11 research outputs found

    Protocol per a la vigilància de les paràlisis flàccides agudes en menors de 15 anys: pla d’eradicació de la poliomielitis

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    Paràlisi flàccida aguda; Paràlisi infantil; Eradicació de malaltiesParalisis flacida aguda; Paralisis infantil; Erradicación de enfermedadesFlaccid acute paralysis; Infantile paralysis; Diseases eradicationDins el marc de les actuacions necessàries per tal d'aconseguir el Certificat d'Erradicació de la poliomielitis a Espanya, el pla d'acció proposat per dur-les a terme a Catalunya s’explicita en aquest protocol per a la Vigilància de les Paràlisis Flàccides Agudes en menors de 15 anys, per poder assolir així els criteris de qualitat establerts per a l’Organització Mundial de la Salut

    Re-emergence of enterovirus D68 in Europe after easing the COVID-19 lockdown, September 2021

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    We report a rapid increase in enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) infections, with 139 cases reported from eight European countries between 31 July and 14 October 2021. This upsurge is in line with the seasonality of EV-D68 and was presumably stimulated by the widespread reopening after COVID-19 lockdown. Most cases were identified in September, but more are to be expected in the coming months. Reinforcement of clinical awareness, diagnostic capacities and surveillance of EV-D68 is urgently needed in Europe

    Viral culture and immunofluorescence for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 infectivity in RT-PCR positive respiratory samples

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    Background: Knowing how long SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals can remain infective is crucial for the design of infection prevention and control strategies. Viral culture is the gold standard for detecting an active-replicative virus and evaluating its infectious potential. Objective: To assess the correlation of SARS-CoV-2 infectivity with the number of days from symptom onset and the Ct value, using culture as a reference method. Also, to describe a detailed protocol for SARS-CoV-2 culture and immunofluorescence confirmation based on our experience with other respiratory viruses. Study design: 100 consecutive respiratory samples positive for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR from different subjects were inoculated into VERO E6 cells. Results: Viral isolation was successful in 58% of samples. The median number of days from symptom onset for culture-positive samples was 2, and 15 for culture-negative samples. Six positive cultures were obtained in patients ≥14 days after symptom onset, all of whom were immunocompromised orwith severe COVID-19. The mean Ct value was 12.64 units higher in culture-negative than in culture-positive samples. The probability of successfully isolating SARS-CoV-2 in samples with a Ct value 27. Conclusions: Our findings show a significant positive correlation between the probability of isolating SARS-CoV-2 in culture, fewer days of symptoms and a lower RT-PCR Ct value. SARS-CoV-2 infectivity lasts no more than 14 days from symptom onset in immunocompetent individuals. In contrast, in immunocompromised patients or those with severe COVID-19 infectivity may remain after 14 days. Ct value <22 always indicates infectivity

    Whole-genome analysis to describe a human adenovirus D8 conjunctivitis outbreak in a tertiary hospital

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    Conjunctivitis is a frequent ocular disorder caused by human adenoviruses (HAdVs). Only a few of the 45 HAdV-D species are associated with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, including HAdV-D8. Nosocomial outbreaks due to HAdV-D8 have been rarely described, because keratoconjunctivitis cases are clinically diagnosed and treated without having to characterize the causative agent. Moreover, molecular typing is tedious when using classical techniques. In this study, a hospital outbreak of conjunctivitis caused by HAdV-D8 was characterized using the recently developed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) method. Of the 363 patients attending the Ophthalmology Department between July 13 and August 13, 2018, 36 may have acquired intrahospital conjunctivitis. Also, 11 of 22 samples sent to the Virology section were selected for WGS analysis. The WGS results revealed that 10 out of 11 HAdV-D8 strains were closely related. The remaining strain (Case 28) was more similar to a strain from an outbreak in Germany obtained from a public sequence database. WGS results showed that outbreak HAdV-D8 strains had a minimum percentage of identity of 94.3%. WGS is useful in a clinical setting, because it avoids carrying out viral culture or specific polymerase chain reaction sequencing. The public availability of sequence reads makes it easier to compare clusters in circulation. In conclusion, WGS can play an important role in standard routines to describe viral outbreaks

    Enterovirus D68-associated respiratory and neurological illness in Spain, 2014-2018

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    During 2014, enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) outbreaks were described globally, causing severe respiratory diseases in children and, in some cases, subsequent paralysis. In this study, the type characterization of enterovirus (EV) detected in respiratory illnesses and the epidemiology and clinical association of EV-D68 infections in Spain over a five-year period were described. A total of 546 EV-positive samples from hospitalized patients with respiratory infections were included. EV-D68 was the most frequently detected type (46.6%, 191/410 typed EV). Other EV from species A (25.1%), B (27.8%) and C (0.5%) were also identified. EV-D68 infections were more associated with bronchitis while EV-A/B types were more frequent in upper respiratory illness (p < 0.01). EV-D68 was also detected in patients with neurological symptoms (nine meningitis/meningoencephalitis and eight acute flaccid paralysis cases). Phylogenetic analysis of 3'-VP1 region showed most Spanish EV-D68 sequences from 2014 to 2016 belonged to subclades B2/B3, as other American and European strains circulating during the same period. However, those detected in 2017 and 2018 clustered to the emerged subclade D1. In summary, different EV can cause respiratory infections but EV-D68 was the most prevalent, with several strains circulating in Spain at least since 2014. Association between EV-D68 infection and neurological disease was also described.Dr. R. González-Sanz is supported by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III [grant number PI15CIII-00020]. This study was partially supported by the same grant.S

    Epidemiology of Echovirus 30 Infections Detected in a University Hospital in Catalonia, Spain, in 1995-2020

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    There is a growing interest in echovirus 30 (E30), an enterovirus responsible for neurological disease and hospitalization. There are multiple studies of outbreaks, but few that study the epidemiology over long periods of time. Our study aims to describe the clinical, epidemiological and microbiological characteristics of a series of E30 infections detected over 26 years. Data were retrospectively collected from a database of all enterovirus infections identified in our laboratory. They were detected by viral isolation or nucleic acid detection in patients presenting with respiratory or neurological infections, rash, sepsis-like syndrome, or gastroenteritis. Enterovirus genotyping was performed by amplification of the VP1 gene using RT-nested PCR, followed by sequencing and BLAST analysis. Of the 2402 enterovirus infections detected, 1619 were linked to at least one genotype and 173 were caused by E30. Clinical information was available for 158 (91.3%) patients. E30 was associated with neurological infection in 107 (67.8%) cases and it was detected almost every year. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with 67 sequences. We observed that E30 strains circulating in Catalonia from 1996 to 2016 belong to two lineages (E and F), although the majority cluster was in F. In 2018, lineage I emerged as the dominant lineage

    Detection of reassortant influenza B strains from 2004 to 2015 seasons in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) by whole genome sequencing

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    Influenza B viruses (FLUBV) have segmented genomes which enables the virus to evolve by segment reassortment. Since the divergence of both FLUBV lineages, B/Victoria / 2/87 (FLUBV/VIC) and B/Yamagata/16/88 (FLUBV/YAM), PB2, PB1 and HA have kept the same ancestor, while some reassortment events in the other segments have been reported worldwide. The aim of the present study was to find out reassortment episodes in FLUBV strains detected in cases attended at Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron and Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona, Spain) from 2004 to 2015 seasons. From October 2004 to May 2015, respiratory specimens were received from patients with respiratory tract infection suspicion. Influenza detection was carried out by either cell culture isolation, immunofluorescence or PCR-based assays. A RT-PCR was performed to distinguish both lineages by agarose gel electrophoresis. Whole genome amplification was performed using the universal primer set by Zhou et al. in 2012, and subsequently sequenced using Roche 454 GS Junior platform. Bioinformatic analysis was performed to characterise the sequences with B/Malaysia/2506/2007 and B/Florida/4/2006 corresponding sequences as reference of (B/VIC) and (B/YAM), respectively. A total of 118 FLUBV (75 FLUBV/VIC and 43 FLUBV/YAM), from 2004 to 2006, 2008-2011 and 2012-2015 seasons, were studied. The whole genome of 58 FLUBV/VIC and 42 FLUBV/YAM viruses was successfully amplified. Based on HA sequences, most FLUBV/VIC viruses (37; 64%) belonged to clade 1A (B/Brisbane/60/2008) except to 11 (19%), which fell within clade 1B (B/HongKong/514/2009) and 10 (17%) to B/Malaysia/2506/2004. Nine (20%) FLUBV/YAM viruses belonged to clade 2 (B/Massachusetts/02/2012), 18 (42%) to clade 3 (B/Phuket/3073/2013) and 15 (38%) fell within Florida/4/2006. Numerous intra-lineage reassortments in PB2, PB1, NA and NS were found in 2 2010-2011 viruses. An important inter-lineage reassortment event from 2008 to 2009 (11), 2010-2011 (26) and 2012-2013 (3) FLUBV/VIC (clade 1) strains to FLUBV/YAM (clade 3) was found, in addition to 1 reassortant NS in 2010-2011 B/VIC virus. Intra- and inter-lineage reassortment episodes were revealed by WGS. While PB2-PB1-HA remained in complex, NP and NS reassortant viruses were found in both lineages. Despite reassorment events are not often, the characterisation only by HA and NA sequences might be underestimating their detection

    Enterovirus D68-associated respiratory and neurological illness in Spain, 2014–2018

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    During 2014, enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) outbreaks were described globally, causing severe respiratory diseases in children and, in some cases, subsequent paralysis. In this study, the type characterization of enterovirus (EV) detected in respiratory illnesses and the epidemiology and clinical association of EV-D68 infections in Spain over a five-year period were described. A total of 546 EV-positive samples from hospitalized patients with respiratory infections were included. EV-D68 was the most frequently detected type (46.6%, 191/410 typed EV). Other EV from species A (25.1%), B (27.8%) and C (0.5%) were also identified. EV-D68 infections were more associated with bronchitis while EV-A/B types were more frequent in upper respiratory illness (p < 0.01). EV-D68 was also detected in patients with neurological symptoms (nine meningitis/meningoencephalitis and eight acute flaccid paralysis cases). Phylogenetic analysis of 3'-VP1 region showed most Spanish EV-D68 sequences from 2014 to 2016 belonged to subclades B2/B3, as other American and European strains circulating during the same period. However, those detected in 2017 and 2018 clustered to the emerged subclade D1. In summary, different EV can cause respiratory infections but EV-D68 was the most prevalent, with several strains circulating in Spain at least since 2014. Association between EV-D68 infection and neurological disease was also described.Dr. R. González-Sanz is supported by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III [grant number PI15CIII-00020]. This study was partially supported by the same grant.S