This could change due to recently developed open-source equipment and software that can capture and digitize signals from the GSM frequencies. This might make practical attacks against GSM much simpler to perform. Indeed, several claims have recently appeared in the media on successfully eavesdropping on GSM. When looking at these claims in depth the conclusion is often that more is claimed than what they are actually capable of. However, it is undeniable that these claims herald the possibilities to eavesdrop on GSM using publicly available equipment. This paper evaluates the claims and practical possibilities when it comes to eavesdropping on GSM, using relatively cheap hardware and open source initiatives which have generated many headlines over the past year. The basis of the paper is extensive experiments with the USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) and software projects for this hardware.Comment: 5th Benelux Workshop on Information and System Security (WISSec 2010), November 201

    On the determination of factor systems of PUA representations

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    A method is developed to obtain a complete set of inequivalent factor systems of PUA � representations of a group with a subgroup of index two from the factor systems of this subgroup

    Efficient algorithms for approximate reasoning

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    We present algorithms for approximate reasoning computations, for some intersection and implication functions, which are as efficient as E.H. Mamdani et al.'s (1975) interpolation method. Implementations of the algorithms are given in the functional language Mirand

    On the factor systems of the Shubnikov space groups

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    The procedure of Backhouse for the determination of a complete set of inequivalent factor systems of the symmorphic Shubnikov space groups of type I is generalized for all Shubnikov space groups of types I and 111. The results are used to obtain a method for the construction of a set of inequivalent factor systems of the Shubnikov space groups of types I1 and IV

    Induced PUA representations and selection rules

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    Well known properties of induced unitary representations are generalised for induced PUA representations. They are applied to obtain an expression for the multiplicities in the Clebsch-Gordon series of induced PUA representations. Finally we show how these multiplicities can be used for the determination of selection rules

    Empathic Agent Technology (EAT)

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    A new view on empathic agents is introduced, named: Empathic Agent Technology (EAT). It incorporates a speech analysis, which provides an indication for the amount of tension present in people. It is founded on an indirect physiological measure for the amount of experienced stress, defined as the variability of the fundamental frequency of the human voice. A thorough review of literature is provided on which the EAT is founded. In addition, the complete processing line of this measure is introduced. Hence, the first generally applicable, completely automated technique is introduced that enables the development of truly empathic agents

    Ubiquitous emotion-aware computing

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    Emotions are a crucial element for personal and ubiquitous computing. What to sense and how to sense it, however, remain a challenge. This study explores the rare combination of speech, electrocardiogram, and a revised Self-Assessment Mannequin to assess people’s emotions. 40 people watched 30 International Affective Picture System pictures in either an office or a living-room environment. Additionally, their personality traits neuroticism and extroversion and demographic information (i.e., gender, nationality, and level of education) were recorded. The resulting data were analyzed using both basic emotion categories and the valence--arousal model, which enabled a comparison between both representations. The combination of heart rate variability and three speech measures (i.e., variability of the fundamental frequency of pitch (F0), intensity, and energy) explained 90% (p < .001) of the participants’ experienced valence--arousal, with 88% for valence and 99% for arousal (ps < .001). The six basic emotions could also be discriminated (p < .001), although the explained variance was much lower: 18–20%. Environment (or context), the personality trait neuroticism, and gender proved to be useful when a nuanced assessment of people’s emotions was needed. Taken together, this study provides a significant leap toward robust, generic, and ubiquitous emotion-aware computing