959 research outputs found

    Odour Detection Methods: Olfactometry and Chemical Sensors

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    The complexity of the odours issue arises from the sensory nature of smell. From the evolutionary point of view olfaction is one of the oldest senses, allowing for seeking food, recognizing danger or communication: human olfaction is a protective sense as it allows the detection of potential illnesses or infections by taking into account the odour pleasantness/unpleasantness. Odours are mixtures of light and small molecules that, coming in contact with various human sensory systems, also at very low concentrations in the inhaled air, are able to stimulate an anatomical response: the experienced perception is the odour. Odour assessment is a key point in some industrial production processes (i.e., food, beverages, etc.) and it is acquiring steady importance in unusual technological fields (i.e., indoor air quality); this issue mainly concerns the environmental impact of various industrial activities (i.e., tanneries, refineries, slaughterhouses, distilleries, civil and industrial wastewater treatment plants, landfills and composting plants) as sources of olfactory nuisances, the top air pollution complaint. Although the human olfactory system is still regarded as the most important and effective “analytical instrument” for odour evaluation, the demand for more objective analytical methods, along with the discovery of materials with chemo-electronic properties, has boosted the development of sensor-based machine olfaction potentially imitating the biological system. This review examines the state of the art of both human and instrumental sensing currently used for the detection of odours. The olfactometric techniques employing a panel of trained experts are discussed and the strong and weak points of odour assessment through human detection are highlighted. The main features and the working principles of modern electronic noses (E-Noses) are then described, focusing on their better performances for environmental analysis. Odour emission monitoring carried out through both the techniques is finally reviewed in order to show the complementary responses of human and instrumental sensing

    Autopercepción del estilo de humor en profesores, en correlación con la percepción que tienen los estudiantes de los niveles octavo año básico a segundo año medio del Colegio Antimanque durante el año 2018

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    Tesis (Psicopedagogo, Licenciado en Educación)This study arises from the need to generate research that provides information on the assessment of the use of humor in the educational context, through knowledge of the benefits it provides in this context. The objective of the research is to identify the distance between the self- perception of the teacher's style of humor, the perception of their students and the value they give to the use of it in the educational context. The research was conducted at the Antimanque School in Peñaflor district, using a sample of 103 students and 5 teachers. Each grade answered the “Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ)”, adapted in Chile, which focused particulary in one teacher of each grade, in addition to four open questions where answers were organized into six categories. To examine the results, a quantitative analysis was carried out, the results of which show that there are no significant distances between students' perception and teachers' self- perception, because none identifies the use of a particular humor style. However, in the evaluation of the open questions we show that both, teachers and students value positively the use of humor in the classroom.El presente estudio surge de la necesidad de generar investigaciones que proporcionen información sobre la valoración del uso del humor en el contexto educativo, por medio del conocimiento de los beneficios que éste aporta en dicho contexto. El objetivo de la investigación es identificar la distancia entre la autopercepción del estilo de humor del profesor, con la percepción de sus estudiantes y la valoración que le dan al uso de éste en el contexto educativo. La investigación fue realizada en el Colegio Antimanque de la comuna de Peñaflor, utilizando una muestra de 103 alumnos y 5 profesores. Para examinar los resultados se realizó un análisis cuantitativo, cuyos resultados evidencian que no existen distancias significativas entre percepción de los alumnos y autopercepción profesores, debido a que ninguno identifica la utilización de un estilo de humor en particular. Sin embargo, en la valoración de las preguntas abiertas nos demuestran que tanto profesores como alumnos valoran positivamente el uso del humor en el aula

    Meta-analysis of the effects of venous super-drainage in deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flaps for breast reconstruction

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    INTRODUCTION: Venous congestion is the most common vascular complication of the deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flaps. Adding a second venous drainage by anastomosing a flap vein and a recipient vein (super-drainage) is considered the solution of choice. Evidence to support this procedure, had not yet been confirmed by an analysis of the literature. We aimed to provide this evidence.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We searched the literature (MedLine, Scopus, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar), for studies discussing venous congestion and venous super-drainage in DIEP flap for breast reconstruction. Thirteen of the 35 articles compared results between one or two venous anastomoses. Meta-analysis was performed following PRISMA guidelines. Pooled risk ratio (RRs) for congestion, fat necrosis, partial necrosis, and total necrosis with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using a fixed-effect model with the Mantel-Haenszel method. The need to return to surgery (95% CI) was estimated with a random effect model using the DerSimonian and Liard method.RESULTS: We showed a statistically significant advantage of super-drainage to reduce the venous congestion of the flap (RR: 0.12, 95% CI: 0.04-0.34, p-value <.001), partial flap necrosis (RR: 0.50, 95% CI: 0.30-0.84, p-value .008), total flap necrosis (RR: 0.31, 95% CI: 0.11-0.85, p-value .023), and the need to take the patient back to surgery for perfusion-related complications (RR: 0.45, 95% CI: 0.21-0.99, p value .048).CONCLUSIONS: Performing a second venous anastomosis between the SIEV and a recipient vein (venous superdrainage) reduces venous congestion and related complications in DIEP flaps for breast reconstruction

    Meta-analysis of the effects of venous super-drainage in deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flaps for breast reconstruction

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    Venous congestion is the most common vascular complication of the deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flaps. Adding a second venous drainage by anastomosing a flap vein and a recipient vein (super-drainage) is considered the solution of choice. Evidence to support this procedure, had not yet been confirmed by an analysis of the literature. We aimed to provide this evidence

    A sensibilidade dental durante e após o clareamento na odontologia: revisão integrativa

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    A odontologia estética é uma área que nas últimas décadas tem passado por muitos avanços em questão de técnica e metodologia, tendo o clareamento dental como um dos procedimentos mais procurados pelos pacientes que buscam serviços odontológicos. Um efeito adverso deste procedimento é a sensibilidade dental, a qual pode ocorrer tanto em pacientes com hipersensibilidade quanto nos que não têm. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo fazer um levantamento das técnicas e materiais utilizados no clareamento dental e controle da sensibilidade dental, buscando a técnica mais eficaz para minimizar a sensibilidade, mediante os estudos clínicos publicados em artigos. A metodologia adotada baseia-se em artigos científicos com casos clínicos, publicados há menos de 10 anos nas plataformas PubMed, BVS e Scielo, utilizando-se dos descritores “Clareamento dental”, Sensibilidade dental e Dessenbilizantes. Dos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que não existe uma técnica que possa ser aplicada universalmente, desta forma o profissional odontólogo deve fazer uma investigação adequada do aspecto da cor e expectativas de cada paciente e, a partir daí, apresentar ao paciente as opções mais adequadas para o seu tratamento. Dos artigos revisados, a técnica que apresentou mínima sensibilidade dental foi o tratamento em consultório com gel de alta concentração, em conjunto com a técnica caseira com gel de baixa concentração, na qual obteve-se um resultado potencializado e com sensibilidade dental mínima

    Factors associated with the intention to participate in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials: A cross-sectional study in Peru

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    Objective: To evaluate the factors associated with the intention to participate in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials in the Peruvian population. Methods: Cross-sectional study and secondary analysis of a database that involved Peruvian population during September 2020. The Poisson regression model was used to estimate the associated factors. Results: Data from 3231 individuals were analyzed, 44.1% of whom intended to participate in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. Factors associated with the outcome were being male (RPa: 1.25; 95% CI: 1.15–1.35), being from the highlands region (RPa: 1.18; 95% CI: 1.09–1.28) or jungle (RPa: 1.30; 95% CI: 1.15–1.47), having a relative that is a healthcare professional (PRa: 1.16; 95% CI: 1.06–1.28), using a medical source of information (PRa: 1.28; 95% CI: 1.17–1.41), and trusting in the possible effectiveness of vaccines (PRa: 1.40; 95% CI: 1.29–1.51). The main reason for not participating in the trial was the possibility of developing side effects (69.80%). Conclusion: There is an urgent need to generate a perception of safety in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, to increase the population's intention to participate in these studies, and to provide evidence-based information about the vaccine.Revisión por pare

    Influência dos acidentes por queda na morbimortalidade da população idosa no Brasil, no período de 2008 a 2017

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    O Brasil encontra-se atualmente em processo de inversão da pirâmide etária, o que resulta em aumento da população idosa em relação ao restante da população, fazendo-se necessárias análises sobre o impacto dessa mudança no cenário brasileiro. Objetivou-se, portanto, analisar a influência das quedas na mortalidade e morbidade hospitalar da população brasileira, comparando as faixas etárias de 60 anos ou mais e de 0 a 59 anos, no período de 2008 a 2017. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e retrospectivo. Os dados foram coletados do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM) e Sistema de Informação Hospitalar (SIH), disponibilizados no DATASUS, através do TABNET. A análise comparativa da mortalidade por diferentes categorias de quedas mostrou um maior risco de morte e de internações hospitalares por quedas na população idosa e que este tipo de acidente representa um fator de grande relevância na mortalidade e morbidade hospitalar da população com 60 anos ou mais no cenário atual do Brasil. Foi possível concluir que há necessidade de medidas preventivas a quedas, levando-se em consideração que a grande maioria dos casos de quedas na população brasileira no período analisado são por causas evitáveis. Considerando que as quedas podem ser evitadas, faz-se necessária a elaboração de políticas públicas voltadas para a prevenção das quedas no Brasil, visando a proteção e promoção de saúde, principalmente na população com 60 anos ou mais, a fim de reduzir a mortalidade e morbidade hospitalar decorrentes dessa causa

    A influência da Microbiota intestinal na patogênese da doença de Alzheimer: uma revisão integrativa / The influence of the intestinal Microbiota on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease: an integrative review

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    Introdução: A patogênese da Doença de Alzheimer (DA) é marcada pela perda cognitiva e de memória de curto e longo prazo. Dentre os fatores envolvidos na progressão da DA, está a microbiota intestinal (que é um biomarcador característico de doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis), através de citocinas, bactérias e agentes pró-inflamatórios. À vista disso, este estudo objetivou discorrer a relação da microbiota intestinal com a DA, assim como caracterizar as substâncias e microrganismos que influenciam na patogênese da doença, descrever o processo de neuroinflamação desencadeado pela disbiose intestinal e analisar os efeitos dos métodos reguladores da microbiota. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada a partir das bases de dados U. S. National Library of Medicine (PUBMED) e Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), a partir de 21 artigos científicos completos, publicados no período entre 2017 e 2022  nos idiomas português e inglês, que abordam a relação entre a microbiota intestinal e a DA. Resultados: Em grupos afetados, houve o acúmulo de placas beta amiloide (Aβ) e proteína tau (p-tau) no córtex e hipocampo e ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) diminuídos - particularmente o butirato. Os filos bacterianos estavam desregulados, sendo Firmicutes, Faecalibacterium e Proteobacteria diminuídos e Bacteroidetes aumentados. Actinobacteria também estava em disbiose. Essas variações geram respostas inflamatórias no eixo microbiota-intestino-cérebro com indução de citocinas e agentes pró-inflamatórios, o que acarreta comprometimento cognitivo. Ademais, foi constatada melhora significativa em testes cognitivos após procedimentos de modulação do microbioma. Conclusão: Em conclusão, esta revisão aponta a importância da microbiota intestinal para a patogênese da DA, bem como propor a avaliação e tratamentos relacionados, por exemplo o transplante de microbiota fecal (TMF), como forma de interferir positivamente na progressão da patogênese da doença e até reverter estados cognitivos deficitários

    Perineal Hernia in a Bitch

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    Background: Perineal hernia is characterized by the displacement of abdominal organs to the perineal region after rupture or weakening of the pelvic diaphragm muscles. This condition is common among middle-aged and elderly unneutered male dogs. Considering the severity of the condition and its rarity among bitches, this paper reports on a case of perineal hernia caused by hydrometra in a 12-year-old pinscher bitch.Case: The patient was a 12-year-old Pinscher bitch, weighing 3 kg, suffering from anuria and constipation in the 36 h prior to treatment, without reported trauma. She was unspayed, and her last estrus had occurred approximately thirty days previously. The physical examination revealed an increase in volume in the right perineal region, increased volume in the left inguinal region, increased body temperature (39.8ºC), pale mucous membranes, tachycardia, tachypnea, abdominal pain and increased popliteal lymph nodes. The diagnosis was determined based on her medical history, clinical signs and an ultrasound scan, which revealed dilated uterine horns displaced unilaterally in the left inguinal region, with evidence of hydrometra, full urinary bladder inside the hernia sac in the right dorsolateral perineal region and right kidney pyelectasis. After evaluating the animal’s physical condition, surgery was recommended, involving ovariohysterectomy associated with inguinal and perineal herniorrhaphy.Discussion: Perineal hernia, a common condition in male dogs, is characterized by the displacement of organs towards the perineal region. However, in this case, this condition occurred in female dog. Unlike males, the main causes of perineal hernia in females are trauma, chronic coughing related to heart disease, bronchitis, and tracheal collapse. Increased intra-abdominal pressure associated with a weak pelvic diaphragm predisposes for herniation of abdominal contents, such as occurred through hydrometra. In this case, other factors that could pertain to the etiology of perineal hernia were excluded, given the absence of trauma or secondary diseases. The diagnosis was made based on a physical examination and ultrasound scan. Pre-surgical biochemical blood tests were also performed. The chosen treatment was ovariohysterectomy followed by inguinal and perineal herniorrhaphy. The traditional surgical procedure to reduce the perineal hernia was employed, using approximation sutures due to the easy apposition of wound edges. The structures and soft tissues involved showed no changes in color or texture, thus obviating the need for more elaborate techniques, which are employed in the case of relapse or muscle atrophy. The patient showed clinical evolution after surgical correction, with decreased perineal volume and recovery of urinary function (normuria). The patient was discharged after 72 h, and six months after the surgical procedure, she presented no clinical alteration, according to information provided in a telephone call by her owner. It is believed that the increase in volume caused by the presence of hydrometra was the determining factor for the development of inguinal and perineal hernias. It is suggested that alterations causing uterine enlargement be investigated in order to include perineal hernia in female dogs as a differential diagnostic tool