7,801 research outputs found

    Borrowing and Working of Low-Income Students: The Impact of a Summer Transition Program

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    This study focuses on how low-income students determine employment and student loan borrowing options before they begin college, as part of the final stages of their college choice process. More specifically, this study asks, “during a six-week summer transition program, what choices are made by low-income students with employment or borrowing student loans at a public, four-year urban university?” Results of the study demonstrate low-income students are less likely to expect support from parents, more likely to commit themselves to employment and minimal borrowing and yet, view financial challenges as less difficult

    Mapas conceptuales para favorecer el aprendizaje significativo en ciencias de la salud

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    ResumenEn esta Pauta en Educación Médica se describe un proceso para facilitar la creación de mapas conceptuales como estrategia de enseñanza y aprendizaje, que permita analizar la información a través de promover la identificación del esquema de conocimientos previos, en el que se establezcan relaciones lógicas con la información a aprender, para promover el pensamiento crítico y el aprendizaje significativo.AbstractThis guideline describes a process to make easy the creation of “conceptual maps” so that the strategy of teaching and learning promotes the information analysis through the identification scheme of previous knowledge, in this scheme is established the logical relationship with the information to learn in order to this schemes promote the meaningful learning and critical thinking

    Construcción de la función económica de demanda para la empresa de Telefonía Celular Claro en la ciudad de Pereira

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    Las tendencias de desarrollo en las telecomunicaciones demandan en la actualidad para el país y el mundo entero toda una serie de avances y nuevos diseños que se ajusten con mucha flexibilidad e interactividad al progreso y desarrollo de las nuevas plataformas que buscan canalizar la transmisión de voz y datos de todos sus clientes a través de portafolios muy complejos donde la constante competitiva por capturar más usuarios consiste la mejor estrategia de desarrollo. La comunicación en estas condiciones virtuales se debe a tenaces avances que se han realizado a través de medios electromagnéticos y electrónicos; En Colombia se busca que todas las personas puedan acceder a este proceso de integración comunicacional, porque definitivamente cree, que solo a través de ello el desarrollo tanto local como regional será plenamente sostenible y si se hace a través de optimizar los sistemas de comunicación, mayores y mejores serán los resultados. Por esto, las comunicaciones en Colombia deberán estar reguladas y administradas por entes que garantice que los desarrollos sean sostenibles, equitativos y altamente incluyentes, al fin y al cabo, el espectro electromagnético sobre el cual se desarrolla pertenece exclusivamente al Estado. De acuerdo con lo anterior, se concluye que las asignaciones en calidad de concesión oficial como son las autopistas virtuales por donde viaja la comunicación, son la única posibilidad tecnológica que permitirá alcanzar el desarrollo en la forma prevista para todos los diferentes sectores socioeconómicos

    Intersectin 2, a new multimodular protein involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis11The sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to GenBank and have been assigned the accession numbers AF182198 and AF182199.

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    AbstractIntersectin 1 (ITSN1) is a binding partner of dynamin that has been shown to participate in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Here we report the characterization of a new human gene, ITSN2, highly similar to ITSN1. Alternative splicing of ITSN2 generates a short isoform with two EH domains, a coiled-coil region and five SH3 domains, and a longer isoform containing extra carboxy domains (DH, PH and C2 domains), suggesting that it could act as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rho-like GTPases. ITSN2 expression analysis indicates that it is widely expressed in human tissues. Intersectin 2 isoforms show a subcellular distribution similar to other components of the endocytic machinery and co-localize with Eps15. Moreover, their overexpression, as well as the corresponding ITSN1 protein forms, inhibits transferrin internalization

    The potential demand for an HIV/AIDS vaccine in Brazil

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    This study assesses the potential demand by the public sector for a preventive HIV/AIDS vaccine in Brazil and the costs of alternative strategies for a vaccination program. Brazil has a mature AIDS epidemic: the percent of the population living with HIV or AIDS (about 0.6 percent of adults) is not as high as in other severely affected developing countries, but infection rates in specific risk groups in the population are very high and HIV has spread beyond these groups into the general population of low-risk individuals. Preventive HIV/AIDS vaccines are still in the testing stage. The characteristics of the first vaccines developed, in terms of their efficacy, duration of effectiveness, ease of administration, and price, are still unknown. But the potential benefits of such a vaccine in Brazil would be high. The study reviews the cost and impact of HIV/AIDS in Brazil, in terms of disease and economic burden, as a proxy for the benefits of an HIV/AIDS vaccine. The epidemiology of AIDS and Brazil's experience with immunization coverage with other vaccines are used to assess the number of vaccines, delivery strategies, and possible costs of an HIV/AIDS immunization program in Brazil, assuming the availability of a 100 percent effective AIDS vaccine that lasts a lifetime under different pricing and dosing assumptions. A low-cost, highly effective vaccine would likely be affordable to an upper-middle-income country like Brazil and yield large benefits from a policy of universal, publicly subsidized immunization. But if prices are higher and the impact less favorable, the costs and effects would have to be compared with other AIDS prevention programs or other health interventions. Both political and economic considerations will likely figure into public policy on HIV/AIDS vaccination, when such a vaccine is developed.Disease Control&Prevention,Early Child and Children's Health,Health Economics&Finance,Public Health Promotion,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,HIV AIDS,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Economics&Finance,Adolescent Health,Health Indicators

    The Catalonian Conflict : an Interpretive Structural Model

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    The methodology ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling) is used to study the conflict in Catalonia, listing a listof factors and the influences between them, building from them the Matrix of Influences and the Matrix of Scope, fromwhich they classify the factors into levels and a flow diagram is drawn up, concluding what the possible paths of evolutionof said conflict would b

    Ultrasound Indoor Positioning System Based on a Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network Providing Sub-Centimeter Accuracy

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    This paper describes the TELIAMADE system, a new indoor positioning system based on time-of-flight (TOF) of ultrasonic signal to estimate the distance between a receiver node and a transmitter node. TELIAMADE system consists of a set of wireless nodes equipped with a radio module for communication and a module for the transmission and reception of ultrasound. The access to the ultrasonic channel is managed by applying a synchronization algorithm based on a time-division multiplexing (TDMA) scheme. The ultrasonic signal is transmitted using a carrier frequency of 40 kHz and the TOF measurement is estimated by applying a quadrature detector to the signal obtained at the A/D converter output. Low sampling frequencies of 17.78 kHz or even 12.31 kHz are possible using quadrature sampling in order to optimize memory requirements and to reduce the computational cost in signal processing. The distance is calculated from the TOF taking into account the speed of sound. An excellent accuracy in the estimation of the TOF is achieved using parabolic interpolation to detect of maximum of the signal envelope at the matched filter output. The signal phase information is also used for enhancing the TOF measurement accuracy. Experimental results show a root mean square error (rmse) less than 2 mm and a standard deviation less than 0.3 mm for pseudorange measurements in the range of distances between 2 and 6 m. The system location accuracy is also evaluated by applying multilateration. A sub-centimeter location accuracy is achieved with an average rmse of 9.6 mm.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0388

    Educación para la salud y consulta prediálisis. Una revisión sistemática

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    Introducción: La insuficiencia renal crónica es la pérdida progresiva de la filtración glomerular. Se aprecia un notable incremento en países desarrollados, vinculándose al envejecimiento poblacional y otras enfermedades como la hipertensión arterial y a la diabetes mellitus. Para el seguimiento de estos pacientes y poder facilitar las herramientas para el autocuidado, se hace necesaria la creación de planes de Educación para la Salud y la figura de la Consulta Prediálisis. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar si la Educación para la Salud en el paciente crónico renal y la Consulta Prediálisis presentan beneficios con relación a la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática en bases de datos internacionales como la plataforma EBSCOhost, MEDLINE a través de Pubmed y Web of Science (WOS), con artículos científicos publicados en inglés y español desde 2002 a 2020. Resultados: Se hallaron un total de 18 artículos que hablaban sobre Educación para la Salud, la Consulta Predialisis y si utilizar estas herramientas ha sido positivo para la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de estos pacientes. Conclusión: Los programas de Educación para la Salud fomentan el compromiso y la responsabilidad hacia los pacientes, contribuyen en gran medida al conocimiento de su estado de salud, al autocuidado y a la mejora de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud.Introduction: Chronic renal failure is the progressive loss of glomerular filtration. There is a notable increase in developed countries, linked to population aging and other diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. For the follow-up of these patients and to facilitate the tools for self-care, it is necessary to create Health Education plans and the figure of the Predialysis Consultation. Objectives: The objective of this work is to evaluate if the Education for the Health in the chronic renal patient and the Predialysis Consultation present benefits in relation to the quality of life related to the health. Material and methods: A systematic review was carried out in international databases such as EBSCOhost, PUBMED and MEDLINE, with scientific articles published in English and Spanish in the last 15 years approximately. Results: We found a total of 18 articles that talked about Health Education, Predialysis Consultation and whether using these tools has been positive for the health-related quality of life of these patients. Conclusion: Health Education programs promote commitment and responsibility towards patients, contributing greatly to the knowledge of their state of health, self-care and the improvement of health-related quality of life.Enfermerí

    La tradición retórica en la poética y en la historia

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    138 páginas.Tres textos que enfatizan la importancia de la tradición retórica en el México decimonónico para las artes liberales en general y para la creación literaria y la historia en particular. El primero, del Dr. Jorge Ruedas de la Serna, se ocupa de la importancia de la preceptiva y estudia el tránsito de las poéticas del siglo XVIII al XIX. El segundo, escrito por la Dra. María Luna Argudín, analiza la relación entre tradición retórica, representación del pasado y escritura de la historia. Por su parte, el comentario preparado por la Mtra. Leticia Algaba, explora los vasos comunicantes entre las tesis propuestas en los dos textos anteriores.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)

    Comparative analysis of income trends and perceived value of squad of the highest turnover European football clubs (2010-2019)

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    The purpose was to analyse the income variation of the 13 top clubs of Deloitte Football Money League Report (2019) as well as the variation of the perceived value of their squad, obtained from the website www.transfermarkt.es during 9 seasons. Friedman's two-way analysis by ranges of selected samples and Wilcoxon W tests were used to measure the evolution and relation among the clubs’ income and perceived value of players. The income of clubs was deflected according to inflation (CPI: 2016) and market value was adjusted to a 20 players squad. Market value and income have a significant positive variation from one year to the next (p = .000). We found differences between both variables only in the last 2 years on the period analysed (2011-2019). Market value has suffered an increase higher than expected. This fact should make football managers reflect on how to control constant inflation in the transfer market