61 research outputs found

    Ketamine does not inhibit interleukin-6 synthesis in hepatic resections requiring a temporary porto-arterial occlusion (Pringle manoeuvre): a controlled, prospective, randomized, double-blinded study

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    AbstractIntroductionPrevious studies have shown that interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels correlated with mortality in critically ill patients.GoalTo determine the effect of ketamine on IL-6 levels in liver resections patients with a temporary porto-arterial occlusion (Pringle manoeuvre).Materials and methodsControlled, prospective, randomized, double-blinded study. One group (n=21) received ketamine whereas the other group (n=17) received placebo. IL-6 levels were obtained at baseline, 4, 12, 24h, 3 and 5 days.ResultsThere were no significant differences in IL-6 levels between the groups (basal P=089, 4h P=0.83, 12h P=0.39, 24h, P=0.55, 3 days P=0.80 and 5 days P=0.45). Both groups had elevated IL-6 levels that became almost undetectable by day 5. There was no major morbidity and no mortality in either group.ConclusionsKetamine does not seem to have an effect on plasma levels of IL-6. This could be interpreted as a potential finding associated with outcome as we did not encounter any deaths or major complications. Further studies will likely be needed to determine the range of IL-6 levels associated with survival and mortality, and whether it could be a predictor of survival

    The Argentine experience with human immune deficiency virus positive patients in the waiting list for liver transplantation: preliminary analysis

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    Previamente, la seropositividad para el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV) era una contraindicación absoluta del trasplante. Sin embargo, reportes de la época posterior al tratamiento antirretroviral altamente activo (HAART) demostraron que los resultados no se diferenciarían de la población HIV negativa. Objetivo. Evaluar la experiencia en Argentina con pacientes HIV positivos incluidos en lista para trasplante hepático. Pacientes y métodos. Se incluyeron 52 pacientes HIV positivos ingresados en lista del 12 de julio de 2005 al 31 de marzo de 2010. Los resultados se compararon con 462 pacientes HIV negativos incluidos en lista durante el mismo período. Los datos se obtuvieron del SINTRA y centros intervinientes. Resultados. La etiología de hepatopatía en el grupo HIV positivo fue: hepatitis C en 40 pacientes, hepatitis B en 3, hepatitis fulminante en 3, alcohol en 2, retrasplante en 2 y otras en 2. El MELD promedio del grupo HIV positivo al ingreso en la lista fue 16,15 (menor de 19 en 40 pacientes, mayor de 19 en 8 y emergencia en 3) y el del grupo HIV negativo fue 16,64 (NS). La evolución en lista de espera para los pacientes HIV positivos y negativos fue respectivamente: muerte en lista 14 pacientes (27%) vs 61 (18,7%) (P < 0,05), trasplante con donante cadavérico 10 (13%) vs 95 (29,4%) (P < 0,01), trasplante con donante vivo 0 (0%) vs 5 (1,1%) (NS), tiempo medio desde el ingreso en lista a la muerte 270,70±298,11 días vs 267,29±266,53 días (NS), tiempo medio en la lista hasta el trasplante 70,26±74,05 vs 261±187,6 días (P < 0,01), MELD medio al fallecimiento 12,54 (13 casos menor de 15, 1 mayor de 19) vs 19,6±9,7 (P < 0,05), y MELD medio al momento del trasplante 24,33 vs 24,1±7,6 (NS). Conclusión. Los resultados del trasplante en pacientes HIV positivos son buenos. Sin embargo, presentan muy alta mortalidad en lista de espera que no correlaciona con su gravedad medida por el score de MELD. Quienes acceden al trasplante lo hacen rápidamente en el contexto de una descompensación, por hepatitis fulminante o por retrasplante.After the introduction of high active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was no longer considered a contraindication for transplantation. Yet, liver disease in this population is characterized by an accelerated course that may impact on the waiting list. Objective. To evaluate the experience in Argentina with HIV positive patients listed for liver transplantation. Patients and methods. We analyzed 52 HIV positive patients listed between July 2005 and March 2010 (Group HIV positive). Results were compared with 462 HIV negative patients included during the same period (Group HIV negative). Data were obtained from INCUCAI, the Argentinian procurement organism and from the Transplantation Centers. Results. The etiology of liver disease in the Group HIV positive was hepatitis C 40, HBV 3, fulminant hepatitis 3, alcohol 2, retrasplant 2 and others 2. The mean MELD at the time of listing was 16.15 (lower than 19 in 40 cases, higher than 19 in 8, emergency in 3) in the group HIV positive and 16.64 in the group HIV negative (NS). The outcome in the waiting list for HIV positive and negative patients respectively was: death 14 (27%) vs 61 (18.7%) (P < 0.05), cadaveric donor transplant 10 (13%) vs 95 (29.4%) (P < 0.001), living donor transplant 0 (0%) vs 5 (1.1%) (NS), mean time from listing to death 270.70 298.11 days vs 267.29 266.53 days (NS), mean time from listing to transplant 70.26 74.05 vs 261 187.6 days (P < 0.01), mean MELD at the time of death 12.54 (13 cases lower than 15, 1 higher than 19) vs 19.6 9.7 (P < 0.05), mean MELD at the time of transplantation 24.33 vs 24.1 7.6 (NS). Conclusion. HIV positive patients have high mortality in the waiting list and low access to liver transplantation. MELD score underscores the severity of liver disease in this population when compared to HIV negative patients.Fil: Villamil, Alejandra. Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Bisignano, Liliana. Incucai; ArgentinaFil: Orozco, Federico. Hospital Italiano de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Bandi, Juan Carlos. Hospital Italiano de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Barcán, Laura. Hospital Italiano de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: McCormack, Lucas. Hospital Alemán; ArgentinaFil: Gondolesi, Gabriel Eduardo. Fundación Favaloro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: de Santibañes, Eduardo. Hospital Italiano de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gadano, Adrián. Hospital Italiano de la Plata; Argentin

    Caroli's disease: report of surgical options and long-term outcome of patients treated in Argentina. Multicenter study

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    BACKGROUND: Caroli's disease (CD) management is still controversial. AIM: The purpose of this study is to report the most frequent clinical features, treatment options, and outcome obtained after surgical management of CD. METHODS: A voluntary survey was conducted. Demographic, clinical, surgical, and pathological variables were analyzed. RESULTS: Six centers included 24 patients having received surgical treatment from 1991 to 2009. Seventeen (70.8%) patients were female, with average age of 48.7 years old (20-71), and 95.5% were symptomatic. There was left hemiliver involvement in 75% of the patients. Surgical procedures included nine left lateral sectionectomies, eight left hepatectomies, and four right hepatectomies for those with hemiliver disease, while for patients with bilateral disease, one right hepatectomy and two Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomies were performed. The average length of hospitalization was 7 days. For perioperative complications (25%), three patients presented minor complications (types 1-2), while major complications occurred in three patients (type 3a). No mortality was reported. After a median follow-up of 166 months, all patients are alive and free of symptoms. CD diagnosis was confirmed by histology. Congenital hepatic fibrosis was present in two patients (8.3%) and cholangiocarcinoma in one (4.2%). CONCLUSIONS: CD in Argentina is more common in females with left hemiliver involvement. Surgical resection is the best curative option in unilateral disease, providing long-term survival free of symptoms and complications. In selected cases of bilateral disease without parenchymal involvement, hepaticojejunostomy should be proposed. However, a close follow-up is mandatory because patients might progress and a transplant should be indicated.Fil: Lendoire, Javier. Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos Doctor Cosme Argerich; ArgentinaFil: Raffin, Gabriel. Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos Doctor Cosme Argerich; ArgentinaFil: Bracco, Ricardo. No especifíca;Fil: Russi, Rodolfo. Ministerio de Defensa. Armada Argentina. Hospital Naval Buenos Aires Cirujano Mayor Dr. Pedro Mallo; ArgentinaFil: Ardiles, Victoria. Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Gondolesi, Gabriel Eduardo. Fundación Favaloro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Deflitto, Jorge. No especifíca;Fil: de Santibañez, Eduardo. Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Inventarza, Oscar. Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos Doctor Cosme Argerich; Argentin

    Tokyo Guidelines 2018 management bundles for acute cholangitis and cholecystitis

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    Management bundles that define items or procedures strongly recommended in clinical practice have been used in many guidelines in recent years. Application of these bundles facilitates the adaptation of guidelines and helps improve the prognosis of target diseases. In Tokyo Guidelines 2013 (TG13), we proposed management bundles for acute cholangitis and cholecystitis. Here, in Tokyo Guidelines 2018 (TG18), we redefine the management bundles for acute cholangitis and cholecystitis. Critical parts of the bundles in TG18 include the diagnostic process, severity assessment, transfer of patients if necessary, and therapeutic approach at each time point. Observance of these items and procedures should improve the prognosis of acute cholangitis and cholecystitis. Studies are now needed to evaluate the dissemination of these TG18 bundles and their effectiveness. Free full articles and mobile app of TG18 are available at: . Related clinical questions and references are also include

    Tokyo Guidelines 2018: initial management of acute biliary infection and flowchart for acute cholangitis

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    The initial management of patients with suspected acute biliary infection starts with the measurement of vital signs to assess whether or not the situation is urgent. If the case is judged to be urgent, initial medical treatment should be started immediately including respiratory/circulatory management if required, without waiting for a definitive diagnosis. The patient's medical history is then taken; an abdominal examination is performed; blood tests, urinalysis, and diagnostic imaging are carried out; and a diagnosis is made using the diagnostic criteria for cholangitis/cholecystitis. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, initial medical treatment should be started immediately, severity should be assessed according to the severity grading criteria for acute cholangitis/cholecystitis, and the patient's general status should be evaluated. For mild acute cholangitis, in most cases initial treatment including antibiotics is sufficient, and most patients do not require biliary drainage. However, biliary drainage should be considered if a patient does not respond to initial treatment. For moderate acute cholangitis, early endoscopic or percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage is indicated. If the underlying etiology requires treatment, this should be provided after the patient's general condition has improved; endoscopic sphincterotomy and subsequent choledocholithotomy may be performed together with biliary drainage. For severe acute cholangitis, appropriate respiratory/circulatory management is required. Biliary drainage should be performed as soon as possible after the patient's general condition has been improved by initial treatment and respiratory/circulatory management. Free full articles and mobile app of TG18 are available at: http://www.jshbps.jp/modules/en/index.php?content_id=47 . Related clinical questions and references are also include

    Tokyo Guidelines 2018 diagnostic criteria and severity grading of acute cholecystitis (with videos)

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    The Tokyo Guidelines 2013 (TG13) for acute cholangitis and cholecystitis were globally disseminated and various clinical studies about the management of acute cholecystitis were reported by many researchers and clinicians from all over the world. The 1st edition of the Tokyo Guidelines 2007 (TG07) was revised in 2013. According to that revision, the TG13 diagnostic criteria of acute cholecystitis provided better specificity and higher diagnostic accuracy. Thorough our literature search about diagnostic criteria for acute cholecystitis, new and strong evidence that had been released from 2013 to 2017 was not found with serious and important issues about using TG13 diagnostic criteria of acute cholecystitis. On the other hand, the TG13 severity grading for acute cholecystitis has been validated in numerous studies. As a result of these reviews, the TG13 severity grading for acute cholecystitis was significantly associated with parameters including 30-day overall mortality, length of hospital stay, conversion rates to open surgery, and medical costs. In terms of severity assessment, breakthrough and intensive literature for revising severity grading was not reported. Consequently, TG13 diagnostic criteria and severity grading were judged from numerous validation studies as useful indicators in clinical practice and adopted as TG18/TG13 diagnostic criteria and severity grading of acute cholecystitis without any modification. Free full articles and mobile app of TG18 are available at: http://www.jshbps.jp/modules/en/index.php?content_id=47. Related clinical questions and references are also include

    TG18 management strategies for gallbladder drainage in patients with acute cholecystitis: Updated Tokyo Guidelines 2018 (with videos)

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    Since the publication of the Tokyo Guidelines in 2007 and their revision in 2013, appropriate management for acute cholecystitis has been more clearly established. Since the last revision, several manuscripts, especially for alternative endoscopic techniques, have been reported; therefore, additional evaluation and refinement of the 2013 Guidelines is required. We describe a standard drainage method for surgically high-risk patients with acute cholecystitis and the latest developed endoscopic gallbladder drainage techniques described in the updated Tokyo Guidelines 2018 (TG18). Our study confirmed that percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage should be considered the first alternative to surgical intervention in surgically high-risk patients with acute cholecystitis. Also, endoscopic transpapillary gallbladder drainage or endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage can be considered in high-volume institutes by skilled endoscopists. In the endoscopic transpapillary approach, either endoscopic naso-gallbladder drainage or gallbladder stenting can be considered for gallbladder drainage. We also introduce special techniques and the latest outcomes of endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage studies. Free full articles and mobile app of TG18 are available at: . Related clinical questions and references are also include

    Too Many Languages in the ALPPS

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