5 research outputs found

    Installation of Vegetable Based Roof Gardens in Schools From Recyclable Materials: A Study

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    The study aimed to reflect on the socio-environmental issues and the action of the gardens in urban/school spaces, considering garden as a methodological instrument for the interdisciplinary activities related to family farming, using the descriptive methodology and study of literary review with proposals of gardens using recyclable materials depicted through images created using the software AutoCAD. Through the study, it was possible to plan gardens using recyclable materials in environments of small spaces. The crops employed will be vegetables for school meals. The activities carried out in the garden contribute to the change in the habits and attitudes of students regarding the perception they possess of nature, the formation of awareness of respect and care, the need to conserve the environment and stimulate the pursuit of improvement of quality of life in other ways of seeing the activities performed by their own parents in the field

    Biodigestor: a sustainable technology.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar, qualificar a produção de biofertilizante e biogás, foi confeccionado um protótipo de biodigestor em um reservatório de polietileno utilizando materiais de baixo custo, fácil manuseio, alimentado por esterco bovino diluído em água na proporção 1:1, adicionando açúcar e fermento para otimizar a produção de microrganismos. O experimento realizou-se em 45 dias por meio de digestão anaeróbica, monitorando a temperatura diariamente pela manhã, tarde e à noite. Obteve-se 60,37kg de biofertilizante com odor característico a húmus (processo fermentativo), solução aquosa e a composição de macronutrientes, 71,78% MO, 41,63% C e 5,9 pH analisada pode ser utilizada para fins agrícolas, pois apresentou boas concentrações de macronutrientes e MO o biogás apresentou vazamentos no decorrer do experimento sendo justificado por falhas na confecção, oscilações de temperatura e a alimentação recebida pelo animal, a produção do biogás foi avaliada por estimativa da geração de gás metano utilizando a massa calculada do biogás 50g e a densidade em condições normais de temperatura e pressão (CNTP) de 0, 657 kg/m3 e considerando que 70% do gás foi encontrado o valor de 0, 055m3 CH4, o mesmo apresentou odor característico a um processo fermentativo (silagem). Logo, o projeto do protótipo desenvolvido garantiu que é possível utilizar materiais simples para sua confecção e obter a produção biogás e biofertilizante, mas o final do experimento deixa esclarecido que para um próximo projeto caberá um estudo mais avançado, ou seja, analisar o esterco utilizado, a composição do biogás e projetar o armazenamento do gás fora do reservatório, utilizar um manômetro mais preciso e realizar a análise dos micronutrientes do biofertilizante, como também projetar uma horta para monitorar o desempenho do solo e da planta.The present work had as objective to quantify, to qualify biofertilizer and biogas production, a biodigester prototype was made in a polyethylene drum using materials low cost, easy handling, fed with 1:1 water diluted bovine manure adding sugar and yeast to optimize. The production of microorganisms, the experiment was carried out in 45 days by means of anaerobic digestion, monitoring the temperature daily in the morning, afternoon and evening. It was obtained 60.37 kg of biofertilizer with characteristic humus odor (fermentative process), aqueous solution and the composition of macronutrients, OM, C and analyzed pH can be used for agricultural purposes, since it presented good concentrations of macronutrients and OM the biogas presented. Leaks during the experiment being justified by manufacturing failures, temperature fluctuations and feed received by the animal, the biogas production was evaluated by estimating the methane gas generation using the calculated mass of the biogas 50g and the density under normal conditions of temperature and pressure (NCTP) of 0.657 kg/m3 and considering that 70% of the gas was found to be 0.055m3 CH4, it had characteristic odor to a fermentation process (silage). Therefore, the prototype project developed ensured that it is possible to use simple materials for its manufacture and to obtain the biogas and biofertilizer production, but the end of the experiment makes it clear that for a next project a more advanced study, that is, to analyze the manure used , biogas composition and design gas storage out of the drum, use a more accurate pressure gauge and conduct analysis of biofertilizer micronutrients, as well as design a vegetable garden to monitor soil and plant performance

    Performance, carcass quality and intestinal biometry of feed European quails with seaweed meal (Sargassum sp)

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    Abstract This work aims to evaluate, at different stages, the productive performance, carcass quality, and intestinal biometry of European quails (Coturnix coturnix Coturnix), consuming diets with increasing levels of seaweed bran (Sargassum sp). A total of 240 European quail chicks (Coturnix coturnix Coturnix) were distributed in a completely randomized design, with four levels of bran inclusion (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5%), 6 replications with 10 birds in each experimental plot. In the period from 1 to 21 days, the feed intake of the control group was higher, with lower water consumption. In the period from 22 to 42 days, feed and water consumption increased with the inclusion of seaweed, but with a reduction in weight gain. In the total period, water consumption was higher at the level of 2.5 and 7.5%, with lower consumption in the control group, with a small reduction in slaughter and carcass weight with the inclusion of bran. There was no difference (P > 0.05) in carcass quality and intestinal biometry. We recommended the inclusion of up to 7.5% of sargassum meal in the diet of European quails at all stages, without compromising its productive performance, carcass quality, and intestinal biometry

    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiva

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    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiv

    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiva

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    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiv