885 research outputs found

    Comparação da eficácia de diferentes técnicas de branqueamento; estudo clínico piloto Split-Mouth

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizIntrodução e objetivo: O branqueamento é um dos procedimentos estéticos mais solicitado pelos pacientes que desejam um sorriso atraente. A crescente procura de resultados mais rápidos e eficazes torna obrigatória a resposta dos médicos-dentistas. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar a eficácia da aplicação do peróxido de hidrogénio a 6% para o branqueamento em consultório. Materiais e métodos: Estudo piloto clínico comparativo split-mouth para o qual foram selecionados 10 pacientes da Clínica Universitária Egas Moniz que se encontram nos critérios de inclusão. Foram utilizados em cada indivíduo dois grupos de dentes (metade do 2.° e 5.° sextantes direitos ou esquerdos). O grupo experimental foi submetido ao branqueamento em consultório com peróxido de hidrogénio a 6% e o grupo de controlo, ao branqueamento em ambulatório a 16% de peróxido de carbamida (5,7% de peróxido de hidrogénio). Foi registada a evolução da cor por shade guide units através de uma escala VITAPAN® classical, organizada por valor, e foi também avaliada a sensibilidade dentária. Resultados: Obteve-se uma evolução média da cor de 1,16 para o grupo experimental e de 5,31 para o grupo de controlo. Verificou-se que existe uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os dois grupos. Em relação à sensibilidade dentária não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos. Conclusões: O branqueamento dentário realizado em consultório com peróxido de hidrogénio a 6 % revelou-se menos eficaz do que o branqueamento efetuado em ambulatório com peróxido de carbamida a 16%. Foi verificada sensibilidade dentária em ambas as técnicas

    La radiotelegrafía y la guerra

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    The wireless telegraphy or rather the radiotelegraphy, which constitutes one of the last conquests of the human science, is presented as the most marvelous of the present times. To communicate without any conductor at distances that reach six thousand kilometers, that is to say almost the fourth part of a terrestrial meridian, provoking on a point of the globe a kind of special electric storm that propagates circularly, is something prodigious. This storm influences apparatuses of extreme sensitivity that constitute the receivers.La telegrafia sin hilo o mejor dicho la radiotelegrafia, que constituye una de las ultimas conquistas de la ciencia humana, se presenta como la mas maravillosa de los tiempos actuales. Comunicar sin ningún conductor a distancias que alcanzan a seis mil kilometros, es decir casi la cuarta parte de un meridiano terrestre, provocando sabre un punta del globo una especie de tormenta electrica especial que se propaga circularmente, es algo prodigioso. Esta tormenta influye sabre aparatos de una extrema sensibilidad que constituyen los receptores

    Simultaneous pressure-volume measurements using optical sensors and MRI 1 for left ventricle function assessment during animal experiment 2

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    International audienceSimultaneous pressure and volume measurements enable the extraction of valuable parameters for left ventricle function assessment. Cardiac MR has proven to be the most accurate method for volume estimation. Nonetheless, measuring pressure simultaneously during MRI acquisitions remains a challenge given the magnetic nature of the widely used pressure transducers. In this study we show the feasibility of simultaneous in vivo pressure-volume acquisitions with MRI using optical pressure sensors. Pressure-volume loops were calculated while inducing three inotropic states in a sheep and functional indices were extracted, using single beat loops, to characterize systolic and diastolic performance. Functional indices evolved as expected in response to positive inotropic stimuli. The end-systolic elastance, representing the contractility index, the diastolic myocardium compliance, and the cardiac work efficiency all increased when inducing inotropic state enhancement. The association of MRI and optical pressure sensors within the left ventricle successfully enabled pressure-volume loop analysis after having respective data simultaneously recorded during the experimentation without the need to move the animal between each inotropic state

    Elaboração de roteiro audiodescritivo de história em quadrinhos para o ensino de biologia a alunos com deficiência visual

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar uma proposta de audiodescrição (AD) de uma história em quadrinhos (HQ) para uso didático no ensino de ciências. Antes de chegar ao roteiro, a pesquisa parte de busca bibliográfica inicial e apresenta trabalhos que mostram a importância e validade das historias em quadrinhos, bem como o fato de que as mesmas não são acessíveis às pessoas com deficiência visual. Foi destacada também a importância da inclusão de pessoas com deficiência visual (DV), e métodos de tecnologias assistivas que auxiliem neste processo. Neste sentido foram exploradas a audiodescrição e o braile como tecnologias assistivas a serem trabalhadas. Esta pesquisa apresentou abordagem qualitativa, caráter explicativo e possuiu procedimentos técnicos e exploratórios. Para a construção do roteiro de audiodescrição da HQ, foi observado o modelo proposto por Correia-Silva (2018). Por meio da utilização de uma base de HQs, foi escolhida uma historia do personagem Jotalhão, de Mauricio de Sousa, chamada “Verde que te quero verde”. A HQ foi audiodescrita, revisada, e analisada, para posterior difusão. Verificou-se por meio da construção que esta, assim como outras historias são passiveis de serem audiodescritas, de modo que vários conteúdos possam ser complementados com esta importante ferramenta, em benefício do professor de ciências e de outras disciplinas

    Super-resolution in map-making based on a physical instrument model and regularized inversion. Application to SPIRE/Herschel

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    We investigate super-resolution methods for image reconstruction from data provided by a family of scanning instruments like the Herschel observatory. To do this, we constructed a model of the instrument that faithfully reflects the physical reality, accurately taking the acquisition process into account to explain the data in a reliable manner. The inversion, ie the image reconstruction process, is based on a linear approach resulting from a quadratic regularized criterion and numerical optimization tools. The application concerns the reconstruction of maps for the SPIRE instrument of the Herschel observatory. The numerical evaluation uses simulated and real data to compare the standard tool (coaddition) and the proposed method. The inversion approach is capable to restore spatial frequencies over a bandwidth four times that possible with coaddition and thus to correctly show details invisible on standard maps. The approach is also applied to real data with significant improvement in spatial resolution.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Comparison of fast field-cycling magnetic resonance imaging methods and future perspectives

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    This article is based upon work from COST Action CA15209, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). M. Bödenler, C. Gösweiner and H. Scharfetter acknowledge the financial support by the European Commission in the frame of the H2020 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET-open) under grant agreement 665172, project ‘CONQUER’. L. de Rochefort acknowledges the France Life Imaging network (Grant ANR-11-INBS-0006) that partially funded the small animal FFC-MRI system. D.J. Lurie, L.M. Broche and P.J. Ross acknowledge funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 668119, project ‘IDentIFY’.Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    This paper aims at discussing, from a theoretical and methodological point of view, some problems and some ideas related to intervention-related research in Education. The article begins with a definition of this type of research which, in our group, is called pedagogical intervention research-type and defined as a kind of investigation involving the planning and implementation of interferences (changes, pedagogical innovations) – designed to produce advances, improvements in learning processes of individuals who participate in them – and the subsequent evaluation of the effects of interference. The paper defends the appropriateness of entrusting investigative status to this kind of research, because we believe it capable of producing educational knowledge. Furthermore, the paper discusses the theoretical base of pedagogical interventional research-type, that is, Cultural-Historical Theory of Activity and proposes a roadmap for the reporting it. The work ends with a brief account of a pedagogical intervention research-type conducted by a member of our group.Este trabalho, de caráter teórico-metodológico, tem como objetivo discutir alguns problemas e algumas ideias relacionados a pesquisas que envolvem intervenções, na área da Educação. O artigo inicia com uma definição desse tipo de investigação que, em nosso grupo, é denominado pesquisa do tipo intervenção pedagógica e definida como uma pesquisa que envolve o planejamento e a implementação de interferências (mudanças, inovações pedagógicas) – destinadas a produzir avanços, melhorias, nos processos de aprendizagem dos sujeitos que delas participam – e a posterior avaliação dos efeitos dessas interferências. O trabalho defende a pertinência de atribuir status de investigativo a esse tipo de pesquisa, por entendê-la capaz de produzir conhecimento educacional. Além disso, fundamenta as pesquisas interventivas a partir da Teoria Histórico-Cultural da Atividade e propõe um roteiro para a elaboração de relatórios desse tipo de investigação. O trabalho encerra com o breve relato de uma pesquisa do tipo intervenção pedagógica realizada por um dos membros de nosso grupo

    Functional quantitative susceptibility mapping (fQSM)

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    Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a powerful technique, typically based on the statistical analysis of the magnitude component of the complex time-series. Here, we additionally interrogated the phase data of the fMRI time-series and used quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in order to investigate the potential of functional QSM (fQSM) relative to standard magnitude BOLD fMRI. High spatial resolution data (1 mm isotropic) were acquired every 3 seconds using zoomed multi-slice gradient-echo EPI collected at 7 T in single orientation (SO) and multiple orientation (MO) experiments, the latter involving 4 repetitions with the subject's head rotated relative to B0. Statistical parametric maps (SPM) were reconstructed for magnitude, phase and QSM time-series and each was subjected to detailed analysis. Several fQSM pipelines were evaluated and compared based on the relative number of voxels that were coincidentally found to be significant in QSM and magnitude SPMs (common voxels). We found that sensitivity and spatial reliability of fQSM relative to the magnitude data depended strongly on the arbitrary significance threshold defining “activated” voxels in SPMs, and on the efficiency of spatio-temporal filtering of the phase time-series. Sensitivity and spatial reliability depended slightly on whether MO or SO fQSM was performed and on the QSM calculation approach used for SO data. Our results present the potential of fQSM as a quantitative method of mapping BOLD changes. We also critically discuss the technical challenges and issues linked to this intriguing new technique

    Evaluation of lung recovery after static administration of three different perfluorocarbons in pigs.

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    International audienceBackground: The respiratory properties of perfluorocarbons (PFC) have been widely studied for liquid ventilation inhumans and animals. Several PFC were tested but their tolerance may depend on the species. Here, the effects of asingle administration of liquid PFC into pig lungs were assessed and compared. Three different PFC having distinctevaporative and spreading coefficient properties were evaluated (Perfluorooctyl bromide [PFOB], perfluorodecalin[PFD] and perfluoro-N-octane [PFOC]).Methods: Pigs were anesthetized and submitted to mechanical ventilation. They randomly received an intra-trachealadministration of 15 ml/kg of either PFOB, PFD or PFOC with 12 h of mechanical ventilation before awakening andweaning from ventilation. A Control group was submitted to mechanical ventilation with no PFC administration. Allanimals were followed during 4 days after the initial PFC administration to investigate gas exchanges and clinicalrecovery. They were ultimately euthanized for histological analyses and assessment of PFC residual concentrationswithin the lungs using dual nuclei fluorine and hydrogen Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Sixteen animals wereincluded (4/group).Results: In the PFD group, animals tended to be hypoxemic after awakening. In PFOB and PFOC groups, blood gaseswere not significantly different from the Control group after awakening. The poor tolerance of PFD was likely related toa large amount of residual PFC, as observed using MRI in all lung samples (≈10% of lung volume). This percentage waslower in the PFOB group (≈1%) but remained significantly greater than in the Control group. In the PFOC group, thepercentage of residual PFC was not significantly different from that of the Control group (≈0.1%). Histologically, themost striking feature was an alveolar infiltration with foam macrophages, especially in the groups treated by PFD orPFOB.Conclusions: Of the three tested perfluorocarbons, PFOC offered the best tolerance in terms of lung function, gasexchanges and residuum in the lung. PFOC was rapidly cleared from the lungs and virtually disappeared after 4 dayswhereas PFOB persisted at significant levels and led to foam macrophage infiltration. PFOC could be relevant for shortterm total liquid ventilation with a rapid weaning