79 research outputs found


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    O presente estudo de caso foi desenvolvido no município da Estância Turística de São Roque, SP, com o objetivo de investigar possíveis contribuições da reutilização de sobras de piso da construção civil para a sustentabilidade, nas dimensões ambiental, social e econômica. Realizou-se revisão bibliográfica, observação investigativa espontânea, análise documental, pesagens de sobras de piso de uma construtora e entrevistas com profissionais do setor da construção civil. A análise dos dados foi feita pela triangulação de métodos. Contatou-se que o município não possuía, na época do estudo, local específico para o descarte e disposição final de resíduos da construção civil. Estes representavam de 2,5% a 12% dos resíduos coletados pelo Município. Foram identificados descartes irregulares em terrenos baldios, beira de estradas e calçadas. Em relação às sobras de piso, os entrevistados não foram unânimes quanto à preocupação para com o seu destino adequado, bem como sobre a possível ocorrência de impactos ambientais do descarte inadequado. Entretanto, todos afirmaram reutilizar as sobras de piso, especialmente para a formação de um novo piso com os “caquinhos”, o que pôde também ser constatado pela observação investigativa. Consideraram também que esta prática poderia contribuir para a sustentabilidade, sendo mencionados aspectos ambientais, sociais e econômicos

    Clinical trial for evaluation of Ricinus communis and sodium hypochlorite as denture cleanser

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    The development of opportunistic infections due to poor denture hygiene conditions justified the search for effective hygiene protocols for controlling denture biofilm. Objective This study evaluated Ricinus communis and sodium hypochlorite solutions in terms of biofilm removal ability, remission of candidiasis, antimicrobial activity, and participant satisfaction. Material and Methods It was conducted a controlled clinical trial, randomized, double-blind, and crossover. Sixty-four denture wearers with (n=24) and without candidiasis (n=40) were instructed to brush (3 times/day) and immerse their dentures (20 min/day) in different storage solutions (S1 / S2: 0.25% / 0.5% sodium hypochlorite; S3: 10% R. communis; S4: Saline).The trial period for each solution was seven days and a washout period of seven days was used before starting the use of another solution. The variables were analyzed at baseline and after each trial period. The biofilm of inner surfaces of maxillary dentures was disclosed, photographed, and total and dyed areas were measured (Image Tool software). The percentage of biofilm was calculated. Remission of candidiasis was assessed by visual scale and score were attributed. Antimicrobial activity was assessed by the DNA-Checkerboard hybridization method. Patient satisfaction was measured using a questionnaire. Results S1 (4.41±7.98%) and S2 (2.93±5.23%) were more effective then S3 (6.95±10.93%) in biofilm remotion(

    Energy metabolism: gluconeogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation

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    Most animal cells are able to meet their energy needs from the oxidation of various types of compounds: sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, but some tissues and cells of our body depend exclusively on glucose and the brain is the largest consumer of all. That is why the body has mechanisms in order to keep glucose levels stable. As it decreases, the degradation of hepatic glycogen occurs, which maintains the appropriate levels of blood glucose allowing its capture continues by those tissues, even in times of absence of food intake. But this reserve is limited, so another metabolic pathway is triggered for glucose production, which occurs in the kidneys and liver and is called gluconeogenesis, which means the synthesis of glucose from non-glucose compounds such as amino acids, lactate, and glycerol. Most stages of glycolysis use the same enzymes as glycolysis, but it makes the opposite sense and differs in three stages or also called deviations: the first is the conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate and oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate. The second deviation is the conversion of fructose 1,6 biphosphate to fructose 6 phosphate and the third and last deviation is the conversion of glucose 6 phosphate to glucose


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    Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre a atitude investigativa e o trabalho do assistente social na cena contemporânea, sobretudo no exercício profissional na Política de Assistência Social, além de um levantamento das dissertações e teses do Programa de Pós- Graduação em Serviço Social da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, da UNESP, Campus de Franca/SP. Utilizou-se como metodologia as pesquisas bibliográfica e documental, baseadas em livros, revistas, teses, dissertações, artigos e sites da internet. Concluiu-se que a relação das dimensões investigativa e interventiva na prática profissional é fundamental para a compreensão crítica da realidade, frente às manifestações da questão social, repercussão da luta de classes do sistema capitalista. E que os referenciais da profissão das últimas décadas, como as diretrizes curriculares do Serviço Social e as publicações articuladas pelo Conselho Federal de Serviço Social contribuem para a sustentação teórica e metodológica deste processo de intervenção

    Nutritional physical examination: historical, methodological and applied approach

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    The historical interest in the use of physical evaluation skills in clinical settings gained new notoriety at the end of the 20th century with evidence that patients in intensive care units experienced increased morbidity and mortality related to poor nutritional status before and/or during their admission. This awareness of the adverse effects of malnutrition led to the need for screening and evaluation tools to identify nutritional risk. no clinical finding of EFN should be considered a diagnosis per se. It is academic, scientific and clinical consensus that its results should be interpreted as suggestive, being crucial to consider the other methods of clinical evaluation of the patient\u27s nutritional status for the correct global nutritional diagnosis. However, the systematic and periodic repetition of the test may help to follow the evolution of the individual\u27s nutritional status, especially in the long term. In summary, although it requires specialized training and continuous practice of the evaluator and/or the team – in addition to requiring complementary nutritional information – the physical nutritional examination can still be considered an effective adjuvant method in the clinical evaluation of the patient’s nutritional status

    Anti-inflammatory foods: human food patterns, bioactive principles and mechanisms of action

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    With the increase in life expectancy accompanied by the gradual decrease in the birth rate as well as the greater income distribution associated with the quantitative increase in the minimum wage above inflation and the increase in its purchasing power, today the Brazilian population shows a moment exactly opposite to that found in the last century both in epidemiological terms and in the nutritional pattern. Brazil is currently experiencing the same pattern of mortality as developed countries: the majority of chronic non-communicable diseases are the main cause of death associated with an established model of obesity and sedentarism. These factors incline the scientific community and health professionals to turn their efforts to find food solutions that ease this epidemiological picture and it is in this context that anti-inflammatory foods have gained prominence. The following describes the main compounds that fit this magnitude of effect and their mechanisms of action

    Endocannabinoid system: conceptual parameters, history and therapeutic possibilities

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    Among the drugs considered illicit in the West, the Cannabis sativa plant is the most consumed: around 4% of the adult population, 10% of these users are in a situation of dependence. However, the medicinal use of this herb dates back to the early days of the emergence of our own species: some anthropologists theorize that some of the genus Homo has progressed in the struggle for survival with other hominids precisely because of the advanced knowledge – kept to the proper proportions – it possessed of plants like Cannabis. Millennia later, science – even focusing intensely on the chemical characterization of its more than 530 bioactive components – was still not able to generate verifiable hypotheses in order to explain two of the most remarkable characteristics of the recreational use of this plant: because small chemical changes potentiated the effect of the drug up to 100 times and, mainly, because it would be virtually impossible for an individual to suffer a lethal overdose of the substance. To overcome this paradigm, some compounds derived from delta-ninetetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) - the main component of cannabis – were radioactively marked in an experimental study and, after their induction, it was discovered that they had tropism by brain membranes and that their binding was saturated and stereosleptic. Such evidence strongly suggested the existence of endogenous receptors for the drug and it was these findings that led to the discovery of the Endocanabinoid System (SEC): a physiological apparatus made up of endogenous receptors and binders, philogenetically conserved, responsible for several controls related to neuronal homeostasis