573 research outputs found

    Chiropractic diagnosis and treatment of low back pain

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    Perspektywa przekładu powieści Kagi (1956) Tanizakiego Jun’ichirō z języka japońskiego na polski – kilka uwag na temat tłumaczenia

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    This article aims at presenting and discussing problems and difficulties that a translator of Kagi – a novel written in 1956 by the Japanese author Tanizaki Jun’ichirō (1886–1965) may face in translating from Japanese to Polish. By providing specific examples from the Japanese text, decisions that sometimes the translator must take are explained; these decisions derive from situations when the translator is confronted with the problem of untranslatability or cultural context of two such distant cultures as the Japanese and Polish ones. Operating between two such different cultures, the translator in fact intentionally becomes an intercultural intermediary – as Soliński suggests, and a cultural advisor – as Jabłoński claims. While focusing on lexical, grammatical, contextual and technical (distinctive features of the Japanese language e.g. writing systems) aspects of untranslatability, some excerpts of the Japanese text are analysed and examples of Polish equivalents are provided. It should be added that it is difficult to analyse the translation of a text that has not been published yet and officially does not exist. However, it seems the comments and solutions suggested here might be helpful or useful for those who will translate Japanese literature in the future in general, as some of these observations can be applicable not only to Kagi . The proposed solutions are certainly not perfect, thay can be a starting point for further discussions. Finally, the approach described above also provides an opportunity to consider certain technical aspects of the translation in order to demonstrate problems encountered by translators of literature in general.Artykuł na podstawie wybranych fragmentów jeszcze nieprzetłumaczonej na język polski powieści japońskiego pisarza Tanizakiego Jun’ichirō Kagi (1956) przedstawia w zarysie najważniejsze problemy, jakie może napotkać potencjalny tłumacz nowożytnej literatury japońskiej na język polski. Stając się pośrednikiem międzykulturowym – jak nazywa to Wojciech Soliński, czy też doradcą kulturowym – jak wskazuje Arkadiusz Jabłoński, musi zmierzyć się z kwestiami, takimi jak kontekst kulturowy, ograniczona przekładalność czy brak pokrewieństwa między językiem polskim a japońskim. Jakie rozwiązania wówczas zaproponować i jak dokonać przekładu, by w tekście docelowym nie pozostały wyczuwalne ślady zmagań tłumacza z tekstem, ale przede wszystkim, by wszystkie sensy zostały kreatywnie przekazane i by przekład zaistniał

    „Ocena musi być sprawiedliwa” – kilka uwag na temat Akutagawa Ryūnosuke Shō, czyli najpopularniejszej nagrody literackiej w Japonii

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    Nagroda Akutagawy jest jedną z najbardziej popularnych, prestiżowych i pożądanych nagród w świecie literackim Japonii. Przyznaje się ją dwa razy do roku – w styczniu i lipcu. Utworzona przez Kikuchiego Kana – pisarza, filantropa i prezesa wydawnictwa Bungeishunjūsha, chlubi się ponad osiemdziesięciodwuletnią historią, podczas której zostało nagrodzonych ponad 200 autorów. Przyczynili się oni znacznie do rozwoju japońskiej literatury współczesnej. Co więcej, Nagroda Akutagawy jest od lat w centrum zainteresowania japońskich mass mediów, stanowiąc jedno z najważniejszych dorocznych wydarzeń kulturalnych. Treść artykułu koncentruje się wokół przedstawienia zagadnień takich jak: okoliczności powstania Nagrody Akutagawy, jej historia w zarysie, przyczyna popularności i zainteresowania nią mediów. Wyjaśnia także, jakie wymagania nagroda stawia literaturze i jaką literaturę promuje. Artykuł dodatkowo jest wzbogacony o związane z nagrodą ciekawostki, ale już o nieco swobodniejszym charakterze

    Sōseki w kontekstach

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    Resolving the so-called "probabilistic paradoxes in legal reasoning" with Bayesian networks

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    Examples of reasoning problems such as the twins problem and poison paradox have been proposed by legal scholars to demonstrate the limitations of probability theory in legal reasoning. Specifically, such problems are intended to show that use of probability theory results in legal paradoxes. As such, these problems have been a powerful detriment to the use of probability theory – and particularly Bayes theorem – in the law. However, the examples only lead to ‘paradoxes’ under an artificially constrained view of probability theory and the use of the so-called likelihood ratio, in which multiple related hypotheses and pieces of evidence are squeezed into a single hypothesis variable and a single evidence variable. When the distinct relevant hypotheses and evidence are described properly in a causal model (a Bayesian network), the paradoxes vanish. In addition to the twins problem and poison paradox, we demonstrate this for the food tray example, the abuse paradox and the small town murder problem. Moreover, the resulting Bayesian networks provide a powerful framework for legal reasoning

    „Teraz żyję w najbardziej nieszczęśliwym szczęściu”. Rzecz o Akutagawie Ryūnosuke w 125. rocznicę jego urodzin

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    Smutny obraz gasnącej „wybitności literackiej piętnastolecia okresu Taishō” – jak Akutagawę określił Donald Keene – wyłania się nie tylko z opublikowanego już pośmiertnie Aru ahō no isshō ( Życie pewnego szaleńca , 1927), ale pobrzmiewa swoją nieuchronnością w wielu innych utworach tego pisarza, na długo przed jego samobójczą śmiercią. Choć od tamtego wydarzenia mija w tym roku dokładnie dziewięćdziesiąt lat, w sercach czytelników i miłośników twórczości Akutagawy pozostaje pytanie, dlaczego ten nieodżałowany koneser Wschodu i Zachodu musiał odejść tak niespodziewanie i szybko

    Automatic Generation of Bayesian networks in Forensic Science

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    This work was supported in part by the European Research Council under project ERC-2013-AdG339182-BAYES KNOWLEDG

    The Role of Microbiota-Derived Metabolites in Colorectal Cancer

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    The impact of bacterial members of the microbiota on the development of colorectal cancer (CRC) has become clear in recent years. However, exactly how bacteria contribute to the development of cancer is often still up for debate. The impact of bacteria-derived metabolites, which can influence the development of CRC either in a promoting or inhibiting manner, is undeniable. Here, we discuss the effects of the most well-studied bacteria-derived metabolites associated with CRC, including secondary bile acids, short-chain fatty acids, trimethylamine-N-oxide and indoles. We show that the effects of individual metabolites on CRC development are often nuanced and dose- and location-dependent. In the coming years, the array of metabolites involved in CRC development will undoubtedly increase further, which will emphasize the need to focus on causation and mechanisms and the clearly defined roles of bacterial species within the microbiota

    Diagnostic Imaging in Chiropractic Practice:A Survey of Opinions and Self-Reported Guideline Adherence of Dutch and Belgian Chiropractors

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was (1) to describe diagnostic imaging in Dutch and Belgian chiropractic practice in general, (2) to estimate adherence to the diagnostic imaging guidelines for patients with low back pain (LBP) via vignettes, and (3) to evaluate factors associated with diagnostic imaging and adherence to the guidelines. Methods: We used a web-based survey to collect sociodemographic data, practice characteristics, amount of imaging, opinions, and indications for requesting imaging from registered Dutch and Belgian chiropractors in 2013. Additionally, adherence to imaging guidelines for LBP was assessed by 6 vignettes in patients with LBP. Multivariable regression analyses were conducted to explore associations between characteristics of chiropractors and the use of imaging. Generalized mixed models were used to explore guidelines adherence and their relationship with chiropractor's characteristics. Results: The overall response rate was 60% (n = 203 out of 340). In total, 83% of chiropractors viewed diagnostic imaging in general as an important part of their practice. It is important to note that Dutch and Belgian chiropractors are not allowed to refer directly for imaging. Chiropractors reported that they would like to have imaging in 42% of their patients. Imaging had already been performed in 37% of patients before the first visit and was ordered by another health care provider (ie, general practitioner or medical specialist). The most common indication for ordering imaging was exclusion of contraindications (73%). The most common reason against imaging was the perceived limited value (45%). Many chiropractors (71%) were familiar with imaging guidelines. Adherence to the imaging guidelines for LBP based upon the vignettes was 66%. Dutch chiropractors and chiropractors with less than 10 years in practice demonstrated better adherence to guidelines and imaging use as compared with Belgian and those with more than 10 years of experience. Conclusions: Most Dutch and Belgian chiropractors reported that imaging in general was important in chiropractic practice. Self-reported indications for ordering diagnostic imaging were in line with the imaging guidelines in the majority of cases. We found some variances between Belgian and Dutch chiropractors and years of experience related to guideline adherence

    Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Feasible for Bariatric Revision Surgery

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    Bariatric revision surgery is associated with several complications that can be attributed to decreased quality of tissue and complexity of the surgery. A laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a simple technique with potential advantages. Therefore, the results of this procedure were evaluated as a revisional option. Fifty-one patients underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Indications for the LSG were insufficient weight loss (34 patients, group 1) or vomiting (17 patients, group 2) following a laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) or vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG). Patient and procedure characteristics as well as outcome were collected prospectively. From October 2006 to June 2010, 51 patients with a failed prior bariatic procedure (VBG or LAGB) were converted to (L)SG. The conversion rate was zero. The median procedure time was 99 min (range 54–221) and hospital stay was 3 days (range 2–38). There was no mortality after 30 days. Complications included bleeding (six) and leakage of the staple line (seven). Mean follow-up was 13.8 (2–46) months. LSG as revision surgery for insufficient weight loss resulted in extra weight loss of 52.7%, and the overall extra weight loss was 49.3%. When LSG was performed because of vomiting, 82% was able to eat solid food at follow-up. Of the 65 pre-existent co-morbidities, 21 were resolved and 18 improved. LSG as a revision procedure is feasible. An additional weight loss and further resolution of co-morbidity seem achievable, however, at the cost of a high number of complications. Therefore, revision bariatric surgery should be limited to expert tertiary bariatric centers