487 research outputs found

    Absceso epidural cervical por peptostreptococcus anaerobius

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    Se presenta 1 caso de infección con absceso epidural a nivel cervical producido por un Peplostreptococcus anaerobius en 1 paciente en el que se realizó previamente una artrodesis C6-C7 por una hernia discal cervical. En la literatura no se han encontrado referencias bibliográficas de casos similares, por la etiología y la localización. Se discute la importancia de las infecciones por bacterias anaerobias en patología osteoarticular, métodos diagnósticos, así como su abordaje terapéutico.A case of postsurgical infection with cervical epidural abscess produced by Peptostreptococcus anaerobius is presented. The patient underwent previously a cervical arthrodesis (levels C6-C7) due to a discal herniation. A similar case has not been found in the review of the literature, taking into account its etiology and localization. It is discussed the importance of anerobic bacterial infections in osteoarticular pathology, and diagnostic and therapeutic means

    Assessing the levels of awareness among european citizens about the direct and indirect impacts of plastics on human health

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    There is an urgent need to assess European citizens' perspective regarding their plastic consumption and to evaluate their awareness of the direct and indirect effect of plastics on human health in order to influence current behavior trends. In this study, the evaluation has been cross-related with scientific facts, with the final aim of detecting the most recommendable paths in increasing human awareness, reducing plastic consumption, and consequently impacting human health. A statistical analysis of quantitative data, gathered from 1000 European citizens via an online survey in the period from May to June 2020, showed that a general awareness about the direct impact of plastic consumption and contamination (waste) on human health is high in Europe. However, only a few participants (from a higher educational group) were aware of the indirect negative effects that oil extraction and industrial production of plastic can have on human health. This finding calls for improved availability of this information to general public. Despite the participants' positive attitude toward active plastic reduction (61%), plastic consumption on a daily basis is still very high (86%). The most common current actions toward plastic reduction are plastic bag usage, reusage, or replacement with sustainable alternatives (e.g., textile bags) and selecting products with less plastic packaging. The participants showed important criticism toward the information available to the general public about plastics and health. This awareness is important since significant relation has been found between the available information and the participants' decisions on the actions they might undertake to reduce plastic consumption. The study clearly showed the willingness of the participants to take action, but they also requested to be strongly supported with joint efforts from government, policies, and marketing, defining it as the most successful way toward implementing these changes

    Local Constraints on the Oscillating G Model

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    We analyze the observational constraints on the effective Brans-Dicke parameter and on the temporal variation of the effective gravitational constant within the context of the oscillating G model, a cosmological model based on a massive scalar field non-minimally coupled to gravity. We show that these local constraints cannot be satisfied simultaneously once the values of the free parameters entering the model become fixed by the global attributes of our Universe. In particular, we show that the lower observational bound for the effective Brans-Dicke parameter and the upper bound of the variation of the effective gravitational constant lead to a specific value of the oscillation amplitude which lies well below the value required to explain the periodicity of 128 Mpc h^{-1} in the galaxy distribution observed in the pencil beam surveys.Comment: PRD, subm., 12 pages, 1 figur

    An assessment of attitudes towards plastics and bioplastics in Europe

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    Over the last 50 years, conventional fossil-based plastics have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Apart from their low production costs, this is due to a number of their unique properties, including durability, strength, lightness, electrical and thermal insulation, resistance to chemicals and corrosion. The production of plastics has increased from 1.5 million metric tons in 1950 to 359 million metric tons in 2018. Of this total, 61.8 million metric tons were produced in Europe. There are various problems associated with plastic use and disposal that pose a serious threat to both the physical environment and human health. Since public behaviour plays a key role when it comes to the use of plastic, this paper reports on a study that focused on an assessment of attitudes towards plastics and bioplastics in Europe. The results showed that packaging is the most frequent modality of plastic used among participants. In addition, majority of participants are aware that plastic waste can affect environment and human health and therefore segregate and properly dispose plastics. Also, even though most respondents were aware of the environmental problems related to plastic use and showed a positive inclination towards using bioplastic materials, their limited availability and lack of relevant information about bioplastics pose a problem for wider use. Departing from the assumption that the public attitude is a determining factor in the consumption of plastics as a whole and bioplastics in particular, this paper also sheds some light on the current situation, identifying some trends and information gaps which should be addressed in order to encourage a more rational use of plastics in Europe

    Fake Supergravity and Domain Wall Stability

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    We review the generalized Witten-Nester spinor stability argument for flat domain wall solutions of gravitational theories. Neither the field theory nor the solution need be supersymmetric. Nor is the space-time dimension restricted. We develop the non-trivial extension required for AdS-sliced domain walls and apply this to show that the recently proposed "Janus" solution of Type IIB supergravity is stable non-perturbatively for a broad class of deformations. Generalizations of this solution to arbitrary dimension and a simple curious linear dilaton solution of Type IIB supergravity are byproducts of this work.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, v2: minor corrections, references and acknowledgments adde

    Moduli Stabilization in Brane Gas Cosmology with Superpotentials

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    In the context of brane gas cosmology in superstring theory, we show why it is impossible to simultaneously stabilize the dilaton and the radion with a general gas of strings (including massless modes) and D-branes. Although this requires invoking a different mechanism to stabilize these moduli fields, we find that the brane gas can still play a crucial role in the early universe in assisting moduli stabilization. We show that a modest energy density of specific types of brane gas can solve the overshoot problem that typically afflicts potentials arising from gaugino condensation.Comment: minor changes to match the journal versio

    Solvable model of strings in a time-dependent plane-wave background

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    We investigate a string model defined by a special plane-wave metric ds^2 = 2dudv - l(u) x^2 du^2 + dx^2 with l(u) = k/u^2 and k=const > 0. This metric is a Penrose limit of some cosmological, Dp-brane and fundamental string backgrounds. Remarkably, in Rosen coordinates the metric has a ``null cosmology'' interpretation with flat spatial sections and scale factor which is a power of the light-cone time u. We show that: (i) This spacetime is a Lorentzian homogeneous space. In particular, like Minkowski space, it admits a boost isometry in u,v. (ii) It is an exact solution of string theory when supplemented by a u-dependent dilaton such that its exponent (i.e. effective string coupling) goes to zero at u=infinity and at the singularity u=0, reducing back-reaction effects. (iii) The classical string equations in this background become linear in the light-cone gauge and can be solved explicitly in terms of Bessel's functions; thus the string model can be directly quantized. This allows one to address the issue of singularity at the string-theory level. We examine the propagation of first-quantized point-particle and string modes in this time-dependent background. Using certain analytic continuation prescription we argue that string propagation through the singularity can be smooth.Comment: 58 pages, latex. v2: several references to related previous work adde

    Towards a physical interpretation for the Stephani Universes

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    A physicaly reasonable interpretation is provided for the perfect fluid, sphericaly symmetric, conformally flat ``Stephani Universes''. The free parameters of this class of exact solutions are determined so that the ideal gas relation p=nkTp=n k T is identicaly fulfiled, while the full equation of state of a classical monatomic ideal gas and a matter-radiation mixture holds up to a good approximation in a near dust, matter dominated regime. Only the models having spacelike slices with positive curvature admit a regular evolution domain that avoids an unphysical singularity. In the matter dominated regime these models are dynamicaly and observationaly indistinguishable from ``standard'' FLRW cosmology with a dust source.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX with revtex style, submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Axionic D3-D7 Inflation

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    We study the motion of a D3 brane moving within a Type IIB string vacuum compactified to 4D on K3 x T_2/Z_2 in the presence of D7 and O7 planes. We work within the effective 4D supergravity describing how the mobile D3 interacts with the lightest bulk moduli of the compactification, including the effects of modulus-stabilizing fluxes. We seek inflationary solutions to the resulting equations, performing our search numerically in order to avoid resorting to approximate parameterizations of the low-energy potential. We consider uplifting from D-terms and from the supersymmetry-breaking effects of anti-D3 branes. We find examples of slow-roll inflation (with anti-brane uplifting) with the mobile D3 moving along the toroidal directions, falling towards a D7-O7 stack starting from the antipodal point. The inflaton turns out to be a linear combination of the brane position and the axionic partner of the K3 volume modulus, and the similarity of the potential along the inflaton direction with that of racetrack inflation leads to the prediction n_s \le 0.95 for the spectral index. The slow roll is insensitive to most of the features of the effective superpotential, and requires a one-in-10^4 tuning to ensure that the torus is close to square in shape. We also consider D-term inflation with the D3 close to the attractive D7, but find that for a broad (but not exhaustive) class of parameters the conditions for slow roll tend to destabilize the bulk moduli. In contrast to the axionic case, the best inflationary example of this kind requires the delicate adjustment of potential parameters (much more than the part-per-mille level), and gives inflation only at an inflection point of the potential (and so suffers from additional fine-tuning of initial conditions to avoid an overshoot problem).Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    AdS_3/LCFT_2 - Correlators in Cosmological Topologically Massive Gravity

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    For cosmological topologically massive gravity at the chiral point we calculate momentum space 2- and 3-point correlators of operators in the postulated dual CFT on the cylinder. These operators are sourced by the bulk and boundary gravitons. Our correlators are fully consistent with the proposal that cosmological topologically massive gravity at the chiral point is dual to a logarithmic CFT. In the process we give a complete classification of normalizable and non-normalizeable left, right and logarithmic solutions to the linearized equations of motion in global AdS_3.Comment: 39 pages + appendices, 1 eps figure, v2: minor changes in text in 4.1.2, corrected typo in (2.31
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