27 research outputs found

    El Salvador's experience of UN peacebuilding reveals the ineffectiveness of 'development as usual' approaches

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    To provide the vital "peace dividend" of better lives and livelihoods, peacebuilding must promote conflict-sensitive policies even where they are economically second-best. The UN can support this process by helping states in transition to reactivate their economies in an inclusive and sustainable manner, writes Graciana del Castillo (City University of New York)

    Obstacles to peacebuilding: the failure of foreign intervention in war-torn countries

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    Graciana del Castillo discusses the importance of economic reconstruction in the war-to-peace transition

    AMLO will need an integrated approach to security to achieve peace and prosperity in Mexico

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    The key challenge for Mexico鈥檚 new president Andr茅s Manuel L贸pez Obrador will be to address the root causes of insecurity and violence in the country. This will mean promoting sustainable advances in inclusion and stability, but without jeopardising gains made in terms of financial stability, trade, and investment, writes Graciana del Castillo (CUNY)

    AMLO鈥檚 balancing act: the democratic and economic challenges facing Mexico鈥檚 new president

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    The inauguration of Mexico鈥檚 new president Andr茅s Manuel L贸pez Obrador (AMLO) will take place on 1 December after his landslide win in recent elections. Common expectations about democratic decline and economic continuity appear wide of the mark, but popular consultations on Texcoco airport and ten major development projects do create new economic uncertainties, writes Graciana del Castillo (City University of New York)

    El plan nacional de AMLO para M茅xico es motivo de optimismo

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    L贸pez Obrador y su equipo multidisciplinario proponen pol铆ticas econ贸micas y sociales inclusivas que buscan reactivar la inversi贸n y mejorar la competitividad y la equidad. Pero tambi茅n explican c贸mo estas pol铆ticas se financiar谩n a trav茅s de reducciones en costos operativos y medidas anticorrupci贸n, escribe Graciana del Castillo (CUNY)

    Acto de equilibrismo de AMLO para enfrentar los retos a la democracia y econom铆a de M茅xico: the democratic and economic challenges facing Mexico鈥檚 new president

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    Despu茅s de ganar las elecciones de M茅xico por un amplio margen, Andr茅s Manuel L贸pez Obrador (AMLO) asumir谩 la Presidencia el 1 de diciembre. Que su nuevo partido, Morena, cuente con mayor铆as en ambas c谩maras del Congreso le facilitar谩 la adopci贸n de las reformas que ha propuesto. Pero expectativas, tanto sobre el declive democr谩tico como de la continuidad econ贸mica, resultan dif铆cil de justificar. Por Graciana del Castillo (CUNY)

    AMLO's national plan for Mexico is a cause for optimism

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    L贸pez Obrador and his multidisciplinary team propose inclusive economic and social policies that aim to reactivate investment and make the Mexican economy more competitive and equitable. Crucially, he also explains how such policies will be financed through reductions in operational costs and in corruption, writes Graciana del Castillo (City University of New York)