10 research outputs found

    Davant del nou paradigma de la superdotació i de les altes capacitats

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    Els alumes superdotats o amb altes capacitats representen el 5% del total. Sol una minoria ben identificada. Conseqüència: talent desaprofita

    Facing the new paradigm of overgiftedness and other capacities

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    Gifted students represent 5% of the total. Only a minority is clearly identified. Effect: their talent is waste

    Recent progress on the BIPM watt balance

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    We present the recent progress on the BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) watt balance. The existing apparatus was transferred to the dedicated new laboratory with better thermal and vibrational conditions. The apparatus is fully operational in air. An improvement by a factor of three was achieved on the S/N ratio of both the voltage-to-velocity and force-to-current ratios. The fabrication of the parts of the new magnet is completed and its assembly is finished