205 research outputs found

    Mobile phone use and temporal skin heat sensation

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    International audienceEpidemiological investigation of mobile phone (MP) users reported symptoms of discomfort feeling, warmth behind/around or on the ear and heat sensation of the cheek. These symptoms may be due to thermal insulation, conduction of the heat produced in the phone by the battery currents and running of the radiofrequency (RF) electronic circuits, and electromagnetic field (EMF) energy absorbed by the user's head. Using a Luxtron 790 fiberoptic thermometer we measured the temperature of the temporal skin due to GSM 1800 MHz MP radiated power (125 mW). We suppressed the EMF exposure by switching the RF signal from the antenna to a 50 O load. The ambient air temperature was 23°C and the MP was held in the normal position of use for 30 minutes to reach the thermal steady state. With a switched off MP, the increase in skin temperature was statistically significant 1.88°C. When MP was switched on, the increase was 2.93°C in reception mode, 3.29°C in emission mode without load and 3.31°C in emission mode with load. The temperature difference with or without load was not significant (tl7 = 0.707; p = 0.489), which means that the contribution of EMF absorption to skin heating is negligible. The result suggests that the heat sensations reported by the MP users are exclusively caused by thermal insulation and heat conduction from MP associated with long calling time

    Effects of 900 MHz radiofrequency on corticosterone, emotional memory and neuroinflammation in middle-aged rats

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    International audienceThe widespread use of mobile phones raises the question of the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF, 900 MHz) on the brain. Previous studies reported increased levels of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the rat's brain after a single exposure to 900 MHz global system for mobile (GSM) signal, suggesting a potential inflammatory process. While this result was obtained in adult rats, no data is currently available in older animals. Since the transition from middle-age to senescence is highly dependent on environment and lifestyle, we studied the reactivity of middle-aged brains to EMF exposure. We assessed the effects of a single 15 min GSM exposure (900 MHz ; specific absorption rate (SAR)=6 W/kg) on GFAP expression in young adults (6 week-old) and middle-aged rats (12 month-old). Brain interleukin (IL)-1ß and IL-6, plasmatic levels of corticosterone (CORT), and emotional memory were also assessed. Our data indicated that, in contrast to previously published work, acute GSM exposure did not induce astrocyte activation. Our results showed an IL-1ß increase in the olfactory bulb and enhanced contextual emotional memory in GSM-exposed middle-aged rats, and increased plasmatic levels of CORT in GSMexposed young adults. Altogether, our data showed an age dependency of reactivity to GSM exposure in neuro-immunity, stress and behavioral parameters. Reproducing these effects and studying their mechanisms may allow a better understanding of mobile phone EMF effects on neurobiological parameters

    Effets des RF sur le système nerveux central : sommeil, EEG, vascularisation, cognition

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    National audienceLa plupart des études cliniques avec des champs RF ont étudié les effets d'expositions caractéristiques des téléphones portables, habituellement au niveau de la tête, sur un certain nombre de paramètres physiologiques comprenant le sommeil, l'activité électrique du cerveau, la cognition, la vascularisation cérébrale et plus généralement les systèmes cardiovasculaire et endocrinien. La majorité des études ont été effectuées chez des adultes en bonne santé. Il apparaît maintenant important d'étudier les effets des champs RF chez les enfants et les adolescents, étant donné la connaissance croissante d'une maturation continue du cerveau jusqu'à un stade avancé de l'adolescence, et quelques études récentes ont été effectuées avec des écoliers. Plusieurs études ont également porté sur des adultes qui déclarent être" électrosensibles "

    Effets des radiofréquences sur le système nerveux central chez l'homme : EEG, sommeil, cognition, vascularisation

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    International audienceMost of clinical studies on radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF) were directed at mobile phone-related exposures, usually at the level of the head, at their effect on some physiological functions including sleep, brain electrical activity (EEG), cognitive processes, brain vascularisation, and more generally on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. They were frequently carried out on healthy adults. Effects on the amplitude of EEG alpha waves, mainly during sleep, look reproducible. It would however be important to define more precisely whether and how the absence of electromagnetic disturbance between RF exposure and the recording systems is checked. No consensus arises about cognitive effects. Some effects on cerebral vascularisation need complementary work.La plupart des études cliniques avec des champs radiofréquences (RF) ont porté sur les effets d'expositions caractéristiques des téléphones portables, habituellement au niveau de la tête, sur un certain nombre de fonctions physiologiques comprenant le sommeil, l'activité électrique du cerveau (EEG), la cognition, la vascularisation cérébrale et, plus généralement, les systèmes cardiovasculaire et endocrinien. La majorité des études a été effectuée chez des adultes en bonne santé. L'effet décrit sur l'amplitude des ondes alpha de l'EEG, notamment pendant le sommeil, semble reproductible. Il semble cependant important de préciser si et comment l'absence d'interférence entre l'exposition RF et l'enregistrement est vérifiée. Il ne se dégage pas de consensus sur des effets cognitifs. Quelques effets décrits sur la vascularisation cérébrale nécessitent des études complémentaires

    Effets sur les flux d'énergie impliqués dans l'homéostasie lors d'une exposition chronique à un champ radiofréquence chez le rat juvénile

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    National audienceLa balance énergétique impliquant sommeil, prise alimentaire et thermorégulation, est importante pour les organismes en croissance. Nous avons étudié les effets d'une exposition chronique aux ondes radiofréquences (RF) type antenne relais sur ces 3 fonctions physiologiques chez des rats juvéniles dans 2 environnements thermiques (24°C et 31°C). 13rats mâles Wistar âgés de 3 semaines ont été exposés continuellement pendant 5 semaines aux ondes RF (900 MHz, 1V.m-1) et comparé à 11 rats non exposés. Les résultats montrent une augmentation de la fréquence des épisodes de sommeil paradoxal à 24°C et 31°C. Les autres effets sur le sommeil dépendent de l'environnement thermique. A 31°C, la température caudale des animaux exposés est moindre que celle des contrôles suggérant une vasoconstriction exacerbée ; ce qui est confirmée avec la prazosine vasodilatatrice. De plus, la prise alimentaire est plus élevée chez les animaux exposés. La plupart des effets de l'exposition chronique aux ondes RF sur le sommeil dépendent de l'environnement thermique et les animaux exposés semblent mettre en place des processus d'économie d'énergie

    Acute exposure to mobile phone and assessment of internal cerebral circulation in young healthy subjects : a transcranial Doppler study

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    International audienceThe rapid worldwide increase in the use of mobile phones raises questions about the possible adverse effects of RF fields emitted by these devices. The temporal lobe of brain is closest to the mobile phone. This may lead to relatively high energy deposition in these parts of human head during the use of mobile phone. The cerebral circulation may be potentially affected due to the exposure to RF emitted by mobile phone. Therefore the studies on cerebral blood flow are essential in order to evaluate the possible interaction exposure to RF with the central nervous system. Data in the literature related to the brain circulation are limited and controversial due to the different methods and protocols applied in these studie

    Effets spécifiques d'une exposition aux ondes radiofréquences de téléphone mobile sur le contrôle nerveux autonome du tonus vasomoteur cutané

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    National audienceLes résultats de l'étude effectuée sur 21 jeunes adultes volontaires ont révélé des effets athermiques de l'exposition réelle aux ondes RF de téléphone mobile sur le micro débit sanguin cutané en comparaison avec une exposition sham, par approche laser Doppler thermostatique (LD). L'analyse spectrale du signal LD en fin d'exposition a permis de montrer que ces modifications de vasomotricité cutanée étaient associées à une activité nerveuse sympathique locale plus élevée sous exposition réelle que sous exposition sham. Un test de provocation thermique spécifique induisant une hyperémie réactive maximale effectué à la 25è minute post-exposition a montré que la réserve vasodilatatrice des micro-vaisseaux cutanés exposés aux ondes RF était plus grande que celle sous exposition sham

    Is the effect of mobile phone radiofrequency waves on human skin perfusion non-thermal ?

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    International audienceTo establish whether SkBF can be modified by exposure to the radiofrequency waves emitted by a mobile phone when the latter is held against the jaw and ear. Variations in SkBF and Tsk in adult volunteers were simultaneously recorded with a thermostatic laser Doppler system during a 20-minute radiofrequency exposure session and a 20-minute sham session. The skin microvessels' vasodilatory reserve was assessed with a heat challenge at the end of the protocol. During the radiofrequency exposure session, SkBF increased (vs. baseline) more than during the sham exposure session. The sessions did not differ significant in terms of the Tsk time-course response. The skin microvessels' vasodilatory ability was found to be greater during radiofrequency exposure than during sham exposure. Our results reveal the existence of a specific vasodilatory effect of mobile phone radiofrequency emission on skin perfusion

    Thermal skin damage and mobile phone use

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    International audienceMobile phone "cell phone" use has dramatically increased over th last decade, but doubts remain over its safety. Epidemiological investigation of mobile phone (MP) users reported symptoms of discomfort feeling, warmth behind/around or on the ear and heat sensation of the cheek. These symptoms may be due to thermal insulation, conduction of the heat produced in the phone by the battery currents and running of the radiofrequency (RF) electronic circuits, and electromagnetic field (EMF) energy absorbed by the user's head. Using a Luxtron 790 fiberoptic thermometer we measured the temperature of the temporal skin due to GSM 1800 MHz MP radiated power (125 mW). To perform a sham exposure, we suppressed the EMF exposure by switching the RF signal from the antenna to a 50 Ohms load. The ambient air temperature was 23°C, the relative humidity was 50 +- 10 %, the air flow rate in the room was 0.01 m.s-1 (natural convection) and the MP was held in the normal position of use "cheek position" (CENELEC Standard 50361) for 30 minutes to reach the thermal steady state. With a switched off MP, the increase in skin temperature was statistically significant 1.88°C. When MP was switched on, the increase was 2.93°C in reception mode, 3.29°C in emission mode without load and 3.31 °C in emission mode with load. The temperature difference with or without load was not significant (t = 0.707; p = 0.489), which means that the contribution of EMF absorption to skin heating is negligible. The highest temperature increases detected during these experiments (TSkin = 37.1°C ~ core temperature) are in the environmental range and are lower than those physiologically experienced by the surface skin during hot summer days. No skin damage by thermal insuit is experienced for Tskin < 44°C, whereby a pain sensation replaces the feeling of temperature elevation in humans. This local skin temperature increase will cause thermoregulation responses. The skin blood vessels will be dilated and skin will be wet. The result suggests that the heat sensations reported by the MP users are exclusively caused by thermal insulation and heat conduction from MP associated with long calling time. No thermal skin damage can be suspected using MP in normal use

    Evaluation des effets des champs électromagnétiques sur la santé

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