2,210 research outputs found

    Misión profética del pensamiento social cristiano en la era digital

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    The Catholic Church has developed fundamentally throughout the last decades,a significant contribution to the reflection on how to build political, economic andsocial relations based on the values of the Gospel, for the well-being of minkind. In1967, Pope Paul VI published the encyclical letter Populorum Progressio in whichhe explained the conditions, from the perspective of the Church, so that a truedevelopment can take place, indicating that “in order for it to be authentic it mustbe integral, for the whole man and of all men ”(n. 14). Since the publication of thisletter there have been significant changes in the business world, especially inrelation to globalization and the advent of the so-called digital era. However, thedeep keys of the proposal of Paul VI, of other texts of the Social Doctrine of theChurch and of Christian anthropology, remain current. Christian social thought’smission is to illuminate, as a prophecy, human action in this environment, whichundergoes faster and faster transformations. This study aims to offer, from theChristian perspective, some keys that can serve as a guide for decision making,especially for the business environment, in times of changes and uncertaintiesof the so-called digital era. As a result, the article offers three proposals forthe promotion of integral human development in the aforementioned context:unmasking ideologies, offering a clear model of a human being open totranscendence and fostering intergenerational cooperation.La Iglesia Católica ha desarrollado, fundamentalmente a lo largo de las últimas décadas, un aporte significativo para la reflexión acerca de cómo construir relaciones políticas, económicas y sociales basadas en los valores del Evangelio, por el bien de la humanidad. En 1967 el Papa Pablo VI publicó la carta encíclica Populorum Progressio donde explicitaba las condiciones, desde la perspectiva de la Iglesia, para que pueda darse un verdadero desarrollo, indicando que “para que sea auténtico ha de ser integral, de todo el hombre y de todos los hombres” (n. 14). Desde la publicación de esta carta se han producido cambios significativos en el mundo empresarial, especialmente en relación con la globalización y el advenimiento de la llamada era digital. Sin embargo, las claves profundas de la propuesta de Pablo VI, de otros textos de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y de la antropología cristiana, siguen siendo actuales. El pensamiento social cristiano tiene por misión iluminar, a modo de profecía, la acción humana en este entorno, que sufre transformaciones cada vez más rápidas. Este estudio pretende ofrecer, desde la perspectiva cristiana, algunas claves que puedan servir de guía para la toma de decisiones, sobre todo para el entorno empresarial, en tiempos de cambios e incertidumbres propios de la llamada era digital. Como resultado, el artículo ofrece tres propuestas para la promoción del desarrollo humano integral en el contexto anteriormente citado: desenmascarar las ideologías, ofrecer un claro modelo de ser humano abierto a la transcendencia y fomentar la cooperación intergeneracional

    Analysis of Research Topics and Scientific Collaborations in Energy Saving Using Bibliometric Techniques and Community Detection

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    Concern about everything related to energy is increasingly latent in the world and therefore the use of energy saving concepts has been increasing over the past several years. The interest in the subject has allowed a conceptual evolution in the scientific community regarding the understanding of the adequate use of energy. The objective of this work is to determine the contribution made by international institutions to the specialized publications in the area of energy-saving from 1939 to 2018, using Scopus Database API Interface. The methodology followed in this research was to perform a bibliometric analysis of the whole scientific production indexed in Scopus. The world’s scientific production has been analysed in the following domains: First the trend over time, types of publications and countries, second, the main subjects and keywords, third, main institutions and their main topics, and fourth, the main journals and proceedings that publish on this topic. Then, these data are presented using community detection algorithms and graph visualization software. With these techniques, it is possible to determine the main areas of research activity as well as to identify the structures of the collaboration network in the field of renewable energy. The results of the work show that the literature in this field have substantially increased during the last 10 years

    Worldwide Research on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Public Buildings

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    The present study details the significant contribution that different international institutions have made to the field of sustainability and energy efficiency, with a focus on public buildings. This has been achieved by making use of the database Scopus, by applying bibliometric techniques and by analyzing the contents of articles published from 1976 to 2016. All the materials included in the analysis have been reported from Scopus. Several key aspects of the publications have been considered such as document type, language, subject area, journal type and keywords. Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency and Buildings have been verified as the most used keywords. The obtained contributions have been classified geographically and by institution, with the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Australia and Italy being the leading research countries and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Delft University of Technology and Tsinghua University the top contributing institutions. The most active categories in those fields are engineering, social sciences and environmental issues in that order. It can be assumed that the study of sustainability and energy efficiency across all its dimensions is of great interest for the scientific community. The global environmental issue has led many countries to incorporate a wide range of Energy Efficiency (EE) strategies in order to reduce energy consumption in public buildings, a highly valued aspect by European Union energy labelling

    Marco conceptual de la ética y la responsabilidad social empresarial: un enfoque antropológico y estratégico

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    Este artículo proporciona –apoyado sobre el análisis de la literatura reciente sobre la ética empresarial y RSE– un marco conceptual original e integrador, que hace hincapié en la importancia de la fundamentación teórica de la ética basándose en una concepción antropológica adecuada y en la necesidad de establecer las políticas de RSE desde un enfoque estratégico. Ofrece una visión panorámica iluminadora acerca de la relación entre los diferentes conceptos del management que tienen implicaciones directas sobre el diseño e implantación de la ética y la RSE en las organizaciones, incluyendo tópicos como el liderazgo, la cultura empresarial, la teoría de las organizaciones y el gobierno corporativo, entre otros.This article provides, –supported on the analysis of recent literature on business ethics and CSR– an original and integrative conceptual framework that emphasizes the importance of the theoretical foundation of ethics based on an adequate anthropological model and the need to establish CSR policies from a strategic approach. Presents an illuminating overview of the relationship between different concepts of management that have direct implications on the design and implementation of ethics and CSR in organizations, including topics as leadership, corporate culture, organizational theory and corporate governance, among others

    A novel endo-β-1,3-glucanase, BGN13.1, involved in the mycoparasitism of Trichoderma harzianum

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    The mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413 produces at least three extracellular β-1,3-glucanases. The most basic of these extracellular enzymes, named BGN13.1, was expressed when either fungal cell wall polymers or autoclaved mycelia from different fungi were used as the carbon source. BGN13.1 was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and was biochemically characterized. The enzyme was specific for β-1,3 linkages and has an endolytic mode of action. A synthetic oligonucleotide primer based on the sequence of an internal peptide was designed to clone the cDNA corresponding to BGN13.1. The deduced amino acid sequence predicted a molecular mass of 78 kDa for the mature protein. Analysis of the amino acid sequence indicates that the enzyme contains three regions, one N-terminal leader sequence; another, nondefined sequence; and one cysteine-rich C-terminal sequence. Sequence comparison shows that this β-1,3-glucanase, first described for filamentous fungi, belongs to a family different from that of its previously described bacterial, yeast, and plant counterparts. Enzymatic-activity, protein, and mRNA data indicated that bgn13.1 is repressed by glucose and induced by either fungal cell wall polymers or autoclaved yeast cells and mycelia. Finally, experimental evidence showed that the enzyme hydrolyzes yeast and fungal cell wall

    Origin of green clinopyroxene cores of lavas from the garrotxa volcanic field (spain)

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    Volcanism of the Garrotxa area is part of the Neogene volcanism of NE Spain (NE Spain volcanic province, NESVP). This volcanism is a manifestation of the magmatic activity consequence of the rift-type extensional tectonics that affect the eastern margin of Iberia since late Oligocene and that involved the opening of the Valencia trough. Volcanic activity in the NESVP started weakly in the Cadaqués zone 15 Ma ago, (C. Lewis, personal communication), followed by the Empordà (9 to 12 Ma in Alt Empordà, 6 Ma in Baix Empordà), La Selva field (5 to 7 Ma) and the Tordera fault system (2 Ma). Finally, activity took place at the Garrotxa volcanic field (GVF) from 300,000 to 10,000 years ago, with an eruptive episode every 15,000 to 20,000 years approximately (C. Lewis personal communication)

    Impacto del World Padel Tour en la ciudad de Cáceres

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    Eventos como World Padel Tour han servido a Extremadura para crecer en materia deportiva, para ampliar nuestra experiencia organizativa en grandes eventos deportivos. Pero también sirvió para apreciar el valor añadido de que todos los visitantes a esa competición disfrutarán y conocieran lo que puede aportarles nuestra región en materias como el turismo, la historia o la gastronomía. Los datos utilizados para la confección de este Informe fueron recogidos por los grupos de investigación Reficaturem y Emturin 2020.Events such as World Padel Tour have served Extremadura to grow in sports, to expand our organizational experience in major sporting events. But it also served to appreciate the added value that all visitors to that competition will enjoy and know what our region can contribute in matters such as tourism, history or gastronomy. The data used for the preparation of this Report were collected by the research groups Reficaturem and Emturin 2020

    Immune Microenvironment in Colorectal Cancer: A New Hallmark to Change Old Paradigms

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    Impact of immune microenvironment in prognosis of solid tumors has been extensively studied in the last few years. Specifically in colorectal carcinoma, increased knowledge of the immune events around these tumors and their relation with clinical outcomes have led to consider immune microenvironment as one of the most important prognostic factors in this disease. In this review we will summarize and update the current knowledge with respect to this intriguing and complex new hallmark of cancer, paying special attention to infiltration by T-infiltrating lymphocytes and their subtypes in colorectal cancer, as well as its eventual clinical translation in terms of long-term prognosis. Finally, we suggest some possible investigational approaches based on combinatorial strategies to trigger and boost immune reaction against tumor cells

    A Statistical Approach to Macrofungal Diversity in a Mediterranean Ecosystem of the Iberian Peninsula Dominated by the Holm Oak (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.)

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    The fungal biodiversity associated with a stable plant community appears to vary from year to year. To analyse the annual behaviour in the formation of fruiting bodies, a statistical study of the data obtained for 4 years (2009–2012) in an apparently undisturbed Mediterranean ecosystem dominated by the holm oak (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.), located in the Midwest of the Iberian Peninsula, was carried out. These data were related to the main meteorological variables. The 150 species collected showed a significant annual, monthly, and weekly difference in their fruiting during the collection period. All this implies a variation in the annual fungal fruiting which can modify the moment of when maximum peaks of fruiting appear, their duration, and the number of species that compose them. In addition, the results make it possible to establish an annual behaviour pattern, with sporocarp formation throughout the year and four fruiting groups (two of them in the dry season). They also allow for inferring a possible response to climate change, with a delay in the fruiting of the autumn-winter group and earlier fruit bearing in the winter-spring group.macrofungifield samplingfungal fruitingMediterranean forestsQuercus ilexPublishe

    Perú Daily Chef: una experiencia culinaria

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    Perú Daily Chef, es un modelo de emprendimiento en el Perú totalmente novedoso en su oferta de valor y entrega al cliente. Como todo proyecto, primero se tuvo la idea, en este caso innovadora en el medio, por lo que fue completamente necesario realizar la investigación del mercado, necesaria para validar el modelo de negocio, sobre todo la oferta de valor que se quiere trasladar al cliente. Para esto se utilizaron entrevistas personales y encuestas para capturar muchos datos, los cuales fueron tabulados y analizados para tomar la decisión de iniciar Perú Daily Chef. Basado en las encuestas y estudios realizados, el segmento de mercado estará orientado a personas dispuestas a cocinar, de estilo de vida sofisticado de los niveles socioeconómicos A y B, que viven en determinados distritos. De acuerdo a la encuesta, las personas de nuestro público objetivo que comprarían los kits, compuestos de 3 unidades en promedio, serían 11.281 clientes mensuales, resultando en 390.388 unidades por año, aproximadamente. Sin embargo, para el inicio de las ventas asumimos un startup de 30% (117.116 unidades vendidas) para el primer año y un crecimiento del 20% para el segundo y tercer año y luego de un 5% los dos últimos años debido al ingreso de nuevos competidores y madurez del negocio. Los costos de insumos han sido estimados sobre la base del costo real de uno de los platos más conocidos de nuestra gastronomía criolla y altamente valorado y los costos administrativos sobre la base de datos actuales. Los gastos de marketing comprenden el desarrollo de la página web, Net Framework y la configuración de los equipos móviles que serán requeridos al inicio de proyecto. La inversión total requerida es de 235.217 soles en el año 2015 (año 0) que incluye el capital de trabajo, mobiliario, instrumentos y programación de la página web. El 50% (117.608 soles) será financiado con el banco y la diferencia será asumida por los inversionistas. El precio introductorio se ha fijado en 18 soles por unidad para los dos primeros años, con un incremento del 2% a partir del tercer año. Perú Daily Chef es un proyecto rentable, con un WACC de 19,2% y una TIR de 223%; el Valor Presente Neto es 2.278.938 soles y el tiempo de retorno de la inversión es de 0,37 años