68 research outputs found
Fatores comportamentais e sua influ?ncia sobre o traumatismo dent?rio em adolescentes: um estudo longitudinal
Linha de pesquisa: Epidemiologia e controle das doen?as bucais.Objetivo: Investigar novos casos de traumatismos dent?rios em dentes incisivos permanentes e associa??o com fatores cl?nicos (prote??o labial inadequada e overjet acentuado), fatores socioecon?micos, comportamentais (consumo de bebida alco?lica em binge e uso de maconha) e o capital social, entre os adolescentes de 14 anos da cidade de Diamantina/MG, bem como, a distribui??o espacial dos traumatismos dent?rios. Metodologia: Estudo longitudinal foi desenvolvido, com dois anos de acompanhamento, envolvendo exame cl?nico realizado por um pesquisador previamente treinado e calibrado utilizando a classifica??o para traumatismo dent?rio proposta por Andreasen e question?rios auto-aplic?veis. A amostra consistiu de um censo de todos os escolares matriculados na ?rea urbana da cidade com 12 anos no baseline e com 14 anos no follow up. Informa??es sobre capital social, o consumo de bebida alc?olica e uso de drogas il?citas foram coletadas atrav?s dos question?rios QCS-AS (Question?rio de Capital Social para Adolescentes Escolares), AUDIT-C (Teste de Identifica??o para Desordens do Uso de ?lcool, na vers?o curta) e ASSIST (Teste para Triagem do Envolvimento com ?lcool, Cigarro e outras Subst?nciasb), validados no Brasil. A condi??o socioecon?mica foi avaliada pela escolaridade materna e renda familiar. Os dados obtidos foram analisados de forma descritiva e anal?tica. Considerando a distribui??o discreta da vari?vel dependente (n?mero de dentes traumatizados) e considerando o efeito das medidas repetidas, o Modelo de Regress?o de Poisson com intercepto de efeitos aleat?rios foi estimado (Xtlogit in STATA 12.0). As vari?veis associadas ao traumatismo dent?rio com valor de p<0,20 foram inclu?das no modelo m?ltiplo. Os endere?os dos escolares foram georreferenciados por geocodifica??o e realizada a an?lise espacial atrav?s da distribui??o dos domic?lios. As tend?ncias de aleatoriedade e densidade de pontos foram analisadas por mapas de Kernel. Resultados: A preval?ncia de traumatismo dent?rio no baseline foi de 29,9% e, aumentou para 33,8% em dois anos resultando em uma incid?ncia de 3,9%. A preval?ncia de beber em binge no baseline foi 23,1% (n=136) e no follow up 30,1%. O beber em binge [PR=1.348(IC95%:1.031-1.764)] e os fatores cl?nicos overjet acentuado [PR=1,940(IC95%:1,403-2,684)] e prote??o labial inadequada [PR=3.382(IC95%:2.553-4.481)] foram significativamente associados ao aumento do traumatismo dent?rio. Tamb?m o consumo de maconha foi associado estatisticamente com o n?mero de dentes traumatizados [PR=0,861(IC95%:0,82-0,91)]. No entanto, n?o houve associa??o estat?stica entre o sexo e a condi??o socioecon?mica. Os domic?lios se distribu?ram de forma agregada no espa?o urbano com n?vel de confian?a de 99% e n?veis de agrega??o espacial semelhante, sem intera??o espacial entre eles. Os clusters de domic?lios com escolares acometidos por traumatismo dent?rio convergiram para dois bairros perif?ricos, um localizado na regi?o nordeste e no sudoeste da cidade. Conclus?es: Houve uma maior incid?ncia de traumatismo dent?rio entre adolescentes que relataram consumir bebidas alc?olicas em binge e que fizeram uso de maconha fornecendo novas evid?ncias de fatores comportamentais como fatores de risco para os traumatismos dent?rios. Os hotspots com a distribui??o de novos casos se concentraram nas regi?es perif?ricas nordeste e sudeste. A incorpora??o do espa?o nos eventos poder? auxiliar na identifica??o das ?reas de maior vulnerabilidade e direcionar as pol?ticas de preven??o e controle.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Tese (Doutorado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Odontologia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018.Aim: To investigate the new cases of dental trauma in permanent incisors and evaluate association with clinical factors (inadequate lip coverage, increased overjet), socioeconomic factors, behavioral factors (Binge Drinking and use of cannabis), and the social capital among adolescents of 14 years-old of the city of Diamantina/MG, as well as, to evaluate the spatial distribution of dental trauma. Methods: A longitudinal study was carried out, with a two-year follow up, involving a clinical examination performed by a researcher previously trained and calibrated using the classification of dental trauma proposed by Andreasen and self-administered questionnaires. The sample consisted of a census of all schoolchildren enrolled in public and private schools in the urban area of the city with 12-years-old in the baseline and with 14 years in the follow up. Information on social capital, alcohol and illicit drug use were collected through the QCS-AS (Social Capital Questionnaire for Adolescent Students), AUDIT-C (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test), ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test), questionnaires validated in Brazil. Socioeconomic status was assessed by maternal schooling and family income. The data were analyzed in a descriptive and analytical way. Considering the discrete distribution of the dependent variable (number of traumatized teeth) and considering the effect of repeated measurements, the Poisson Regression Model with random effects intercept was estimated (using Xtlogit in STATA 12.0). Variables associated with dental trauma with p value <0.20 were included in the multiple model. The school addresses were georeferenced by geocoding and spatial analysis was performed through household distribution. The trends of randomness and density of points were analyzed by Kernel maps. Results: The prevalence of dental trauma in baseline was 29.9% and, in follow up, increased to 33.8% resulting in an incidence of 3.9%. The prevalence of Binge Drinking in the baseline was 23.1% (n = 136) and in the baseline increased to 30.1% (n = 177). The Drinking in Binge [PR=1.348(95%CI:1.031-1.764)] and the clinical factors accentuated overjet [PR=1.940(95%CI:1.403-2.684)] and inadequate lip covarage [PR=3.382(CI 95%:2.553-4.481)] were significantly associated with increased dental trauma. Cannabis use was also statistically associated with the number of traumatized teeth [PR=0,861(CI 95%:0,82-0,91)]. However, sex and socioeconomic status (family income and maternal education) were not associated with increased dental trauma. Households were distributed in an aggregated way in urban space with a 99% confidence level and similar spatial aggregation levels, with no spatial interaction between them. Clusters of households with adolescents with dental trauma converged on two peripheral neighborhoods, one located in the northeast region and the other in the southwest of the city. Conclusions: There was a higher prevalence of dental trauma among adolescents who reported consuming binge drinks and marijuana use, providing new evidence on behavioral factors as a risk factor for dental trauma in adolescents. The hotspots with the distribution of new cases were concentrated in the peripheral regions northeast and southeast. The incorporation of space in the events can help identify the areas of greatest risk and direct prevention and control policies
Assessment of the Need for Dental Treatment Resulting From Dental Trauma in 12-Year-Old Brazilian Schoolchildren: A Cross-Sectional Study
Objective: To identify the need for restorative treatment in 12-year-old Brazilian schoolchildren with dental trauma and its association with clinical and socioeconomic factors. Material and Methods: A cross- sectional population-based study was carried out with sample composed of 588 12-year-old students from the city of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data were collected from August to November 2016 through clinical examination, adopting the Andreasen classification and semi-structured questionnaire to verify the etiology and location of the accident that resulted in dental trauma. Statistical analysis included the frequency distribution and bi and multivariate analysis, with 5% significance level. Results: The presence of 219 traumatized teeth in 176 students was observed (29.9%). The main lesion was enamel fracture (41.4%), followed by enamel and dentin fracture (39.4%). The presence of restorative treatment was observed only in 11.5% of students. Fall (43.5%) was the most frequent etiology, followed by accidents on the streets (35.8%). Need for treatment was present in 53.4% of adolescents. Statistically significant association between males (p=0.010), severe overjet (p<0.0001) and inadequate lip protection (p<0.0001) and presence of dental trauma was observed. Maternal schooling over 8 years of study was statistically associated with need for restorative treatment (OR = 2.047; CI: 1.099-3.813; p=0.023). Conclusion: Prevalence of dental trauma, need for restorative treatment and number of adolescents with no access to restorative treatment in this study were high, point out that the health system is unable to satisfactorily prevent dental trauma and absorb all dental treatment demand resulting from dental trauma
The aim of this study was to evaluate the productivity of ministumps and the rooting of minicuttings from hybrid clones of Eucalyptus globulus in response to nitrogen concentrations in nutritive solution, in a fertirrigation system. To do so, we used five clones, namely: two of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus globulus (C-04 and C-16); two of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus globulus (C-26 and C-30) and one of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis (1213) as a comparator. Five N concentrations were tested (36, 72, 109, 164 and 218 mg L-1) in a statistical design of randomized blocks on a split plot arrangement with three replications. Six months after the implementation, using standard nutritive solution, in fertirrigation system, the treatment application began. After 30 days, it began the weekly harvest of minicuttings and the cutting plantion at every 15 days, during 90 days. It was evaluated the survival and the productivity of the ministumps and, regarding the minicuttings, it was observed: the survival, the rooting percentage, the minicutting percentage with visible roots at the lower end of the tube, having these 10cm, after 30 days in the greenhouse. It was found that there is a significant effect of N concentration over the monthly productivity of ministumps from clones C-16 (169.05 mg L-1), C-26 (146.67 mg L-1) and for C-04 and 1213, (positive linear effect). However, no significant effect of dose was observed for the percentage of visible roots at the lower end of the tube, rooting and survival of cuttings at thirty days in the greenhouse.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de minicepas e o enraizamento de miniestacas de clones híbridos de Eucalyptus globulus em resposta a concentrações de nitrogênio em fertirrigação de minijardim clonal. Para isso, utilizaram-se cinco clones, sendo: dois clones de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus globulus (C-04 e C-16); dois clones de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus globulus (C-26 e C-30) e um clone de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis (1213) como referência. Foram testadas cinco concentrações de N (36, 72, 109, 164 e 218 mg L-1) no arranjo de parcelas subdivididas com três repetições, em delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso. Seis meses após a implantação do minijardim, utilizando solução nutritiva padrão, em sistema de fertirrigação, aplicaram-se os tratamentos por 30 dias, quando iniciaram-se as coletas das miniestacas semanalmente e o estaqueamento a cada 15 dias, durante 90 dias. Avaliou-se a sobrevivência e produtividade das minicepas e a sobrevivência das miniestacas, porcentagem de enraizamento e porcentagem de miniestacas com raízes visíveis na extremidade inferior do tubete. Verificou-se a existência de efeito significativo das concentrações de nitrogênio para produtividade mensal das minicepas dos clones C-16 (169,05 mg L-1), C-26 (146,67 mg L-1) e para C-04 e 1213, efeito linear positivo. Entretanto, não foi observado efeito significativo das concentrações para a percentagem de miniestacas com raízes visíveis na extremidade inferior do tubete, enraizamento e sobrevivência das miniestacas aos trinta dias em casa de vegetação
Nutrição de mudas de Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth. sob diferentes doses de N, P, K, Ca e Mg
http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050989274This work aimed to verify the concentration and accumulation of N, P, K, Ca and Mg, due to the application of increasing doses of fertilizers and to determine the critical level of these nutrients in the soil and in the plant, in seedlings of ‘sansão-do-campo’ (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth.) produced in three types of soil (mesotrophicUltisol, alic Oxisol and distrofic Oxisol). The seedlings were planted in pots with a capacity of 2.1 dm3. The experiment was conducted from December 2004 to April 2005, in Viçosa, in Minas Gerais state. The treatments were defined according to a Baconian matrix, where the macronutrients varied in three different doses and two additional treatments (zero and base), with four replications. The seedlings of ‘sansão-do-campo’ had generally a higher content of N, P, K, Ca and Mg as their availability in the soil increased. This fact was reflected in a higher content of nutrients in all parts of the plant. However, in some cases, there was no evidence of any correspondent increase for this increase. In terms of critical level, the values that provided better growth of the plant were: N (16 to 17.3 g kg-1 in the shoot), P (77 to 110 mg dm -³ in the soil and 1 to 1.5 g kg-1 in the shoot), K (51 to 86.5mg dm-3 in the soil and from 5.7 to 7.1 g kg-1 in the shoot), Ca (0.8 to 2.2cmolc dm -³ in the soil and from 10 to 14.4 g kg-1 in the shoot) and Mg (0.2 to 0.25 cmolc.dm -³ soil from 1.3 to 2.4 g kg-1 in the shoot). However, for K and Ca, studies with doses are suggested within this range of values found for better definition of the critical level. Among the soils that were studied, the Oxisol showed to be more demanding of adding nutrients, especially N and P, for an adequate production of Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia seedlings.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050989274Neste trabalho, objetivou-se verificar o teor e o conteúdo de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, em razão da aplicação de crescentes doses de fertilizantes e determinar o nível crítico desses nutrientes no solo e na planta, em mudas de sansão-do-campo (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth.) produzidas em três classes de solo (Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo mesotrófico, Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo álico e Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico). As mudas foram plantadas em vasos com capacidade de 2,1 dm3. O experimento foi conduzido no período de dezembro de 2004 a abril de 2005, em Viçosa, MG. Os tratamentos foram delimitados segundo uma matriz baconiana, onde variou os macronutrientes em três doses diferentes e dois tratamentos adicionais (zero e base), com quatro repetições. As mudas de sansão-do-campo, em geral, apresentaram maior conteúdo dos nutrientes N, P, K, Ca e Mg à medida que a disponibilidade destes aumentava no solo. Tal fato refletiu em maiores teores dos nutrientes em todas as partes da planta. Entretanto, em alguns casos, não houve resposta em crescimento correspondente a esse aumento. Em termos de nível crítico, os valores que proporcionaram melhor crescimento da planta foram: N (16 a 17,3 g kg-1 na parte aérea), P (77 a 110 mg dm-³ no solo e 1 a 1,5 g kg-1 na parte aérea), K (51 a 86,5 mg dm-³ no solo e 5,7 a 7,1 g kg-1 na parte aérea), Ca (0,8 a 2,2 cmolc dm-³ no solo e 10 a 14,4 g kg-1 na parte aérea) e Mg (0,2 a 0,25 cmolc dm-³ no solo 1,3 a 2,4 g kg-1 na parte aérea). Contudo, para o K e o Ca, sugerem-se estudos com doses dentro dessa faixa de valores encontrados, para melhor definição do nível crítico. Dentre os solos estudados, os Latossolos se mostraram mais exigentes de adição de nutrientes, sobretudo para N e P, para uma adequada produção de mudas de Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia.
O uso de maconha por adolescentes como possível fator de risco para o traumatismo dentário: um estudo longitudinal
O traumatismo dentário pode ser considerado um sério problema de saúde pública. O presente estudo avaliou novos casos de dentes traumatizados e fatores associados, em dois anos de acompanhamento, em escolares de 14 anos de idade da cidade de Diamantina/MG. Estudo longitudinal de modelo misto para medidas repetidas foi desenvolvido envolvendo questionários auto-aplicáveis e exames clínicos realizados por um pesquisador previamente treinado e calibrado utilizando a classificação proposta por Andreasen para traumatismo dentário. A amostra consistiu de um censo com todos os escolares de 12 anos de idade no baseline e com 14 anos no follow up. O uso de maconha, a principal variável independente, foi investigada através do instrumento ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test). Também foram avaliados fatores clínicos e sociodemográficos. Foram realizadas análises de frequência e testes de associação. O Modelo de Regressão de XT Poisson com intercepto de efeitos aleatórios foi estimado (p <0,20). A incidência de traumatismo dentário foi de 3,9%. A prevalência do uso de maconha aumentou de 1,5% para 2,9% no período de acompanhamento. O consumo de maconha foi associado estatisticamente com o número de dentes traumatizados [PR=0,86IC95%:(0,82-0,91)], bem como os fatores clínicos overjet acentuado [PR=3.337IC95%(2.522-4.397)] e proteção labial inadequada [1.886(1.370-2.596)]. O sexo e a condição socioeconômica (Renda familiar e grau de escolaridade materna) não foram associados com o aumento do traumatismo dentário. Houve uma maior incidência de traumatismo dentário entre adolescentes que relataram uso de maconha
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Development and Validation of a Social Capital Questionnaire for Adolescent Students (SCQ-AS)
Objectives: Social capital has been studied due to its contextual influence on health. However, no specific assessment tool has been developed and validated for the measurement of social capital among 12-year-old adolescent students. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a quick, simple assessment tool to measure social capital among adolescent students. Methods: A questionnaire was developed based on a review of relevant literature. For such, searches were made of the Scientific Electronic Library Online, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences, The Cochrane Library, ISI Web of Knowledge, International Database for Medical Literature and PubMed Central bibliographical databases from September 2011 to January 2014 for papers addressing assessment tools for the evaluation of social capital. Focus groups were also formed by adolescent students as well as health, educational and social professionals. The final assessment tool was administered to a convenience sample from two public schools (79 students) and one private school (22 students), comprising a final sample of 101 students. Reliability and internal consistency were evaluated using the Kappa coefficient and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, respectively. Content validity was determined by expert consensus as well as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The final version of the questionnaire was made up of 12 items. The total scale demonstrated very good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: 0.71). Reproducibility was also very good, as the Kappa coefficient was higher than 0.72 for the majority of items (range: 0.63 to 0.97). Factor analysis grouped the 12 items into four subscales: School Social Cohesion, School Friendships, Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Trust (school and neighborhood). Conclusions: The present findings indicate the validity and reliability of the Social Capital Questionnaire for Adolescent Students
The aim of this study was to evaluate the productivity of ministumps
and the rooting of minicuttings from hybrid clones of Eucalyptus
globulus in response to nitrogen concentrations in nutritive solution,
in a fertirrigation system. To do so, we used five clones, namely: two
of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus globulus (C-04 and C-16); two of
Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus globulus (C-26 and C-30) and one of
Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis (1213) as a comparator. Five
N concentrations were tested (36, 72, 109, 164 and 218 mg L-1) in a
statistical design of randomized blocks on a split plot arrangement
with three replications. Six months after the implementation, using
standard nutritive solution, in fertirrigation system, the treatment
application began. After 30 days, it began the weekly harvest of
minicuttings and the cutting plantion at every 15 days, during 90 days.
It was evaluated the survival and the productivity of the ministumps
and, regarding the minicuttings, it was observed: the survival, the
rooting percentage, the minicutting percentage with visible roots at
the lower end of the tube, having these 10cm, after 30 days in the
greenhouse. It was found that there is a significant effect of N
concentration over the monthly productivity of ministumps from clones
C-16 (169.05 mg L-1), C-26 (146.67 mg L-1) and for C-04 and 1213,
(positive linear effect). However, no significant effect of dose was
observed for the percentage of visible roots at the lower end of the
tube, rooting and survival of cuttings at thirty days in the
greenhouse.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de minicepas e o
enraizamento de miniestacas de clones h\uedbridos de Eucalyptus
globulus em resposta a concentra\ue7\uf5es de nitrog\ueanio em
fertirriga\ue7\ue3o de minijardim clonal. Para isso, utilizaram-se
cinco clones, sendo: dois clones de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus
globulus (C-04 e C-16); dois clones de Eucalyptus grandis x
Eucalyptus globulus (C-26 e C-30) e um clone de Eucalyptus urophylla x
Eucalyptus grandis (1213) como refer\ueancia. Foram testadas cinco
concentra\ue7\uf5es de N (36, 72, 109, 164 e 218 mg L-1) no arranjo
de parcelas subdivididas com tr\ueas repeti\ue7\uf5es, em
delineamento estat\uedstico de blocos ao acaso. Seis meses ap\uf3s
a implanta\ue7\ue3o do minijardim, utilizando solu\ue7\ue3o
nutritiva padr\ue3o, em sistema de fertirriga\ue7\ue3o,
aplicaram-se os tratamentos por 30 dias, quando iniciaram-se as coletas
das miniestacas semanalmente e o estaqueamento a cada 15 dias, durante
90 dias. Avaliou-se a sobreviv\ueancia e produtividade das minicepas
e a sobreviv\ueancia das miniestacas, porcentagem de enraizamento e
porcentagem de miniestacas com ra\uedzes vis\uedveis na extremidade
inferior do tubete. Verificou-se a exist\ueancia de efeito
significativo das concentra\ue7\uf5es de nitrog\ueanio para
produtividade mensal das minicepas dos clones C-16 (169,05 mg L-1),
C-26 (146,67 mg L-1) e para C-04 e 1213, efeito linear positivo.
Entretanto, n\ue3o foi observado efeito significativo das
concentra\ue7\uf5es para a percentagem de miniestacas com
ra\uedzes vis\uedveis na extremidade inferior do tubete,
enraizamento e sobreviv\ueancia das miniestacas aos trinta dias em
casa de vegeta\ue7\ue3o
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New evidence about the “dark side” of social cohesion in promoting binge drinking among adolescents
Adolescence is characterized by heightened susceptibility to peer influence, which makes adolescents vulnerable to initiating or maintaining risky habits such as heavy drinking. The aim of the study was to investigate the association of social capital with longitudinal changes in the frequency of binge drinking among adolescents at public and private high schools in the city of Diamantina, Brazil. This longitudinal study used two waves of data collected when the adolescents were 12 and 13 years old. At the baseline assessment in 2013 a classroom survey was carried out with a representative sample of 588 students. In 2014, a follow-up survey was carried out with the same adolescents when they were aged 13 years. The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-C (AUDIT C) was employed for the evaluation of alcohol intake. Our predictor variables included sociodemographic and economic characteristics (gender, type of school, mother's education, family income) and Social Capital. For evaluation of social capital, we used the Social Capital Questionnaire for Adolescent Students (SCQ-AS). Descriptive and bivariate analyzes were performed (p <0.05). The log-binomial model was used to calculate prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals. The two-tailed p value was set at <0.05. The prevalence of binge drinking in 2013 was 23.1% and in 2014 the prevalence had risen to 30.1%. Gender (PR 1.48; 95% CI 0.87–2.52) and socioeconomic status (type of school and mother’s education) were not associated with the increase in the frequency of binge drinking. However, higher social capital was significantly associated with an increase in binge drinking by students. Adolescents who reported that they had an increase in social cohesion in the community/neighborhood subscale were 3.4 times more likely (95%CI 1.96–6.10) to binge drink themselves. Our results provide new evidence about the “dark side” of social cohesion in promoting binge drinking among adolescents
Crescimento de mudas de garapa em resposta à calagem e ao fósforo
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho inicial da garapa (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vogel) Macbride) em condições diferenciadas de disponibilidade de fósforo (P) no solo e de saturação por bases (V). Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial combinando seis doses de P (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 e 500 mg dm-3) e cinco níveis de calagem empregando o critério da saturação por bases, para cálculo (original = 24, 40, 50, 60 e 70%). O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições. Aos 120 dias após a semeadura, mediram-se a altura e diâmetro do coleto de todas as plantas, as quais foram colhidas, separadas em raiz e parte aérea e secas, para obtenção de massa seca constante. Os resultados permitiram a conclusão de que o nível de calagem recomendado para a formação de mudas de garapa é aquele que proporciona a elevação da saturação por bases a 60%, sendo, nessas condições, a dose recomendada de P de 54 mg dm-3. O nível crítico de P no solo foi influenciado pelo valor da saturação por bases, variando de 6 (V = 60 %) a 33 mg dm-3 (V = 40 %). O nível crítico de P na matéria seca da parte aérea também foi influenciado pela saturação por bases, variando de 0,11 (V = 60%) a 0,18 dag kg-1 (V = 50%).This study aimed to evaluate the initial performance of Apuleia leiocarpa (Vogel) Macbride, in variable conditions of phosphorus (P) availability and base saturation (V) in the soil. The treatments were arranged in a factorial design of 6 P levels (0; 100; 200; 300; 400 and 500 mg dm-3) and 5 base saturation levels (original = 24; 40; 50; 60 and 70%), in complete randomized blocks with five replicates. Within one hundred twenty days after seed sowing, plant heights and basal stalk diameters were measured; plants were harvested, separated into roots and shoots, and dried to constant mass. The results showed that the maximum recommended lime rate for A. leiocarpa is 60% of base saturation. Under these conditions the recommended P dose is 54 mg dm-3. The P critical level in the soil was influenced by the base saturation, ranging from 6 (V = 60 %) to 33 mg dm-3 (V = 40 %). The P critical level in the shoot dry matter was also influenced by base saturation, varying from 0.11 (V = 60 %) to 0.18 dag kg-1 (V = 50 %)
Macronutrientes na produção de mudas de canafístula em argissolo vermelho amarelo da região da zona da mata, MG
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of macronutrients doses upon the growth and quality indices of Peltophorum dubium seedlings and to determine the recommended doses for them to establish a suitable fertilization program. In the paper, carried out in a greenhouse, samples of 'Red Yellow Ultisol' were used, removed from the layer below, 20 cm deep, as a substratum. The experiment was designed in a Baconian Matrix, and three doses of the six macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur) and two additional treatments were evaluated, one with reference doses and the other one without the addition of nutrients. The entirely casual design was adopted, with four repetitions. The morphologic parameters and quality indices of seedlings were analyzed. Through the orthogonal contrasts, a significant response of all the variables studied was verified related to the macronutrient applied, except for the relation height/diameter (H/D) in the treatments with Ca, P and S. It was not verified response to
Ca application for most characteristics evaluated, unless for the relation of the aerial part height per aerial part dry weight (H/MSPA) and aerial part dry weight per root dry weight (MSPA/MSR). The recommended doses were of 600 mg dm-3 of P, 150 mg dm-3 of K, 0,50 cmolc dm-3 of Mg and 50 mg dm-3 of S. Based on this work, further studies are suggested with N and Ca, for seedlings production of the studied species using from the layer below 20 cm deep of the 'Red Yellow Ultisol' as the substratum
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