179 research outputs found

    El género y la participación en algunos órganos de gobierno en la universidad

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    A medida que se asciende en el nivel de poder y responsabilidad en las universidades, disminuye la presencia del género femenino. Las universidades españolas se gobiernan en buena parte siguiendo el sistema participativo, por ello ha sido nuestro objeto de estudio observar cómo participa el profesorado en algunos de sus órganos de gobierno. A partir de la elaboración de categorías de observación sobre las intervenciones realizadas en las reuniones de toma de decisiones y de la celebración de grupos de discusión, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exploratorio descriptivo sobre la participación en función del género. Los resultados apuntan ciertas tendencias como que las profesoras muestran un estilo de participación más asertivo que agresivo o pasivo y que el género de quien dirige la reunión parece influir en su forma de participar.As the level of power and responsibility in universities increases, the presence of the female gender decreases. Spanish universities are largely governed by a participatory system, therefore the purpose of our study was to observe how teaching staff participate within their governing bodies. Taking as our starting point the production of categories of observation of the contributions made in decision-making meetings and discussion groups, a descriptive exploratory study was carried out on participation according to gender. The results show certain tendencies such as the fact that female teaching staff present a more assertive style of participation rather than aggressive or passive and that the gender of the coordinator of the meeting influences the way in which those present participate

    The Limits of Forgiviness in International Relations: Groups Supporting the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan and Political Tensions

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    Visits (or attempts to visit) to the Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese officials have generated a series of controversies and tensions between the countries occupied by imperialist Japan during the Pacific War. The central dilemma is that Yasukuni, emblem of Japanese militarism, questions the coherence and consistency of the requests for forgiveness made by different Japanese prime ministers to countries in the region in repentance for atrocities and violations of human rights committed in the past. The weakness of the apologies is not an exclusive problem of Japan. On the contrary, the official pardon granted by one state to another has become an increasingly common practice, but questioned in international relations. The limits of apologies in the process of reconciliation between states have led to a new research strand, aligned with the debates on transitional justice, which discusses dimensions of the level of forgiveness in terms of rectification processes. From this perspective, previous research shows that there is a tendency to analyse the case of Yasukuni without delving into the social groups that support the shrine and define the agenda of prominent personalities of local politics, especially linked to the ruling party, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), who claim Yasukuni. Faced with this gap, this article examines the characteristics and modes of action of the groups in favour of Yasukuni and the responses from China and South Korea to the visits to the shrine by officials, in order to understand the peculiarities and scope of forgiveness in East Asia.Fil: Alvarez, Maria del Pilar. Universidad del Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lunaklick, María del Mar. No especifíca;Fil: Muñoz, Tomás. No especifíca

    La Revista "Materiales de Construcción". Historia, situación actual y perspectivas

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    In this communication a revision of the most infl uence scientifi c journals on building materials will be presented. Special attention would be paid in historic evolution, actual situation and future perspectives of the journal "Materiales de Construcción". This journal is edited by CSIC and manages in the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Science. The infl uence of its presence on the journal on Journal Citation Reports data base will be examined. Also more data about the presence of the journal on others data base and the origin the different papers will be presented.En esta comunicación se presenta una revisión de las principales revistas científicas en el ámbito de los materiales de construcción, centrando la atención en la evolución histórica, situación actual y perspectivas de la revista "Materiales de Construcción", que edita el CSIC y que se dirige y gestiona en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. Se muestran los resultados obtenidos sobre la influencia de la incorporación de la revista a los listados del Journal Citation Reports, así como los datos disponibles en torno a difusión (Bases de Datos en las que está recogida), implantación nacional e internacional. También se presentarán resultados sobre la procedencia de los artículos recibidos

    Plan de viabilidad para la creación de un negocio: Academia de inglés

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    Trabajo que presenta un estudio de viabilidad económica-financiera focalizado en la creación de un nuevo negocio relacionado con la enseñanza de idiomas, en concreto de una academia de inglés. <br /

    Measurement of correlation between transmission and scattering during wound healing in hen corneas

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    Producción CientíficaThe aim of this work is to provide experimental data for corneal transparency and scattering to help create a more complete model of corneal transparency. The scattered light in 96 healing hen corneas was measured for three wavelengths by a scatterometer constructed in the Optics Laboratory (The University of Valladolid, Spain). With the help of mirrors and beamsplitters, the light from the three lasers is directed toward the cell containing the sample to be measured. The measured scattered light varies between six orders of magnitude. Corneal transmissivity, mean cosine of a scattering angle, and angular distribution of scattered light were all computed. The total transmitted light remained practically constant over a wide range of light values transmitted in a forward direction (direct transmissivity). The value of the mean cosine of the scattering direction is very close to the unit (g40:98), even in corneas with high opacities. The behavior of g indicates that even damaged corneas evidence extremely small scattering, compared to other biological tissues. The transmission reduction of each cornea is related to an increase in scattered light. In all cases, scattered light is concentrated at very small angles. This behavior is acceptable in corneas that are healthy or which evidence small lesions, but remains in corneas that are severely injured

    Fast assessment of resistance to carbapenems and ciprofloxacin of clinical strains of Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Infections caused by multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii constitute a major life-threatening problem worldwide, and early adequate antibiotic therapy is decisive for success. For these reasons, rapid detection of antibiotic susceptibility in this pathogen is a clinical challenge. Two variants of the Micromax kit were evaluated for a rapid detection in situ of susceptibility or resistance to meropenem or ciprofloxacin, separately, in 322 clinical isolates. Release of the nucleoid is the criterion of susceptibility to the beta-lactams (carbapenems), whereas diffusion of DNA fragments emerging from the nucleoid characterizes the quinolone activity. All the susceptible and resistant strains were correctly categorized in 100 min according to the MIC results and CLSI criteria. Thus, our technology is a promising tool for rapid identification of carbapenem and quinolone resistance of A. baumannii strains in hospital settingsThis work has been supported by grants from the European Community, FP 7, ID: 278232 (MagicBullet), Xunta de Galicia 10CSA916020PR, and by REIPI, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RD06/0008/0025) and the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PS09/00687) to G.B

    Medición de la motivación para aprender inglés como lengua extranjera: Validación del LLOS-IEA. Diferencias de Sexo y Edad en las regulaciones emocionales

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido traducir al español, adaptar a un contexto AICLE y analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala LLOS-IEA; Escala de la orientación del aprendizaje de idiomas – Subescalas de Motivación Intrínseca, Motivación Extrínseca y desmotivación. La versión adaptada del LLOS-IEA fue administrada a 3355 estudiantes de Andalucía con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 17 años. Tras los procesos de traducción y adaptación, se realizaron análisis de los ítems y de la estructura interna con el fin de comparar los modelos de 5 y 7 factores. Esto dio lugar a análisis CFA, fiabilidad y validez que concluyeron el mejor ajuste del modelo de 5 factores. También se realizó un análisis de modelos multiniveles para estudiar la validez de constructo obteniendo resultados similares a otros estudios.The object of this research was to translate into Spanish and adapt to a CLIL context the Language Learning Orientation Scale-Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation and Amotivation Subscales (LLOS-IEA) analysing its psychometric properties. The LLOS-IEA adaptation was administered to a total of 3355 students from Andalusia aged from 11 to 17 years. After the translation and adaptation processes, item and internal structure analyses were conducted comparing the 5 and 7-factor models. This led to a CFA and to reliability and validity analyses, which concluded that the 5-factor performed the best fit. Other analyses have shown this instrument to be sex-invariant and to have convergent validity. A multi-level model analysis was also conducted in order to study the construct validity concluding with similar results from similar studies

    Efficient production of acetoin by fermentation using the newly isolated mutant strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CML B4

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    With the aim of applying biotechnology to produce acetoin, a chemical that can be used as an aroma and as a building block for other compounds, several putative mutants with reduced lactic acid synthesis were obtained from a wild-type homolactic strain of L. lactis subjected to chemical mutagenesis. Among these mutants, a strain was isolated, CML B4, that showed reduced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and increased NADH oxidase (NOX) activities. Shaken flask cultures of this mutant strain mainly produced acetoin, increasing the levels produced compared to the wild-type strain by 15-fold. A point mutation detected in the ldh gene encoding LDH was probably the genetic defect responsible for this phenotype. In pH-controlled aerobic batch fermentation, the CML B4 strain produced more than 40 gL−1 acetoin, which was increased by up to 59 gL−1 in fed-batch fermentations, with yields close to 88 and 74%, respectively, and productivities exceeding 2 gL−1 h−1. These results indicate that this strain could be used industrially as a cell factory for the production of acetoin from bioresources.This work was supported by the Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Basque Government [grant number S-PE05LE03]

    Tecnologías semánticas para la evaluación en red: análisis de una experiencia con la herramienta OeLE

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    The key role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in universities is out of question. The fast development of ICTs has brought with it the creation of new teaching-learning environments in higher education. This paper shows the results of a study that made use of a software in order to conduct and assess short-answer online tests. The software also provided students with feedback on their performance. The study was carried out with a group of undergraduate Education students at the University of Murcia (Spain) enrolled in an online subject. The focus of the online assessment procedures introduced in this study was beyond multiple-choice tests traditionally used in online assessment. Results of this study not only showed the scope of online assessment, but also defined guidelines for evaluation in online courses. This research study is part of the “Semantic Environment for Personalized Learning” Project funded by the Fundación Séneca (Murcia, Spain). No cuestionamos ya el importante papel que tienen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en nuestra realidad universitaria actual. El rápido devenir de estas herramientas ha supuesto la configuración de nuevos espacios de enseñanza-aprendizaje dentro de las distintas modalidades de enseñanza universitaria actuales. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada tras la incorporación de un programa que permite realizar y corregir pruebas de evaluación de desarrollo a través de la red. Este programa permite hacer exámenes con preguntas de desarrollo y ofrece feedback al alumnado respecto a la prueba de evaluación realizada. Esta experiencia se llevó a cabo con un grupo de alumnos de la Licenciatura en Pedagogía de la Universidad de Murcia (España). Estos alumnos cursaban una asignatura optativa en red ofrecida por la titulación y se planteó la experiencia creando un entorno de evaluación en red que va más allá de las tradicionales pruebas tipo test utilizadas en los exámenes on-line. La finalidad de este análisis permite conocer no únicamente las posibilidades pedagógicas del entorno de evaluación en red, sino establecer además pautas de actuación para configurar futuros escenarios de evaluación en entornos virtuales con estas herramientas. Hemos de hacer constar que esta investigación ha sido realizada en el marco del Proyecto 08756/PI/08 “Plataforma Semántica de Formación a la Carta” financiado por la Fundación Séneca (Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia)

    Factores relacionados con la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en mujeres con VIH: Un estudio mixto con diseño secuencial

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    Background: HIV/AIDS is affecting more and more women. Adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) is decisive for those infected to achieve quality of life. Purpose: The aim of the present study is to determine the degree of adherence displayed by a group of women with HIV/AIDS and to identify those factors and circumstances which might influence their adherence to ART. Method: A sequential mixed model research design was applied. The subjects studied consisted of 86 women diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and treated with ART. Findings and discussion: Qualitative data were collected from 18 of these women. 59.3% of participants were non-adherents. The determining factors for non-adherence were level of education, age, income, as well as personal and/or interpersonal factors such as socio-familial support, perceived stigma, self-stigma and factors related to disease and treatment. Nursing care should take a gender-focused approach towards those psychological and personal factors inherent in the adherence process.Introducción: El VIH/Sida afecta cada vez a más mujeres. La adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral es decisiva en la calidad de vida de las personas infectadas. Objetivos: El objetivo del estudio es determinar el grado de adherencia manifestada en un grupo de mujeres con VIH/Sida, con TAR e identificar los factores y circunstancias que influyen en su adherencia.Metodología: Se ha realizado un estudio con diseño mixto secuencial explicativo. Los sujetos de estudio son 86 mujeres diagnosticadas con VIH/Sida en tratamiento con TARGA. Resultados: Se recogieron datos cualitativos de 18 de ellas. El 59,3% de las participantes son no adherentes. Los factores determinantes de la no adherencia son el grado académico, edad, ingresos, así como factores personales, interpersonales como el apoyo sociofamiliar, estigma percibido y autoestigma y factores relativos a la enfermedad y tratamiento. Conclusión: Los cuidados de enfermería deben abordar con enfoque de género aquellos factores psicosociales e individuales del proceso de adherencia