891 research outputs found

    Cancionero general de Hernando del Castillo

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Estructura primaria de la cadena ζ en el mono del nuevo mundo aotus nancymaae

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    Se determinó la respiración del suelo (RS) en una comunidad sucesional de pastizal de Holcus lanatus y Anthoxanthum odoratum en la franja altoandina de la cuenca del río Pamplonita, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Las medias mensuales de la RS fueron unimodales de día y de noche; la anual diurna fue de 118,44 mg CO2 m-2 h-1; y la nocturna, de 140,57 mg CO2 m-2 h-1. La diferencia entre estos dos valores se atribuyó a un incremento del brillo solar y a una disminución del recorrido del viento entre septiembre y diciembre de 2006 que condujo a un aumento de la tasa de evaporación. La RS nocturna se correlacionó con la humedad relativa y la temperatura máxima del aire y la diurna con el recorrido del viento. La RS acumulada (diurna y nocturna) mostró una tendencia lineal con respecto al tiempo. La producción anual diurna de carbono, con base en la RS acumulada anual, se estimó entre 32,67 y 40,73 y la nocturna entre 35,65 y 43,02 g de C m-2

    Promoción del sector de Chapinero en Bogotá como destino turístico de la ciudad

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    La presente investigación pretende demostrar que, aplicando estrategias de City Marketing y profundizando en estrategias de atracción de turismo, Chapinero puede convertirse en uno de los ejes del turismo cultural de la ciudad, resaltando que el turismo cultural de Bogotá no es solamente aquel relacionado con la colonia, la influencia española o los bienes muebles que reposan en sus museos y casas coloniales, sino que el sector muestra la evolución que tuvo Bogotá en el tiempo, y creando un imaginario en los visitantes como sector moderno de la ciudad.Resumen. Marco conceptual. Análisis. Conclusiones y recomendaciones. Lista de tablas.Magíster en Dirección de Marketing, CESA.Maestrí

    QT variability unrelated to RR variability during stress testing for identification of coronary artery disease

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    Stress test electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis is widely used for coronary artery disease (CAD) diagnosis despite its limited accuracy. Alterations in autonomic modulation of cardiac electrical activity have been reported in CAD patients during acute ischemia. We hypothesized that those alterations could be reflected in changes in ventricular repolarization dynamics during stress testing that could be measured through QT interval variability (QTV). However, QTV is largely dependent on RR interval variability (RRV), which might hinder intrinsic ventricular repolarization dynamics. In this study, we investigated whether different markers accounting for low-frequency (LF) oscillations of QTV unrelated to RRV during stress testing could be used to separate patients with and without CAD. Power spectral density of QTV unrelated to RRV was obtained based on time-frequency coherence estimation. Instantaneous LF power of QTV and QTV unrelated to RRV were obtained. LF power of QTV unrelated to RRV normalized by LF power of QTV was also studied. Stress test ECG of 100 patients were analysed. Patients referred to coronary angiography were classified into non-CAD or CAD group. LF oscillations in QTV did not show significant differences between CAD and non-CAD groups. However, LF oscillations in QTV unrelated to RRV were significantly higher in the CAD group as compared with the non-CAD group when measured during the first phases of exercise and last phases of recovery. ROC analysis of these indices revealed area under the curve values ranging from 61 to 73%. Binomial logistic regression analysis revealed LF power of QTV unrelated to RRV, both during the first phase of exercise and last phase of recovery, as independent predictors of CAD. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of removing the influence of RRV when measuring QTV during stress testing for CAD identification and supports the added value of LF oscillations of QTV unrelated to RRV to diagnose CAD from the first minutes of exercise. This article is part of the theme issue 'Advanced computation in cardiovascular physiology: new challenges and opportunities'


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    We present the fundamentals of geometrothermodynamics, an approach to study the properties of thermodynamic systems in terms of differential geometric concepts. It is based, on the one hand, upon the well-known contact structure of the thermodynamic phase space and, on the other hand, on the metric structure of the space of thermodynamic equilibrium states. In order to make these two structures compatible we introduce a Legendre invariant set of metrics in the phase space, and demand that their pullback generates metrics on the space of equilibrium states. We show that Weinhold's metric, which was introduced {\it ad hoc}, is not contained within this invariant set. We propose alternative metrics which allow us to redefine the concept of thermodynamic length in an invariant manner and to study phase transitions in terms of curvature singularities.Comment: Revised version, to be published in Jour. Math. Phy

    Primera parte de la Historia general de Sancto Domingo y de su orden de Predicadores

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    [cristus]4, A-Z8, 2A-2Z8, 3A-3R8, 3S10, [cristus]5Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Error tip. de fol., repite la h. 289 y de ésta pasa a h. 292Texto a dos col.Port. con escudo xil. rea

    Carotenoids in dehydrated persimmon: Antioxidant activity, structure, and photoluminescence

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    [EN] In this study, the effect of two hot air drying conditions (40 degrees C for 23 h and 60 degrees C for 9 h) on the content, antioxidant activity, microstructure, and luminescence properties of persimmon carotenoids in three ripening stages was studied. Based on the results from total carotenoids content and HPLC analysis, the carotenoid's content increased with the advance of ripening, highlighting the beta-cryptoxanthin fraction. In addition, drying treatments did not affect the carotenoid content and profile but decreased the antioxidant activity. Microstructural studies showed that the ripening progress and/or drying treatments, led persimmon tissues to lose integrity, allowing the diffusion of carotenoids and their degradation. Photoluminescence measurements evidenced the synthesis of beta-cryptoxanthin during the fruit ripening. After drying, a new emitting specie at 340 nm was attributed to the carotenoid's isomerisation while the emission at 500 nm experienced a shift that was related to the formation of thermal degradation products. Both facts could explain the loss of antioxidant activity in persimmon submitted to drying treatments. In this sense, photoluminescence, in combination with spectro-photometric, chromatographic and structural techniques, helps to understand the phenomena caused by both, ripening and drying treatments, in the persimmon's carotenoids fraction.The authors thank the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades for the financial support given throughout Project RTA201700045-C02-02. They would also like to thank Phillip Bentley for assistance in correcting the manuscript's English.Martínez González, C.; López-García, A.; Llorca Martínez, ME.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Atienzar Corvillo, PE.; Bermejo-Del Castillo, A.; Moraga Ballesteros, G.... (2021). Carotenoids in dehydrated persimmon: Antioxidant activity, structure, and photoluminescence. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 142:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.11100711014

    La depresión infantojuvenil: prevención en un Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria

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    La infancia se acorta por la actividad a que los adultos someten a los niños/as, y la adolescencia se prolonga artificialmente, porque el período de dependencia económica y psicosocial no coincide con el de autonomía física que se consolida en la pubertad. La sociedad, las familias, la escolaridad, las circunstancias... en muchas ocasiones hacen que los niños/as y adolescentes tengan dificultades de adaptación que se manifiestan en conductas de depresión, que se prolongan o surgen en la adultez. Se proponen las bases de un Programa de (Intervención desde la) Prevención, en un Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria, desde el Departamento de Orientación, con la colaboración de los tutores del centro, las familias, y con la implicación de toda la comunidad educativa.Childhood is shortened by the activity that adults subject children and adolescence is extended artificially, because the period of psychological and economic dependency does not coincide with the physical autonomy which is consolidated at puberty. The society, families, schooling, the circumstances... on many occasions make that children and adolescents have difficulties of adaptation that is manifested in behavior of depression, which extend or arise in adulthood. We propose the bases of a program of (intervention from the) prevention, in an Institute of secondary education, from the guidance Department, with the collaboration of the Center, families, tutors and with the involvement of the entire educational communityEste trabajo pretende dar a conocer la importancia de la prevención de la depresión infantojuvenil en un Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria, mediante la elaboración de las bases de un Programa de intervención desde el Departamento de Orientación, con la colaboración de los tutores del centro, las familias, y con la implicación de toda la comunidad educativa

    Segunda parte de la Historia general de Sancto Domingo y de su Orden de Predicadores

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: *\p4\s, A-Z\p8\s, 2A-2O\p8\s, a\p6\s, b\p7\sPort. con esc. rea